I was weak; I could barely move a hand or even blink my eyes. I was tied to a chair just like before, with dried blood plastered on my face. My head felt heavy, and my ears rang. I slowly began to regain consciousness, and my eyes finally opened.

I was in a different room, and I’m guessing a different location from before. This room was dark, like the last one, but had no window. The only source of light was the white, dim light that kept blinking constantly.

It looked a little cleaner than the last place I was kept, and it looked more like a basement. Because of how closed off the place was, I couldn’t tell if it was morning, evening, or what day it was, but one thing was for sure: I had been passed out for some time, sipping in and out of consciousness.

I can’t believe I was caught and kidnapped again after being this close to freedom. My throat hurt so much that I could hardly speak, and my body kept shivering due to how cold the place was. The smell of blood wasn’t making it easy, but I’m guessing it was mine since I had blood gushing out of me in so many places.

My body felt so drained that I even ran out of tears to cry. Each time I made a small move, my body hurt like hell, and my breath was a little bit shallow as I struggled to breathe because I had a life to protect. I close my eyes, taking a deep, painful breath. I tried to convince myself that I was going to make it out alive, if not for myself then for my child, but that didn’t stop the fear from sinking in, knowing very well that I have a tiny bit of energy left in me. But I didn’t give up, even though I feel like I’m setting myself up to fail.

My eyes slowly opened when I heard the sound of the door being opened and footsteps drawing near. It was like Deja Vu all over again. The light kept flickering, making it hard to see who the person was until the footsteps came forward, stopping a foot from me.

“I see you are awake.” I recognized the voice as belonging to Stefano, but I couldn’t see his face clearly due to how dim the light was, and it didn’t help that my vision was still a bit blurry or that my head kept pounding repeatedly. It felt so heavy; it was worse than the first time, and I winced at not being able to bear it.

“ple.. please. Please just let me go.” I managed to whisper it out.

“You know I can’t do that, and let’s not forget the fact that you killed Marcos yesterday,” he responded in a cold tone.


Surprisingly, I felt nothing about his death; I knew very well that it was just self-defense. I should have felt something, even if it was guilt, but instead I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing, because there was no need to sugarcoat it; I had wanted to kill him when I repeatedly stabbed him, even after he was done. I felt this fire in me that needed to be quenched, and I knew I would do it all over again. I guess I was becoming more and more like Sin, and right now I didn’t care about what I was going through.

“He could rot in hell for all I care.” I’m surprised at how bold my voice sounds, contrary to how I feel, and I wasn’t the only one because when the light showed on Stefano’s face, he looked shocked as well.

My eyes started spinning. I shook my head, trying to get rid of the dizziness, but that just seemed to worsen the case. I kept getting drowsier and drowsier until I finally fell into darkness.

When I came through again, I saw a pair of red heels standing in front of me, just like the ones Zoey wore two days ago, or was it three, four days ago? I wasn’t sure. I took my time lifting up my head till it finally got to her face, which had a victorious smirk on it, and just like before, her hands were crossed together.

“Oh, poor Mani, tsk tsk tsk tsk.” It looks like you will be taking your last breath any moment from now,” she pouted.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

She placed a hand on my face, moving it backward to my neck, and she grabbed a handful of my hair in a tight grip, worsening the headache I felt and making it very unbearable for me. I winced in pain.

“If only you had known your place and hadn’t taken what was mine,” she said again.

The more I looked at her face, the more I felt betrayed and the more angry I got. She was the one person I never thought would do this to me, someone I had once considered a good friend.

She was the first friend I had after being kidnapped and taken into an unfamiliar world. The one person I trusted in the mafia world apart from Sin, Samantha, Luca, and Mateo And yet, here we are.

It was just like they said-we should always be wary of the ones closest to us because sometimes they are the ones who tend to hurt us the most.

She let go of my hair, standing up right and crossing her hands together against her chest again. “It seems like I don’t need to keep you alive any longer. Sin is finally giving us a chance. With you gone, he has realized that I will always be by his side, and only I deserve to be the queen and future donna of his empire. Not Luna or you, but me,” she said, with a venomous smile on her face, and my heart broke at the thought of Sin being with her. Has he already moved on and forgotten about me? When I called him for help, he sounded so worried. Was that all just in my head? Was it less important for him to move on quickly?

I shake the thought from my head. I refuse to believe whatever comes out of this lunatic’s mouth; for all we know, she might be lying and trying to hurt me even more with her false information.

“I guess it’s here that we finally part ways. I would love to say it was nice knowing you, but you and I both know i would just be lying through my teeth. You don’t need to resent me too much; at least I’m sending you off to finally meet your parents again, just like you wanted.”

She took out a gun from her bag, aiming it at me. My eyes were shut, I guess this was my end. I let out a deep breath, enduring the pain.

“Good bye, Mani,” she said. I heard the sound of the safety being turned on and a gunshot being fired.


I waited for the pain to come, but nothing did. I peeled open my lips to find Zoey laying on the floor, unconscious. I looked in front of me, and there stood Sin. A smile graced my face; my vision became blurry, and I blacked out, allowing the darkness.

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