The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


Coral’s face is still flush; she flops down into a pillow with the blanket wrapped around her. Quell laughs earnestly, rising to his feet before stretching out his horse legs. He is getting dressed by the time Gladys flies back into the room; she has a fresh shift and dress tossed over her shoulder, an arm full of various things and the other carries a pitcher.

She sets the items down on the tall table, pouring the pitcher into the empty basin before handing Quell a clean towel. Quell splashes the water on his face, drying it off; Gladys collects Coral and guides her over to the table.

“Come now, my Lady, let’s clean you up just a little bit,” she tugs on the blanket. Reluctantly, Coral gives it up, standing naked before her handmaid and her mate.

When Gladys glances at her, her face bursts into shock, “Oh heavens!”Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Coral closes her eyes, drawing in a deep breath, her skin burning with embarrassment.

Quell snickers, “I didn’t want there to be any question about it, she is my mate,” he says, proudly.

“There would be no question, Prince Quell, but, well, the seed is supposed to go inside,” she dips a towel into the water, ringing it out before rubbing the dried shiny slick from Coral’s chest, “It is a wonder I didn’t have to peel her off of the floor!”

A choking sound comes out of Coral while she covers her face with her hands.

“There there, my Lady, don’t you worry, you’ll be able to take a bath this evening before the celebration,” Gladys tries to comfort her.

“This evening!” Coral exclaims, finding little comfort in the fact that she will have to spend the entire day smelling of Quell’s sweat and seed.

Gladys does her best to clean up Coral’s torso, before pulling a fresh shift on her, followed by a bright yellow, long sleeve dress. Her hair is beyond help though, so the handmaid relents to braiding it into a rope around the woman’s head, almost like a crown.

Once she is somewhat proper, Gladys lets Oren in to attend to Quell. Oren is an older man, his thick hair is long since grey and though he is tall and slender he carries himself with a refined air of confidence, taking pride in his job as Quell’s manservant. He fixes the Prince’s shirt, buttons his vest and brushes his hide, not saying a word about the clumps of matted fur as he smoothes them out. Finally, when the pair is fit to be seen, they leave the room and journey down the hall to the breakfast chambers.

Coral keeps her head down when she walks into the room and immediately skirts the table to take her seat. Quell stands diagonally from her. She can feel Vadim’s eyes fixated on her though it only takes a few more moments before Rainer speaks.

“It appears congratulations are in order,” his deep voice is pleasant; Coral glances up at him to see a smile on his dark face.

“Indeed!” Kiera says happily; she raises her glass, “A toast, to my son and to the woman I can now call my daughter!”

Coral knows her face might never be a normal a color again, it still red with her embarrassment but she lets a small smile cross her lips; she raises her glass with the rest of them, leaning in to touch them together before swallowing down a mouthful of juice. She tries hard not to look up at Vadim but inevitably she can’t help but steal a glance. He keeps a careful smile plastered on his face, head tilted towards Kiera as she makes suggestions for their celebratory party later. But, almost as if he sensed her eyes, Vadim looks up at Coral. His smile falters for a fraction of a moment, the sadness in his eyes clear.

She tries to listen though she herself is disinterested with the idea of a party. Coral knows it is partly due to her upbringing but she finds it rather crude for her personal life to be subjected to the knowledge of everyone. The fact that she lost her maidenhood to Quell shouldn’t be talked about so openly.

When everyone has finally had enough, Kiera leaves first, excited to make the arrangements for the celebration with Wistan begrudgingly in tow. Rainer gives his son a quick hug before parting as well, leaving just Vadim behind with the mates.

He smiles, his hands in his pants pockets, “Again, my congratulations dear brother and sister. It is truly a joyous occasion.” He bows slightly and leaves before they can respond.

Coral takes a deep breath, glad that is out of the way, “Can I bathe now?” She asks Quell.

He draws her up in his arms when she walks to him, “What is the matter, my love? You do not enjoy my scent? Is that why you are so quick to wash off the proof of my affections?”

She knows he is teasing her, though there is a slight disappointment in his tone, “I am sorry, Quell, it is just that… well, humans raised by humans generally see lying with their mate as a private occasion. It is kind of embarrassing for me that everyone knows we mated. Last night. Several times.” She shakes her head, “No, I will wait and join you when you decide to bathe. I am not ashamed of what we did. It might take me a while though, to be so used to your customs.”

He leans down and kisses her tenderly, “Our customs, my love. Shall I walk you down to the surgery?”

