The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


Looking at Quell, she senses the tension in the room. When he nods his head slightly for her to speak, she says, “I did not choose a life with a centaur,” her voice is quiet, but firm, “I chose a life with the one that I love.”

Stillness falls on the hall, everyone quiet.

Finally, it is the woman across from her that speaks, so boldly defying her mate that he turns his head and looks at her sharply, surprised, “But, the… pain…”

A smile crosses Coral’s lips yet she doesn’t say anything. Quell reaches out and gently touches her cheek, turning back to Yulnar, “Uncle, perhaps we should speak in a more private setting?”

Yulnar looks between the two. After a few moments, he says, “Leave us.”

The centaurs, taking their plates and mugs walk from the room, as does Callen’s mate. Coral, unsure if she should stay, starts to rise but stops when Quell’s hand slides over hers. He squeezes for a moment, before letting go and speaking to the king.

“Our father sent us here to help you put an end to these abductions but not only did he intend for us to capture those responsible, he also offers a way to put an end to it once and for all.”

Vadim continues, “Many of the unions in your realm are not by choice; they are either as a result of an arrangement or force. As you know, we do neither in Centuarna; we court our women respectfully and if they feel the same they return our advances-only then do we mate.”

“Was your own mate not the result of an arrangement?” Yulnar haughtily points out.

“It is true that Lynette’s parents made it known to her at a young age that she was destined to be mine, but that does not change the fact that I still wooed her and gained her affections; I also made it very clear before we were mated that she had every right to refuse me and that I would respect her wishes. I am fortunate enough that she loves me dearly,” he speaks eloquently, diffusing the situation. “Though our union is atypical, I am still held to the same standards as all centaur men in our realm.”

Quell nods at him, picking up the conversation again, “When a woman is able to let her love for a centaur blossom, it makes the pain of mating more bearable. However,” he pauses, knowing that once he speaks these words he will not be able to take them back, “we have discovered a way to make mating pleasurable. For both the centaur and the woman.”

She doesn’t need to look up to feel the skepticism coming off of Callen and his father. It is Callen who vocalizes it, “Pleasurable? As in, a woman might actually want to mate with a centaur? Oh cousin, you are quite amusing.” He chuckles heartily, joined by Yulnar.

When Quell and Vadim retain their composure, their laughs stop.

“I can hardly believe it would be a matter of our technique,” Yulnar quips. “So what is it? A witch’s spell? Perhaps a magic potion?”

“A potion, yes, but magic it certainly is not-though the results might lead you to believe otherwise,” Quell says with a tight smile.

There is quiet.

“Lady Coral,” Yulnar’s voice comes out sharply, “is what your mate speaks true?” When her eyes look up to Quell, the King draws her attention directly to him, “Do not look at him, you will look at me when I speak to you and you will answer me with the truth or you will not like the consequences.”

Coral locks her eyes on to his, “Yes, King Yulnar, my mate speaks the truth.”

He raises an eyebrow curiously, “So you enjoy it when your mate takes you? You enjoy the feeling of his large, beastly cock stretching you beyond what should be normal, of having him mount you like an animal and repeatedly invade your womanhood until his seed pours out of you and onto the floor?”

Her face burns bright red in embarrassment but she doesn’t dare look away. She forces herself to think of the first night he put her onto the mounting stand and claimed her as his own. The thought of Quell’s hands on her, of his cock sliding so deep inside of her, makes her body tingle with yearning and she can feel herself grow wet. Her voice is airy when she speaks, “Yes.”

Mortified, she turns her gaze away from him and stares down at her plate, her breathing rapid. She knows that they can smell her arousal and it makes her anxiety swell but her body’s betrayal did well to affirm the truth of the elixir.

His eyes remaining on Coral, still breathing in her scent, Yulnar speaks to Quell, “What is your proposal then, nephew?”

“We will start our search tomorrow in the town. I would like for Lady Coral to speak with the victims, to provide them with medical attention should they need it. Once we are able to find these men out and get them into your custody, perhaps you can make a proclamation that arrangements and forced mating is no longer allowed. Let word loose among your people of the elixir; once willing pairs come forward, Centuarna will supply them. It will take some time but change will happen, Uncle. For the better.”

Callen’s voice sends a chill down Coral’s back, “We will need evidence of this elixir. Perhaps… a demonstration?”

Though Quell knows what his cousin wants, he takes care to keep his anger in check, “Of course, cousin. Find a willing pair, both to be mated to each other and to be watched and I shall provide you with a sample of the elixir. Alas, as I am sure you can understand, Uncle,” he turns to the king, “I have only enough to provide you with the evidence you need.”

Yulnar nods, finally tearing his eyes away from Coral, “Of course.”

…Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Though they had separate rooms prepared, Quell insists that he and Coral remain in the same suite as Vadim and Reid. Not only does he have concerns for his mate but neither brother feels entirely safe asleep in smaller numbers. When Yulnar and Callen retire for the night, the four head to the large room. Extra pillows have been brought to accommodate the additional guests, though there is only one bed.

“I insist,” Vadim says much to Coral’s protest that she doesn’t need it. He and Reid decide to venture out to formulate a plan with the rest of their party, stationed in the guest quarters. They wait until Nevren and Tomir are posted outside of the bedroom door before they leave.

With the guards outside, Quell stands in front of the fireplace, “You have some time, but not much. It is best that you prepare it now.”

As she works, she notices that he stays away from her; she does not know if he does it of his own accord or if his father commanded that he does so but it is clear that Quell doesn’t wish to know how the elixir is made.

Setting up the small metal pour cup in a stand over the candle, she adds the ingredients together, mixing the powdered ones into the oily texture until they are combined well. As it heats up, she pulls the fresh spearmint, peppermint and lavender from her bag; seeing that they are somewhat wilted, she hopes they will still work. After muddling them together, she works the bruised leaves into a clear vial with the teasers, removing the cup from the candle as it starts to bubble. Holding the clear vial in her toweled hand, she carefully pours the liquid in to the top, leaving just enough open to cork it.

She realizes that she prepared the amount of base mixture based on the original recipe quantities, still forgetting to cut them down to accommodate her addition of the other herbs. Without a safe place to pour the rest, she grabs an empty blue vial and fills that, but when she discovers she is out of peppermint and lavender, the two herbs she altered the recipe to include, she hastily stuffs the spearmint in. Perhaps tomorrow while they are out she will be able to discretely harvest some more, then they can leave the second vial with Yulnar as a gift of faith.

Coral puts the ingredients away, tossing the blue vial into her case as well before cleaning up her tools, “I am finished, Quell.” She hands the clear vial to him when he walks over.

Reaching for it, his hand encases hers, the vial trapped between them. She looks up, seeing the mischievous sparkle in his eye, “Not that I don’t have confidence in your abilities, my love, but I would hate to present the King with a faulty elixir. Perhaps… we should test it. To make sure.” By the time he finishes speaking, his voice is dark and husky.

She knows that the smell of her arousal during dinner still haunts him. Pulling her hand from his, she rises and reaches to her back, untying the laces of her dress. The fabric loosens and she makes short work of lifting both it and her shift over her head, standing naked before him. His eyes trace the curves of her body, a smile forming on his lips. Pouring a few drops into his hand, he steps forward, drawing her into a kiss while his fingers cup her mound to stroke her clit, rubbing the mixture into her already wet cunt.

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