It’s been a while I actually sat to watch the television. It had also been a while I cooked for myself. It had also been a while I did my own laundry.

“When did you say you were gonna get a help again?” Alexander asked as he walked out of the kitchen, holding a pack of juice in his hand.

“Don’t know.” I shrugged.

“Oh, so you plan on getting a help?” He asked incredulously, making me scoff at his gimmicks.

“Why not?” I asked. “I can’t continue to do all the work myself.”

“It’s two weeks already. You promised you’d return home to Bianca today.”

“Stop saying it that way. It makes it seem like she actually anticipates my return. I know all she’s thinking of right now, is Anthonio.”

“Just stop with all the Anthonio thing already. You are Manuel. And have you forgotten no one can take what is yours? It shouldn’t be allowed. Instead of remaining here, why not go back home and fix things with your wife?”

“Can it even work? I truly want to make things work with Bianca, for the sake of our child. I do not care for love, but atleast, we should be able to get along as parents of a child.”

“Then you should tell her all of these. Look Manuel, I would tell you one truth about Bianca. She blossoms under kindness. You can’t treat or speak to her condescendingly, and expect her to hug you for a good job. Have you forgotten you were the very same person who abducted her wrongly? Have you forgotten you were the one who fucked her and parted ways with her like it meant nothing? Have you forgotten you were the same person who threatened to take her child away from her and raise it with another woman? Have you forgotten you were the reason why she had to leave a man she loved? Have you forgotten how violent you had been towards her just before you left home?” He asked, making me tight lipped. “With these few points of mine, I hope I’ve been able to convince you, that you have brought nothing but sadness and chaos into her life. You have to realize that Bianca only submits to kindness. You can’t outrightly force whatever you want on her, that’s wrong.” He held the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. “Jeeez! Manuel you truly know nothing about love and affection! How did you cope with Francesca, or rather, how did she cope with you? And still want you so badly!” He yelled in disbelief.

“I’m not that bad. I’m really hot too.” I grinned, making him huff. “Plus, have you slept with me?”

“I can’t even believe you right now.” He shook his head. “Maybe all Francesca wanted was the hotness, but trust me, a woman like Bianca doesn’t just want hotness. You should have a lot more to offer her. You have to realize that you shouldn’t treat or speak to your partner the way you speak to our men.”

“But I’m Manuel Russo. It’s not me, if I don’t act that way.”

“And that is where you are getting it wrong. You don’t even realize that the hard and impenetrable wall you put up in the face of your men and business clients, is not who you really are. It’s just a facade. Who you are is when you are with your loved ones and family. You have to get used to the fact that Bianca is not just anyone anymore. She is your wife now. She is family. Most of all, you have to losen up. Stop holding yourself back from doing things you’d normally feel like doing, because you fear it would make you less powerful. Your power is not supposed to oppress your wife, but protect her. Am I really giving you a lecture on this?!” He yelled in exasperation, making me laugh.

“For instance, it’s just like the way you felt when she had taken Anthonio’s side over yours, when you punched him. No matter the situation, partners are meant to support and protect each other. The way you felt about her reaction only meant one thing. You truly want her to see you as a partner. Which boils down to all I’ve been saying here. If you want her to treat you as her partner, then show her you are deserving of such preferential treatment.”

“Who said I wanted to be her partner?” I scoffed, not about to let go of my pride. But then, Alexander understood me all too well.

“Manuel, I didn’t say ‘lovers’, I said ‘partners’. And I know you want that, so stop pretending.” He rolled his eyes, finally settling onto the couch beside me.

“Fine! I do want it.”

“Then you just have to be kind to her. Stop putting up a wall around yourself. It’s either you’re tough or kind. And you already know she doesn’t react nicely to toughness. So, you can’t be tough and expect her to embrace you. You can’t eat your cake and have it.”

“Okay.” I sighed.

“Wonderful.” He grinned. “So when are you returning home?”

After a couple of seconds, I smiled and replied. “Tomorrow.”

“That’s just perfect.” He clapped. “You could go pick Kyle from the airport, before proceeding home. Moreover, he made mention of wanting to have dinner with your family, since he missed the wedding.”

