The Stained Omega

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 21.


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“Then I’ll be there to see it and stop it.” Listening to Rowan promise to stop Eva from doing anything

bad has the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. “I’ll be outside, let me know what you

decide.” I don’t want her left alone in that tiny cell but I also know Rowan won’t just lock her in, standing

outside of the holding building I wait for Rowan to come outside. Waking up covered in sweat and

finding Eva gone I was panicked until I remembered Rowan said he had guards on John. I knew she

wouldn’t get far, I just didn’t think Rowan himself would be out here.

“Done gossiping?” Rowan looks at me with shock on his face as he stops the main door from fully

closing, I smile at him so he knows I’m joking.

“I didn’t tell her much.” He looks behind him as if checking whether Eva is there, “just enough to get her

to stay. If she decides to run we will have a hard time bringing her back, she’s a very strong willed


“I know, it makes me wonder how she ended up with the human and why she stayed there for so long.”

It bugs me that Eva was ever with that human let alone let him do what he did.

“Guess that’s her story to tell, she’s coming out.” I nod my head as I listen to her tiny feet hitting the

concrete floor, she’s walking quite quickly and I’m actually nervous to see if she’s deciding to stay or

not. I don’t want to but I’m not above locking her down.


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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 21.

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‘She hears a voice, says it’s like an inner monologue.’ My eyes widen as Rowan links to me over our

shared Pack connection.

‘Her wolf?’ Rowan just shrugs his shoulders as Eva appears around the door, she looks knackered and

like she’s been crying.

“Cas?” I hate that she instantly drops her eyes to the floor, it’s like she just can’t look me in the eye and

I wish she would.

“Eva,” I look at Rowan and he just shrugs his shoulders, he doesn’t know where she’s going to go


“I’m really tired.” Her voice is low, like she’s not used to voicing out loud what she wants or needs. I

reach out my hand intending to touch her arm but she flinches away from me, I make eye contact with

Rowan, his raised eyebrow tells me he saw it too.


“How about I get you to bed? You can sleep there.” Eva just nods her head keeping her eyes down, I

wish she would look at me but something tells me this is a taught move and not one she makes by


‘Find out how she managed to get out here without anyone seeing her.’ Rowan just nods his head once

as I spread my arms wide for Eva to walk past us. Following behind Eva we walk in silence back up the

porch steps and into the house, thanks to the sun coming up there are now a few females in the

kitchen getting ready for the morning rush.

“Oh, Alpha.” Sally comes rushing over to me wiping her hands on her apron, “think you can get one of

the lads to do a grocery run? I need a few bits.” Sally is a lovely lady, she’s older than most Alphas

would have running the Pack house kitchen but she’s done it for as long as I can remember. Other than

her grey hair and wrinkled face she looks just like she did when I was young.

“Just write me a list and I’ll get it sorted.” I nod over at Eva, “I need to



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 21.

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get this one downstairs.”

“Oh, right of course. Does she want some food she’s rather skinny?” That’s Sally all over, she doesn’t

question who Eva is, she goes into mother mode instantly. I’m about to answer for her when I realise I

should probably let Eva make some decisions for herself, let her grab back some of her independence

the human took from her.

“Want some food? Sally can bring it down stairs for you?” Giving her the option of eating away from

others might actually get her to eat.

“Please.” Sally nods at her before heading back over to the counter where one of the younger girls is

rolling out some pastry for a breakfast pie.

“Any allergies I need to know about?” Eva just shakes her head no, if Sally thinks her behaviour is odd

she doesn’t let on. “Alright with blueberries, store bought not fresh from the field thanks to the weather.”

Eva’s head shoots up and a smile spreads across her face, it’s the first time I’ve seen her smile, it

takes my breath away and I find myself soaking up the look of joy on her face.

“Love them.” Sally smiles back warmly at Eva as she pulls some blueberries towards her.

“Perfect, you go get settled and I’ll be down in a jiffy.” Dismissed I walk a little ahead of Eva, I don’t

have to look back to know she’s following me, it’s like I can feel her, it’s like a sixth sense.

It isn’t long before we are standing in my bedroom, I haven’t spoken since leaving the kitchen. I want

Eva to feel comfortable with me and if I do nothing but talk her ear off all the time, I figure if I stay quiet

she might start asking for the things she needs. Walking over to the drawers I leave her standing next

to the four poster bed, she’s just standing there with her head down and her hair being used as a



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 21.

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curtain. I love her long black locks but right now I wish she had shorter hair so I can see her face.

“Feel free to shower if you want.” I hold out a grey t-shirt and pair of boxers, it’s the best I can do for

now. “I’ll talk to Selena about getting you some more clothes, or maybe we can go by your place and

pick up your clothes?”

“No.” She shouts the word so loudly I’m actually shocked that they came from her, between her hair

parts a little and I can see the red blush creeping up her face.

“Alright, not your clothes. I’ll talk to Selena while you shower and get some sleep, I’ll be in the office

next door if you need me.” I wait for her to take the clothes before I head for the door, just as I’m about

to close it behind me she stops me.

“Cas?” Again her voice is so low I barely hear her, I know she can speak loudly and clearly so I don’t

know why she’s playing the mouse


“Yeah Angel?” Standing in the doorway I watch as she pulls the clothes close to her chest.

“I’m sorry, I’m just not ready to go back there and I don’t want him to know I’m here.” I think that’s the

most she’s said to me since getting here, at least she’s expressing her wants and needs even if it is to

keep hiding.

“No problem, shower and sleep.” Closing the door I close my eyes as I realise I’ve just given her a

direct order, I’ve tried really hard to not do that but it comes so natural to me that I don’t even realise

I’m doing it sometimes.

‘Any news on how she got out?’ I ask Rowan over the Pack link,






His Rogue Omega Chapter 21.

dropping myself into my desk chair, I power up my laptop to see if Alpha Darryl has written back to me.

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‘Give you two guesses.’ His reply has me sighing and rubbing at my forehead.

‘Was she drinking?’ I don’t know why I bother asking, my mother drinks all the time, I don’t even know

who she is sober.

‘I’m having all the alcohol moved from the Pack house unless it’s in your office.’ Yet again Rowan

knows what I need before I do, I really do need to find a new Head Warrior so I can give him the bump

up in the Pack he deserves.

‘Thanks, when Selena is home can you ask her to sort some clothes for Selena?’ I don’t register his

response as I scan the email from Alpha Darryl, ‘and get prepared for a visit, Darryl will be here in two


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