The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Chapter 64


It’s been a great week having Chastity at home, and spending so much time with her. I have loved every minute of it, and I’m sad that she has to leave tomorrow to go back to school. I’m not ready for it, but I doubt I ever will be. Not having my mate by my side day, and night is tough. Duke hates it too, but just like me, he just has to deal with it, but we can deal with that tomorrow.

Tonight is another date night. This time Jax, Ross, Molly, and Melissa are coming along. We asked Lexi, and Colby if they wanted to join us, but both said no. Lexi said she wanted to get her stuff packed up. Colby had an evening planned with his friends. I know Chastity was disappointed, but she understood. She didn’t try to push them to join us either.

Needless to say I was standing in my apartment with Ross, and Jax, again, preparing for our dates. I

I laughed when I realized we were all dressed the same, expect our shirts were different colors. Ross was wearing red, Jax was in blue, and I was in dark green.

“Did you two idiots remember flowers this time?” I asked them with a chuckle.

“Damn it. Why didn’t you remind me earlier?” Jax growled.

“Man, you suck at this. How Molly didn’t reject you is beyond me.” Ross joked.

“I take gooood care of her in other ways.” Jax snickered.

“That’s not romance you dummy.” Ross quipped.

“Like hell it isn’t.” Jax gripped.

“It isn’t.”

“Sorry man, but I’ve gotta agree with Ross on this one. Your romance game is weak.” I agree with a laugh.

“Shit. I’ve got an hour. I’ll be right back.” Jax said as he ran out the door to sound of Ross, and I laughing.

“I hope he knows what flowers she likes, or he’s going to look like an even bigger idiot.” Ross said as he shook his head.

“I think he knows more than we give him credit for.” I shrugged.

“Yeah. Maybe. How are you holding up with Chastity leaving again tomorrow?”

“It’s hard, and I don’t want her to go. I have to keep reminding myself that she needs this, and as much as it sucks, she needs this right now.”

“Yeah she does. She’s only been gone about a month, but she’s already changed so much. She seems happier, more relaxed.”

“She does, but she has a long way to go. It’s just going to take time.”

“Yeah. Dad told me about what Naomi did. I was so mad.”

“You weren’t the only one.”

“Did Chastity really recommend therapy for Naomi?”

“She did. She said that maybe the reason Naomi is still doing what she’s doing is because her self esteem is so low she is lashing out to make herself feel better. Chastity thinks that therapy might help her build her self esteem, and realize what she was doing to others.”

“Well dad is looking for a therapist for her. I guess we’ll see what happens. I’m not very hopeful though.”

“I get it.”

We started talking about pack business when Jax walked back in carrying a bouquet of mixed flowers. There were a bunch of different flowers. It was a bit confusing. I looked at him questioningly.

“Dude, what the hell is that?” Ross questioned.

“Mol loves wildflowers, and a mixture of them. She likes all the different colors, and smells mixed together.” Jax explained.

“Uh. Ok.” Ross shrugged.

“Come on guys. We’re going to be late.” I said as I grabbed Chastity’s bouquet, and we left.

Lexi opened the door with a giggle when I knocked on the door.

“Why do you knock when Jax lives here?” Lexi asked.

“This one here thinks it makes us look like gentlemen. I think it just makes him look like an idiot.” Jax answered as he pointed his thumb at me. “Mol! We’re here. Let’s go.”

“Damn it Jax! Could you, just once be romantic, and act like a gentleman?” Molly yelled from Chastity’s room.

just shook my head, and Ross snickered as Jax grumbled Molly, Melissa, and Chastity came out of the bedroom with smiles. Molly stopped, and widened her eyes at Jax.

“Oh my goddess! You got me flowers. You actually almost redeemed yourself.” Molly said as she walked to Jax with a smile.

“You like that mess?” Ross questioned.

“Yes. It’s a mix of wildflowers. Just how I like them.” She answered as she took the flowers from a smug looking Jax.

