The Lycan King’s Breeder

None of your business

Chapter 39: Avalyn’s POV

My hand suddenly felt heavy as I slowly dropped it. He wasn’t happy to see me. Did something happen?

But we were fine last night. What could have gotten into him?

Sadness covered my face and my heart felt like it was drowning. Last night was one of the best nights of my life. I thought things were going to be better between us but the look he gave me… Threw every hope I had down the drain.

‘Get a hold of yourself Avalyn! He belongs to someone else!’ my subconscious reminded me.

“Earth to Avalyn! Earth to Avalyn!” Dawn called, waving a hand in front of me.

“Huh?” I said turning back to her.

“You naughty girl, you are falling for the king aren’t you?” She asked and my cheeks turned pink at once.

“No!” I cried out rushing to shut her lips with my hands. Who knew who was around us?

“I am not! How can I be?” I retorted and she broke into laughter.

“Well, I am sure you will confess all your naughty deeds very soon! Come on, let’s go get something to eat,” she said, pulling me off the mat we sat on.

But I resisted. “Umm…” I started after she gave me a strange look.

“Ummm… Wait, let all the vehicles leave first,” I said in a whisper.

My heart was thumping fast. I didn’t want to walk between the cars and Talon saw me and called me out or that Monty guy.

I didn’t want any more problems…

“Are you still worried about Monty?” Dawn asked as if she could read my mind.

I dropped my eyes to my hands and started pulling them. Dawn brought her hands over mine and covered them.

“You don’t have to worry about Monty. He has nothing on you,” she assured me. “I am here. If he tries anything, I will make sure he loses a tooth or two!”

“Thank you,” I whispered in gratitude.

I didn’t know what I would have done without her in this place. She was my guardian, protector, and friend when I thought I was going to die.

“Thank you, Dawn… For everything,” I repeated and hugged her.

“Thank you too,” she whispered as she held me.

We sat there on the mat and waited till all of the vehicles trooped out of the castle. Dawn brought me here this morning, so I could get my daily dose of fresh air away from the garden where Monty was lurking before they left.

He seemed to have been looking for me all through the morning and thanks to Dawn, I was able to escape him.

As the last of the vehicles left, Dawn helped me to my feet and we packed up the mat we sat on and walked back to the castle.

Dawn led me to the kitchen and I sat on the stool waiting as she spoke to the chef. They pulled out the chicken breasts from the oven and Dawn helped to place them on plates.

We ate right there, laughing and smiling about anything Dawn could think of.

“Which reminds me, you and Cassie never got to talk, did you?” Dawn asked as she devoured the plate of chocolate pudding in front of her.

“Umm… Not really. What did she want to talk about with me?” I knew now that Cassie only meant to protect me but I still felt uneasy when her name was mentioned because it reminded me of the medication incident.

I subconsciously passed a hand over my stomach and gently caressed it as if assuring my child that I was going to protect it from anyone who tried to harm it.

“Cassie mentioned that… Umm… Talon-the King has a lot of enemies who might want to harm his heir. Is that true?” I asked in a whisper.

Dawn put down her spoon and looked around us to be sure nobody was listening. Then she lowered her head and whispered, “why do you think we are not telling everyone who you really are?”

“Come, let’s go talk in the room,” she said and got down from the stool. “The walls literally have ears, Avalyn. We don’t want anyone picking up on our conversation.”

I agreed with her reasoning and got down from my stool as well, together we walked back to my room where it was safe for us to talk as we pleased.

“Avalyn!” I heard my name as we got to the stair and my blood turned cold.

Even the air around me turned cold at once and silence immediately fell and the only sound was my beating heart and the heels of the queen as she made her way to us.

“My Queen,” Dawn said with a bow. I mirrored her actions and bowed as well.

The queen reached where we stood and I peeked up to find her glaring down at me with those bright blue eyes of hers. Behind her were two maids -the ones we met at the guard’s quarters.

“Avalyn, I am sure you are aware that the King has gone on an important mission,” she began and I nodded.

Her voice seemed to control the temperature around us as it suddenly became even colder. Goosebumps appeared on my skin and my lungs felt like the air in them was being sucked out.

