I wrapped a towel around my body and then stepped out of the bathroom. Samantha had already freshened up and was getting ready. My eyes widen when I see different clothes sprawled out on the bed.

“I picked out a few clothes for you since I wasn’t sure which you preferred,” Samantha said when she noticed my stunned look. She held up a short black gown, and I eyed it.

“Too short,” I told her, and i put on the black thong she bought today underneath the towel. I dropped it to put on my bra while Samantha continued to look through the tons of clothes placed on the bed.

“What about this?” She asked again, holding up a short miniskirt.

“Way too short,” I replied.

“Okay, and this one.” I stared at the black jumpsuit she was referring to, and it was more appealing than the rest. “Come on, it’s going to look sexy on you when you pair it up with some killer heels.” Her excitement was contagious, so I returned it and nodded my head.

She handed it to me, and I stepped into it while she helped zip it up the back. I had on silver earrings, and my hair was let down and curled at the tip.

“Gorgeous,” Samantha said, holding onto my shoulder as she inspected her work.

A blush crept up my face, making me feel self-conscious. “Thank you.”

She quickly changed into the short gown she showed me before, then went straight to fixing her hair and makeup.

The urge to lay down suddenly overwhelmed me, but I shook it off.

“I’m going to call us a cab; I plan on enjoying the night,” she said, picking up her phone.


We got to the club safely, and I was immediately dragged to the bar. The club was full, even though it was large. It was ridiculously fancy, like the one Steph and I went to back in New York. The lights were just bright enough for me to make out the person beside me. The music was blaring, and I so badly wanted to get a drink in my system.

I tried signalling the bartender since he was busy with other customers, but it was in vain. Samantha let out a piercing whistle, definitely gaining his attention.

I stared at her in astonishment. She looked at me sheepishly and shrugged with her lips raised at the side, giving me a smirk. I shake my head, rolling my eyes at her, but she smiles. The bartender was standing in front of us; he leaned in on the counter, looking at us, or more specifically at me.

“What can I get you, beautiful ladies?” he asked, smirking down at me.

Samantha leaned in to give our order, “six shots of tequila.” I was about to turn down the order but was instead shoved out of the way before I could utter a word. Samantha tapped her card into the machine the bartender offered while I stood there frowning at my order.

“Loosen up, relax, and enjoy the night. I’m sure you needed this as much as I do.”

“Fine,” I grumbled out. “But the next round is on me,” I told her sternly, but instead she rolled her eyes at me and smiled.

The bartender returned, sliding our drinks towards us, and I eagerly picked them up. Samantha and I faced each other while we held our shot glasses.

“To our girls’ night out,” Samantha screamed out before we both took the shot, one at a time. It burned my throat and instantly started burning my insides.

My face contorted in disgust at the horrible taste; Samantha gagged dramatically, and I laughed at the expression her face contorted, knowing fully well that she hated it as much as I did.

“That was disgusting. Let’s order some vodka this time,” she said, and I nodded in agreement. She called the bartender, who got us another drink.

I took a sip of the vodka red bull to get rid of the sharp taste in my mouth.

“Are you ladies doing okay?” the bartender asked with the same flirtatious smile on his face as earlier.

“She’s not interested, so buzz off if you love yourself,” Samantha said in a deadly tone, which scared the crap out of him. I have never heard her speak like this, and I almost forgot she was part of the mafia.

“He was just being nice,” I told her, not sure what to say.

“Do you think Sin would like the idea of another guy flirting with you?” she asked in a serious tone.

I know she was right.

“Let’s go dance,” I beamingly said, trying to lighten the atmosphere. I grabbed her forearm and led her to the middle of the dance floor.

We swayed and twirled and laughed, somehow managing to not spill our drinks. This was the most fun I’ve had in a while. Samantha turned around and started shaking off her ass towards me, and I giggled at her when she turned back to wink at me.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“You are just too much,” I said between fits of laughter, clutching my stomach. The club’s vibe was amazing, and everyone was having fun and minding their own business. We both started dancing like deranged human beings, having the time of our lives.

I wanted to take a sip of my drink but found it empty. I went back to the bar to order us another drink before going back to the dance floor. The alcohol was already kicking in since I was very light.

I was beyond drunk.

Samantha and I kept on dancing till our legs were weak and our throats were sour from singing out loud to the music.

I suddenly felt the urge to pee. I asked Samantha if she wanted to use the restroom, but she shook her head. I stumbled my way out of the crowd to the hall, looking for the bathroom, until I finally found it.

A group of girls came out of the bathroom laughing and chatting with each other. I entered the bathroom to do my business but looked down at my jumpsuits and groaned.

certainly did not think this through.

I tried using my hand to reach behind my back, trying hard to undo the zip, and almost screamed out in frustration when I couldn’t reach it. I kept on stumbling because I was drunk, making it difficult for me to zip it down since my hand wasn’t cooperating.

After struggling for a few minutes, I somehow managed to get the zip and also struggled to zip it back up when I was done.

Remind me never to put on a jumpsuit when going to a club…

It can be really stressful.

After washing my hands and drying them off, I left the bathroom. The only people at the hall were two couples, who were drunk off their asses like me and were seriously making out, acting like the world was going to end the next day.

I followed the sound of the music, trying to find my way back, when I heard the sound of footsteps behind me and didn’t bother paying any mind to it.

I gasped when a calloused hand wrapped around my waist, stopping me. I turned around, and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit my nostrils. A shiver of disgust racked through me as I watched the stranger smirk up at me. I yanked his hand away from my waist, furrowing my eyebrows, and the smirk on his face dropped. His eyes darkened, and a menacing and dangerous look replaced it.

“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here all alone? Why don’t we go somewhere quiet? Just you and me, we can have a lot of fun,” he said, smiling at me.

“I’m not interested,” I stated, and turned to walk away when his disgusting hand stopped me again and held my arms.

I pulled my arms out of his hold, the alcohol leaving my system as anger boiled up inside me.

“I said, I wasn’t interested,” my voice was firm. I turned to move again, but this time I was dragged by my hair, and he hit my head hard against the wall, making my vision blurry. It didn’t help that I was still a little bit intoxicated. I was trying to regain myself when I was suddenly dragged back into the bathroom and heard a lock.

Terror struck me , and I struggled to move when I was hit against the wall for the second time, watching blood drip from my forehead down to the floor. I couldn’t let this man have his way with me. I cursed myself for being drunk and defenceless.

“Why don’t you be the little slut that you are and please me?” he said in a very irritating voice.

“Let go of me, if you know what’s good for you,” I screamed, and my eyes were watering. I looked at him in absolute disgust. His eyes blazed with anger before he landed a slap on my face and i stumbled to the floor of the bathroom. My ear buzzed at the impact, and I was sure it was going to leave a mark.

“I’m going to enjoy that body of yours,” he said, moving towards me and trying to tear through the jumpsuit as he struggled to zip it down. I let out a loud, piercing scream, hoping someone would hear amidst the loud sound of buzzing music.

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