I just shook my head at him, and move to my sweet girl. She was smiling shyly up at me. She was wearing another sun dress. This one was light green, and she had a small white cover over her shoulders. She was wearing her cowboy boots. When she had first told me Norm talked her into buying them I wasn’t sure she would look right with them, but they worked for her. Her hair was done in soft curls, with the sides. pinned back with little clips with butterflies on them. She looked like the cute country girl next door again.

I loved it.

“Hi sweet girl. I got these for you.” I said as I handed her the lilies.

“Thank you.” She smiled, and took the flowers, sniffing them.

“You’re welcome. You look very pretty tonight.”

“Thank you. You look pretty handsome.”


“Come on. Lets get this show on the road.” Jax called out.

“Man, you are terrible at this.” Ross grumbled.

“He’s always been this way.” Molly admitted as she took all of the flowers in the kitchen to put in water.

“How in the hell did you ever accept him if this is how he is?” Ross questioned.

“Hey man! Come on.” Jax complained.

“Despite being an idiot in some areas, he’s a good man. I just deal with the fact that he sucks at romance.

Before you say it Jax sex is NOT romance.” Molly stated as she put the flowers in water with Lexi’s help.

“Sure it is Mol.” Jax argued.

“Lexi, I hope your mate, whoever he is, is not this much of an idiot when it comes to romance.” Molly looked to Lexi, and Lexi just shrugged.

If Colby was her mate, sadly she was screwed. From what I remember, Colby was as bad at romance as Jax. I shook the thought away because it wasn’t my business, or problem.

“Now, we can go.” Molly stated as she finished with the flowers.

“Finally.” Jax grumbled, and Molly smacked his arm, smiling at him.

I chuckled as I held my arm out for Chastity to take. She smiled up at me as she did, and I couldn’t resist. I kissed the top of her head. We followed behind Jax, and Molly after saying goodbye to Lexi. I could tell that Chastity felt bad about leaving her behind, but if she didn’t want to come we couldn’t force her. Once we were out of the house, and walking toward town, Melissa spoke up.

“What are we doing tonight?” Melissa asked.

“We’re having dinner at the Italian place again then there is concert in the center of town we’re going to.” Ross answered.

“Oh. That sounds like it will be a good time.” Molly said excitedly.

“Who’s playing?” Melissa asked.

“One of the small pack bands. They mostly do covers of human bands, but they’re good, and play a wide variety of music.” Ross responded.

“I’m excited. The only time I’ve seen a band play was the barbeque.” Chastity stated.

“It’s the same band.” Ross said.

“Oh. They were good.”

“Yeah they always are.”

When we reached the restaurant I discovered that the hostess was the same one from our first time here. She started trying to make eyes a me as soon as we walked in, but I pulled Chastity close to me, and ignored the looks. I heard her huff, and lead us to our table. After she slapped our menus down on, she walked away without a word.

“Well that was rude.” Molly said as she sat down next to Jax.

I pulled out Chastity’s seat for her, pushed her in, sat in mine, and handed her a menu.

“She was year under Rowen, and I in high school. She always had a thing for him, but he never noticed her. Surprising considering.” Jax said as he looked over his menu.

“Considering what?” Melissa questioned.

“Oh.. uh….nothing.” Jax answered nervously.

“He had a new girl he took out every other week.” Chastity answered with a giggle.

“I’m sorry sweet girl. I…uh… How did you know about that?” I sputtered.

up after you

“You are an Alpha male who discovered hormones. I lived in the same house, and cleaned and whatever girl spent hours making a mess in the living room.” Chastity looked up, and smiled at me. She looked amused, but I felt really guilty. I never once thought about the mess I left behind after hanging out with some chick. I’m just thankful I took said chick off some where away from the house to let anything else hang out, so to speak.

“I’m sorry Chastity. I never realized.” I said quietly.

