The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


Coral shudders under his touch, the warmth of his skin and fur pressed against her naked front. A soft moan escapes her lips as his fingers delve deeper through her flesh, sinking inside her womanhood to coat it with the elixir. The smoldering fire of her want, coupled with the cool tingle of need for her mate takes her breath away; it has been several nights since they copulated their love for each other, the last time she felt the pleasurable invasion of his cock in her body was the late night he returned home from the tavern after her.

The aching desire forces her to pull away from him; knowing there isn’t a mounting stand in the room, she takes his hand and leads him over to a mound of pillows. Stacking them high, she lies on her back. He watches her curiously, his breathing ragged, his large cock fully extended down from his body. Quell comes forward when she tugs on his hand, directing him to stand with his forelegs by her head, forcing him to straddle the pillow with Coral below him, facing his belly. She runs her hands over the soft blonde fur of his chest and rib cage, he still looking down upon her, unsure of the position.

It takes some effort but she manages to raise her knees up to her chest, tucking her ankles on either side of her head but still between his forelegs, pinning herself underneath him, her cunt ready and waiting. When her small hand reaches down and grasps his cock, he draws in a sharp breath, a low groan rumbling in his chest. She guides him up and slowly strokes the end, rubbing the tip along the length of her wet slit. Quell trembles at the feeling, his hands reaching down to grab her feet, desperate to hold onto something. Guiding his cock into her, Coral lets him go when he eases a few inches slowly in, almost teasing her and sending her desire into a frenzy. Her small hands grasp desperately at the sides of his soft furry chest when his hips start to rock, pumping part of his length in and out.

The position is new for both of them and with his cock thrust deeper into her, he rubs new spots that she didn’t know existed. Savoring the feeling of him, Coral turns her head to the side and rests her face against his foreleg so that she can breathe in the scent of her mate. His pace increases, her knees begin to tremble when her excitement builds. The feeling of his wide cock gliding in and out of her, stretching her needy cunt, bottoming out deep within makes her entire body write with the pleasure of it. She muffles her mouth against his leg, the moan stifled but he hears her pleasure, daring to press himself in just a little more. Coral gasps as the bliss tears through her body, causing her hips to involuntarily jerk upwards towards him. Quell groans when she peaks, his back leg stomping the ground in excitement while her cunt clenches down on him. He isn’t far behind when his head drifts back and his hips thrust carefully forward, filling her. He groans, his body tense as he holds himself deep within her spasming cunt, feeling the warmth of his offering swirl over his manhood for lack of anywhere else to go. Reluctantly, he lets go of her feet, hastily stepping backwards; when his cock pulls out of her body there is an immediate rush of his seed coming out of her, spilling down her ass, dribbling onto the pillow below.

Quell drops to his knees, his torso tilting to lie next to her. Possessively, he wraps his arms around her and pulls her close to him. Shuddering with her body still elated, she buries her face into his neck, listening to the deep sounds of his breathing, content to feel his hand tenderly stroking her back. Though they are in a new and frightening land, she feels safe in his arms, like nothing bad could ever happen as long as they are together. She drifts off to sleep, cherishing her time with him though deep down she dreads the secret she has kept.

Coral wakes up in the bed under the thick blanket. She finds it an odd place to be but figures that Quell must have put her there last night before the others came back. Rolling over towards the bulk of the room, she rubs the sleep from her eyes; it is just before dawn. Though she is accustomed to waking so early, she hears the deep breathing of the three men, still deep in their dreams.

Quietly she slides from under the covers, discovering that she is wearing a shift. Her silent feet take her to her bag where she pulls out a grey cotton dress and puts it on. Though it is not as fancy of a dress as she has been wearing since her time in the castle, it is substantially more elegant than she imagines the women in Centurion to wear. She makes short work of the rest of her morning routine, washing her face and brushing through her hair mess of red curls. Thankfully, she finds a kettle of water near the fireplace, so she stokes it before setting it to boil. In her medicine case she pulls out some tea leaves and dried orange rinds, letting them steep in a cup while she sits down at the small table in the room.

Vadim is the first to wake; stirring from his mound of pillows he yawns while stretching his form. Rising, he joins Coral at the table. Though her eyes take in his earthy brown, broad bare chest, she busies herself by preparing him a cup of tea as well.

“Did you sleep well, sister?” He asks while blowing across the top of the cup.

“I did; and you?”

He chuckles a laugh, “Eventually.” Coral looks at him curiously, wondering his meaning; understanding her look, he quietly replies, “You have a very pleasant, yet pungent scent, Coral. When we came back, Reid and I could both smell your encounter with my brother. I think it goes without saying how a centaur responds to it.”

