Emilio had successfully sent Anthonio home, just after the fight ensued between he and Manuel. I couldn’t believe Manuel had actually thought it cool to behave so cave manly in the presence of our guests. Where had he gone off to now? I walked towards a corner of the hall, where I could easily see everyone.

“I guess you were so busy supporting the one who isn’t your husband, in the presence of others. Now you can’t tell where your husband is.” I turned in shock, hearing the voice of the person who had just spoken in my ears.


“Yes, Bibi.” She nodded as she burped a sleepy Annalise on her waist. “I would tell you this, and as quickly as I can.” She began. “I know you had a growing relationship with Anthonio, but the moment you chose to go ahead with your marriage to Manuel, that became past. Keep your eyes fixed on the one you have chosen to be with.” She smiled. “You should go look for him now.”

“Amara.” I muttered, unable to say any other word that wasn’t her name.

“Go on, already.” She nudged, pushing me towards the entrance of the hall. With slow steps, I made my way out of the hall and headed towards our room. I got there to find that he wasn’t there. Sighing in exhaustion from a long day, I sat on bed and pulled off my shoes. Thankfully, my dress had a zip and not loopholes, so I easily took it off me. I had wanted to bath because of how hot I felt, but found myself putting my head on the pillow and sleeping off instead. I wasn’t even sure if I was supposed to leave the wedding reception hall yet.

The sound of the door being opened, woke me up. I opened my eyes to see Greta walking into the room with a tray of food in her hands.

“I guess I just disturbed your rest.” She smiled, making her way to the bed and dropping the tray on it. “I had to bring your food myself. Wanted to be sure you were fine after the whole drama.”

“I’m so sorry.” I muttered, my head bowed.

“Heyyy…” She held my chin and raised my face to look at her. “You weren’t the one who caused the fight. And if you are sorry for just rushing off to support Anthonio, then you can talk things out with Manuel later.”

“But I do not have an idea where he is.” I sighed. “He was the one I had come looking for, before sleeping off, on the bed.” Immediately realizing I might have gotten another thing wrong, I rushed out. “Was it wrong for me to have left the hall before the guests had left?”

“Of course not.” She rolled her eyes. “Ideally, you should be off on your honeymoon with your husband after the wedding. So there’s nothing to be worried about. It’s not your duty to keep the guests entertained.”

“So where is your brother?” I asked.

“I don’t know. He’s not anywhere in the house. I’m guessing Alexander pulled him away for some air. He would definitely be back soon. It’s night already.” She shrugged. “You should eat up your food before it runs cold. We already had dinner, but mom knew you’d be hungry when you wake up.”

“I’m thankful.” I muttered, before drawing the tray closer to myself.

“Alright. I would send one of the maids to come take the tray when you’re done.” She stood and walked out of the room. I began eating and when I was done, I walked into the bathroom for a quick shower. My body was sticky from sweat and it made me so uncomfortable.

I had soaked myself in the scented bath for quite a while, and when I noticed the water had become cold, I stepped out and dabbed my body dry. Taking one of the robes and putting it on, I made my way out of the bathroom. The moment I stepped into the bedroom, the door opened and Manuel walked in. I didn’t know why but for some reasons, my heart beat accelerated. I knew I owed him an apology for acting the way I did in the presence of our guests. But then, I couldn’t bring myself to say a word with the way he just stood in his place and looked at me, not saying anything. Just when I finally got the courage to speak, he slowly made his way towards me.

“Wedding night?” He chuckled, making me wrinkle my nose when the stench of alcohol attacked my nostrils. He had been out drinking?

“You’re drunk.” I said, but he waved it off and grinned at me.

“No, I’m not. Your boyfriend was.” He shrugged, making my face go red at his statement. It was wrong to still address Anthonio as my boyfriend.

“Manuel…” I was still talking when he came closer and attacked my lips with his. I didn’t see that coming, so I gasped in suprise, making him gain easy access into my mouth. He held my tongue with his lips, sucking on it so hard that it left a sting. That hurt. I tried pushing him away, but he held my arms so tightly, making it difficult for me to move or breathe. Oh God. I could feel my eyes slowly become teary at his assault. Finally, he pulled away from my lips and attacked my neck, leaving actual painful bites there.