“It’s in the past. Besides, Colby was worse. Some things I cleaned up from him were just gross. I don’t know how he, and one girl did it, but some how they managed to get soda up, under the coffee table.” Chastity shrugged as she looked over her menu.

“Are you sure it was soda?” Ross asked with a snicker.

“I would like to think it was, and choose to continue to believe that. Otherwise I might vomit on him.” Chastity said with a sniff.

I chuckled, and began looking over the menu. It was then that our waitress came over to our table. I groaned quietly when I saw it was the same one from the last time we were here. Yet again she was adjusting her clothing to an inappropriate look. Seeing this, I tapped Ross’s leg with my foot. He looked at me in question. Using my head I indicated for him to look at her. His face darkened a bit, as he set his menu down, and waited for her to stop messing with her clothes, and reach the table. She gave all three of us guys a flirty smile, but ignored the girls, again. I caught Molly rolling her eyes, and heard her mumble here we go again.

“HI. I’m….” She started, but Ross cut her off.

“Yes. We are fully aware of who you are. We also remember what occurred the last time we were here. You were told then to keep your attire professional, and treat everyone at this table with respect. Don’t - think I didn’t see you undo your shirt, and pull up your skirt far above where it belongs. I will give you two choices, that you need to make right now. You can either adjust your clothing to the manner outlined in your employee handbook, which I know you read, and treat EVERY SINGLE PERSON at this table with the respect they deserve, or you can walk away now, and send Gino or another server who will remain professional. The choice is yours.” Ross said in a hard voice.

“I…but Ross…” She sputtered.

“That is Gamma Ross or sir to you. Proper respect, and attire, or walk away. NOW!” Ross growled, making Chastity jump.

I placed my hand on her shoulder to calm, and comfort her. I didn’t blame Ross for being forceful with the server, but it was clear to me that his tone made Chastity uncomfortable. It was clear he caught scent of her fear, and quietly apologized to her. She nodded at him.

“I….I’m sorry sir. I’ll be right back.” The waitress said, looking dejected then quickly walked away from the table.

“How did she not learn from the last time?” Molly asked once the girl was gone.

“Some people are just hard headed.” Melissa stated.

“You ok Chastity?” I whispered into her ear.

“Ye…yes. I’m just….” She said quiet enough that only I could hear her.

“It’s alright. We get it.”

She nodded at me, and released a breath. I kissed her temple, and went back to my menu. When the waitress finally returned, her clothes were back to how they were mean to be, and she had a basic, customer service smile on her face.

“I’m sorry about that. I’m Dana. Can I start you off with drinks?” She asked with a brittle voice, I turned, and looked at Chastity.

“Um…can I get a glass of water, and a coke please?” Chastity requested with a smile.

Dana narrowed her eyes a bit, but nodded than looked to me with a smile. After we all ordered drinks Dana walked away from the table, swinging her hips too much. I just shook my head, and focused back on our group

“I’m having her fired after tonight.” Ross mind linked me.

“Do you think that’s necessary?” I linked him back.

“Yes. She learned nothing from the last time we were here. Dad, and I came in a few weeks ago. She was our server. She almost sat in my lap at one point. She also practically threw herself at uncle Joe, and Dimi one time. She’s been written up both times. This is it for her.”


“Yeah. I’ve already linked the manager about it. He was ready to fire her immediately, but I asked him to hold off until after we leave as her boyfriend works in the kitchen.”

“You think he would do something?”

“He’s only been here a few weeks, and isn’t very good. The manager doesn’t trust him.”


“Who are you talking to?” Chastity interrupted me, and I shut the conversation down.

“Ross.” I answered.

“About what?”

“Uh. Pack business.” I hated lying to her, but I knew she would get upset if I told her about our waitress.

“Oh. Ok. Did you decide what you’re getting?”

“Not yet. I want to know what the chef’s special is first.”

“Same here.”

It was then that Dana came back with the drinks. She slammed Chastity’s down in front of her, and moved on. I growled quietly at the action. Ross narrowed his eyes at Dana as she did the same thing to Melissa, and Molly. It seemed Molly had no problem speaking up about Dana’s behavior.

