The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Chapter 62


I woke early the next morning. I had a wonderful time with Rowen the night before. Getting to know him. better was really nice, and he listened well to everything I said. I looked forward to future time with him. I couldn’t wait to set up my new statue in my room. I still couldn’t believe he bought it for me. It was really beautiful, and I really enjoyed watching it being made.

After breakfast, I started helping get the back yard, sunroom, and deck ready for the barbeque that afternoon. I was really looking forward to it. I was attaching streamers to one of the food tables when some one bumped into me. I stood quickly to move when I saw Naomi standing there.

“Move out of my way you stupid Omega.” She snapped.

“…I’m sorry.” I stuttered.

“You’re not yet, but you will be.” I instantly cowered away from her as she drew back her hand to strike me when I heard someone roar.

“NAOMI! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?” Gamma Peter roared as he walked toward her, and grabbed her wrist.

I was trembling with fear, in a curled position. I could only watch as he glared angrily, and Naomi looked surprised to see him.

“Pet…Peter. I…..she got in my way, and almost made me drop the plates I was carrying. She needs to learn. her place.” Naomi stuttered.

“No! You need to learn yours! How dare you raise your hand to another knowing full well it’s against the law! On top of that you raised your hand to the future Luna of this pack!” Peter gritted out.

“Pe…Peter please. Don’t be ridiculous. She….she’s just an Omega. You all have been babying her for long. enough now. She needs to be reminded….”

“Shut your damn mouth! I’ve had enough! You would think you would have learned by now that this. behavior is unacceptable. If you weren’t my mate you wouldn’t even be living in this house right now. Isn’t it bad enough that your son wants nothing to do with you, and that he won’t allow you any where near his mate? WE ALMOST LOST OUR SON BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOU STILL DO NOT SEE HOW WRONG YOU ARE TO BEHAVE LIKE THIS!”

“But Aurora always told me to keep that Omega in line, whether she was here or not.”

“Aurora is DEAD for what she did to Chastity, and Brinna! You are only still here because of ME! Alpha Rowen, Beta Jax, and even our SON want you gone. I thought with time you would realize that what Aurora made you believe over the last three years was wrong! Maybe the one wrong is me! Now I will say this once, and only once, you WILL treat Chastity, and everyone with respect. You will stay the hell away from Chastity! You go near her again, or raise a hand to her you WILL find yourself in a dungeon cell. Keep in mind Naomi, that Chastity IS the future Luna of this pack, and if she so chooses she can banish you, there will not be a damn thing I can do about it. Now get the hell out of here, and stay away from Chastity. Count yourself lucky that you don’t spend the rest of today in the dungeon.” 1

I watched through panic filled eyes as Naomi lowered her head, and rushed away. I couldn’t stop the trembles. I was terrified, and couldn’t move. Gamma Peter came toward me slowly, with his hands in the air as if to show me he wasn’t a threat.

“It’s ok Chastity. Rowen is on his way. He’ll help ok?” Gamma Peter said gently, but I couldn’t respond.

I heard pounding footsteps coming toward us causing me to tremble more. I was breathing shallow, and quick I couldn’t stop the panic attack, just like the last time. I felt arms wrap around me, and pull me into something hard. The smell of cedar and fresh cool water filling my nose.

“Shh sweet girl. It’s ok.” I heard the calm, male voice say as a hand started to rub circles on my back, causing my breathing to deepen and slow.

“What happened Uncle Peter?” The male voice asked.

“Naomi.” Gamma Peter answered, and the one holding my growled causing me to tremble again.

“I’m sorry baby. I didn’t mean to scare you. You’re ok. You’re safe now. I promise. I got you.” I finally realized it was Rowen.

“I’m sorry Rowen. I thought she understood she had to stay away from Chastity. This is my fault.” Gamma Peter said.

“No Uncle Peter. This is Naomi’s fault.”

“I am responsible for her.”

My trembling had finally stopped, and I was breathing properly again. My mind had also cleared. I couldn’t let Peter take the blame for the actions of another. He didn’t nothing wrong.

“It’s not your fault Peter. You are not responsible for another person’s actions.” I said quietly.

“She is only still here because of me though.” Peter argued.

“I realize, but that does not make you responsible for what she does. Only she can control her actions.”

“I just don’t know what to do at this point. It’s been awhile, and still she does this. Aurora is long gone, but still this is the thing she does.”

“You said one time that Naomi is easily manipulated, and led around, right?”


“Does Naomi have self confidence issues by any chance?”

“She can have some, yes.”

“Aurora was a master at finding those, and exploiting them. Naomi was manipulated by someone who knew how to get what they wanted out of someone. Maybe what Naomi needs is therapy.”

“How could that help?”

“Her self confidence problems came from some where. It’s possible that Aurora told her that the only way she would feel better about herself is to cut down others. Maybe if she gets help with her self confidence problems, it will help her realize that she isn’t doing right treating others the way she has been.”

