The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Chapter 63


I had forgotten about the dancing. I hadn’t danced since Molly, and Jax’s mating ceremony. I still didn’t know how to, but I looked forward to watching. When the guys reached us, Rowen sat close to me, and pulled me back against his chest. I smiled, and made myself comfortable. I quietly watched as people began to pack up their stands, while others moved their blankets, and chairs to the edge of the yard. A large group of males began carrying in large squares, and fitting them together, as a band set up on the deck. I guess they were setting up a dance floor.

I looked over to see the jeweler from earlier packing up his items, and remembered the necklace I got for Rowen. I reach into my new little bag, searching around for it. When I finally found it, I got really nervous. I was worried he wouldn’t like it, or would think it was stupid. I held it tightly in my hand as I quietly talked myself into giving it to him.

“Sweet girl, are you ok? You tensed up there?” Rowen whispered to me..

“…uh….yeah…I…um….I got your something. I hope you like it.” I whispered, and with shaking hand, gave him the necklace.

Rowen took it gently, and let it dangle in front of us. I could tell he was looking at the charm that was twisting around. Eventually he took the arm he had around my waist, and stopped it from spinning so he could look at it. I watched as he flipped it back, and forth. I hadn’t realized there was something on the back of the charm as well. On the opposite side of the wolf howling at the moon, were two wolves snuggling together. I didn’t know how I missed that.

“I love it sweet girl.” Rowen whispered to me as he kissed the side of my head.

“You….you do?” I stuttered.

“I do.”

“I’ve never seen you wear jewelry before though.”

“I usually don’t, but I will wear this.”


“Because it’s from my sweet girl. How could I not?”

“Oh. I….”

“I will wear this with pride.”

I turned to look at him to see him smiling down at me. I smiled slightly as he slipped it over his head. I looked down to see that he had it on in a way that the two wolves were showing. I looked back up at his face, and smiled. He leaned forward, and gave me a sweet, but quick kiss then kissed my forehead.

“They’re done setting up. Will you dance with me?” Rowen asked my quietly.

“I….Sure, but remember I’m still not a good dancer.” I responded.

“Just remember what I said last time, follow my lead.”

I nodded, and we made our way to the dance floor. Molly, Jax, Melissa, Ross, and to my surprise Lexi, and Colby followed us. The first couple of songs were up beat, and more fast paced. I did my best to follow along with Rowen’s steps, and laughed every time I tripped over my own, or his feet. He laughed right. along with me. We all ended up dancing as one big group, laughing, and just having fun. When a slow song came on, Rowen pulled me to him, and I followed his lead perfectly. He had his arm tight around my

waist, my hand on his bicep, and our intertwined hands laying on his chest, just like last time. Just like the last time we danced together, I got lost in his beautiful blue eyes, and when he kissed me I sighed, returning the kiss

I was a little sad when the song ended, but we all went right back to dancing together, and laughing. It was a lot of fun. I did notice that on each slow song, Lexi did dance with Colby. While he looked happy she, at first, looked a bit uncomfortable. She seemed to relax with each song because it appeared he did what he could to keep enough distance between them to make her comfortable. I was drawn from my thoughts when I heard Molly whisper to me.

I’m telling you, their mates, but she’s so closed off right now she doesn’t realize it.” Molly whispered as she, and Jax danced close to Rowen, and I.

1 don’t know Molly. She would know better than we would.” I responded quietly.

“She’s been stuck in her own head for so long over the stupid crap that Anthony guy has pulled, she may not realize it.”

“But her wolf….”

angry. It

7 asked her how her wolf was doing with all of that. She said her wolf has been very hurt, and had become attached to Anthony, and also thought he was their mate. She did say that her wolf has seemed calmer, and a bit happier since she’s been around Colby this week.”

“Oh. Well I think we should stay out of it, and let them figure it out themselves.”

“I said the same thing.” Jax growled.

I heard you, and I will stay out of it. Lexi is a good girl. I like her a lot, and I think she and Colby would be good together. He won’t play games with her. Plus Colby floundered for so long not knowing really who he was, or what he wanted, and not feeling accepted by those that were supposed, I think Lexi will finally give him the acceptance he deserves.” Molly explained.

“Colby has always been accepted for who he is, and whatever he wanted by me, and dad.”

“Yes, but for a long time he didn’t know that.”

“Because he never talked to dad about what he felt about Beta training.”

“He was worried about letting your dad down. Pups go through that all of the time. They think their parents have these great expectations for them, and they fear disappointing that parent. Aurora didn’t help because she pushed Colby to the side. He didn’t know what to do, or where to turn. One parent was already pretty much saying she didn’t accept him, and he wanted to have the acceptance he needed from the other so he kept quiet.”

1…I guess I never thought of that.”

“You’re a man. You wouldn’t.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Just that feelings, and emotions of another, especially another male are not something you think of or consider.”

“Now you make me sound unfeeling.”

“No. Just stating males tend to stay away from feelings, and focus on actions. You sometimes miss the emotional struggles of another. It’s not a bad thing. It’s just the way males are wired.”

“Yeah, OK”

I giggled at Jax, and we continued to dance. Part of me hoped Molly was right about Lexi, and Colby.

They did look good together, and their personalities matched well. I needed to leave it alone though. It wasn’t my business. They would figure things out on their own.

After awhile we all decided we had enough with dancing, and moved back to the blankets we had been. sitting on. We chatted quietly for awhile, and watched others who were still on the dance floor. I giggled a lot at the pups bouncing around, and dancing together. It was always cute so see some of them pair up. hold hands, and kind of sway to the slow songs.

“Was this everything you hoped it would be Chastity?” Rowen whispered in my ear as he snuggled close up against my back, causing me to shiver pleasantly.

He had moved so he was sitting behind me, with his legs on either side of mine. I snuggled back against his chest, as he wrapped an arm around my waist, using the other to prop himself up.

“Yes. This had been amazing.” I said quietly. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Good I’m glad. Fireworks should start soon. I saw dad, Dimi, and Uncle Peter send some warriors off in that direction a few minutes ago.”

“I can’t wait to see them. I used to watch them from the attic window. I always loved watching them. They made me feel so happy.”

“Well no attic window watching for you any more. You can watch them from right here, or we can go toward the town center to watch. That’s the best view as they set them off right outside of town.”

“I would like that.”

“Ok. Lets go.”

We stood, and started to head that way. The rest of our group going right with us. Most of that pack came along too. Or at least those that were still at the party. Many had left to go back to their homes until the fireworks show. We reached the center of town just in time. Rowen wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me against his chest. I rested my hands on his arms, and waited. I jumped a bit when the first one went off, and Rowen chuckled.

I stood in his arms, and grinned ear to ear as I watched the show. It was beautiful. There were so many. colors, and different types of explosions. I loved every minute of it. Any time I would point to one I really liked Rowen would kiss my shoulder, and say beautiful. When the finale finished Rowen turned me in his arms, and kissed me, deeply, causing me to moan into his mouth when his tongue brushed mine. I had not experience prior to Rowen, but I was sure he was the best kisser in the world. His kisses always left me tingling and warm, and weak in the knees.

By the time we all made it back to the pack house I was exhausted. Happy, but exhausted. Once I was in my pajamas, and the face painted washed off, I fell into bed. Literally. I fell asleep so quickly I don’t even remember Rowen getting into bed with me. I knew he was there though because I felt the sparks his touch always caused.

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