“Um. Excuse me, but do we have a problem.” Molly asked Dana.

“No.” Dana answered.

“Then lose the attitude. We’re here to have a nice dinner, and you’re being rude.”

“Oh get…..sorry. It won’t happen again.”


“What can I get you to eat?” Dana asked through gritted teeth.

“Um… what is the chef’s special tonight?” Chastity asked with a smile.

“Eggplant parmesan.” Dana answered coldly.

“Oh. No thanks. Can I get the Fettucine with chicken, and house salad with ranch please?”

“Sure.” I caught the look of disdain in Dana’s eyes, but said nothing about it.

Once we had all ordered, and Dana walked away, Chastity sighed, and shook her head. I looked at her questioningly.

“You know Ross, the last time we were here I asked you to give her a chance because maybe she needed the job. I know she got reprimanded, and pulled off our table, but. Well maybe she’s just not cut out for this job.” Chastity said looking disappointed.

“I’m sorry Chastity, but she’s not. We’ve had a few problems with her since then.” Ross agreed.

“That sucks.”

“It does, but it happens sometimes.”

“I guess so. Thanks for trying though. Please don’t do anything until we leave though.”

“I hadn’t planned on it.”


“So Chastity, are you excited to go back to school tomorrow?” Molly asked, changing the subject.

“I am.” Chastity said brightly, and I felt my heart sink.

“I’m glad to hear that.” Molly said with a sad smile.

“I’ll miss all of you, but I want to get to work on my studies. I have a lot to learn, and I’m excited about it.”

“When is the next time you’re coming home?” Jax asked.

“I promised Melissa I would be here for her and Ross’s mating ceremony.” Chastity answered with a smile.

“That’s a long time from now though.” Jax pouted.

“You can always come visit me. All of you can. Why don’t we plan a weekend for all of you to come to Cloverland for the weekend. The school has guest rooms for visitors. Lexi, Norm, Marcus, and I can show you around Dark Moon.”

“That’s not a half bad idea.” Ross admitted.

“Great. When I get back, we’ll schedule something. I have to ask a week in advance for the guests rooms, and overnight passes, so check your schedules, and we’ll make something work.”

The girls started excitedly chatting about a visit to Dark Moon, and the things Chastity wanted to show them. Listening to how happy, and excited Chastity was, warmed my heart, and made me smile. They were still planning when our food arrived. Dana dumped the plates on the table, and walked away without a word. I caught the shake of Ross’s head out of the corner of my eye. We were eating when Chastity realized something.

“I never got my salad.” She said looking around the table for it.

She was right. She hadn’t. Neither had Molly or Melissa. Jax, Ross, and I got our full meals, but the girls. only had their main dishes. I spotted Dana walking over to our table with a pitcher, and was about to say something, but Chastity stopped me with a shake of her head. Instead we all ate quickly, and asked for the check. Once it was paid we all stood to leave.

Dana had come back to clear the table. I watched as she stepped to Chastity’s side, and was preparing to trip her, when I growled loudly. Both Chastity, and Dana jumped. Everyone else looked at me with wide. eyes. I pulled Chastity to my side, and glared at Dana.

“You really don’t like your job do you?” I growled at Dana.

“….what?” Dana sputtered.

“You’ve been rude to our mates since we got here. You forgot the girls’ salads, and I think that was on purpose. You almost spilled water on Chastity, twice. Finally, just now you were preparing to trip her. So ! ask again, do you really not like your job?”

“….I wasn’t going to trip her. You must have been seeing things.”

“Did you really just say that to your future Alpha?” Molly questioned.

“Nobody was talking to you low life.” Dana snapped.

“Watch it! Do not talk to my mate or the future Beta female of this pack like that.” Jax growled.

Dana just glared.