“I should have a taste of you as my wife, before your boyfriend does. Don’t you think?” He whispered into my ears, making my eyes sting with painful tears. I guess what hurt me the most was that he thought I was capable of such. No matter what the case may have been between I and Anthonio, I could never cheat on my marriage with Manuel. How could he think so low of me? So he wasn’t even kissing me because he wanted to? He was kissing me because he felt threatened.

“Manuel!” I yelled out when his grip on my arms became too strong. I was very sure that with how tight he held me, it would leave a mark on my arm. I finally gathered the strength and pushed him away from me. Before I could even comprehend my next movement, I landed a slap on his face. “Don’t you ever touch me again, you animal!” I cried. He looked to have been shocked at my actions, as he blinked his eyes a couple of times.

“So you don’t want me, but him?” He chuckled humourlessly. He felt okay making such assumptions of me. Even to the extent of just assaulting me the way he did. There wasn’t a need trying to prove otherwise, when he already had the notion he wanted to have of me.

“Yes!!” I yelled out in anger. “I don’t want you! I never have!” I lied, but he seemed to have truly bought it. He was silent for a moment, before finally speaking up.

“I thought as much.” He muttered and nodded to himself. He seemed to have become a lot more sober in the last few minutes. “I thought as much.” He repeated, looking around the room in clear irritation. “Then I shouldn’t be here with you after all.” He sighed. “I should be with someone who wants me as well.” He said, making my eyes widen momentarily. I knew what he meant by that. I watched as he turned and walked out of the room, shutting the door with a loud bang in the process. I felt tears drop to my cheeks as I realized what had just happened. He was going to be with Francesca, and I hated the fact that it hurt me so much.




I stepped out of my room, feeling quite lively compared to other days. When Tommaso had asked me to come watch them play in the basketball court, I thought it was a welcome idea. I was always locked up in my room these days. They only little time I socialized was during dinner with my new family. I was grateful for the kind of family Manuel had. They all tried to make sure I didn’t feel bad over Manuel’s disappearance for the past two weeks. I had particular bonded really well with his mom, and it felt nice. She always dropped by at my room to check up on me. Sometimes we had random discussions and other times, we just enjoyed each other’s presence in silence. I loved the fact that she could literally stay in bed with me all afternoon, not saying a word to me and just reading a novel. It made me not feel the need to do extra in order to please her. She was already pleased.

I further walked through the hallway, but halted my steps when I got closer to the sitting room. I could hear Mia’s voice as she angrily spoke to someone. What was happening?

“This is such an unwelcome behaviour Manuel! I didn’t raise you to act this way. You have been away from home and from your wife for two whole weeks! Even if you thought it was best to clear your head after the turn of events at the wedding reception, weren’t a few days enough?! You are only making your Nonno even more mad at you. Come back home!!!” She yelled into the phone, before hanging up on him.

“Mia, you should calm down.” Manuel’s father said to his wife as he pulled her down to the sofa beside him. I remained hidden in my spot, not daring to step out and making them realize I just heard the exchange with their son. I wasn’t ready for their sympathetic gazes.

“But darling, you know this is wrong! What’s worst is that he doesn’t even listen to anyone else, other than Alexander or Nonno.”

“Exactly! Do you think my father would not have ordered him to return home by now? If Manuel isn’t home yet, then it only means father has been silent about it all, and he has his reasons. Just calm down.”

“I see you.” I heard a voice behind me, making me jerk in shock. I turned to see a very familiar face. Bella? “Hey.” She whispered to me with a small smile.

“Hey.” I muttered in shame of being caught eavesdropping on my parent in laws.

“Come.” She took my hands and pulled me. We walked through the hallway until we got to my room. Once we were in, she shut the door and asked me to sit down. I was still wondering why she was here though.