“I don’t know. It seems a bit far fetched.”

“Think about it like this. Right now she’s been reduced to a servant from a position of respect. She is feeling very low about herself right now. She saw me, and from years of using me to feel better about herself she took the chance. It doesn’t make it right, but she’s hurting right now, and needs to take it out some where. I think she would do well with therapy.”

“I guess I can see your point.”

“Try it. It might help.”

“Alright. Thank you Chastity.”

“You’re welcome.”

I watched as Peter walked away. Rowen was still holding me. I looked up at him, and smiled.

“Thank you Rowen.” I whispered, and kissed his cheek.

“You’re welcome beautiful.” Rowen said, and kissed my forehead, “Are you ok?”


I’m glad. I’m sorry that happened.”

“It’s not your fault. You didn’t know she would behave that way.”

“You’re right I didn’t, but I did make it clear that she was to stay away from you.”

“I know you did.”

“Are you done out here?”

“Not yet. There is still more to do.”

“You know you don’t have to do it, right?”

“Yes, but I want to. I always liked decorating for parties.”

“Well why don’t I help you?”

“Don’t you have work to be doing?”

“Not today. We all have the day off. So put me to work.”

“Ok. Well see how the streamers are hung along the edge of the other table?”


“Take the streams that are in that box over there, and hang them on the other food tables. I’ll come behind you, and attach the blossoms.

“I can do that.”

I was working on attaching the blossoms when I heard Rowen cussing, and grumbling. I looked over, and had to bite back laughter. I did something I’ve never done before. I took out my cellphone, and snapped a picture of Rowen. He had streamers wrapped around his arms, and I had not clue how he had done it. After I took my picture, I called to him.

“Rowen, what happened?” I asked trying not to giggle.

“I have no idea. I thought if I wrapped it around my arm it would be easier to keep untwisted, and easier to hang. Apparently I was wrong.” He grumbled.

“Oh. No! Streamers get twisted up easily. The only way to keep them from getting like you have them is to leave them in a pile, and slowly pull it along to where you need them.”

“Now she tells me.” I heard him grumble as I went back to the blossoms.

It took awhile, and a lot of grumbling from Rowen, but we got the sunroom decorated just as Gina wanted it. I looked around, and thought it looked very festive.

“Tell me again why you enjoy doing this? It’s a pain in the ass.” Rowen muttered.

“Because the finished product is worth the work.” I said with a smile, pointing at what we had done.

“Uh. OK?”

“Never ask a male to appreciate decorations, Chas. They will never understand.” Molly said as she walked up to us.

“Hey!” Rowen protested.

“Rowen, do you think the decorations look good?” Molly asked him.

“Uh. Yeah. Sure. If you think so.”

“See. They only care about the food, and the fun. How everything looks doesn’t really matter to them.” Molly giggled, and I joined her.

“That’s not always true. I always think Chastity looks pretty.” Rowen stated with a tilt of his chin.

“You’re just as bad as Jax. Of course you notice how a person looks. Men rarely pay attention to the decorations around them.”

“I notice how the trees, and plants look in the woods.”

“Never mind. You’ll never understand.”

“I guess not. Well I’m going to see if dad needs help with the burgers, and stuff.” Rowen kissed me on the head, and walked away, quickly.

“How on earth did you ever talk him into helping with this?” Molly asked.

“Peter called him after I had a little issue with Naomi. He asked if I wanted help after I calmed down. Of course I got him to help if he was offering. You need to see this.” I explained as I pulled out my phone and showed her the picture I took of Rowen.

She started laughing hard at it. She then sent it to herself, saying she is going to print it, and frame it for me. She grabbed my hand, and we head into the house to get ready for the barbeque. After I showered, I pulled out the white skort, and blue thick strap tank top I got for today. I used a white hair

band with a bow in it to tie my hair back in a pony tail. I decided not to wear any red clothes since my hair is red. I pull on the cowboy boots I’ve been wearing a lot recently, checked on Lilac, and left.

Molly was wearing a red, white, and blue knee length, spaghetti strap dress with sandals. Lexi had on a pair of denim shorts, and a tank top made to look like a flag with sneakers. We all smiled as Molly took a picture of the three of us with her camera, then left the apartment.

We got out onto the deck as people were starting to show up with food, camp chairs, and some games. There were already pups running around, playing tag with each other. There was a female setting up a table with paints, brushes, and a sign that read Face Painting. I looked around, and saw several people. setting up little booths for different activities. The atmosphere was happy, and excited. It made me smile.

“Where are Jax, Rowen, Ross, and Melissa?” I asked Molly.

“Rowen, Jax, and Ross are helping man the grilles. Melissa is helping her family bring food over.” Molly answered as she walked over the coolers to get us bottles of water.

“This looks like it’s going to be lots of fun.” Lexi said looking around with a smile on her face.

