Samantha came five minutes after Sin left, since she booked a room at the same hotel as Sin and I. She was dressed in a red and ruby gown and some killer heels.

“I was planning on doing some shopping today. I would feel bad if I left you here alone, so why don’t we go together?” Samantha suggested.

It was not a bad idea, and it would stink if I was the only one here with no company, but I didn’t have enough money with me, so I turned her down.

“No, I don’t have enough money with me.”

She looked at me in incredulity: “You do know Sin puts money in your account every week with no day being missed, right?”

I was shocked; “I had no idea; why would he do that?”

“That’s the silliest question I have ever heard. You’ve got him wrapped around your little finger, dear,” Samantha said.

“I find that hard to believe,” I said, sceptically. not believing a word she said.

“It’s the truth; you just don’t want to admit it.”

“He is only obsessed with me, and that is due to lust and nothing more,” I replied adamantly. Things had been great between us, yet I was certain the majority of it had to do with the lust we both felt for each other.

“You refusing to accept it isn’t going to change anything, and you also feel something for him despite how everything started.”

“I don’t feel anything for him; there’s no way I love him. Yes, I’m attracted to him. I mean, who wouldn’t? But love.”  I chuckled awkwardly and said, “Definitely not.”

“I give up, you are really stubborn,” Samantha said, shaking her head in frustration, “let’s just go to the mall.”

“Fine,” I mumbled. I didn’t bother changing since what I wore was appropriate to go out. We got into Samantha’s car and drove off to the mall. We went from store to store, buying different things, from clothes to shoes to bags and so on.

I’m never going shopping with Samantha ever again.

“One more shop, and we are done,” she promised for the seventh time. She dragged us towards Victoria’s Secret.

“Why are we here?” I asked her warily.

“Don’t think I didn’t see those hickies on your neck. We need to get you something that would blow Sin’s mind out,” she replied, wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestive manner. making me blush scarlet red

I stepped into the store, and Samantha went about selecting different types of bras and panties, if we could call them that since they left no room for imagination.

After our shopping escapade, we went into a restaurant to get something to eat, seeing as we were both exhausted and hungry. There were a lot of people there since it was in the middle of the city and anyone could go in there.

We walked into the restaurant and easily spotted a vacant seat. A female waiter came to take our order the minute we sat down. We weren’t able to decide what to eat yet, so we just asked for a drink and told her to come back later.

I took a dip in my Guava Black Mango Tea, Samantha, and I went through the menu looking for what to eat. When the waiter came back, we settled on barbequed wings, a habanero wing, and some fries.

I smiled when our food was placed on the table and quickly reached for a wing.

“Damn, you must be really hungry!” Samantha laughed.

“Shopping can be very exhausting.” I said, chewing the chicken in my mouth.

“Tell me something I don’t know,” she said, and we both burst out laughing.

“So, how did you know Sin?” I was curious about how she became entangled with the mafia.

“You could say that Sin saved my life. That was how we met.”

“Sin saved your life; how?” I asked, wanting to know more.

“I came from a very abusive home. My dad beats me and my mom all the time. All he ever did was get drunk and gamble away every penny we made. He got himself into trouble by taking money from some dangerous people who deal with human trafficking, and when he was not able to pay, you can guess what he did.” I felt my heart break at what she had been through. I couldn’t help but disapprove of her father for doing such a thing.

“I can’t believe he sold you off into human trafficking; what kind of father does that to his daughter?” I raged out.

“Sin saw me at the auction house. He helped me and the other girls there, but I didn’t have anywhere else to go. So I chose to work for him.”

I keep hearing the good things Sin has done, but it feels so surreal.

Why take me from my family?

My mind kept on spinning, trying to come up with a reason.

“I know what you’re thinking.” Samantha said, Breaking me out of my thoughts,” but believe me, Sin would never do anything that would cause you harm. I know things didn’t start well for you guys, and you might hate me for this, but why don’t you give him a chance? I can tell you are starting to warm up to him.”

“Maybe… but I can’t help but think I might be crazy for even feeling attracted to him,” I said adamantly.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“I understand, and you aren’t crazy for feeling that way. This is the first time I have seen Sin want something for himself. Just think about it. You can’t survive the mafia if you have no one to rely on.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

“Yeah sure. Now it’s your turn; tell me about yourself.” She asked excitedly, earning a laugh from me.

“There is nothing much to tell. lost my parents when I was sixteen, and just recently graduated.”

“I’m sorry about your parent,” she said, sincerity sipping from her voice. “What did you study?”

“Medicine; I have always wanted to be a doctor, but I’m not so sure about that now,” I whispered, my heart breaking at the thought of it.

“Never say never. You can always ask Sin,” Samantha said, trying to reassure me.

We continued the rest of our lunch talking about random things and having a great time.

We were finally back at the hotel, having a movie marathon of The Vampire Diaries. Sin wasn’t back yet, and it was already six in the evening.

“I’m bored,” Samantha whined. “As much as I love Damon, I’m not in the mood for a movie right now.”

I just rolled my eyes at her childishness, not saying a word to her.

“Okay, that’s it. “We are going out tonight,” she said, pushing me towards the room.

“I don’t feel like going out,” I said, knowing fully well where she was planning on going.

“Come on, please, please!”

“I’m tired, and I don’t think Sin would like it. I don’t plan on getting on his bad side,” I told her truthfully.

“Don’t worry; he won’t do you anything. So please,” Samantha said adamantly, batting her eyes at me.

“Ugh… fine,” I sighed in defeat and walked towards the bathroom to freshen up. It was already getting dark outside. I lathered myself up with scented body wash and rinsed my body. The hot water sent tingles down my back, and I let out a soft groan.

My body desperately needed a loving rub.

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