Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Chapter 33


I was so deep in thought wondering what Kaden could possibly want from me when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped slightly and Serena looked at me with raised brows. She must have thought that I was crazy and all I could do was offer her a small smile.

“We have about an hour before the next class,” she began slowly. “I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to get some coffee from the café. It might help you stay awake longer.”

I nodded and walked out of class with her. We walked side by side in silence but to my surprise there was nothing awkward or tense about the silence. It was rather comforting and when we got to the student settlement, she led me to a café that I had never been to.

“They have the best things here,” she said and I chose to believe her because I knew she has been in the pack longer than me.

“Why don’t I buy you a drink,” I offered. “Seeing as you brought me here.”

I dug through my bag to find some cash and I muttered a curse when I realized that I didn’t have

any. I must have spent the last of it on the drink this morning. I wanted to face palm. myself. I don’t know how I managed to spend all the money that Pamela and Devin had. given me but I was officially broke for the rest of the week. Shame filled me and my cheeks. heated pink in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry,” I said softly. “I’m out of cash. I haven’t found a job yet and I will soon. I’m so sorry.”

I couldn’t tell her that I didn’t have any money. I would have to explain to her why I don’t have a card or rather why I have a card but cannot use it. Using it would alert my father to my presence here and I didn’t want to do that.

“It’s okay, what do you want to order?” Serena asked looking up at me in anticipation and I forced my most nonchalant expression as I shrugged.

“I don’t really want anything,” I lied.


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Chapter 33


She rolled her eyes and placed an order for two cups of hot chocolate and two muffins and I was filled with immense gratitude that she was willing to do so much for someone she didn’t even know. I had never experienced an ounce of kindness from anyone excluding Blake before I came to this pack. I never even knew that people could be this kind.

Our order arrived within a few minutes and I carried it since she paid and led us towards a secluded table away from the hustle and bustle of the other students. Once we were seated, I took a bite from the muffin and was shocked at how good it was that I almost moaned.

“This is good,” I said to her with a mouthful and she laughed.

“I told you,” she took a sip from her drink before facing me squarely. “Are you from another pack?”

I hesitated before responding because I wasn’t sure whether or not I should tell her or how she would react to it. After a second of hesitation I realized that the people here were vastly different from the ones I met before and I decided there was no harm in telling her so I nodded.

“I am from another pack,” I admitted. “My father is the Alpha and he abandoned me because I was weak.”

I couldn’t stop the sadness from creeping into my tone and although I wanted to tell her the whole truth, I wasn’t close to her enough to tell her that. It didn’t matter however, because she had a look of pure sympathy on her face as the words left my l*ps. I tried to assure her that I was fine by giving her a small smile but it came out looking more like a grimace and I gave up on the second try.

She reached out and grabbed my hand in hers. “You have nothing to worry about here. Our Alpha is formidable and he will not let anything bad happen to you. He does not discriminate and he won’t send you away.”

I allowed her words calm me and at the mention of Kaden, I felt my cheeks heat up. I still didn’t understand the feelings I felt towards Kaden but I knew they were growing more by the day and I felt stupid because he hadn’t even shown any interest in me. He was just being nice and helping me settle and I was falling for him.

“Can you tell me about him?” I asked trying to keep the curious note out of my voice so she wouldn’t know how eager I was to hear about Kaden. “I haven’t heard much about. your



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Chapter 33

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Alpha so I would love if you could tell me about him. He is a mystery to everyone.”

If she noticed how eager I sounded, she didn’t mention it and she nodded. I decided to drink my hot chocolate so I could hide my expressions behind my mug.

“He rarely appears so we don’t know much about his personal life and I will admit that a lot of people are scared of him. The scar on his face doesn’t make him any less scary if I’m being honest.”

“How did he get the scar?” I asked and it was her turn to hesitate. She opened her mouth and closed it before sighing and leaning closer.


got it during a ferocious battle,” she said but I knew there was more to the story than what she was telling me.

“I heard that he got it when he killed his father.”

She shushed me instantly and pulled me closer before looking around to make sure no one was listening. When she was sure that we were safe, she sighed deeply and turned back to

1. me.

“We don’t talk about that here,” she dropped her voice to an even lower whisper. “Some people say that’s how he got it but we don’t know for real. All we know is that Alpha Kaden brought peace and prosperity to the pack and we respect him for that. Anything else is not important.”

I understood what she was saying so I nodded. When she was sure that I wasn’t going to say anything else, she released me and I sat up slowly. She had a tight grip and I felt my upper arm throbbing from where she had grabbed me but I refused to touch it so I wouldn’t draw attention to it

“As I was saying,” she continued as if nothing had happened. “He is an amazing Alpha but he just can’t seem to find his fated mate.”

At the mention of his mate, I couldn’t help but think of Lucy and I felt a bitter and hot feeling go through my heart. I wondered if he was going to take her as his fated mate since he couldn’t find his own. Just thinking about it made me feel weird and I noticed Serena staring at me intently as if she was trying to figure out what I was thinking of.


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting


Chapter 33

I quickly downed the remnants of my cup and stood to my feet. “I don’t feel so good, I should be going.”

Before she could respond, I rushed out of the cafe. The last thing I needed was her figuring out that I had feelings for their Alpha.

I avoided Serena all day and it seemed that doing so gave me a fierce headache because by evening, it felt like someone had made a construction site out of my head. As soon as I got to the house, I locked myself in the room and tried to sleep it off. It was hard to fall asleep but I managed to do so and I didn’t wake up again until Clara knocked on my door.

The small sound had me jerking awake and the headache came back with full force. I muttered under my breath for her to walk in and thank the goddess for werewolf hearing because she heard me and walked in. She walked over to the side of my bed and took a seat

next to me.

“You’ve been sleeping all day, I came to check if you were okay,” she said and she moved to brush a strand of my hair off my face when she suddenly pulled her hand back. “You’re running a fever Amelia.”

I didn’t feel hot, in fact, I felt cold and that was why I was under the covers. Before I could speak, Clara had pulled the covers off my b*dy and dragged me out of bed. I protested as much as I could but she didn’t listen to me and walked me over to the living room where Pamela and Devin were seated.

Pamela took one look at me and rushed to her feet, “You look terrible dear

Before I could speak, Clara told her about the fever and she placed the back of her hand against my forehead and clicked her tongue. She helped Clara place me on the chair and she disappeared into the kitchen muttering something about chicken soup under her breath.

“I’m fine,” I said but Clara didn’t pay me any heed. She disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a small towel and a bowl of water.

it hit

She put the towel into the water, rung it and placed it on my forehead. I shivered slightly as

my skin and I wanted to pull it off but my hands felt too weak to move. I realized that I was sore all over and I couldn’t bring myself to even move a muscle.


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser


Chapter 33

I must have over exerted myself during training.

Devin finally put down his newspaper and made his way over to me. He didn’t touch me, he just looked me over from head to toe with concern all over his eyes and I let out a small sigh when I saw Pamela return with a steaming bowl of broth.

“I’m fine, I swear,” I said but none of them listened to me. “It was probably because I trained for the first time today. I didn’t know my own limits. I’ll be fine by tomorrow.”

“Tell me what exactly is wrong with you?” I wasn’t expecting Devin to speak and all our eyes snapped up to his..

“My heart is beating fast,” I began slowly. “My muscles are sore and Clara says I have a fever. It is probably just exhaustion from training. There is no need for any of you to worry!”

“I don’t think it is training.”

“What do you mean?” I asked and he stared straight into my eyes as he said his next words.

“I think you might be shifting.”





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