“That makes a lot of sense.” I found myself smiling again. To be very honest, I missed Kyle and was glad he was returning. But then, he wasn’t the reason I was smiling. A certain pretty head was.


I was seeing red at the moment. I had returned home in such good mood, hopeful enough to sort things out with Bianca. But what I hadn’t expected was another Russo man being a part of this web. Seriously?! I had done what Alexander had asked me to do, by standing up to Kyle on her behalf. But then, her incessant cries as we walked to our room together, only made me feel stupid for speaking up. Did she still like Kyle? Wow! She really sent him a love note in school? This woman was driving me insane by the second!! Here I was, pining away and hoping to feel her body close to mine again. Yet, here she was, crying over another man. Another Russo man. Most of all, my younger cousin! I could understand competing with Anthonio over her, but not with Kyle!

“Just how many more Russo men should I be weary of? How many would you cry for? Is he the one you have always wanted? For a moment, I thought it was Francisco. Then I realized I was wrong, it was probably Anthonio. But now, I realize how wrong I must have been again. Is it Kyle? You still like him?” I asked, and her face fell.

“No, I do not like him anymore.” She muttered, looking away. Why did her response seem hard to believe?

“Then why are you crying?!” I knew I shouldn’t have yelled at her, but I did. I was really trying so hard to work on my temperament towards her, but it just couldn’t happen in one night. “Why are you fucking crying?!!”

“Because it hurts when your high school bully, turns out to be a favourite cousin of your husband!! Because he is the same person who made me think I was a freak, and made life horrible for me in highschool. Because he is the sole reason why I was so ashamed of my hair color for years. Because even until now, he thinks I’m not good enough. Even for you.” Oh God! I clearly remembered when she had made mention of a certain guy who always bullied her in school, and called her a freak. So that guy was Kyle? Now I felt bad. Terrible.

“Ohh…” I whispered in realization. “I had no idea that guy was kyle. I’m so sorry.” I guess what got to me more was her last statement. In a way, she had been worried that she wasn’t good enough for me? She was the mother of my unborn child, so that made her more than qualified. “And you are good enough for me. For any man.” I added, making her look up at me.

“Thank you.” She muttered after some time.

“For what?” I asked.

“For standing up for me. I appreciate it.”

“That is my job as your husband, Bianca.” At my words, she gave me a look of uncertainty, and I was quick to explain myself. “I’m sorry for having disappeared on you these past weeks. Can we talk?” I asked, to which she nodded like a robot. She could be really cute atimes.

“Before we get started, I just want to say that I’m sorry too.” She rushed out. “I’m sorry for taking Anthonio’s side over yours in the presence of our guests. I shouldn’t have done that.” She bit her lips in remorse, making me sigh.

“I guess it’s time to talk about what we both expect from this marriage, Bianca.” I walked to the bed and sat down. After a few seconds, she joined me there. “We are basically stuck together now, and it’s either we make this work, or not.” I muttered the last part. “What do you want?” I asked her, but she seemed to be finding it hard to give me a reply. So I decided to speak first. “Personally, I want to make this work. I know you do not fancy me like you fancy Anthonio, but I am not asking for that. I just want us to have a tolerable relationship with each other. Atleast, for the sake of our children.” I added, making her eyes widen slightly. Wait, was she thinking we would have just one child? “You know we would have more children right?” I asked, making her nod stiffly. We both knew what I meant. I wish I could just outrightly tell her to let me have free access to her body whenever I wanted it.

“But that means….”

“That we would have sex.” I interjected, making her swallow some saliva. “Well, if we truly want to make this work, we are to supposedly remain faithful to this marriage. Except you are cool with having our fun outside of the marriage?”

“Not at all.” She rushed out, making me smile inwardly. Deep down, I wasn’t a fan of such. I knew she wasn’t either, but I wanted her to succumb and tell me that it was fine to have sex. I didn’t want to be straightforward and ask that from her, especially after knowing she’d not really welcome the idea, considering her previous relationship with Anthonio had just collapsed. She may not really feel inclined to let me touch her just yet.

“But then, that is if you are interested in making this marriage work. You haven’t told me yet.”

“Yes.” She released a long sigh. “For the sake of our child. Children.” She corrected herself, blinking furiously. God, she was really beautiful. “But about the sex part.” She said, making my mind hold still for a moment. What was she about to say about that now? “That should be when neccessary, right?”

