Sin’s Pov.

I walked into the kitchen, where Zoey sat with Samantha. As they both chatted among themselves, I walked to where the fridge was, in the same direction Zoey sat. My hand touched hers teasingly, the same way she did when I set out to look for Mani.

These past few days, even though I was this close to losing my mind. I had to maintain my calm and not do anything rational. I have been leaving hints around her, making her think that I have some kind of feeling for her.

I made my way to the fridge, taking out a bottle of water. I opened it, drinking it slowly, and little drops fell on my chest. According to Luca, this was an act of seductiveness, and ladies like it, though i agree to disagree with him.

This was just pure foolishness.

After I was done drinking, I threw the empty bottle into the dirt bin, brushing past her again as I made my way to my office, where Luca and Alesso were. I took a seat in my chair, my hands clenching tightly.

“How did it go? Did she fall for it?” Alesso asked, coming to stand beside me.

“I have no idea; I did whatever stupid thing Luca asked me to do.” I growled, pissed.

“I know it will work,” Luca defended. I take in his and Alesso appearance, and just like me, we hardly had any sleep these past few days. I ran my hand over my face, letting out another sigh.

Luca’s phone went off, and he brought it out of his pocket to see who had massaged him. He hurriedly replied, shoving the phone back inside his pocket.

“We need to hide Alesso; Samantha just texted me that Zoey is making her way over here right now,” Luca says, dragging Alesso into a hidden door at the side of my office. The knob to my main office twisted open just as the hidden room Luca and Alesso entered close shut, with Luca giving me a thumbs up.

Zoey made her way into the room with a seductive smile on her face, and it took a lot of effort not to bring out my gun and shoot her now at the spot she stood. She made her way toward me, her hands trailing down my chest.

Think about Mani and the baby. I chant repeatedly to myself while forcing a smile to grace my face. She took a seat on my lap, straddling me on both sides. My hands wrapped themselves around her waist, smiling at her like I meant it.

Her lips trail kisses from my chest, moving up to my neck, then to my jaw, stopping at the side of my lips. I decided to take the initiative and kiss her first, and i almost gagged.

She kept grinding her hips on mine, moving them slowly, probably hoping to get a reaction from me, but that’s just something I can’t control, even if I wanted to. Before the kiss could progress further, her phone rang, and she pulled away to see who it was.

Her face paled a little as she stood up from my lap. She sent me a look, and I quipped an eyebrow as a way of asking her what was wrong.

“I need to pick this up; it’s important.” She says this hesitantly, not sure if she wants to leave or not.

“It’s okay; we can always continue this into the night.” I say that to her, and she smiles. I stood, pulling her chin up to kiss her one last time, trying to make it look confusing, and it worked. It seemed to ease her as she pulled away with a smile on her face.

She gave me one last look before making her way out of the office. Immediately after she was out of sight, I used my hand to furiously wipe off the feel of her lips on mine. Luca and Alesso stepped out of their hiding place.

“I guess the bait worked. She looked tense, so I’m sure whoever called her is also involved in Mani’s disappearance”. Luca called out; they had both watched what was happening through the small and barely visible camera in the room.

The door to the office opened, and Samantha walked in. Her eyes scanned the three of us before she walked toward where we stood.

“Zoey just drove out in a hurry. I already planted the tracker on her car, so we will be able to know where she goes,” she tells us.

“Good, let’s not waste more time; Mani’s life is in danger,” I said, strapping my gun in. I put on my jacket, and we all made our way outside. Mateo had already gathered the men we needed, so we made our way to the car and got in. Luca sat in the driver’s seat, and Alesso sat beside me, directing him on the route to follow. We drove out of the mansion with the rest of my men tagging along behind us.

I’m coming, Amore.

I’m coming to save you both.

We kept on following the tracker in Zoey’s car as she drove for hours until she stopped. We were thirty minutes’ drive away from her, and Luca was driving as fast as he could. We finally spotted her car parked on a narrow road, which meant we had to get out of the car and walk because the car couldn’t pass there.

I took out my gun and put the silencer on it, and the rest of my men did the same. I didn’t want to alert her to our presence when we shot down the men she had guarding the place.

We followed the narrow part, going deep into the forest, until we came to an abandoned house, just like the last one. Luca and I took down the men in the front, while my men moved around the house to secure the premises. We broke into the place, Luca and I not holding back, killing every fucking person standing in our way. I was finally able to act on my anger.

A man came from behind us, but I was faster. I raised my gun, shooting him right on the head, in between his eyes. We continue to make our way down the corridor, knocking on every door just to find my baby.

Luca tapped me, pointing to the door at the extreme end of the corridor. I stopped to listen but could only hear whispers. We made our way towards it, guns raised.

“I guess it’s here that we finally part ways. I would love to say it was nice knowing you, but you and I both know i would just be lying through our teeth. You don’t need to resent me too much; at least I’m sending you off to finally meet your parents again, just like you wanted,” I heard Zoey say when we got closer to the door.

I slowly opened the door and saw her take out a gun from her bag, aiming it at Mani. My jaw clenched when I saw my baby close her eyes in fear. I pointed my gun at Zoey, pissed.

“Good bye, Mani,” she said. She took off the safety of the gun, but before she could shoot, I aimed at her hand that had the gun and fired.

The gun fell from her hand, and she looked surprised to see us. Her mouth parted to say something, but before she could speak, Samantha hit her hard on the head with the back of her gun, knocking her out cold.

My angel slowly peeled open her eyes, moving from an unconscious Zoey to me. A smile lit up her face, then her eyes closed, sending her into unconsciousness.

My princess, my beautiful amour…

I ran towards her, losing the ropes that were tied around her hands and legs. I looked at the blood on her head, legs, and arms. It was all my fault; the guilt was eating me up as I looked at her. Holding her against my hand, I tried to stable my shaky hands, as I gently carried her, cradling the one person I cherish and love most in this world in my arms, sobbing into her skin and mumbling an apology.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

It felt like if I let her go, she would disappear, and I don’t know if I could ever handle a life without her near me. I made my way outside the abandoned house, moving down the narrow path to where the car was parked. Luca opened the back door for me so that I could lay her down in the car seat. I got in as well, lifting her up onto my lap. I cradled her, not willing to let her go. The dried blood on her head matted her hair. I used my hand to move the strands of her hair to the back of her ear.

“Call Doctor Fernandez to your house,” I said to Samantha, and she nodded, bringing out her phone to comply with my request.

The car started moving, with Luca driving us back to the mansion. I looked down at Mani in my arms, mumbling incoherent apologies. making a promise to her-never to let her go and to always protect her. promising her never to push her away again.

I will do my best to protect her and stand by her no matter what.

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