Mated To Alpha Kessler

Chapter 71

With trembling hands, I pick up each strip; my eyes scan the results with a mix of apprehension and hope. As I take in the sight of the clear, unmistakable sign-positive-tears well up in my eyes.

The weight of the truth settles over me like a heavy blanket. I am pregnant. The news hits me, washing away any lingering doubts or denials.

Thoughts race through my mind, wondering how my life will change, and how I will go through this new chapter. I gently place the test aside, with the realization that I am carrying new life, a precious gift.

Turning to Holly, who’s been waiting anxiously outside the bathroom, I manage a weak smile. “Holly,” I whisper, my voice trembling with emotion. “I’m pregnant.”

For a moment, there’s a stunned silence between us. Holly steps forward and envelops me in a tight embrace, offering silent comfort and support.

After a moment, we release our embrace, my voice filled with gratitude, I murmur, “Thank you.”

Holly smiles softly. “You don’t have to thank me. We’re in this together. I’m here for you, Lyra.”

I need to think about how to get my life fully on track so I won’t be a burden to Holly. She has done more than enough for me.

Holly trails off, unsure if she should ask the question or not.

I give her a look and say, “Shoot.”

“So, who is the lucky man? I’m sorry if you don’t want to share. I understand. We all have that thing we just want to keep to ourselves and won’t like to share,” she rants non-stop.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I give a small smile and say, “Holly, it’s okay. I know we haven’t had the chance to talk about what surrounds my coming to your home, but I want to say I’m grateful for all you have done for me.”

As for your question, this pregnancy is not planned; it’s just me figuring things out on my own. But the child is for Lycan king Kessler. I am his fated mate, but he took another woman as his Luna.

Holly’s eyes widen in surprise as my revelation sinks in. She reaches out, placing a comforting hand on my arm.

“I had no idea, I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you, Holly. It’s been a challenging journey, but having your support means the world to me.”

“So what’s the next line of action?” Holly asks. “I can bet with my life that you want to keep this baby.”

“How do you mean?”

“The way you talk about him, it is obvious you deeply feel something about him, but life happens.”

“Is it that obvious, Holly?”

“Hmm, the mate bond can’t be denied, Lyra. I’m sure his heart still beats for you,” she says softly.

A part of me still longs for the connection we once shared. “But what about his Luna?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. “What about the life he’s chosen without me?”

Holly reaches out. “I can’t pretend to know what lies in his heart, Lyra. But I do know that you deserve happiness, whether it’s with him or on your path.”

I have sometimes doubted my feelings for Kessler, thinking it’s the conflicted emotions of him killing my father or the mate bond just messing with my head.

But deep down, despite the pain and uncertainty, a part of me still longs for Kessler, drawn to him by a force beyond reason.

I didn’t know how to feel about the news; my thoughts were everywhere. Sasha started dancing jubilantly, overjoyed by the news.

I know she shares a bond with Dolph, and that the pregnancy will bring a glint of hope for me and Kessler coming back together.

“Should I let him know about the pregnancy? Hell no. I’m raising this child all by myself and keeping the baby a secret.

“Nothing can come out of this. He has a Luna now; she is pregnant now, and I wouldn’t want to tamper with their happily ever after.”

“How do you know they are having a happily ever after? I know Dolph is discontent with Kessler’s decision to take Annie as his Luna. You deserve to be the Luna.”

I roll my eyes at her and say, “Sasha, I thought you were in a state of depression. It seems the news had lifted your spirit.”

She purrs in pleasure as I shut the mind link.

Even if Dolph’s discontent with Kessler’s decision is genuine, even if there’s a chance for me to reclaim what I’ve lost, I can’t ignore the undeniable truth: Kessler has made his choice. Annie is his chosen mate, and their bond is unbreakable.

A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I steel myself against the ache of longing in my heart. I may yearn for a different outcome, but I know that clinging to fantasies of what could have been will only lead to more pain.

Suddenly, the door bursts open, and a woman with a boy walks in. The boy runs with so much enthusiasm and makes a beeline for Holly.

My eyes are stuck on this gorgeous-looking boy. He is going to make heads turn when he grows older. He has piercing green eyes with blonde hair.

As the boy approaches Holly, his energy is infectious, and I smile as I watch their interaction.

Holly kneels to greet him, her face lighting up with warmth. The boy wraps his arms around her in a tight hug.

“Whoever his dad is must be a hottie, because he looks nothing like Holly.” I was so captivated by the boy’s gorgeous look that I didn’t realize the woman’s presence.

“Lyra,” the woman calls out, and my eyes snap back to her face. I recognize her from our pack; she used to be a doctor.

Coming to our pack for medical outreach, she is a sweet soul, and I begin to wonder about the connection she has with Holly.

She opens her arms for me to come closer and hug her, and I eagerly oblige. I needed that warmth and comfort, so I stepped into her embrace and melted into it.

“So good to see you again, Lyra,” she says, turning me around to have a better view.

I feel shy as I turn, smiling from ear to ear under her gaze. Despite her kind words, my eyes are still drawn to the little boy. I release myself from her embrace and make my way over to him, eager to greet him.

I stoop to his level; he is around three or four years old, and I ask him, “What’s your name?”

“I’m Declan, and you are?”

“I’m Lyra. Can I hug you?” I ask, looking between Holly and the Doctor. They both give a nod, and I engulf him in an embrace.

I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy hormones kicking in, but seeing Declan makes me want to have my pups. I can’t wait to see the life growing inside me come to life.

Holly’s voice brings me out of my thoughts. “Lyra, meet my mother,” she says. “I guess you both know each other since she calls you by your name.”

I release Declan and look between the doctor and Holly, trying to connect the dots. I’ve always known this woman as a doctor who comes and goes in and out of our pack. How come she is Holly’s mother?

Choosing not to dwell or push further, I simply say, “Nice to meet you again.”

Declan’s energy is way out of this world, and Holly looks at him with so much adoration it makes me think about my child.

Exhaustion washes over me, and I realize I need to take a rest. I give a long sigh as I excuse myself to my room.

The thought comes to mind again: you both rejected each other without accepting the rejection. What does it mean anyway? Just like always, I drift off to sleep with Kessler’s thoughts in my mind.

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