“You were still asleep when I came in this morning.” She explained, readjusting herself on the bed. Her belly had already protruded a lot, making it seem difficult for her to sit comfortably. Was this how I would be feeling in the next couple of months? “I stopped by to run a few errands.” She explained, and I nodded in understanding. We stayed silent at each other for a while, before she eventually broke the silence. “I do not really want to intrude, but I feel the need to speak with you.” She said, making me sigh. God knows I really needed to talk to someone as well. These past weeks has only felt like I had been stuck. Just stuck where I had no idea. I felt so pitiable.

The only person I knew I frequently spoke with was Laura, and these days, she seemed to be too busy. I had visited home only twice and both times, only Papa was home. He was definitely not the best person to speak with, in my situation.

“I may not know so much, but when it comes to the Russo family, marriage is not taken so lightly. Have you really made peace with the fact that your new life now belongs with Manuel?” She asked, making me release a sigh.

“I have.” I replied. “Now.” I added.

“I’m glad.” She gave an encouraging smile. “Do you want your marriage to work? Or are you okay remaining a stranger to your partner for the rest of your life?” I truly had no answer to that particular question. Did I really want my relationship with Manuel to work?

“I don’t really know.” I answered truthfully. “I guess I’m just…. I’m just here, ready to see how it goes.”

“You have to change that notion. Marriage is a gift of God to humanity. This means that it should be enjoyed. Not the other way round.”

“But how can I work things out on my own? Marriage is not one sided. Ever since I stepped foot here, everyone has asked me to give Manuel a chance. But he clearly doesn’t even care.”

“You may think he doesn’t, but he does.” She gave a warm smile.

“Wow!” I smiled dryly. “He surely does. Meanwhile, he is currently away from home and in the arms of another woman.”

“Says who?”

“Says him!” I yelled out, unable to hold in the pain and disappointment in anymore.

“And when did he tell you that?” She asked in amusement.

“Well…..” I swallowed. “We had a fight before he left home.”

“You did?” She asked in suprise. “Tell me about it.”

I was done narrating the incidence and she slowly shook her head at me.

“Now, it all makes sense. Here I was all the while, thinking he had decided to leave home because of the fight with Anthonio. Look Bianca, I’m quite sure that by now, you know Manuel and Anthonio aren’t the best buddies. The biggest slap to Manuel’s face, would be if he loses to Anthonio.”

“But he isn’t! I went ahead to marry him, not so? But he still went ahead to punch Anthonio on our wedding day.”

“Clearly, you don’t know the full gist of what happened. Manuel doesn’t get violent unless he is pushed so hard. On that day, Manuel had lost it when Anthonio said he was going to fuck you.” What?

“Anthonio said that?” I asked in shock. “He would never say a thing like that.” I defended.

“Well, he did. And that is what made Manuel punch him. Not only did you take Anthonio’s side, you went ahead to push Manuel away when…..” She trailed off, sure that I had clearly gotten the message. God, I didn’t know that was the case.

“Yes!” She raised her hands up. “I agree that he shouldn’t have been so aggressive towards you, but you stated clearly that he was drunk. Not only did you push him away, you made it clear to him that you didn’t want him. How did you expect him to react?”

“A lot of ways that didn’t include running back into Francesca’s arms.”

“You’re not being fair Bianca.” She smiled. “But I’m happy because there’s hope for you both.”

“Where’s the hope? Haven’t seen it for two weeks now.”

“Do you miss Manuel?” She chuckled, making me more angry.

“How can I miss someone I’ve never had a moment of peace with? I don’t miss him, my pride is just wounded. What would people say when they hear that my husband left home the day I got married to him, and hasn’t returned even after two weeks.”Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“If you insist.” She smiled. “And for your information, he has not been in ‘Francesca’s arms’. He’s been at someplace.”

“That doesn’t stop Francesca from being with him in the same place.” I shrugged.

“Trust me, she isn’t. She hasn’t.” She said it with so much certainty. “My husband told me so.” Oh.

“He did.” I swallowed, not wanting to admit that the little information made me feel better.

“He did.” She smiled. “And I think Manuel would be returning home tonight.”

“How do you know that?” I asked, hoping it was indeed true.

“Well, my brother in law is returning home today. My husband’s younger brother. He has been away for a few months, but is returning today. Manuel would most likely go to pick him up from the airport, after which they might come for dinner together.”

