Sin pov

Mani was beyond beautiful. Breath-taking gorgeous.

I took a deep breath, inhaling Mani’s sweet scent. Her naked body was pressed firmly against mine. My arms tightened around her naked waist, pulling her close to me. We fit each other so perfectly. I trace my finger up over her naked back to her soft hair, grazing her scalp. Mani seems to like it as she presses her body more into me, letting out a soft moan.

So perfect and all mine, I placed a soft kiss on her temple before resting my chin on her head while my finger played with her hair. I was so fucking addicted to Mani like a love sick puppy and almost cringe at the thought, but that’s how I became now, and it was so fucking hard to deny the fact now. I became addicted to the way she talks, the way her plump lips will curve into a smile, the way she breathes, and even how fucking beautiful she looks when she’s crying.

Call me a sick bastard if you want.

I know a part of her probably still hates me for taking her away from her family and the people she cares about and also for hurting her, but I also know a part of her wants me and is very attracted to me. I plan to turn the hate around. When I’m with her, she halts my thoughts, and the war inside my mind, slowly chasing away the devil in my mind.

I stare at the ceiling. My lips curve into a smile when the memories of last night flash into my mind, and I think about how great she felt. how being with her chased away the darkness surrounding me. I didn’t think that was ever going to be possible.

Mani was becoming my favourite drug, and between her legs was my favourite place to be. I hated being referred to as Nikolai because it reminds me of my dad; that’s why I preferred Sin, yet the way she pronounced my name was so addicting, and I always want to hear my name come out of her tempting lips. It’s like she invented a new me anytime she calls me by my name. I love that.

Looking at her one more time, I saw her eyes closed, but she was awake, breathing me in and taking my breath away every time I looked at her. I wanted to hear her voice. I wanted her eyes on me and only me.

“Amore,” I whispered. She didn’t move a finger, pretending like she was asleep. I chuckled softly. Oh, my little temptress!

She looked so cute right now, making me want her attention even more. My finger slowly traced the curvature of her spine, sure to leave a trail of goosebumps behind.

Despite her attempt to continue her pretense, she trembled at my feather-like touch. I love how she reacted to my simple touches. I will make sure to be the only man she would ever react to this way, and no men will come close to her or take her the way I have. I would get rid of them in the most brutal way possible, making them wish they had never touched what was mine.

“I know you are awake, amore,” I smirked down at her. She looked so adorable.

She moved a little before opening her beautiful ocean blue eyes. Her face was a dark shade of red as she tried to avoid eye contact with me; she was too shy to look at me. She clearly remembered what happened last night.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

My cock hardened, and I tried shifting in bed, still holding her close to me. Brushing her blond hair from her face, she finally glanced at me with a blush still on her face, and her lips curled up into a smile, but I could still see the mistrust in her eyes-it was just asleep, but it was there.

I thought of a lot of things I would do instead of talking to her, but I had to restrain myself, knowing fully well that she needed rest given the number of times she came last night.

“Good morning,” she said.

“Good morning, Amore.” I leaned down to give her lips a light peck. “Why don’t you freshen up while i order us some breakfast?”

“Okay, thanks,” she stood and ran to the bathroom so fast like a lightning bolt, making me chuckle at her adorable behaviour.


I called room service, ordering us some pancakes and coffee, before standing up from the bed, clad in nothing. I took a fresh, clean shirt and walked out of the room toward the spare bedroom.

I came out of the bathroom clad in a black shirt and pants. I heard the sound of a knock on the door, and I walked out of the bedroom to let the room service in with our breakfast when my phone rang.

“. Parlare”

“Sin, we have got a problem,” my right-hand man, Luca, spoke almost immediately.

“What the fuck is it now?”

“There is a matter of urgency, and it concerns Romanov,” he said, sounding hateful and annoyed, ready for my command.

Romanov, you fucking bastard. He was definitely a thorn in my side.

Everything has been going great, though the Romanovs and the Violenta don’t get along. There was an agreement between us not to meddle in each other’s lives. But a few weeks ago, our guns and drug shipment started going missing, right after they came to New York, which makes them our suspects. We are still investigating it, and I don’t plan on stopping until I have found the person responsible for this cushy situation.

“Give me an hour.” I said sternly before hanging up. I heard the sound of footsteps beading towards the living room.

“Is everything okay?” a soft voice asked.

“There’s nothing to worry your pretty head about, Amore. Come have breakfast.” I took a seat at the table, devouring the pancakes and coffee. “I won’t be around till the evening; I told Samantha to keep you company.”

“Will you be back very late tonight?”

“Yes, love, I have got a situation to handle,” I answered, giving her a light peck on the forehead, before taking my car key and phone and walking out of the hotel room.

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