“From what Melissa has said it is.” Molly agreed.

Eventually we found a place to sit on the grass just to watch for a bit. I enjoyed watching the pups play the most. They kept switching between tag, leap frog, and hide ‘n seek without even any real definition in the games. Gina joined us for a bit, but was pulled away by her friends. Melissa did find us, and the four of us people watched until we all started to get hungry..

I was filling my plate with different items that people brought when someone put their hands on my waist, and kissed the top of my head. I would have jumped out of my skin if I hadn’t smelled Rowen coming

toward me. I smiled, and leaned back against him.

“Would you like a burger sweet girl?” He asked me.

“Oh. Yes please. With cheese.” I said excitedly as I handed him my plate.

He disappeared with it, and came back quickly. He handed me my plate with a cheeseburger, bun, and all.

“I didn’t know what you liked on it.” Rowen pouted playfully at me.

“Ketchup, mustard, mayo, and lettuce.” I told him with a smile.

He quickly took my plate, and disappeared again. When he returned with my plate he had one of his own, but instead of a burger he had pork. It smelled really good. I took a small bite from his plate, and I was right it was really good. As we filled our plates I kept sneaking bites of his pork.

“You know sweet girl, if you wanted some, you could have just asked. I would have gotten it for you.” Rowen said with a chuckle.

“I….I didn’t know I wanted it until I smelled it.” I giggled.

“Don’t worry. There is plenty. I’ll get some more, and we’ll share it.”


“Go sit with everyone. I’ll be over in a bit.”

I nodded, and headed back to the spot on the grass we were all sitting together. Jax, and Rowen walked up to us carrying two plates each. Once they were seated they put two plates of pork in the center of the blanket. Rowen sat close to me, and I ended up leaning against him as we all ate, and chatted.

Eventually we went to check out the games to play. Ross, Rowen, Jax, and Colby wandered off to play horseshoes, leaving Melissa, Molly, Lexi, and me to do our own thing. I stopped at the face painting to watch the teenage girl painting a butterfly on the face of a girl pup. It looked really good, and the pup was extremely excited about it.

“I remember when you were two, we were here with your mom, and the boys. You saw the face painting, and practically dragged your mom over to it. When she asked what you wanted to get you pointed to about ten different things. Eventually your mom deciding to get you a unicorn, but you insisted that Jax, and Colby had to get theirs done too. I’ll never forget the look on Colby’s face when he sat down, and your told the girl to give him a butterfly. He almost took off, but some how you begged him to get it. Jax, you made get flowers on his cheek.” Dimitri said with a chuckle.

I hadn’t even realized he had joined us.

“I wish I had a picture of that.” I whispered, and smiled up at him.

“I think I have it in a photo album in my apartment. I’ll find it for you.” Dimitri offered.

“I’d love that. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Very much so.”

“I’m glad I’m glad you got to come home for this.”

“Me too. I know that being at Cloverland is right for me, but I do miss home.”

“Even after….”

“Yes. Despite what went on at home I had a lot of good memories with the pack. No one in the house ever really knew how often Alpha Joseph sent me to help a pack member with babysitting, a calming over stressed dads during labor. He also had worked out with Doctor Deb that I went to the hospital when someone was there, to sit with them. I would also sometimes sit with the elderly they just needed. company for a bit.”

“No I didn’t realized that.”

“Aurora threw a fit about it once, but he told her that it was an Omega’s place to help the pack as he had arranged for me to do. She didn’t like it, but what could she did”

“True. How old were you when you started doing that?”

“Luna Jane had me going with her when I was about eight, every chance she got. After she passed away, Alpha Joseph would do his best to send me every time he got a call from a pack member or the hospital.”

“I’m glad he did that for you. That you had something happy going on.”

“Me too.”

“Is that why you want to come home when you’re done with school?”

“That had always been my plan. Go to school, get my education, and come home. I was going to find a little place of my own, kind of out of the way, and work at the hospital. If I found my mate here when I came home, I would move into his house, but still come home.”

“I’m glad you had always planned to come home.”

“The only way I wouldn’t have was if my mate wasn’t from this pack. Despite it all I love my pack, and I wanted to help take care of them.”

“You’re wonderful person baby girl.”

“Thank you.”

Dimitri smiled down at me, and I couldn’t resist, I hugged him. He hugged me tight. I turned back to watch the teen finish up the pup’s butterfly. I couldn’t help it, I giggled when the pup squealed seeing her reflection, and bounced to her parents to show them excitedly.

“Chas we should so get our faces done.” Molly said excitedly when the girls popped up next to Dimitri, and me.

“Really? You want to?” I questioned.

“Sure. Lets do it. Melissa told me you never came to these before now. We’re going to do EVERYTHING today to make up for lost time.”

“What were you usually doing instead of being here?” Lexi asked confused.