Okay now! What did she mean by ‘when neccessary’? Was there a time when sex was necessary?

“Yes?” I answered unsure, half displeased that my agreement to such plan, could mean no sex for me, even in months to come.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Fine then.” She clasped both hands together, looking everywhere else but at me. “Is there anything else you would like to discuss concerning this?”

“Not really.” I shrugged. “You?” I asked, she shook her head in negation. “Great! I suppose we are good?”

“Not really. I’m still hungry.” She muttered, making me smile.

“I know you wouldn’t feel comfortable going to the dinning room, where Kyle is. I would ask one of the maids to bring up your meal.”

“Alright.” She nodded, and I stepped out to make do on my word.

I opened my eyes so early the next morning, being attacked by the harsh sun rays from my open window. The brightness of the sun only meant one thing. I had slept into the late hours of morning. I noticed Bianca wasn’t by my side. She had probably woken up much earlier. I smiled when I thought of how she had snuggled into my body while asleep last night. That was something I had undeniably missed these past two weeks. I sat on the bed and stretched my limbs, before walking into the bathroom for my daily routine. I took my time preparing for work, seeing as I was already late. All the while I dressed up, I half expected Bianca to walk into the room, but I guess she was probably busy with something else downstairs.

Finally, finishing up, I walked out of the room and made my way downstairs. There, was Greta. Wasn’t she going to work today?

“Morning!” She chirped, walking towards the dinning room. “You should join me for breakfast before stepping out.”

“Doesn’t seem like a bad idea to me.” I shrugged, going to join her on the table. “Aren’t you going to work today?” I asked.

“Not really.” She yawned. “I have an interview with a fashion magazine later in the day. So I thought it nore convenient to clear the rest of my scheduled activities for the day.”

“Hmm.” I nodded in understanding. “Bianca?” I asked.

“She went to the hospital with mom. She didn’t inform you?”

“Not at all.” I frowned a bit. “Is she okay?”

“Yes!” Greta rushed out. “She’s great. It’s just that mom insisted she started her antenatal check ups now. She’s already heading to 4 months.”



“Are husbands supposed to accompany their wives for these kinds of check ups?” I asked, unsure.

“Absolutely! Alex always accompanies Bella for hers.” She nodded in approval.

“Is it okay if I joined my wife at the hospital?” Greta looked up at me in suprise.

“Are you kidding? Of course, Manuel. Mom most especially would love that. You should actively participate in activities that has to do with the well being of your baby. Parent to child bonding begins from these stage.”

“Why do you say it like you’ve been there before?” I rolled my eyes and she laughed at me.

“It’s not my fault you are quite dense when it comes to situations as this.”

“Oh, wow.” I muttered dryly. I guess I had to get going. If they had left so early, then their appointment with the doctor was most certainly early. “I assume they had gone to Doctor Luigi?” I asked, to which she nodded. “Alright then. See you later in the day.” I stood up. “I hope your interview goes well.”

“Aren’t you eating anymore?” She asked as I walked away.

“Yes!” I yelled back my response as I rushed out of the house and made my way to the hospital.

I got to the hospital after a short drive, and went straight to Doctor Luigi’s office. I knocked on the door to his office and after some minutes, I heard a muffled ‘come in’. He was very suprised to see me.

“Good morning Doctor.”

“Ahh! Manuel, I didn’t expect to see you here. Are you fine?”

“Totally.” I managed a small smile. “Uhmm… is my wife not here?”

“Ahah! That reminds me. Congratulations on your wedding. I’m sorry I couldn’t attend.”

“It’s fine.” I nodded in understanding.

“Your wife and mother momentarily stepped out to get….” He was still talking when the door opened, and mom stepped in with Bianca following behind.

“Manuel?” She called in suprise. “What are you doing here? Are you okay?” Mom asked in a mix of worry and curiosity.

“I’m fine mom. I’m here to be with my wife. It’s her first antenatal check up, right?”

“Yes?” She eyed me suspiciously.

“Cool. Then we should do it together.” I said, smiling at a suprised looking Bianca.

“Wow.” Mom whispered.

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