“You know Dana, we have given you multiple chances to treat your customers with respect, and professionalism, but you just can’t seem to manage it. Tonight was not as bad as some, but not great either. You served the table of the six people who will some day be the leaders of this pack. Instead of treating them in the manner their positions deserve you treated every female here lower than dirt, while flirting with their mates. Such behavior is inappropriate, disrespectful, and down right rude. It is also not appreciated in this establishment. I was going to allow your manager to do this, but with what you almost did to YOUR FUTURE LUNA, I will not be waiting. As of this moment you are fired. Go change out of your uniform, get your belongings, and leave. Your remaining tables will be handled by other

servers tonight. While you don’t deserve it we did leave you a hefty tip. Consider that your severance pay. You also may not use this establishment as a reference for future employment. Now go.” Ross stated firmly.

Dana went to open her mouth to say something back, but Ross only glared, and pointed in the direction of the back room. Dana huffed, and stomped off. We were leaving as the manager came rushing toward us apologizing for what happened. We waved him off as it wasn’t his fault, and went on our way.

“….I didn’t even see her try to trip me.” Chastity whispered to me after we left.

“I did. That’s why I didn’t let you stand right away. If you had stood up while she was still standing next to, you would have fallen.” I said quietly.

“Oh. Well thank you.”

“I’m sorry dinner didn’t go so well.”

“What are you talking about? Even though she wasn’t very good, I still had a great time. The server didn’t take that way.”

“Well than I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”

“I did. Now I’m ready for this concert.”

“Well lets get to it.”

We all quickly made our way to the center of town, and found spots to sit on the lawn that surrounded the fountain. I pulled Chastity down between my legs, and back against my chest, using one arm to prop us up while the other was wrapped around her waist. Having her in my arms was the best feeling in the world. I enjoyed the feeling while she chatted, and giggled with Molly, and Melissa on either side of us. Sitting against Ross, and Jax just as we were.

When the music started to play the girls stopped talking to listen. I could hear Chastity humming along with some of the songs, and it made me smile even more. She was relaxed, happy, and enjoying herself. I was thankful for that. When other couples started to stand up to dance, I pulled Chastity up with me, and started to dance with her. Holding her close to me, and just enjoying the feeling of her being right where she belonged. I also kissed her quite a bit. I couldn’t resist. She was so beautiful, and so damn kissable. She blushed every time I did, and it only made me want to kiss her more.

By the time the concert was over it was getting pretty late so we all decided to head back home. The walk back was quiet, but still enjoyable. By the time we reached Jax’s apartment Chastity was leaning pretty heavily against me from exhaustion. When we walked in voices were heard coming from the living. room. We peeked in as we walked by to see it was Colby and Lexi sitting on opposite couches talking quietly. I almost laughed when Molly smiled brightly, but Chastity pushed her to keep moving down the hall Once we reach Chastity’s room, Chastity grabbed her pajamas, and went into the bathroom. I grabbed my pajama pants, sat on the bed, and waited. Of course as soon as I sat down Lilac crawled up my arm to my shoulder, and sat there, rubbing against my head, and ear.

“What is it with that furball? Why must it climb on us, and rub on us?” Duke grumbled in my mind.

“Chastity says it means she likes us, and is claiming us as hers.” I responded as I reached up, and scratched behind Lilac’s ear.

“No. No way! The only one that can claim us is our mate.” Duke growled.

“Oh calm down mutt. She didn’t mean it like that. She means that she is telling other cats that we belong to her. Cats don’t like to share, and this is their way to telling other cats to back the hell off.”

“Like what we do with our mate when we mark, mate, and scent them?”

“Exactly, but not quite. Her rubbing is scenting. Like us, cats have their own scent that other cats. recognize, and know to stay away.”

“Oh great. So now we’re going to go around smelling like a damn cat! I don’t like this! Not one bit!”

“Oh relax.”

“No. The only one marking us in any way is our mate.”

“Dude, chill. It will wash off when we shower.”