“Aurora always had a very long list of chores for me to do the day of the barbeque. She would tell me if I got the whole list done, and it was perfect that I could come. I never got it done, or everything wasn’t perfect enough.” I explained.

I’m sorry Chastity, I should have made sure you were here.” Dimitri said quietly, looking upset.

“It’s ok. It’s the past, and I’m here now.” I smiled at him, and squeezed his waist.

“Yeah, but still….”

“Nope. Today is all about having fun. No sad stuff.”

“Alright.” He smiled at me.

“Chas, go get yours done first.” Molly said with a smile.

I walked over to the girl, and smiled. She quietly handed me her book of paintings for me to choose from.

After minute or two I settled on some silver, and white stars that started small on one side of my temple, across my forehead getting bigger than trailed down the other side getting smaller until they ended at my chin. The girl smiled again as I sat down, and she got to work.

“Hi. I’m Chastity.” I said quietly.

“I know. Lucy is my mom. I’m Paula.” She responded with a smile.

“It’s nice to meet you Paula.”

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Yes I am. Are you doing this all by yourself or will more people coming to help you soon?”

“Gina, and a couple of our other friends are on their way over now.”

“I didn’t know you were friends with Gina.”

“I guess you could say we’re kind of friends. I’m a year older than she is so I don’t get to hang out with her much.”

“I understand. She’s a good girl.”

“Yeah. I like her when we get to hang out.”

“So Paula, what is it you want to do with your life?”

“I’m an artist. More painter than anything. I’d like to set up a little shop in town to sell my paintings or maybe teach art class to others. I kind of like working with the elderly. Painting helps them keep their dexterity, and mind sharp. I don’t know how, but I read that it’s really good for that.”

“What a wonderful idea. You know I’m going to school at Dark Moon, right?”

“Yeah. I remember hearing Gina talk about how sad she was that you were leaving.”

“Aww. Anyway, there is a store in Dark Moon that sells paintings, but they also do these paint night things where groups of people come, and an artist teaches them how to paint a specific painting. I hear it’s a lot of fun. Maybe if you open your own store, you could do something like that. Especially for the elderly.”

“I like that idea. Thank you Chastity.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Are you liking school?”

“It’s a lot of hard work, but yes.”

“I’m not a big fan of school, and I don’t do very well, so I don’t think I could do higher education, but it’s good to hear you’re enjoying it.”

“It’s not for everyone, but if you ever need help with something ask Gina to get you in touch with me, and I can help you.”


“Yes. I’m helping Braxton through video chat everyday with summer school.”

“You are?”

“Yes I am.”

“That’s nice of you. You know Gina has a crush on him.”

“I know.”

“I don’t think he does.”

“No. Boys his age are pretty oblivious to that kind of thing.”

“That they are.”

“Do you have a boy you like?”

“Nah. There is a girl though. She doesn’t like me though.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. She’s just not like me. She’s a good person though. When I told her she was really nice about it. Even said she was flattered, but she didn’t like girls the same way I do. You want to know what’s funny?”

“What’s that?”

“She’s now my best friend, and is helping me find a girlfriend.”

“Aww. That is sweet of her.”

“Yeah. She is. Well Chastity we’re all done. Want to see it?”

“Yes please.”

Paula handed me the mirror, and I inspected her work. It looked great, and I smiled at her.

“Thank you Paula. It looks great.”

“You’re welcome. Thank you for your suggestion. I’ll keep it in mind.”

“You’re welcome. If you do it, let me know, and I’ll come to one of your paint nights.”


“Of course.”

“Great. I’ll see you around, I’m sure.”


I walked away from the table, to stand by Dimitri to watch Molly, Melissa, and Lexi get their faces done as well. Gina, and a few of her friends had shown up in time to help. Gina wasn’t doing the painting because she said she was bad at it, instead she was helping others pick out what they wanted done. When Lexi, Molly, and Melissa were finished they came to Dimitri, and I to show us what they got.

Lexi had a faded flag across her face, Molly had a unicorn, and Melissa did a tiger face. We all ohhed, and ahhed at each other’s faces then Molly had Dimitri take our picture on her camera. The girls pulled me along to the next thing. We wandered around playing some carnival like games for awhile, and looked over some of the homemade things people were selling. I ended up buying a smaller messenger type, leather purse that had butterflies etched into it, and belt that matched. We were still wandering the little booths when I got an idea for the future.

“Hey Molly. I was thinking about something.” I said as I was looking at some metal cuff bracelets in one of the booths.

“What’s that?” Molly asked as she held up a necklace so the light shown through the stone.

“It seems like a lot of people have little homemade crafts they make, and try to sell. They don’t have time or interest in a full fledged shop, but what if we did a craft show type thing once a month or so, in the community center, where they can set up for the day, and people from the pack could come, look around, and the crafters could sell their items.”

“I like that idea. Maybe we can have some of the restaurants sell food there too.”

