The President Broken Angel

It’s too late for your apologies

The following day Kyhe sat in his office waiting but he wasn’t sure what he was waiting for. Jhonia did her work and decided to have lunch with the girls. She stood up from her chair picking her phone when the company phone rings and she hesitate to pick it, she then picked the phone after it second ring.

“Hello!” Jhonia answered the phone and waited for a response.

“Jhonia, ah! I was wondering if you want to have lunch with me?” Azerjie called her then asked her, Jhonia smiled.

“Yes, I was heading out to have lunch with the girls. Why not join us?” Jhonia responded to her and said, then asked her.

“Oh! Okay.” Azerjie responded!

“You don’t sound please with the idea, is something wrong?” Jhonia pointed out and then asked her.

“Ah no, well! They are your friends, and I don’t want to intrude regardless of my status not everyone might want me around.” Azerjie replied and told her why she didn’t seem fine with the idea.

“I’m not Maleiya and neither are the girls. Let’s talk on the way to lunch.” Jhonia said to her, reminding her she’s not the friend she had before. After ending the call Jhonia left… the phone rang again but it was not answered! After some time Kyhe screened off his office and Jhonia wasn’t there.

“Ah… I have to thank her for saving my ass yesterday.” Kyhe sigh and said, before screen off the glass. Ten minutes later the female from yesterday return to the office while they were fewer employees of Secretary department get ready to go for lunch. Meanwhile, Jhonia was arriving at the restaurant she decided to eat with the girls.

“Were there always four of you?” Azerjie asked Jhonia, looking up as the car stopped! She saw Sashanie crossing the street with whom seems to be Emmari.


“Huh? Oh sorry, I… I thought I saw an employee from my department.”

Azerjie called with concern. Jhonia responded as she was startled! She then apologized and explained.

“What were you saying?” Jhonia asked and Azerjie looked in the direction of which Jhonia was looking but didn’t see anything.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh, it’s nothing, let’s go.” Azerjie said to her with a smile.

“Hmm.” Jhonia responded and the two exited the car and made their way to the restaurant.

“Here!” Tianjie waved her over with a little surprise and she began smiling.

“See? Tianjie is happy to see you and so will the others, so don’t worry plus Madiea seems to be a big fan of yours as I’m her ideal woman of age. I’m still trying to figure out what she really means by this.” Jhonia asked? Then explain to Azerjie, as they walked over Jhonia notice Nearce is within the restaurant with a few individuals.

She decided to ignore him as if she didn’t see him, but she then noticed he was wearing the ring on his left pinky finger as there is a ring on his married fingers. Her mind rushed back to what Mrs. Pinnock said.

“Because the ring was originally purchased by me that day, he after to pay for it for you thus It was already paid for, so his card was not charge for the ring. Technically, this ring belonged to me, and this ring was a gift from me to you. He is yet to know that ring was not purchased by him, and I would like to keep it so. However, I also wish for you to keep it… Please, retrieve it!”

Jhonia sighed loudly and began sitting down.

“Ignore it.” Nielle said and Jhonia smiled.

“What’s there to ignore? Is there something here I should not, see?” Jhonia asked as Madiea walked up in the moment.

“What change?” Madiea asked as she hadn’t heard about the time they supposedly did not spend together but that she did not know. Yet!

“I was never hurting the way I was, when I was supposed to be celebrating my dead father’s birthday but on that day? I was being accused of sleeping with my boss.” Jhonia explain as Madiea was sitting down. In shock they all stared at her because they couldn’t stare at Nearce, he would know they were speaking of him. Azerjie sat in silence as she was confused and didn’t wish to intervene.

“Oh waiter!” Nielle called and Nearce looked across from his table and saw Jhonia, her head was held down for the moment he stared just as he was turning away Jhonia looked up with a smile on her face.

“Let’s go out tonight!” Tianjie said trying to change the atmosphere.

“Sounds no, Jhonia and Azerjie have work by 8:30 in the morning. Let’s do it on the weekend then is more accurate.” Madiea disagreed but quickly explain why she disapprove of it at first.

“Okay, weekend we’re going out!” Nielle agreed and stated.

“Like just us girls and no men?” Azerjie asked in a panicked tone.

“Yes, and no. Yes, us girls, and no Kuwain and Orean will be present for our safety. So don’t worry, okay.” Jhonia responded to her question and explained who would be there for safety so she should not worry.

“Oh okay, because my husband is refusing divorce so, I’m afraid he might stalk and hurt me.” Azerjie spoke of why she felt fear.

“It’s okay, we have a super woman it’s just that I think she’s afraid of people knowing.” Tianjie said sounding proud, and Jhonia knew better anyone who Tianjie was speaking of was her! Only she knows that she made Shaquan yield to her, but Tianjie was right this is something she’s afraid of people knowing.

“Hehe! We are all super women.” Jhonia said with the kind of giggled to warn Tianjie.

“Of course, we are all super women. Ha! Ha-ha!” Tianjie said clearing the air with a laugh. After eating and going their separate ways, Jhonia and Azerjie went back to the office and departments. Kyhe did not get the chance to speak with Jhonia. After work Jhonia keep having flashback of the ring on Nearce fingers on her way home…

“Orean there should be a wine store open, send me there, let me buy one.” After buying the wine Jhonia told Orean to send her to Nearce hotel room. After some time, she decided to go up alone but for some reason she turned around and saw that Orean was still waiting. She ignored him and went up to his room, as it was silent, she opened the door with the key card she had. Jhonia entered and to her surprise clothing was scattered on the floor. She went to the bedroom.

“You said, “because you’re my wife” but obviously it was just for name sake. Sorry for disturbing your love making. Just this once I was expecting you to be alone.”

Jhonia said to him as she reminded him of what he had told her, Nearce got and pulled up his pants.

“Wait. I’m so sor”

“It’s too late for your apologies.” Jhonia said cutting him off! She takes a picture of the woman.

“No one will hear about it but if you say a word, I post your body to the internet!” Jhonia said then stated to the woman!

“What the hell? Who is she?” The woman questions the matter then asks with anger stared within her tone.

“She’s my”

“I’m his secret keeper.” Jhonia said cutting off Nearce, walking over to him then took the ring from his picky finger. Nearce stood in shock, regretful, unwilling to heed his own promise made to himself, saying he would have been waiting for her. While Jhonia began leaving she placed the wine at the end of the bed and walked away. Tears peaks Nearce eyes, as he realized this chance was also ruined by him and no one else.

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