Mated To Alpha Kessler

Chapter 70

Conor skeptically looks at me, unsure if he should tell me what’s up or just let it go. He opens his mouth, wanting to say something, but I beat him to it and say, “Please, don’t tell me. It’s not my story to tell.”

Conor’s expression softens, understanding my concern. “I wasn’t about to say that, but rather, I wanted to say… before you rudely interrupted me,” he says, stalling and smiling mischievously, clearly enjoying teasing me.

“Oh, stop keeping me in suspense,” I playfully retorted, eager to hear what he had to say.

Gosh, I love this place. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been carefree with anyone. It’s either I’m uptight or skeptical about something.

“Lyra,” he calls out, breaking my train of thought, “you’re doing that again.”

“Oh, sorry. I can’t help it. But take me as I am,” I reply in a sing-song mood, embracing my quirks with a smile.

Conor chuckles softly, appreciating my playful response. “Of course, I’ll take you as you are.”

“Okay, back to what I was asking, what happened?” I inquired eagerly, my curiosity piqued.

“She’s having amnesia,” he blurts out, his voice tinged with concern.

“Wow,” is all I manage to say, caught off guard by the unexpected revelation.

“What happened?” I ask, my tone filled with genuine concern for Holly.

“Holly has been through a lot, and she is one hell of a strong woman,” Conor explains, pride radiating from his face.

“You must be proud of her,” I remark, acknowledging Holly’s resilience and achievements.

“Who would not be? She’s our only princess, not to be toyed with. I’d go to the moon and back for her,” Conor declares, his loyalty unwavering.

“She’s the eldest of us all; we share only a mother.”

Conor’s eyes gleam with affection as he continues, “Despite everything, Holly has always been there for us, like a guiding.

She’s not just a sister; she’s a pillar of strength, a source of inspiration for all of us.”

As I listen to Conor speak so highly of his sister, a pang of jealousy creeps into my heart. I somehow feel envious, realizing that I’ve never had someone speak of me in such glowing terms.

I walk back to my room with a promise to Conor that I’d like to take a tour of the city.

I want to familiarize myself with this new city where werewolves are living among humans.

“Their large expanse of land is well big enough away from neighbors’ prying eyes if any of the wolves want to release their wolf and take a run.”

“I needed to let Sasha out, at least to soothe her from her depressing state. Get a grip on yourself and be my Sasha again,” I say, taunting her gently.

Her silence speaks volumes, leaving me to ponder the weight of my decision.

I think about the Moonpeak pack. By now, they should have found out that I’ve left the pack. I know Julie will be affected, but I did it for myself.


Two Months Later

My life in the city has been sweet. Eager to carve out a name for myself in the business world, I diligently pursued my online business management course.

Yet, amidst the hustle, I found solace in the art of baking, enrolling in a pastry school to hone my skills.

Reflecting on Holly’s journey, I feel grateful for the transformation she underwent.

The amnesia, strange as it may seem, played a role in shaping her into the kind-hearted person she is today. I pray she gets her memory back.

Gone is the old Holly, replaced by someone sweeter and more compassionate.

Through the time we’ve spent together, I’ve come to realize that she is truly a wonderful person.

Despite the demands of her busy life, she has a son, she ensures he is well taken care of by entrusting him to the care of her mother.

With Holly’s commitments as a top executive in one of the city’s hottest tech companies, her mother provides the nurturing support needed to raise her son while she pursues her career aspirations.

Lately, I’ve noticed I’ve been having weird cravings. Like longing for really spicy food, then afterward topping it with a big bowl of ice cream.

Conor, Kaden, and Steve always tease me whenever they drop me off at my catering school. Sometimes, I’ll just stop them in the middle of the road to have a taste of roadside food.

There’s something exhilarating about the spontaneity of it all, the thrill of discovering hidden gems tucked away in the bustling streets of the city.

It’s been so strange lately. I find it less amusing when I doze off, sometimes sleeping for long hours and still not feeling rested enough.

My sleep patterns leave me feeling unsettled and exhausted, despite the length of time I spend in bed.

Holly and I were seated at the lounge in the compound when I expressed my concerns about how I’d been feeling lately.

“Holly, I don’t get it. I feel so tired lately, dragging myself out of bed each morning, and I don’t seem to get enough sleep,” I admit, frustration evident in my voice.

“I can’t explain it, Holly. I have these weird cravings that are way out of the ordinary. I think I need to see a doctor,” I confide, hoping for some understanding and support.

Holly’s intense gaze feels like she’s delving into my soul, analyzing every aspect of my being. Then, without warning, she gasps, her eyes widening with realization.

“Oh, Lyra, could it be that…” she starts, her voice trailing off, leaving me on edge with anticipation.

My heart races, mirroring the urgency in her tone. I instinctively place a hand on my chest, trying to calm the frantic beating within.

“What is it, Holly?” I inquire anxiously, my nerves on edge as I wait for her response.

Holly takes a deep breath, her expression shifting from surprise to a mix of concern and realization.

“It’s just a thought, but… have you considered the possibility that you might be pregnant?”

Her words hit me like a bolt of lightning, sending a wave of emotions crashing over me. Pregnant? The idea hadn’t even crossed my mind, but as I contemplated her suggestion, everything suddenly started to make sense-the exhaustion, the strange cravings, the irregular sleep patterns.

Despite Holly’s observation, I remain in a state of denial. Pregnant? It can’t be true. I repeat the words like a mantra in my head, refusing to accept the possibility.

“Lyra, the signs are everywhere,” Holly persists, her voice gentle. “Your breasts are fuller, you’ve gained weight in the right places, coupled with your weird cravings…”

I can’t ignore the evidence staring me in the face any longer.

The thought of being pregnant feels like a cruel twist of fate, threatening to tie me back to Kessler despite my efforts to sever our connection.

“No, I can’t be pregnant,” I protest vehemently, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance. The last thing I want is anything that would bind me to Kessler.

My thoughts drifted back to that wild night when passion and desire had clouded my judgment.

I remember the intensity of our encounter during my heat, the raw need that consumed us both. He didn’t use protection, and he poured his seed inside me.

The realization hits me like a blow to the chest, filling me with a sense of dread and regret. How could I have been so careless?

I berate myself inwardly, “How can I be so dumb?” It dawns on me that I’ve grown accustomed to relying on the doctor’s prescribed pills after Tristan and I had sex, which inadvertently made me forget to take morning-after pills.

But despite the sinking feeling in my gut, I shake my head in denial. “I’m not pregnant,” I insist to Holly, though doubt gnaws at the edges of my mind. “Wait here, I’ll be back.”

I hastily exit the lounge and make a beeline for the store. Zeroing in on the ladies’ section, I waste no time in grabbing three pregnancy test kits.

“These three can’t be wrong,” I reassure myself as I pay for the pregnancy test kits and hastily dash back to the house.

The store is only a few blocks away, but each step feels like an eternity as I anxiously anticipate the results.

As soon as I’m inside, I rush into the bathroom and quickly pee on all three of the strips, my heart pounding with nervous energy. Time seems to stand still as I wait, each passing moment feeling like an eternity.

After what feels like an eternity, I finally muster the courage to check the results. With bated breath, I glance at each strip, my heart in my throat.

And then, I give a long sigh, as I see the outcome.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

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