“I would be interested in something like that.” The male who was selling his items said from behind his table. “Once a month is a bit too often for me though. I’m a full time warrior so I only get to work on my jewelry when I’m off, but I would still get there a much as I could.”

“That’s actually a great idea, Chas. Especially around the holidays. Not many of the shops in town do homemade stuff. It’s mostly mass produced.” Melissa said excitedly.

“Why don’t, once we’re done here, we ask the others who are selling their items if they would be interested in something like that, and how often they would like it to be. It may be better to let them decide what works best for them since a lot of this stuff takes time, and they all have full time jobs.” Molly stated.

“Good idea.” I agreed.

“She’s not even Luna yet, and she’s already coming up with great ideas to help your pack.” Lexi said as she handed the man some money for a bracelet she wanted.

I just looked down, and blushed. I still didn’t really believe I would be Luna someday, but I didn’t voice that. Anything could happen. No one knew what the future would hold. Thankfully the girls didn’t notice my doubts. I ended up buying one of the cuff bracelets. It was silver, and had little flowers carved into it. I loved it too much to not buy it.

I was just about to leave when something caught my eye. It was more masculine, with a thicker chain, but was really pretty. It was a longer silver necklace, with a wolf howling at the moon etched into a disk. All I kept thinking was that Rowen needed this. I never saw him with jewelry on, but I knew he had to have it. I still wore the necklace he got me on our triple date. I didn’t know if he would wear it, but he still needed it. After I paid for it, I tucked it into my new purse, and followed the girls away from the booth.

The girls, and I spent the next hour talking to the people selling their crafts. Many liked the idea, and were interested in being part of a craft show where they could show off, and even sell their work. They all agreed that once a month was too often as it didn’t give them enough time to make new products. Most felt once every three months would be best, with two between Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I even went back, and told Paula about it, suggesting that if we did something like that she should set up some of her paintings for others to see.

When we finally found the boys again, they were STILL playing horseshoes. Some where along the line. Braxton, and a few of his friend joined them. They were taking up two of the pits, and having a great time. Eventually Lexi talked Colby into playing a round against her. Molly, Melissa, and I sat back a bit to watch the fun. We laughed at all of the ribbing Lexi was giving Colby every time he missed.

“You know, I think Lexi, and Colby are mates.” Molly whispered to me.

They’re not.” I whispered back.

“How do you know? Melissa asked quietly.

“The day Colby came to Dark Moon for his interview, and tests at Denu, they met. Lexi said he wasn’t when he hit on her, and she turned him down. Told him he didn’t smell like hers so she wasn’t interested.” I explained in a tone only they could hear.

“Oh. Well maybe it’s not that he isn’t, but maybe she’s shut off to it because of what happened to her with the jerk Anthony Molly suggested

“Does that happen? I questioned.

“Not often, but it can when a person doesn’t trust people of the opposite sex. How has her wolf been since all of that?” Melissa questioned

“I don’t know. I haven’t asked. I don’t want to pry.” I responded watching my friend as she teased Colby again.

“Woman! I’m going to make you pay for all of your teasing.” Colby growled as he picked up his horseshoe from two feet in front of where it was supposed to be.

“How? You can’t seem to get a good throw in.” Lexi snarked.

“Meet me at the dunk tank. First one to dunk the other has bragging rights the rest of the night.” Colby suggested with a smirk.

My eyes widened. Lexi was in so much trouble. Colby played pitcher for our league team his whole. childhood, and played for the high school team as well.

“I’m not scared. Bring it on.” Lexi said, with a lift of her chin.

“If they’re not mates, and she doesn’t realize it, there is still DEFINITELY an attraction there.” Molly whispered to me.

“Yeah, but Lexi is waiting for her mate.” I whispered back.

We all followed Lexi, and Colby to the dunk tanks set up near the edge of the yard. Colby, and Lexi went off to the person in charge of the tanks. The rest of us were standing off to the side. I smiled when

Rowen came up behind me, put an arm around my waist, and pulled me back against his chest.

“Are you having a good time sweet girl?” He asked me.

“I am.” I responded as I smiled up at him happily.

“Good. I’m glad. I heard something.”

“What’s that?”

“That some beautiful little red head, has been coming up with some really great ideas for her pack members today, and she has people really excited about those ideas.”

“Oh…..what…what did they say?”

“Well Lucy told me that her daughter, who has been wanting to open her own shop to sell her paintings. when she turns eighteen, was given a suggestion to do group painting nights for pack members, and elderly to come learn to paint something. I also heard that the crafters here today were asked if they would be interested in doing a craft show every couple of months to show, and sell their crafts. They are all really excited about these ideas, and hope to see them happen.”


“Yes. You may not believe it, or even want to accept it, but you did something a Luna does today. You- came up with an idea to help people in your pack, and you made them excited about it. You saw something they could do with something they have, and want to share with their pack, but on a small scale it’s hard for them. You gave them a way to do that. You also helped a young girl who may struggle to get something off the ground, and added something to it that may help her business flourish. Like it or not, you are a Luna, and I KNOW you will do wonderfully at it, when the time comes.”

