Mated To Alpha Kessler

Chapter 72

Kessler’s POV

The news about Lyra’s disappearance hits me like a thunderbolt. Never in my life have I felt so numb. I summoned the guards on patrol to ask if they saw any traces of Lyra, but they all said no. I’m furious at them for letting such a tiny piece of information about someone leaving the pack slip by.

My heart races with worry and fear as I search desperately for any sign of her. Every moment without her feels like an eternity. I can’t bear the thought of her being out there alone.

Shawn was among the guards on patrol, but I couldn’t bring myself to trust him when he claimed he didn’t see her. He should be worried, deeply concerned that she couldn’t be found, yet he seemed unshaken.

I had noticed something between him and Lyra in their last interaction. His attempts to keep it subtle, it was glaringly obvious.

Doubts about his loyalty begin to cloud my thoughts. But deep down, a nagging feeling tells me that Shawn’s involvement may hold the key to her disappearance.

I still feel my wolf is somehow connected to Sasha, Lyra’s wolf. He seems so calm and collected about the whole ordeal.

I choose not to look for her. I have a feeling in my gut that she is fine wherever she is, and when the time is right to connect with her again, I will. Nothing goes unnoticed under my watch unless I choose to let go.

Each night, when the world is quiet and my thoughts are loudest, I find myself grappling with conflicting emotions.

Should I have done more? Could I have prevented her disappearance? These questions haunt me.

I am exhausted, both physically and emotionally drained. Zach stands by my side, a loyal companion helping me through these trying times.

Annie, on the other hand, knows her place. She does everything possible to stay off my radar. I’ve noticed her pregnancy starting to show.

The only connection I have with Annie is the baby growing inside her. For the sake of the baby, I find myself softening at times, despite my reservations about her.

On occasions like that, she feels happy that I at least communicated with her, and to know that there was a time I wanted her around me. But ever since Lyra, it’s been a different ball game.

I immerse myself in packwork, ensuring that all borders threatened by rogues are closed off. I tightened security measures all around, determined to keep our pack safe.

Jack, on the other hand, has appeared before the high council. Investigations have been ongoing, and many revelations have come to light.

However, he remains in custody, awaiting the final trial. I avoid him like the plague, fearing his taunts, especially now that Lyra is no longer here.

Victory is in our favor as I am granted the right to lead his pack. Yet, I find myself torn-I can’t be in two places at once.

Shawn’s father was released, and as the former beta, he knows the pack well. He should assume duties while reporting to me.

I envy Zach and Cara; their love has been growing stronger. I can see it in Zach’s demeanor-he’s genuinely happy. I couldn’t be happier for him, knowing he’s been through so much when it comes to matters of the heart.

While I long for that same sense of completeness, I know my path is different. My duty to the pack comes first.

Zach plans to mate with Cara and mark her as his own, I feel a pang of envy mixed with longing. Their bond is undeniable, and I yearn for a connection as strong as theirs.

Yet, there’s something about Cara’s face. It’s as if I’ve seen her somewhere before, but I can’t quite place it.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

As I go around the pack, inspecting amenities that need to be put in place, Zach is by my side.

Suddenly, Zach breaks through my thoughts and asks, “How are you holding up?”

I understand what he means, but I refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I’m not fine. With effort, I manage a smile and reply, “I’m fine.”

“Don’t you wish to look for her?” Zach’s words cut through my facade, “I know you’re trying to hold a brave front, but I know you, Kessler. You’re hurting, and you choose to bury yourself in paperwork.”

With a resigned sigh, I meet Zach’s gaze. “Can you please stop?” I plead quietly. “I’m doing my best here to be the Alpha my people need. Their safety and well-being are my top priorities.” I can’t deny the ache in my heart for Lyra’s absence. But for now, duty must come first.

Zach’s words hit me like a punch to the gut. “Can you hear yourself?” he continues, his frustration palpable. “I know you signed up to protect your pack, but have you thought about protecting your one-fated mate? You have no idea where she is right now.”

His words sting and I feel a surge of guilt. How could I have been so blind to my pain while trying to fulfill my duties as Alpha?

“Gosh, I can’t believe how I’ve put up with you all these years,” Zach says, “You never cease to amaze me with how naive you are to your suffering.”

His tone is harsh, but I’m accustomed to it. Zach tends to lash out when he feels cornered, and I understand that my actions are only fueling his anger.

“Zach, don’t you see? I need to let go. What good does it do for me to keep her in the pack, constantly reminded of Annie being Luna when she should be?”

I did it for her, alright? To ease your mind, I’ll keep an eye on her. Don’t you think I already feel guilty enough?

My life was less complicated until she barged into my world like a moving truck, shattering all the walls I had built over the years.

“I’m sorry for lashing out at you,” Zach murmured, his voice tinged with regret. “It’s just that my heart aches for the pain she’s endured. I wish more than anything for you, Kessler, to stand by her through thick and thin, to make her feel the importance of having a mate who truly cares.”

Then, I catch sight of Cara and Julie walking towards us. I’ve been avoiding Julie ever since Lyra left the pack. Her fury at me for causing Lyra so much pain weighs heavily on my conscience.

According to her, she can’t count the number of times she’s had to soothe Lyra to sleep because she cries, all because of me.

That night, Lyra cried her eyes out, and Julie had to soothe her with a bowl of ice cream. I can’t help but smile at the thought of Julie offering her comfort with ice cream.

Julie approaches, her anger palpable as she points her finger accusingly at my chest. I let her vent her frustration, knowing all too well that I was to blame.

I notice Zach’s face lights up upon seeing Cara. He swiftly moves away from me and runs up to meet Cara, engulfing him in an embrace.

I mind-link Zach and call him a traitor.

“Fuck you, Kesler,” he responds sharply through the mind-link.

Julie walks closer to me, her gaze fixed on her feet as if they’re the most fascinating thing in the world right now.

I sense that she has something to say, but I choose not to interrupt her train of thought.

Finally, she looks up and stutters, “Kessler, I’m so sorry about the other day. I guess I allowed my emotions to cloud my judgment and lash out at you.”

Julie and Xavier are siblings, my cousins. Their parents passed away when they were little, so I am solely responsible for them.

“It’s okay, Julie,” I reassure her, understanding her love for Lyra and her resentment towards me for hurting her.

She looks at me, and I can sense what she wants to ask, but I’m not ready to give her the satisfaction of asking. Deep down, just mentioning Lyra’s name is enough to reopen the wounds and remind me of the pain.

I stroll through the hallway on my way to my office, passing Zach, who is still engrossed in his conversation with Cara. I stop in my tracks when I notice my father coming towards me.

“Father, you didn’t tell me you were coming over,” I say, but he doesn’t answer me. Instead, his eyes are glued to someone behind me.

Curious, I turn around to see what has captured my father’s attention, only to realize that his eyes are fixed on Cara.

In a swift second, my father moves away from me, rushing to Cara and engulfing her in a hug.

The shock on Cara’s face is evident as I notice her stiffening at my father’s embrace.

Then Zach mind-links me and asks, “What the fuck?”

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