Her eyes grow wide when her face burns; she turns away from him in an attempt to hide her embarrassment, “Your brother thought it necessary to test the elixir.”

“I’m sure he did,” Vadim says softly before sipping his tea. “There is nothing to be ashamed of, sister. It wasn’t a surprise to us; Tomir and Oren forewarned us before we entered.”

A choking sound escapes her mouth before she stifles it with her hand. Thankfully, Vadim chuckles at her before changing the subject.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“We have yet to discuss it with you and Quell, but we believe visiting the most recent victims would be the wisest action, as the memories of their attackers will be fresh. There is a small village less than an hour away where two of these women live, that is where we will start. We have managed to plot a course that will take us in a wide loop of the country side and along the sea and should be able to meet seven of the women before arriving back to the castle by dinner.”

Coral drinks half of her tea before she asks, “How many women have been attacked in total?”

He frowns much like his father would; when he looks up into her eyes, she can see the sorrow of his words, “Twenty seven, though only thirteen have returned alive. Five have been found dead, nothing is known of the rest.”

The thought of it makes her nauseous; she tries to choke down the vomit, “Twenty seven women have been stolen and raped? The woman that came to Centuarna-is she the only one that was pregnant?”

Dropping his gaze, he says it bluntly, as he wasn’t taught to dance around the truth, “Three of the women who were found dead still carried bairn inside of them.”

She feels the color drain from her face, the heat from her body; Coral barely makes it to the chamber pot before she vomits up the contents of her stomach. The wrenching wakes the centaurs; Quell quickly appears by her side, handing her a glass of water. Coral swishes her mouth with it, spitting it into the pot before covering the lid.

“Are you ill?” Quell asks, concerned.

“I will be fine,” she affirms, returning to the table with shaking hands. Digging in her medicine case, she adds some powdered peppermint and a sliver of dried ginger to her tea.

“Perhaps it would be best if one of us spoke with the women, to spare you the knowledge of their attacks,” Vadim offers as the centaurs join them.

Coral shakes her head, “No. I will be fine. Besides, I do not think that a woman would want to explain her rape to a man.”

Being several hours before centaurs usually wake, they eat their breakfast alone; thankfully, the servants in the castle are prepared to accommodate the early hour. Quell, Vadim, Coral, Tomir and Nevren begin their journey to the small town an hour away. Reid, Junta, Letin and Marcus head in a different direction to visit a small community at the base of one of the mountains, in hopes to gather some information as to the whereabouts of the other victims.

When they arrive, it is clear that the villagers are uneasy around the strangers. Coral quickly notes that the only centaurs are the ones she came with. The father of the most recent victim forces her to come out of the house to greet the royal procession; the woman’s entire body quakes in fear, her breathing rapid and she immediately starts crying. Coral wastes no time walking to the woman, gently resting a hand on her shoulder; before she can speak, the woman immediately rushes into Coral’s arms, her sobbing body pressed to her.

Quell draws the father away from them, quietly talking with the man; that is when Coral sees the woman’s terrified eyes locked on her mate. Gently, she brushes tears from the woman’s cheeks, “Why don’t we go inside and talk?”

The woman nods rapidly and turns to enter the home, but when Tomir steps forward to accompany them, she starts to shake again. Coral shushes her, “Go inside and I shall be there in a moment.” Once the woman is gone, she turns to Tomir, “You must stay out here.”

He looks at her seriously, “You cannot go in there alone. King Rainer ordered all of us-you will not be left unaccompanied.”

She sighs, thinking it ridiculous when they will be right outside of the house; she shakes her head, “The mere sight of centaurs threw that woman into a panic, Tomir. If I am to get anything useful from her, she cannot be around you.”

“Then I will go with you, sister,” Vadim says, glancing up at Tomir. “Lady Coral is right-these women have been attacked by centaurs, their fear of us is consuming them. As I appear human, they should be less affected by my presence.”

Tomir ponders on it for a moment before accepting the decision, “Of course, Prince Vadim.”

Coral and Vadim enter the small house; there isn’t much to it only a few small bedrooms and one large main room that serves as the kitchen and living area. The woman sits nervously on a threadbare couch, eyeing Vadim cautiously when Coral sits down next to her. The Prince senses the woman’s reservation and remains standing by the door, giving them some privacy but still able to see everything.

Though she speaks with the woman for quite a while, Coral gets no information directly from her but she suspects that the woman was threatened into her silence. Having no way to heal the emotional trauma that the attack caused, all Coral can do is offer her some herbs to help her calm down once her panic starts to rise and some more to take at night time to put her into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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