The Stained Omega

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Chatper 189

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 22.


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You could always shift, let me sleep in wolf and you won’t be so stiff.’ Honestly it’s a thought I’m

considering, a week of sleeping in the armchair and my neck is so stiff it actually creaks while I roll my


‘Let’s try one of these travel beds before we scare our mate into seeing a massive wolf next to her.’

Storm laughs as I scroll through Amazon looking at foldable beds, they all look super uncomfortable but

I imagine not as uncomfortable as the armchair.

“Alpha?” My partly open office door is opened fully to reveal Sally holding a tray of what looks like

about five different meals. “You s kipped lunch and breakfast,” she pops the tray on my desk and my

stomach growls loudly as the smells start to hit my nose. “And let’s not forget dinner last night. Hiding

down here is not doing you any good.”

“I’m not hiding, everyone knows exactly where I am.” I tell her as I pull the meat pie and potatoes

towards me, I can keep the moan from slipping from my mouth. “Outdone yourself on this one Sally.”

“Well you could have enjoyed it last night if you had come out of hiding, even the little one next door

comes out for meals.” I roll my eyes, Eva doesn’t come out of the room for meals, Sally man handles

her out of the room and doesn’t give her a chance to say no.

“How is she doing around the Pack?” I’ve purposefully been avoiding meal times, I want Eva to get to

know the Pack without me around to influence her opinions.



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 22.

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“Well she hasn’t really seen any of them, she will only come up when it’s just me around.” Sally hands

me a napkin as some sauce spills down my chin. “I tried taking her up with the Pack there once but the

second she heard them talking she bailed back down into your room.”

“Alright, I’ll talk to her.” Sally smiles at me as she heads back out of the office.

“And maybe try to make it for some meals yourself?” I try to answer her but my mouth is full of delicious

pie, she just laughs and leaves the office leaving the door open behind her.

I count myself lucky that I manage to finish my pie and eat half of the ham and salad sandwich before I

get interrupted. This time it’s a grim faced looking Rowan, I’ve come to learn that Rowan doesn’t

overreact to anything. If he looks grim it’s because he has some really bad news for me.

“You need to see this.” He closes the door behind him before handing me a single piece of paper.

Putting my sandwich down I take the paper from him, turning it over I see a smiling Eva staring back at

me. She looks a little younger but not by much, she’s wearing a white t-shirt that teases the swell of her

breasts and her hair is hanging down beyond her shoulders in a black river of silk. She looks so happy

and without a care in the world, I’ve never seen Eva like this, even her blue eyes are shining brightly

showing that she was probably laughing while this picture was taken. The words at the top of the

picture state she’s a missing woman with a health reward of twenty thousand dollars for information on

her whereabouts.

“Where did you get this?” I push the plate of food away from me, suddenly my appetite is gone.

“Selena found it on a post outside of the diner, she went to get

breakfast before her shift.” Rowan drops himself into the chair opposite


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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 22

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my desk, “she said they are all over Midsey, apparently Liam put this one up at the request of Jeremy. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

It’s only going to be a matter of time before he finds out she’s here.”

“Let the abusive piece of s hit come, I’ll show him exactly what I think of him.” I fold the paper so the

only part I can see is the smiling Eva, I don’t want to admit that I like the picture because Jeremy

probably took it but I think I’ll keep it until I can get one of my own.

“And what? You’re going to beat the cra p out of a human?” Sighing I slide the paper under my laptop,

before looking back at Rowan.

“Of course not, I wish I could though.” Rowan looks like he wants to agree with me, don’t get me wrong

I’d love to smash Jeremy’s face in but it’s not my place. “We could call the authorities?”

“And have Eva testify in a courtroom? I don’t see that happening, the poor girl barely leaves your room

and when she does she’s more interested in her feet.” Rowan’s right, she was shy when I first met her

but it’s like Jeremy has brought out this tiny little mouse inside of her, she jumps at the smallest noise

and if I move too quickly she almost has a panic attack. “How much did she tell him? Does he know

what she is, what we are?”

“No, at least I don’t think so.” It’s something I’ve wondered myself, Eva might not have many aspects of

a shifter without her wolf but she has some. She still heals faster than a human, still hears more and

sees more than the average human. I find it hard to believe that Jeremy doesn’t know anything about


“If he knows about us it will bring the Elders down on Eva, that could mean bad things for her Cas.”

He’s not saying anything I don’t know, it would be a death sentence for any other shifter to spill our

secret to a human but not Eva.

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 22.

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“She might get a slap on the wrist but they won’t kill her. They can’t kill the mate of an Alpha, it’s just

not done.” Rowan shakes his head and runs his hands through his dark hair.

“I think you underestimate them, after Elder Thomas and Anna rumour is that they are cracking down.

Fraction and Anna disrespected the Elders and that is going to ripple out into the Packs, I don’t think

she’s as safe as you think she is.” I don’t really know the story of Anna and the Elders but I heard that

one of them is her Grandfather which made him pay Swiftmane more attention. From what I

understand he

renounced his vows a few months ago and now lives with Fraction and Anna in Momma Beth’s old


“I’ll try and talk to Eva, find out what she did or didn’t tell him and try and get grasp on what he knows.”

Rowan just nods at me before looking at his watch, standing up he hitches his jeans up before turning

to the door.

“I need to go and relieve Joe from cell block duty, when are we going to hear from Alpha Darryl on what

this drug has done to him? He’s just getting worse and Selena is struggling to keep him comfortable.”

Rowan’s not telling me anything I don’t know, Alpha Darryl should be here in just over a week but

honestly he can’t come sooner.

“Soon, he’s on route now. He was dealing with something on the Mexican border.” Rowan leaves

without saying anything else, left alone again. I know I should probably finish my food but cold pie and

half a sandwich does not seem appealing.

‘You know what you need to do or should I spell it out?’ I don’t bother answering Storm as I sigh and

get up from my desk chair, it’s time to talk to Eva about Jeremy, I need to know everything and I have

an awful feeling I don’t want to know most of it.

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 22.

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Locking my office door I take a deep breath as I enter the bedroom, I expect to see Eva on the bed

sleeping as she is most of the time. Instead I can’t see her anywhere but I can hear the shower

running, I think this is the first time she’s done something without it being demanded of her. It’s a good

thing, she’s taking care of her needs, even if it is just a shower. It’s a small step in the right direction.

Sitting in the world’s most uncomfortable armchair I wait for her to come out so I can get this

conversation on the way.

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