“Yes, that would be nice,” she replies, walking along side him out into the hall.

As he leads her down the first ramp, he says, “I wanted to see if this met with your approval before I moved on it but I was thinking it would be nice to invite Laire, his mate Joanah and their daughter Lynette.”

She glances at him, “I’m afraid I don’t know who they are, Quell.”

“Laire is a good friend of father’s; he fought alongside him in the Battle and commanded a legion of centaurs. He met his mate Joanah only a few years before. She used to have a mate of her own and several children, they lived in Severton. She and her family were traveling in the outlands near your hometown when they were attacked by some bandits; her entire family was killed and it was a stroke of luck that a man found her and healed her. She returned to Centuarna alone, too heartbroken to go back to Severton. I believe she found work as a seamstress and that is how Laire discovered her. He is older than my father but never had anyone of his own, yet he wooed Joanah and they mated; Lynette was born shortly after. After the Battle,” he looks around briefly, “and you are to tell no one this, because it is something I am not supposed to know-but, after the Battle father suspected that Vadim would never be able to find a mate on his own because of how the centaur views towards humans had changed. Thankfully, that prejudice has since died out at least here in Centuarna, but before it did, Laire offered his daughter up to be mated with Vadim. Arranged mating is not our way, but…” he sighs, “No one wants Vadim to die alone. He has never met Lynette; after the deal was made, Laire and Joanah moved east of Severton, in the country. He claimed it was because he wanted to retire but I believe it was so Lynette wouldn’t be tempted by a young stallion on her own.”

Coral examines his face in the dim lighting of the hallway; she sees a worried sadness in his expression, “Would your father force Lynette to choose Vadim?”

He draws in a breath, “I do not know. I know Vadim would not force her, but… she turns eighteen years in a few days.”

Standing outside of the surgery door, she places a gentle kiss on his cheek, “Invite them. At the very least, it would be good for Lynette and Vadim to meet-perhaps they might find a mate in each other on their own.”

He smiles, running his fingers down her cheek, “All right, I personally visit them right away. I will see you this afternoon, Coral.”

Doctor Pelium starts chuckling as soon as he catches a whiff of Coral, “Congratulations, my dear! Prince Quell will make you a fine mate.”

She smiles, trying to get used to the idea of everyone knowing what goes on behind closed doors, “Thank you, Doctor. How was your son’s party?”

“Splendid! Tillie surprised me with a box full of lovely spearmint cakes, they were very delicious. My son now has a new favorite-I don’t imagine it will be long before her supply of spearmint has dissipated.”

“That is a good problem for a baker to have, Doctor. You will come to the party tonight, yes? Your wife and son as well?” She smiles, taking a seat on the chair at her desk.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, my lady,” he brings over some freshly poured tea.

“Wonderful. What shall we do today?”

“Ah, this,” he says, pulling a book from their recently organized shelf, “you should spend your time reading up on pregnancy and birth.” When she gives him a wide eyed look, he continues, “Well, not only will you find it informative when the time comes for you to have your own bairn but later this week a young woman will give birth to a foal.”

Coral manages to start breathing again and takes the book, “How do you know it will be later this week? I’m not familiar with a way of narrowing down the birthing day so precisely.”

“Yes,” he says, tapping the cover of the book, “it is all explained in this, but when a human female conceives a centaur foal, well, precautions are taken. Labor is induced at eight months from the date of conception when the foal is still small enough to be born naturally. A female centaur will carry her foal to term which is about eleven months,” he smiles at her shocked face, “best get started, Lady Coral.”

Coral sips the tea, flipping open the book. It was written by the Adger Gladstone, the author of the detailed anatomy book that she found very enlightening. He starts by explaining both the human and centaur female’s reproductive cycles, notating the prime days for conception and the tell tale signs of pregnancy. She finds it very interesting; while she knows most of the information for horses, she is less familiar with the cycles of humans, since Piers passed that job onto one of the old women from the village. Like Doctor Pelium said a female human is induced around eight months and produces a centaur foal roughly the size of a large newborn human. The foal is just as dependent as a human newborn, needing to be cared for constantly while a female centaur will give birth to a foal at eleven months that has the capacity of standing and walking within a few hours. It is clear the author found the subject completely intriguing as he goes into depth to explain that the premature foal will have caught up in both size and dexterity within three months to a centaur birthed one. He explains that centaur foals mature faster at a younger age; by the time they reach two years old they are the equivalent of a seven year old human. At that point, their aging slows to be equal to their counter parts.

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