“Fine.” I muttered.





A knock came on the door and I went to get it immediately. It was Greta.

“Hey.” She smiled. “Your husband is finally back. Felt like smacking his head for a moment but sadly, he is my older brother.” He is really back. Bella was right after all. “It’s time for dinner. Everyone is waiting for you downstairs, you should come with me.” She took my hand in hers and pulled me out of the room. “And that reminds me, one of our favorite cousins is around. He is Alexander’s younger brother.” She grinned. Bella was right.

“It would be lovely to meet him.” I smiled at her.

“Feels good to see you smiling.” She squeezed my hand. We got to the last step of the staircase and just as we took a turn into the dinning room, my eyes locked with that of Manuel’s. He looked….. good? Maybe he looked good to me because I had walked in on him smiling at the person next to him. It was then that I took a glance at that person, and I literally went still in my spot. Did I really just see whom I thought it was? What was Kyle Russo doing here? Oh, my God!

“Bianca, I guess you haven’t met Kyle yet. He wasn’t around for the wedding, so you may not know him.” Tommaso grinned at me, making my knees go weak momentarily.

The moment Kyle’s eyes locked with mine, I felt like I was going to pass out. Why did my life always have to be so annoyingly complicated? How could my highschool bully be another cousin of my husband? Worse still, Alexander’s younger brother. Once again, I was reminded of how much the universe loved me.

“Kyle?” Manuel whispered into the ears of Kyle who had his eyes still locked to mine. At that point, I was sure that everyone on the table knew that something was off.

“Bianca dear, is there a problem?” Mia asked. I wanted to shake my head ‘no’, but I knew I couldn’t tell a lie.

“Not really, aunt.” Kyle spoke up. “Bianca Bianchi.” He tasted my name on his lips and gave a loopsided grin.

“You know Bianca?” Greta asked in suprise. All the while, Manuel just watched.

“All too well. She was the first girl to send me a love note in high school.” He chuckled in mockery, making my face go red. “So you never went for people within your league after all? It’s a wonder that you are now married to my cousin.” He said, before shaking his head in fake realization. “Oh, sorry! For a moment, I forgot he was forced to be with you.”

The humiliation I felt when he spoke to me that way, couldn’t be compared to anything else. Everyone just stared at me in shock. I’m sure they were probably wondering how many Russo men I had a past with.

“Kyle, you shouldn’t speak to her that way.” Greta shook her head in disapproval, but all he did was shrug, making me so angry. How, or why did he think that he could waltz in here and bully me again? I felt tears clog my eyes, but I tried hard to not let it drop. I couldn’t afford to appear weak before them all.

“Kyle.” Manuel called, making everyone’s attention fall on him. Including mine. “I don’t know whatever past you may have shared with Bianca, but she is my wife now. And you must accord her due respect.”

I watched in shock as Manuel stood from his seat and walked towards me. I didn’t know what to expect, but was further suprised when he took my hand and pulled me along with him. The moment we were out of the watchful eyes of the other family members, I let the tears drop down my face.

Manuel walked towards our room, still holding me. The moment we got into the room, he turned to lock the door. Just as I was about telling him that I was sorry about our last fight, and thank him for standing up for me, he broke my heart with his next words.

“Just how many more Russo men should I be weary of? How many would you cry for? Is he the one you have always wanted? For a moment, I thought it was Francisco. Then I realized I was wrong, it was probably Anthonio. But now, I realize how wrong I must have been again. Is it Kyle? You still like him?” He asked, only making me more disappointed.

“No, I do not like him anymore.” I muttered. He had spoken up for me. Atleast I owed him that much explanation.

“Then why are you crying?!” He yelled in annoyance. “Why are you fucking crying?!!”

“Because it hurts when your high school bully, turns out to be a favourite cousin of your husband!! Because he is the same person who made me think I was a freak, and made life horrible for me in highschool. Because he is the sole reason why I was so ashamed of my hair color for years. Because even until now, he thinks I’m not good enough. Even for you.” I watched as his anger slowly dissipated and he released a sigh.

“Ohh…” He whispered in realization. “I had no idea that guy was kyle. I’m so sorry.”

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