“Oh. Iuh. Hadn’t thought of it that way. I just thought it might be something people would enjoy.”

“And that my sweet girl, is something a Luna does.”


“Yes. I’m very proud of you.”

“Tha….thank you.”

Rowen turned me in his arms, and tilted my head up to look me in the eye. He was smiling brightly at me, and I couldn’t not smile back at him. He leaned to down to kiss me, and I met him in the middle, lifting up on my toes. It wasn’t the same passionate kisses we’ve shared before, but it was a wonderful kiss, filled. with joy, happiness, and appreciation. When we pulled away from each other, we just smiled at each other.

“While you are gone at school, I will get Molly, and Melissa on setting up the craft shows. I was told every three months. I’ll make sure it happens. When you come home you can take it over from them.” Rowen said with a smile.

“Thank you. I know the pack will appreciate it, and three years is a long time to wait.” I responded.

“Anything for you sweet girl. You just keep looking out for our pack, and their happiness.”

“I’ll try.”

“I know you’ll do wonderful things. Now it looks like Colby is up in the tank first.”

I turned around in Rowen’s arms to watch the show. Colby had stripped off his shirt, shoes, and socks. I was almost surprised he kept his pants on, but I was thankful. Lexi grabbed three large softballs, and lined

“Come on Lexi pie. Lets see what you’ve got.” Colby jeered, and he flexed his muscles.

“Do NOT call me that! Hold you’re breath buddy cause you’re going down.” Lexi growled as she threw a ball, missing the target completely.

“What was that? A five year old could have done better.” Colby joked, and I saw Lexi’s face turn red, as Colby flexed again. I couldn’t help, but giggle this time.

“I’m just warming up.” Lexi snapped, but she missed a second time, she only had one ball left.

“If you say so legs.” Colby laughed.

“Legs? Seriously?” Lexi gapped at him.

“Of course. Your sexy legs go on for miles.” Colby smiled smugly at Lexi.

“Stop checking me out you dog!” Lexi growled, and threw her last ball, but missed, “Damn it.”

“I’m not a dog. I’m a wolf, and I can’t help, but check out your legs when you have them on full display.” Colby chuckled as he jumped up from his seat, and climbed down from the dunk tank.

“Oh shut up.” Lexi snapped.

“Get your ass up there. It’s my turn.” Colby laughed as he grabbed the balls Lexi had thrown, and lined up.

He waited until Lexi took her shoes off, and took his spot at the dunk tank. Once she was seated, Colby smirked.

“What? Not going to take off your shirt like I did?” Colby asked innocently.

“Hell no! I’m not an idiot like you.” Lexi snapped, and rolled her eyes.

“Suit yourself. It just might have kept me distracted enough to miss.” Colby said with a smile, and threw his first ball.

He missed, but just barely, I knew exactly what he was doing. He was playing with her. Unfortunately I knew Lexi was getting dunked today. I felt bad for her, but she did bring this on herself.

“Ha! You couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.” Lexi laughed at him.

“I hit closer than you did on all three of your throws.” Colby said with a smirk.

He was definitely playing with her. I snickered right along with Jax. We both knew how accurate Colby was. He only missed to mess with Lexi.

“You talk a good game, but I don’t see any action.” Lexi quipped.

“Oh baby girl if it’s action you want, I can show you action. Any time, any where.” Colby said as he threw the second ball, and Lexi gasped.

I blushed, hard, and my eyes widened. I couldn’t believe he said that. Of course his second throw missed by an inch. Yup Lexi was going in on the next throw.

“You… pig!” Lexi snapped.

“No baby. I’m a wolf. There is a BIG difference. I can show you, if you like. You ready to get wet?” Colby asked with an evil grin.

“You don’t have it in you.” Lexi growled.

“That’s what you think.” Colby said as he drew back his arm, and threw the ball.

The whole thing seemed to move in slow motion. I watched as the ball hit the target dead center, and Lexi’s eyes widen as she gasped. She shrieked as she hit the water, and went under. Colby crossed

his arms over his chest, and had a smug smile on his face as Lexi stood up from the water.

“Baby girl, never, and I do mean never challenge a baseball player to hit a target.” Colby said to her, looking proud.

“You…, but you missed all of those shots in horseshoes.” Lexi sputtered as she wiped water from her face.

“Different type of throw, different item being thrown. Besides you looked like you were enjoying yourself, beating me like that.” Colby said as he helped her out of the tank.

“You threw the game?” Lexi shrieked.

“Nah. I’m not that great at horseshoes.” Colby admitted.

“Damn it. Now I’m all wet.” Lexi grumbled.

“Yes. Yes you are.” Colby said in a rough voice, as he checked her out.

“Stop that you disgusting pig.” Lexi snapped.

