Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Chapter 35


Devin’s words settled like lead in the room but I couldn’t bring myself to believe it. As soon as the words left his l*ps, I started to laugh. Laughing proved to be difficult because it only intensified the ache in my bones but it was all I could think to do. I didn’t fully understand the concept of shifting because father never explained to me. He told me that I didn’t have a wolf so I didn’t deserve to learn but I knew it had to do with finding my wolf and I didn’t think it was possible anymore.

At some point I had just come to terms with the fact that I might never have a wolf but hearing Devin say that I might be shifting had reignited a lost sense of hope that I had even forgotten I had. I stared at him after my laughter had died down with wide and hopeful eyes and Pamela walked over to him.

She pulled him off to the side and I saw them engage in a serious discussion. I couldn’t hear what they were saying properly but I heard my name and I heard the word shift used a few times. I knew they were talking about my situation and I knew Devin was probably explaining to her why he thought I was shifting.

I wanted to be a part of that conversation. I wanted to tell them to include me but I was too weak to speak or ask questions. I was too weak to tell them that I didn’t understand and I wanted to know more. My skin was prickling with heat as the seconds ticked by and I started to sweat through the n*eck of my tank top. I felt like someone had stuck me inside an oven and locked the door. Clara was sitting on the sofa next to me but I still couldn’t manage to open my mouth to tell her. I suddenly believed their earlier words about a fever because I felt like I was on fire.

I managed to reach down and pull the blanket off my legs and that was enough to draw Clara’s attention. Pamela and Devin were still talking so they didn’t even realize that I had moved. Clara

rushed over to me and picked up the blanket to probably put it back on me but I shot her a pleading look with my eyes hoping and praying that she would understand.

Thankfully, she did because she reached over and placed a hand on my forehead. She snatched it back almost immediately and she stared down at me with eyes wider than saucers. I could only imagine how much I was burning up.

“I think you need some rest,” she said to me and her words finally caught the attention of


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser


Pamela and Devin.

Clara helped me to my feet and leaned all of my b*dy weight on her. I wanted to thank her but my tongue was tied and all I could do was let her lead me into the room. Pamela followed closely behind with the wash cloth and bowl. Once I was in the room, Clara gently lay me on the bed and Pamela put the freezing cold wash cloth on my forehead.

It felt like ice on my skin and I flinched from it. Pamela offered me a small smile as if she understood and like a silent piece of encouragement. I wanted to return her smile but moving my b*dy felt like a chore that I did not want to partake in.

“You should rest,” Pamela said to me softly and she led Clara out of the room.

Before she left, she turned on the air conditioning and then she was gone. As soon as the door clicked shut, it was like all my thoughts and worries came flooding in. I couldn’t help but think back to what Devin had said.

Was I truly shifting? Was I finally going to get that one thing that had evaded me for years that I so badly wanted?

It felt like an illusion and it felt like a dream and I couldn’t believe it. I wanted to believe it; I wanted it to be true more than anything but I was also terrified that it wasn’t true. If I didn’t shift then that would mean that father was right all along. I did not have a wolf and I was never going to shift.

My thoughts were depleting my energy levels fast and the more I thought, the more tired I got. It was a chore to keep my eyes open and an even bigger chore to stay awake. I tried to stay awake but my eyes started to droop and before I knew it, I was fighting a lost battle.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a voice. “Hello.”

I turned around immediately looking for the source of the voice and wondering when someone had walked into my room. The voice sounded familiar although I knew I had never heard it before and I was worried that I was losing my mind until I heard a small laugh.

“I’m your wolf,” the voice said and I was suddenly filled with inexplicable joy.

“Are you really?” I asked wanting to pinch myself because it felt like a dream and I didn’t


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser


Chapter 35

want to wake up yet.

“I was blocked all these years by something. I still haven’t figured out what it is yet.” She paused as if she was thinking about something and then she sighed. “I can feel our mate.”

I wanted to ask who it was and where he was but before I could respond to her, exhaustion won the battle and sleep finally claimed me.


I snuck past the border hoping- no praying- that I wasn’t going to get caught. I spent the last few hours searching for a way through the border knowing that I had very limited information and I prayed to the goddess I wouldn’t be caught because if anyone was to see me then it would have been game over. I was banking on the fact that most of the patrol guards would be at the meeting spot.

When I suspected Brittany, I instantly went to do my own investigation and I found out from a guard that she was going with her father to visit the Dark Fangs pack. I had also found out that Amelia had somehow stumbled into the pack and I knew that it would be my only chance and opportunity to find Amelia.

Gregory called me to his office a week ago and told me that Amelia was dead. I was rocked by the news but I knew there was a reason he was telling me and so I asked him. He told me that he knew the reason I was delaying my mating with Brittany was because I still loved

Amelia and that she was now dead so there was need to wait. I asked how she died and

all he told me was that she betrayed the pack and paid the price. I remembered that conversation I overheard between him and Brittany and I knew that he had something to do with it even if he wouldn’t admit it.

I left his office quietly not believing a word he had said. Even Brittany noticed my weird mood and I wanted to ask if she wasn’t the least bit concerned that her sister was dead but I knew it wouldn’t end well so I did my own investigation and I got to know about the rogues and Amelia.

I knew that entering Dark Fangs was as good as a death sentence but I couldn’t bring it in me to believe that she was dead. I was not going to believe it until I found concrete proof and I knew the only way to do that was to find Amelia or at least find out what happened. when she stumbled onto their territory and that was why I was there.


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser

I knew Amelia couldn’t shift but I also knew that she had a unique scent. It was what drew me to her in the first place and I knew that was my best bet of tracking her. Over two weeks had passed and I knew it was a long shot but it was the only option I had. Once I was safely within the pack borders, I took shelter in the woods and shifted into my wolf form.

It was easier to catch scents in wolf form and once I had hidden my clothed beneath a tree stump, I took off into the woods. I couldn’t check the main pack because people would recognize a weird wolf so I prayed to the goddess that Amelia was or had been in the forest. in the past few days.

To my luck, there were a few houses on the edge of the forest and I was able to investigate by sniffing around. I checked around the first few houses with high hopes but those hopes were smashed to the ground. The first two were completely abandoned and although the others were inhabited, I couldn’t even get a trace of Amelia’s scent. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

My hope started to deflate like a balloon. I started to wonder if Gregory was telling the truth. Maybe Amelia was dead and maybe she was killed a long time ago because I felt like I should have at least

gotten a glimpse of her if she was still alive. An hour had passed and I knew I had limited time to get out of the pack as easily as I had gotten in.

I had about an hour left before their meeting was over. If I didn’t get out before then, the guards would return to their positions and it would be impossible to leave. They would demand to know how I entered and Gregory and Brittany would be informed of my arrival. I didn’t want that and I debated going back in defeat but something kept telling me to check some more houses so I decided to check three more before leaving.

The first two proved fruitless but something was weird about the third. It was a very large three story house decorated with beautiful flowers and ornaments. From afar, I couldn’t smell a thing and I started to wonder if something was wrong with my nose so I decided to go closer. As I got closer, it was like all the scents hit me at once and it took a few minutes to get used to. I realized that the flowers around the house were protecting scents from going out and it wasn’t until I bypassed the flowers that I got the scents.

The scents were overwhelming and as I tried to sort through them, I smelled something very familiar.


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser

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