The President Broken Angel

Was it not my job to do so

After some time, they were still standing there looking down.

“She’s gone!” Kyhe said to Kuwain.

“I know! If she was the only woman on the planet? I would be sure to be the richest man and trust me, I would get married every year or month, maybe every week.” Kuwain responded to Kyhe, who had left him standing there and went to his desk to go through the file. While Jhonia returns to Nearce’s car. She entered and put on her seatbelt afterwards Nearce turned the car around and back to where they had stopped before!

“Why are we back here?” Jhonia asked? Looking over at him.

“To report the matter.” Nearce said, getting out of the car.

“What? No, there is nothing to report and why would you make it your decision to report it?” Jhonia asked as she got out of the car and asked him.

“Because you are my wife. Until our contract ends you’re still my wife, no matter what I have done.” Nearce said to her, Jhonia felt like he was admitting that he was wrong for what he did to her!

“Ah.. Regardless Mr. Pinnock”

“It’s Nearce, Jhonia.” Nearce said to her cutting her off! Jhonia looked at him with a worried look on her face.

“Are you okay?” Jhonia asked him.

“Yes, why do you ask?” Nearce responded and asked her.

“If you are okay then please stop! Mr. No, Nearce! Stop this you care and acting it’s not working! As your contract wife I know what that contract requires of me, so just say what you want.” Jhonia said to him with pleasure! As she wanted to address him but did, she remind him of her duty in the contract and told him to just say his wants.

“Okay, I don’t want anything but for you to come with me… Go on a business trip with me out of the city.” Nearce said as he paused then, said to her!Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

“And you said, you didn’t want anything! I don’t have a passport and if you want me to come cancels this so-called mattering report! Deal?” Jhonia said, mocking him then said to him and asked of him, a deal!

“Deal! We’re going by car, so you won’t need a passport! The car was bought in your name anyways… I’m sorry for caring about the fact that you almost died. I… Am sorry that when I care it seems like I’m not, I’m sorry that I’m such an asshole but Jhonia that’s on me not you why are you acting like it’s your fault?” Nearce said to her, as he apologized for his faults, then asked her?

“Because of you! You made me feel like I was not enough! Even when I tried so hard to please you… I! Was! Not! Enough!” Jhonia shouted at him! Those going in and out of the police station and on the street passing by stopped and started staring at them.

“Why would you want to be enough?” Nearce yelled asking her, narrowing his eyes at her… “I never asked you, neither did mom so why?” Nearce asked as he stepped closer to her, Jhonia who held her head down finally looked up at him!

“Because… Because, when your mother came to my uncle’s place there was a price that was paid for me to my uncle. He sold me into your “contract marriage.” That money paid off my parent’s deaths which became my own so, now you know I was not just your contract wife Nearce, I was also “sold to your mother” To do whatever with.“

Jhonia said, taking a moment before she opened up to Nearce. telling everything she thinks he should know, Nearce who stood speechless stared at her like he could recognize her.

“Y- Yo- You”

“Were sold to your mother.” Jhonia cuts him off and says because it seems he couldn’t get the words out himself!

“Sold to my mom and you’re calling her mom?” Nearce then said and asked her.

“She bought me! Gave me a life! Even after you did me wrong, I who is nothing but a sold object–” Nearce slaps Jhonia across the face, everyone was surprised as they stood and watch and young adults’ video the scene. While Jhonia held her face, Nearce fought against himself to apologize and hug her.

“I dare you!” Nearce said daring her to once more refer to herself as an object!

“I’m. But that has nothing to do with you now, does it?” Jhonia said, with tears in her eyes looking up at him asking.

“Yes, it does. Why am I only now knowing about it, all those times when you listen to me, why didn’t you let me listen once and to you, Jhonia why?” Nearce responded to her, he said to her and then asked her.

“Because I didn’t want you to know, and you never ask? But just like how you hurt me, tell me now, if you had known what difference would you have made?” Jhonia said to him and asked, Nearce stared her in the eyes as she asked him what he would have done differently.

“A little goes a long way, Jhonia. Just maybe, just maybe, we wouldn’t have been where we are and fighting each other and having some truth being told while it untold! I may be a prevailed husband but the only person playing roles was you, how could you keep something so important from me? Why?” Nearce said to her pointing out the facts in their contract marriage she was the only person playing every role in the marriage, then asked?

“Was it not my job to do so? As your wife was it not my job and the contract said so, Nearce and what were you doing? While I was playing these roles, huh? You were busy enjoying someone else. From the start to the end! You never loved me, no, you loved her. The her before me, but why didn’t you marry her instead? Why did you allow your mother to choose for you? Why didn’t you tell me that there was a ‘her, why? Because maybe just maybe, I wouldn’t have loved you, and then you wouldn’t have hurt me the way you did? Isn’t that it?” Jhonia responded to his question with a question… Question after question then she said to him, Jhonia glanced over at a young man videoing her! Nearce watched her eyes as he was now paying attention to her now more than ever, he turned and saw the camera immediately after he snatched it away and broke it!

“Delete it! Each and every one of you or else I will make sure each of you pay for posting it!” Nearce stated as he was recognized by few, while few were just concerned, while others didn’t care.

“Mr. Pinnock, why are you here?” A police officer approached and asked. Nearce quickly put Jhonia in the back seat of the car.

“Take all their phones and delete everything from it, I don’t care what? … Also, I will come to the station another time for why I was here!” Nearce said and instantly his men appeared and started snatching the individuals’ phones, then he turned to the officer and spoke. The officer nodded!

Nearce threw the car keys to one of his men who appeared to not be doing anything. He then rushed around to the driver seat after catching the keys. Nearce, enter the car and hugged Jhonia into his arms without saying a single word to her.

He showed the driver the GPS coordinate and the driver turned the car out of parking and drove off! While the phones were being seized and photos and videos were being deleted!

Nearce resented his mother for keeping such a thing from him as he then began blaming himself, for he did. And not knowing that Jhonia was sold to his mother, only to undergo the contract marriage without disagreement as he now knows she never did have a choice.

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