“It better. I will not have us walking around smelling like some damn cat! We’re an Alpha for Goddess sakes! We should not go around smelling like some weak being that we should eat, not let rub on us.”

“You better not try to eat Lilac. Leila, and Chastity will never forgive you.”

“I won’t. Our mate loves the weird thing. I wouldn’t hurt mate like that.”


Duke huffed, and curled up in the back of my mind. I could tell his was glaring about Lilac marking us as her territory, but it only made me chuckle. He was being ridiculous about this. I smiled when Chastity. emerged from the bathroom. She was wearing little blue cotton shorts, and a matching tank top. She looked very sexy. She giggled when she saw Lilac on my shoulder. Lilac jumped down, and went right to Chastity, looking up and squeaking at her. Chastity bent down to pick her up, and I had to look away quickly. I could see right down her shirt. If I looked too long I would have a big problem. Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.

1 grabbed my pants, and did my best not to run to the bathroom. I stayed in there longer than I needed to. I had to calm myself down, and block out Duke because he was not helping matters one bit. He was back to trying to get me to mate her, now. He didn’t want to hear excuses. When I was finally calmed down, I walked out of the bathroom to find Chastity laying on her stomach, writing in her journal.

I admired the lines of her back, and ass, all the way to the tips of the toes on the little feet she had up in the air. Goddess she was perfect. When the time came that she finally let me claim her it was going to be amazing. I could just tell by looking at her. Taking a deep breath I moved to the other side of the bed, and laid down on my side, facing her, propping my head on my hand. I couldn’t resist, I reached out, and started running the pad of my finger along her back. I smirked at the goosebumps that popped up on her skin, and the shiver I saw go through her body.

“What are you doing Chastity?” I asked her quietly.

“Writing in my journal.” She answered, as she continued to write.

“What are you writing about?”

“About my day, and how much I enjoyed tonight.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”

“Me too. Did you have a good time?”

“I was with you so absolutely.”

“I’m glad.”

I don’t know what came over me, or why I did it, but I leaned forward, and placed a kiss on her right. shoulder blade. I smirked against her skin when I felt her shiver again. I stayed in that position, and just breathed her in. She smelled amazing, and her skin was so soft. I ended up kissing her again, and she sighed quietly. I was a little surprised when she moved her hair over her left shoulder, then went back to writing. I took that as a sign that she enjoyed my kisses so I moved closer to her, and place another kiss on her spine. I chuckled when I felt another shiver course through her body.

I leaned back when she reached over to her nightstand, to set her journal down, and turn off her light. She stayed on her stomach, but laid her head on the pillow, facing me smiling. I smiled back at her as I continued to run my fingers over the exposed portion of her back. My fingers ran over one of her scars, and I moved my hand away quickly.

“Do they hurt when they’re touched?” I asked quietly.

“No. They just feel weird. It’s hard to explain.” She answered.

“I won’t touch them if you don’t want me to.”

“No. It’s ok. That felt really good.”

“Did it?”

“Yes. The…um…the kisses felt even better.”

“Did they?”


“Would you like me to cover your back in kisses sweet girl?”

…uh….um…you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“Beautiful I’ll kiss you any where you want me to.”

I chuckled when she blushed, and buried her face in her pillow. After a moment I began to trail my fingers along the exposed skin on her back again. Finally she lifted her head, and turned her face back to me. I searched her eyes for a minute before I got the courage to speak again.

“Can I do something?”


“Lift the back of your shift for me. All the way up to your neck. You can still keep your chest covered, but show me your whole back please.”


“You’ll see. You’ll like it. I promise.”

“Can you turn around for a minute please?”


I turned to face the other side of the bed. I heard her sigh then slowly sit up. I heard some clothes move around then her lay back down. I could hear her breath quicken. I couldn’t tell if it was fear or what, but I waited until she told me I could turn back around. What I found made me swallow the drool pooling in my mouth. Her back was fully exposed, along with most of her side. She looked perfect, and so soft. Her eyes though were filled with worry.

