The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


He makes an odd notation, almost a side note, that counting a centaur’s actual years doesn’t do them justice as a thirteen year old centaur has stature and mental capacity of an eighteen year old human; he writes that when he mentioned this to the King he was told the age of consent remains at eighteen for all, to avoid confusion. Master Gladstone points out that the centaur is by all means a twenty-three year old by the time they are able to claim a mate and perhaps that is why they venture into sexual exploration at a young age as a means to let out their frustrations.

Coral is completely entrapped by the book. Pelium has lunch brought down to them, he working on several books by his own hand of different surgery methods for wounded centaurs that he had to create during the Battle. They both eat silently while engaged separately. She is almost entirely finished with the book, examining the sketches of newborns when Pelium stretches out before grabbing his watch, “Oh dear, it is getting late. I best get home to dinner so that I won’t be late for the party!”

She smiles at him, “That sounds like a grand idea; my eyes could use a break as well.” Shutting the book, she leaves it on the desk as she doubts she will not have much time for reading in bed now that Quell can have his way with her. That and the fact that she doesn’t wish to dredge up old memories of his lost mate and child by reading the book around him.

They walk out to the entry hall together, Coral bidding him farewell before continuing on her way. She has every intention of taking a bath with Quell before dinner but when she makes it back to the bedroom, he has something else in mind.

She shuts the door behind her, her eyes glued upon her mate; he stands in the middle of the room, naked, with his hands on his hips. His cock is already erect, hanging down from his body, ready to be put somewhere wet and warm and from the grin on his face, he has an idea of where that should be. The way that he looks at her hungrily, needy, lovingly, is something she will never refuse.

They barely make it to dinner. Everyone has already started eating and chatting about who is coming to the party in a few hours by the time Coral and Quell stumble in, freshly covered in each other’s scents. Their pungency is almost too much for her to bear, so she can’t even imagine what it must be like for the other centaurs though all they do is smirk at the couple. All, but Vadim.

After dinner, Kiera sends the men away to help finalize any last minute needs of the party so that she can spend time with her new daughter.

“Quell has a very… hearty… scent,” Kiera smirks.

Coral closes her eyes, “I am not sure how any of you can stand it. I feel… degraded.”

Kiera laughs, causing Coral to look over at the Queen like she has lost her mind, “Oh, my dear child. I can understand how it must seem for a human female but trust me, it is a very good thing. I know that your kind tend to keep such relations hidden but in the centaur world it is a matter of honor to exhibit virility. By marking you with his scent Quell is spelling it out clearly to everyone else around-you are his mate and not theirs. It isn’t a matter of possession so much as a matter of celebratory pride; he is displaying that you chose him, not anyone else and that you are a highly desirable creature with whom he is enthralled with. Make no mistake Coral, though you might not be able to smell it because of Quell’s odor but your scent is strong and all over my son, so it will do the same. It is part of the reason why centaurs have a tendency to mate either while bathing or shortly after-the scent is still there but the dirt is not. I know you are still learning our customs but I will warn you if you wash it off before he does, Quell will be hurt-though he would never admit to as much.”

She sighs, understanding what the Queen is saying, “Thank you, Queen Kiera. I will bear through this until I can convince Quell to join me for a bath. Perhaps at the rate we are going we should just take up residence in the bathhouse anyhow.”

The Queen chuckles, “Wise words in deed.”

“May I ask a question?” Coral says softly. A gentle incline of the Queen’s head makes her continue, “Vadim… when we spent time together he confessed to me that he had no desires to mate with a centaur, simply because he feels like it would be doing her a disservice yet I know that his engagement was arranged by the King. Would he… would the two of you force your son into this?”

Kiera stops in her tracks and looks upon Coral sadly, “I don’t know, Coral. I have thought long and hard on this and there is no good answer,” she sighs, touching Coral’s cheek, “I saw how he looked at you. You would have made him very happy, just as you make Quell very happy. I wish there were two of you, Coral. That is the only solution I can see at this point.”

Coral’s heart aches. She loves Quell, very much. She just also loves Vadim too. She doesn’t regret her decision; she just wishes she could have them both and she knows how outlandish it sounds but in her heart she has found a place for the two men. She locks her feelings for Vadim away, knowing it is the only choice she has as she loves Quell and doesn’t want to hurt her mate. Acknowledging that the only remaining love she can exhibit for Vadim is that of sisterly affection, she broaches the subject with the Queen, “Quell and I have asked Lynette and her parents to attend the party tonight.”