“Use your words, I’ll like to be certain that we are clear,” She hissed.

“Ummm… I am aware of that, my queen,” I squeaked.

“Since you are aware, what are you doing outside your room?”

Confusion covered my face as I looked to Dawn for help. No one mentioned that I wasn’t supposed to leave my room when the King wasn’t around…

“My Queen, we were-” Dawn started to speak but she raised her hand suddenly causing Dawn to hold her breath.

“I didn’t ask for your opinion, Dawn. Do not lose your good manners because you are spending time with this-” she paused as her ice blue eyes washed all over me. “-this human.”

I could feel the aura coming from Dawn change and my heart started pounding.

“Apologies my Queen. It won’t happen again,” she whispered, taking a step back.

“It had better not.” Willow hissed before turning her cold glare back on me. “Henceforth, you are to stay in your room till the King returns. Are we clear?”

My throat suddenly went dry and producing a word felt like the most difficult task in the world.

“Y-yes…” I stammered.

She took a step closer to me and brought her lips to my left ear. “Keep that baby alive. It’s the only thing keeping you relevant around here.”

I felt tears move in my eyes but I bit down on my tongue and refused to cry. At least not in front of her.

She walked away and her cold aura washed away from us. Dawn quickly held my hand and pulled me toward my room.

As soon as we got in, she locked the door behind us and yelled.

“Fuck this! What the hell?” She hissed out in frustration. “She has no right to keep us here! It is not fair!” Dawn continued yelling and I feared someone might hear her from the outside if the room wasn’t soundproof.

“Dawn, it’s fine,” I said, going to grab her hands. “Calm down. She is the queen… Ummm… I am sure she is right. She is only looking out for me…”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

She was mostly only looking out for the baby but I didn’t have to tell Dawn this for the fear of riling her up even more.

Her shoulders shrugged and she pursed her lips as she stared back into my face. “She shouldn’t forbid you from leaving the room. Even Sara wouldn’t approve of this. You need fresh air and the baby does too!”

“Dawn, please. I am not complaining… Ummm for me just… Just let it be,” I stuttered.

“Fine.” She heaved and moved to the window. “I will have to get Cassie to come here then,” She whispered and turned to face me.

“Why does Cassie have to talk to me?” My brows furrowed at this point. She had been repeating the same thing over and over yet, I couldn’t comprehend why it was so important for Cassie to speak to me.

Dawn left the window and came closer to me. “She is the only wolf I can trust that has birthed a child before. She will be able to help out in answering some of the questions you may have…”

I opened my mouth to protest but Dawn stopped me.

“I have seen you going pale in thoughts because you think the baby is going to claw its way out of you,” She said with a glint of amusement in her eyes.

I pursed my lips as if I had been caught red-handed. There were several nights I sat up in bed wondering if the baby wasn’t going to kill me from the inside.

“Don’t worry, the first visit got crazy as her soldier instincts came tumbling over everything. This time you are going to enjoy talking to her, I promise,” Dawn said and patted my back.

“Now, I need to go check on the guards. My brother said he had new ones assigned to you.”

“Oh,” I replied as I slowly walked to the bed.

“Don’t miss me too much,” she mouthed as she pulled the door and left me in the room.

The day slowly slipped away and nothing else happened. Dawn tried to stay with me as much as she could but just like Sara, she had other duties to take care of, especially now that her brother was not around.

Gradually, night came and I closed my eyes, trying to get some sleep. I tossed and turned but sleep evaded me. I wished Talon could appear and be with me but I was all alone.

The air in the room started choking and all I wanted was to have a long walk in the garden but I knew I couldn’t do that.

I stood by the window and tried to take in as much of the fresh air as I could.

My throat suddenly felt dry and I wanted water. The jug on my bedside table was empty and I decided to go get myself water from the kitchen.

I wasn’t leaving the palace, I was certain the queen wouldn’t mind.

I stepped out of the room and went down the stairs to the kitchen. I filled up my jug and started back to my room but just as I got to the stair, the lights went off and I was engulfed in darkness.

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