Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Chapter 34


Brittany was silent next to me as I drove into the Dark Fangs territory. I have never been here before and I was still reeling from the insult of the last time I was here and wasn’t allowed to cross the territory. I knew it was because the Alpha didn’t know me and I had come unannounced but it didn’t make it any less of an insult to be turned away like a


When I received the offer, I almost declined it but I realized that the business I had to conduct was a lot more important than my pride so I shoved down every feeling I had in relation to the situation and accepted. I immediately wanted Brittany to come with me even though I knew how unusual it was.

On diplomatic missions, it is advisable to carry your Beta but there is no one I trust more. than Brittany. She was the only one who knew the true reason we had to come and I also wanted to teach her an important lesson about dealing with other Alpha’s for when she becomes ruler of the pack.

I could feel Brittany’s nervousness filling up the car and it was like the sky had taken a cue from her because it was dark. I could smell a storm approaching and I just hoped that it didn’t meet us at the pack. If there was one thing I was sure of, it was that regardless of a storm, Alpha Kaden wouldn’t let us stay and I didn’t want to drive back in a storm.

We drove through the patrol guards and I couldn’t help but run my eyes over them. They looked fierce and they were wearing the same uniform. I ignored them and kept my eyes forward as I followed the guard that wad leading us to the meeting point.

It wasn’t far from the border and once we arrived, I noticed the number of people waiting there already. It was a small cottage away from the rest of the pack and I wondered if the Alpha did that on purpose but I didn’t have much time to think about it because I could see the guards watching us and waiting for us to get down from the car.

I put the car in park and as I took a step down, thunder rumbled in the sky and lightning flashed. I saw Brittany jump slightly and I shot her a hard look. I had briefed her before we left the pack and she knew she wasn’t supposed to show fear or emotion.


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser



“Relax,” I said to her through the mind link. “Everything will be fine, we just want to find out if Amelia is alive or not. If I am correct then it will take less than twenty minutes and we will be out of here.”

She wasn’t completely relaxed but I felt her calm down slightly through the bond and she relaxed her shoulders and plastered a neutral expression on her face. I gave her a small nod to show her that she had done well and I turned my attention back to the people in front of the cottage.

There were at least ten different people there but I could easily tell who the Alpha was. His back was to us and I could see an air of smoke leaving his b*dy and I could smell the cigarette in his mouth. He seemed to be checking on something there but I knew he was aware of our presence. There was no way he wouldn’t have heard the car arriving. The only answer was that he was deliberately ignoring us and even though it annoyed me, I knew it was a good tactic to employ to show that he had all the power and control.

Brittany and I took a few steps forward and the man closes to the Alpha spoke. He had dark brown hair that settled on his forehead in deep curls and although he didn’t look scary, there was a look in his eyes that held years of maturity and they were currently hard and directed at us. I knew he was the Beta before he even spoke. He had an air of superiority and authority around him.

“Welcome,” he said to us. “I hope your journey was safe and productive.

As if his voice was a cue, the Alpha rose to his full height and turned to us. He was easily taller than everyone there and he had a jagged scar on his face that made him look event more fierce and ferocious. I have never seen the Alpha of the Dark Fangs pack before now and I was shocked to see how young he was but I knew that his age was just a number.

This Alpha was formidable and feared by all. It would have been a dreadful mistake to underestimate him just because of his age. I could see the harshness in his eyes as he let the cigarette between his eyes fall to the ground and he crushed it between his feet. I could feel Brittany’s nervousness again through the bond and this time I couldn’t tell her not to worry because she had every reason to.

I knew just from looking at him that Alpha Kaden would be a force to be reckoned with on the battle field and I was momentarily relieved that we were not at war with him and I hoped to never be. If the rumors I heard about him are true then he killed his own father for the position and I knew for a fact that he would not show mercy to anyone on the battle field,


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser


I walked over to him and I felt Brittany’s panic but she followed and stopped a few feet behind me. I walked right up to the Alpha and I could see him analyzing me. I locked eyes with him and held out my hand for a shake to show him that scared and I saw the corner of his l*ps quirk up slightly. His eyes roamed over me as if he was deciding whether or not he should take my hand. Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.


After a long second, he took it and I felt how rough his hands were probably from years of battle. Suddenly, he let go of my hand and took a step to the side revealing the door to the house.

“Please, come in.”

I turned to Brittany and I could see that she was on edge. I made a mental note to teach her how to hide her emotions better but for now, there were more important things to handle. I turned back to the Alpha, nodded and walked into the house.

The cottage may have looked small on the outside but it was anything but. The living space. was wide. Maybe it was because there were no pieces of furniture or homely appliance. The only things in the cottage were a long table and chairs arranged around it. They must have set up the cottage specifically for the meeting and I briefly wondered what the cottage was used for before. Was it empty or was someone living in it and did the person have to evacuate it for the meeting?

What brings you here?” Kaden asked once we were all seated and I could see in his eyes that there was no room for meaningless conversation. He wanted to get the meeting done as soon as possible.

“I was invited,” I said simply and he leaned back into his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

“You were invited because you requested for a meeting before,” his tone was dry. “Don’t play dumb Gregory because I am a very busy man. This meeting was done in good faith and I have no issues

with ending it right now.”

My jaw clenched and I had to remind myself that I was in someone else’s pack and he could speak to me however he wanted because he was the Alpha. It didn’t mean I had to like it. I exhaled deeply to relieve the tension in my chest and I plastered on a diplomatic smile.

“I thought about how much of a shame it was that our packs were nearby and we didn’t


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser


Chapter 34

even know each other. It would be beneficial if neighboring packs have an alliance or a treaty. You never know what might happen and who you might have to reach out to for help. It would be good to have friends that are close to you.”

I rehearsed that speech for an hour so it could sound as convincing as possible. I knew he would have some resignations, probably why I chose to come now of all times. I always knew his pack was close to mine. It shouldn’t have been though, he annihilated the pack that was here before and he took over and added their land to his territory. His territory spans more than three times the average size of any pack and it is because of his tendency to attack packs and take over their land and territory.

I waited for Kaden to answer but instead he turned to his Beta with bored eyes. They shared a look and I hated the fact that they were obviously communicating with themselves in front of me but there was nothing I could do about it. When they were done talking between themselves, the Beta turned to me.

“We know that isn’t the reason,” he said and I glanced at Kaden but he wasn’t looking at me anymore, his eyes were roaming the room looking almost bored. “We don’t have time to waste so it would be in your best interest to get straight to the point. Alpha Kaden does not appreciate having his time wasted.”

It was an insult having his Beta talk to me. It was his way of telling me that I wasn’t important enough to threaten. He had his beta deliver the threat as a mode of telling me that in his pack, I was not important and I would be treated like every other person. It was humiliating and it was degrading and I wanted nothing more than to storm out of the room but I knew that I needed them more than they need me and they knew it too which was why they were treating me the way they were.

I sat up straighter and I saw all the soldiers stiffen and their hands went to their weapons. Kaden however didn’t move, it was like he didn’t even consider me a potential threat and that was the biggest insult of all. I decided I was done playing games so I cleared my throat.

“You’re right,” I said and out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Brittany shoot me a look of confusion but I ignored her. “I came here to find out if you had any intruder cross your borders in the past two weeks. The person is an outcast from my pack wanted for treason.”

No sooner than the words left my l*ps, Kaden’s eyes snapped to mine and they were like twin daggers boring into my soul..


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