The Queen looks surprised, “Oh. He did not tell me. Or his father.”

She nods, “I apologize, your highness. It is a delicate situation-none of us want Vadim to be alone. Perhaps, if it is all right with you,” she shifts awkwardly, unsure how to word any of this, “well, I know how Vadim feels about taking a mate and I speculate that his assessments of how she might feel about it are correct-yet I think they are all wrong, ugh.” She sighs, fumbling this up.

Kiera places a hand on her shoulder, “Coral, I know you have only the purest intentions in your heart when it comes to helping their relationship work. If you believe that you can facilitate it before it becomes necessary for Rainer to enforce it, then you have my complete confidence. Do what you see fit tonight; I will inform the King to let you do their introduction.”

Coral smiles, relieved, “Thank you, Queen Kiera.”

“Please, daughter-call me Kiera. Or mother.”

Coral’s heart aches a little at the last sentiment, “Thank you, mother.”

The great hall where the feast was held is full of centaurs and humans though most are friends of Quell’s. Doctor Pelium brought his wife and son who were both enamored to meet Coral and even Tillie, the baker, makes an appearance to offer her friend a hearty congratulations and a mounded tray of freshly spearmint cakes-which the Doctor snuck a few from as soon as possible. All of the centaurs have brought their mates and while a few are human, most of them are female centaurs which makes Coral feel even more out of place. Quell picks up on it rather early in the evening and insists on having her mount his back; she was opposed to it at first but has grown to love sitting atop her mate. He assures her, as other centaurs do, that it is more than appropriate for a mated woman to ride her centaur mate in this fashion as it is the equivalent of two humans holding hands.

She is on her second glass of mead when Quell leans backwards into her, speaking softly so that no one else can hear, “The couple that just walked in is Laire and Joanah.”

Coral looks towards the door; she sees a well dressed, brown backed centaur, his head containing closely cropped graying hair and his face seems calm though from his stature it is obvious that he is knowledgeable in more than just the art of war. The woman beside him is almost the opposite; she is short and plump, with brown hair and eyes and a joyous smile. Not seeing their daughter, she wonders if Lynette is still in the hallway. Coral places a kiss on Quell’s cheek and slides off of his back and onto her feet, not spilling a drop of her wine despite the room swaying a little. She quickly makes her way across the room to introduce herself.

Kiera and Rainer are standing at the door, taking introductions as the guests arrive; Rainer sees her approach, “Ah, Lady Coral,” he smiles though it somehow looks just like his frown, “This is Laire and Joanah.”

Joanah gives Coral a curtsey-Coral wraps her up in a hug, “Thank you two so much for making the journey.”NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Oh, my lady,” she says surprised, hugging her back, “it was our pleasure. We had such a lovely visit with Quell this morning, I feel as if I already know you.”

Coral laughs happily, “That is so kind.”

Laire looks upon the woman as if sizing her up, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Coral, though if I may be honest?” She nods for him to continue, “I must say you are not what I was expecting. Quell gave us such a bisected description of you, surely some part of it was imaginative.”

“No, it was not,” Rainer affirms to Laire, “I am certain that whatever Quell told you is the truth, as bizarre as it might seem.”

“Hmm,” Laire thinks on it, “well I must defer to the King on this matter as he is more knowledgeable in it than I. Lynette is in the hallway.”

Coral nods to the pair, slipping out into the hall. At first she thought that perhaps they told their daughter to wait there but as she approaches the pacing centaur she realizes that Lynette refused to enter.

Lynette is shorter than Coral, her body brown like her father, with ample brown hair and eyes like her mother, though her stature is a mixture of both; she is slender with a handsome face that instantly leads Coral to believe the centaur is just as quick and bright as her parents. When Lynette turns about to pace some more, her eyes fall on Coral; she recognizes her almost instantly, no doubt due to the description Quell provided them earlier.

“Lady Coral,” she says surprised as she drops into a curtsey. She is clearly nervous and afraid.

Coral gives her a gentle smile along with a hug, “Lynette, I am very happy to meet you!”

Lynette’s fears seem to melt away with her kindness, “You too, my lady.”

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