At that point we were all laughing at the two of them. I watched as Colby leaned over, and whispered something in Lexi’s ear. I watched as her eyes widened, and she got very red in the face. Finally she turned to glare at him, and shake her head, then she stomped toward us, looking angry.

“I need to go change. I’m soaked.” Lexi mumbled.

“Don’t worry. You’ll dry out quick in the sun. Besides the guy running the thing is bringing you a towel now.” Molly said trying not to laugh.

“Oh. I…alright.” Lexi muttered, taking the towel, and wiping herself down.

“What did he say to you?” I asked her quietly.

“Nothing. He’s just being stupid.” She whispered back.

I pinched my brow at her. Something was up. She just shook her head at me. I shrugged, and let it go. We were about to walk away from the dunk tank when Alpha Joseph, Dimitri, and Gamma Peter walked up to

“Not so fast boys. You three seem to have forgotten the yearly tradition that closes down the games, and starts the dancing” Alpha Joseph said with a smile.

“No dad. Come on. We don’t need to do this.” Ross pleaded, looking at Gamma Peter. “Sorry boys, but it’s tradition, and the pack loves it.” Alpha Joseph stated.

“What is going on?” Lexi asked.

“I have no idea.” I responded, but noticed Melissa was jumping up, and down, clapping.

“Melissa, what is he talking about?” Molly asked.

“The last game played for the night is dunk the leaders. The Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and the three that will replace them in the future, if they’re here, and already been appointed line up. Each pack member can choose a leader they want to try to dunk. Since there are three tanks, three people are chosen by three pack members. Each pack member gets three throws to try to dunk their chosen party. Nobody has to pay for these throws, but they can donate. All the money donated goes to the orphanage. Luna Jane started it about ten years ago. The pack loved it so much Alpha Joseph kept it going.” Melissa explained.

“I had hoped he stopped this after mom died.” Rowen grumbled.

“Come on boys. Lets go.” Alpha Joseph called.

With a grumble, Rowen, Jax, and Ross made their way over to their dads. I stood back, and giggled at the looks on their faces. After a quiet word, Rowen, Jax, and Ross stood to one side of Alpha Joseph, while Dimitri, and Ross stood to his other side. Alpha Joseph stood front, and center.

“Alright Moonlight pack. It’s time for everyone’s favorite event of the night.” Alpha Joseph boomed out in his Alpha voice so every one could hear him, as well as through the pack mind link.

I looked around to see a lot of people rushing to where we were standing. I smiled to see so many excited people, and all in one place.

“It’s time for the leader dunk. Each person who wants to participate, line up behind one of the three chalk marks. When it is your turn you pick who you want to try to dunk. You each have three throws in which to do so. Now remember you only get one turn so make it count. There are no rules to this so just have fun. You do not need to pay for this, but if you so choose to, you can put some money into the donation bucket on the table over there. All of that money goes to the orphanage. Please donate folks. Those pups, while few, need us.

“As a special treat tonight, we’ve added a few more of us to pick from. Our future Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. Rowen, Jax, and Ross. Get in line, and have fun all!” Alpha Joseph yelled out.

I watched, and giggled as pack members rushed to form lines. It seemed a lot of people wanted a chance to dunk their leaders. I was shocked when some one grabbed my hand, and pulled me into the line. I looked to see it was Molly, and she was grinning ear to ear. Melissa, Lexi, Colby, Braxton, and Gina were right with us. Some how we ended up at the front of one of the lines.

“I am so dunking Jax.” Molly snickered.

“Ross is all mine.” Melissa giggled. 1

“I HAVE to dunk my dad this year.” Gina said.

“Who are you going to try to dunk, Chas?” Lexi asked me.

I looked over all the men standing in front of us. I looked at each one carefully. I stopped on Rowen, who was shooting me puppy dogs eyes, and silently pleading with me. I just smiled sweetly at him, and hist shoulders slumped.

“Alright ladies, gentlemen, and pups, it seems we have our future Luna, Beta Female, and Gamma Female at the front of the line. Why don’t we let them kick things off for us tonight.” Alpha Joseph called out with a big smile.

I blushed when he referred to me as the future Luna. They kept saying that, but I was still unsure. I pushed that aside for the moment. I had a game to play. I smiled as Rowen pouted.

“Don’t worry short stack. I’ll help you dunk him.” Colby whispered in my ear to which I smiled, and nodded.

“Jax get your sexy ass up there. You’re getting dunked tonight baby.” Molly whooped.

I giggled as Jax grumbled, and moved to the tank on the right. I looked away when he started to stripe off he clothes.

“You too Ross. Get a move on.” Melissa giggled.

He pouted, and moved to the tank on the left, stripping his clothes. I looked down, and blushed.

“Chastity, you’re turn. Pick out your victim.” Alpha Joseph said loudly.

I looked at those left standing, and smirked at Rowen.