“Don’t worry sweet girl. I won’t do anything more than cover your back in kisses. If you don’t like it, or feel uncomfortable, just tell me, and I will stop. Ok?” I whispered, and she nodded.

I smiled as I leaned forward, and placed a kiss on her spine, right between her shoulder blades. I smiled at the shiver I felt run through her, and the goosebumps. Slowly I kissed up to the her hairline at the base of her neck then down to her marking spot right where her neck meets her shoulder. I smiled when I noticed she was wearing the necklace I gave her before she left. She sighed softly as I kissed the same spot several times. I looked forward to the day my mark would be right where I was kissing. It would look perfect on her.

Before I got too carried away on that one spot I started to kiss along her right shoulder blade, and across to her left. When I reached the top of her larger scar I kissed it.

“This right here shows me, and the world just how strong you are my beautiful girl. You survived so much pain, and came out of it strong, beautiful, sweet, kind, caring, loving, and so intelligent.” I whispers against her skin as I kissed along the scar.

“Th….thank you.” She whispered shakily. I could hear and smell her tears.

“There’s not reason to cry. You are amazing.”

“They aren’t sad tears. They’re happy tears. I promise.”


I started to kiss one her smaller scars, and she shivered again. I smiled against her skin as I continue to worship the signs of her strength that were on her back. I was trying to reach the furthest spot on her lower back, but without laying on top of her, I couldn’t reach it.

“This feelings really good.” Chastity moaned quietly.

I smirked, and started to kiss up her spine. I finally gave up fighting myself, and rolled so my chest as against her ass, and propped myself up on my elbows. She locked up for a second, but relaxed again. when I began kissing along her back again. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could do this though. Between her sighs, and quiet moans I was getting harder, and harder by the second. I didn’t want to stop, but I needed to. I placed on last kiss on the center of her spine, and moved away from her.

I quickly pulled the sheet back, and threw it over my waist to cover the way my body was reacting to her. When I looked over at her, she had her eyes closed, but a smile on her face. I pushed her hair

behind her ear, and just admired her peaceful beauty. When she finally opened her eyes against, they were bright, relaxed, and happy.

“Thank you. That felt very good.” Chastity whispered.

“You’re welcome sweet girl.” I said quietly.

! chuckled quietly as she tried to wiggle her top back on. I turned away to let her put her shirt back in place. I rolled back to her, when I felt her hand on my back. I turned back to find her laying on her side. facing me, and smiling at me. I stared into her beautiful bright green eyes. She had the prettiest eyes I had ever seen. I put my hand on her waist, and pulled her toward me. I kissed her gently at first, but when I prodded her lips with my tongue, and she opened for me I groaned. Before I knew it she was on her back, her arms around my neck. I was fisting her top, and our chests were pressed tight together. Her moans, and sighs as I explored her mouth with my tongue were driving me crazy. She tasted so sweet, I didn’t want stop.

I knew I had to when I realized I was pressing my hard dick against her hip. It was hard to stop, but her fingers pulling at my hair, and her trying to move her hip away from me, told me I needed to. I moved my dick away from her first than slowed the kiss until I pulled away to look down at her. Her eyes fluttered open I could see the lust in her eyes, but also worry. I kissed her lips gently once then pulled completely away from her.

“Sorry sweet girl. I can’t help what he does. He has a mind of his own.” I whispered.

“Huh? He? Wha…….ohhhh.” Chastity blushed, and hid her face in her hands.

“There is nothing to do be embarrassed about. It’ll go down in a bit.”

“Uh. Ok.”

“Get some sleep Chastity.”

“Ok. Good night Rowen.”

“Good night Chastity.”

I waited a few minutes for my cock to calm down then pulled her back against my chest. I fell asleep with a smile on my face, even though my heart was heavy. This would be my last time holding Chastity in my sleep for awhile. I would have to really enjoy this because the feelings had to last for who knows how tong.

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