“Sorry Rowen, but it’s only fair.” I said happily.

He pouted at me, slumped his shoulders. Once he reached the center tank, he pulled his shirt, shoes, and shorts off. I was thankful they were all still wearing their boxers. Once they were in place, I took a minute. to admire Rowen’s body. He was very good looking, and well built.

“Alright ladies. Three throws, anything goes, but please take turns throwing. Have fun.” Alpha Joseph stated.

“Molly, you realize you’re going to pay for this later right?” Jax asked.

“Yup, but it is so worth it.” Molly responded then threw her first ball, sadly she missed

“Ha! You can’t hit a thing with that arm.” Jax laughed.

“We’ll see.” Molly said with a smile.

“Melissa, don’t please. This water looks cold. I might shrivel up.” Ross whined at Melissa.

“You’ll survive.” Melissa said with a shrug, and threw her ball, missing.

“Chastity, sweet girl. You’re too sweet to do this to me, right?” Rowen asked me. 1

“I don’t know……….maybe. I’m not sure.” I joked, tapping my finger against my chin like I was thinking it over.

I almost giggled when I saw Rowen’s face brighten, thinking I wasn’t going to dunk up. I did smile when Colby stepped up behind me, placed his hand over mine on the ball, pulled my arm back, and threw the ball right at the target. It hit dead center, and Rowen went down. I laughed at his shocked face. He came back up sputtering.

“You…you cheated. You can’t do that Colby.” Rowen grumbled.

“No rules, remember Rowen. I can help my baby sister any way I want.” Colby said proudly.

“Damn it. Dad! Seriously! He can’t do that, can he?” Rowen asked as he climbed back up to his seat.

“Sorry son, no rules. He can do whatever he wants. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OUR FUTURE LUNA HAS MADE THE FIRST DUNK!” Alpha Joseph called out to the crowd, and they all cheered as I blushed. Colby, and Braxton helped all three of us girls dunk Rowen, Jax, and Ross for the last of our throws. By the last dunk we were all giggling so hard at their grumbling we could hardly breath. Next to throw were Lexi, Braxton, and Gina. Gina obviously picked her dad. Braxton picked Dimitri, but Lexi just looked at all of them, it was clear she didn’t know who to pick.

“Um Alpha Joseph. Can I make a substitution please?” Lexi asked.

“I don’t see why not Who do you pick?” Alpha Joseph asked, and I knew by the evil grin on her face exactly who she was going to pick, apparently I wasn’t the only one.

“Damn it.” I heard Colby grumble.

“Colby Bloomfield.” Lexi called out.

“You got it. Colby get up there.” Alpha Joseph said.

I almost feel over laughing at his face. Jax walked up to Lexi, and whispered something to her. She smiled, and nodded to him. Jax then approached Molly.

“Babe, I love you. You know that. Remind your wolf of that.” Jax said quietly.

“Why?” Molly asked looking confused.

“I’m going to help Lexi dunk Colby. I wanted to warn you so you can keep your wolf calm when I touch her hand, and help her throw. I won’t do more than that, but I just..

“You don’t want me to get all upset, and jealous. Thank you baby, but I’ll be fine. Colby deserves it after he played Lexi like that. He knew he would dunk her, but still agreed to their little bet.”

“Ok. Good.”

Jax kissed her quick then moved back to Lexi.

“Oh come on man. Really? My own brother is going to help do this to me?” Colby complained as Jax stepped up behind Lexi.

“Yup. Turn about is fair play.” Jax agreed with an evil smile.

“That’s not right man. Not at all.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll get your turn.”


Braxton ended up taking the first throw, and Dimitri went down. He didn’t get upset or anything, just told Braxton that was a nice throw, and moved back to his seat.

Colby didn’t even get a change to say anything before Lexi, and Jax threw her first ball. Colby hit the water with a growl, and Lexi celebrated, causing us all to laugh. When it was Gina’s turn, Jax moved to help her too.

“Baby girl, I know you think you want to dunk your dear ole dad, but you really don’t. I know you don’t.”. Alpha Joseph whined. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“Sorry daddy, but I really do.” Gina giggled, and with Jax’s help threw the ball, hitting the target perfectly.

Each man got dunked three times before the next group of pack members stepped up. Eventually Molly, Melissa, Lexi, Gina, Braxton, and I found a spot to sit off to the side, and watch. Colby ended up staying with the group of males being dunked as people decided they wanted a shot at him too. It was a lot of fun to watch. I especially loved to watch the faces of the pups when they dunked their chosen leader. Parents had no problem picking up their pup, and carrying them to the target so they could hit it with the ball still in hand. After an hour or so things died down, and the line dispersed. The soaked males took towels, dried off then dressed, all while laughing, and smiling. Even though they complained, it was clear they had all enjoyed themselves. As Jax, Rowen, Colby, and Ross made their way to us, Melissa leaned over to tell us it was time for dancing. 2

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