The Lycan King’s Breeder

Ass kisser

Chapter 38: Talon’s POV

As I returned to my room that morning, my body felt renewed. My muscles clenched as my brain felt better than it did in the last couple of days.

Avalyn had a way of touching my very soul and bringing me that extra effect I didn’t even know I was missing.

I got to my room and pushed the door gently open, not wanting to wake Willow.

“Where did you sleep last night?”

Her voice welcomed me the moment I stepped foot inside. I cringed inwardly as I banked on meeting her asleep.

I didn’t tell her where I was going when I left the table at the banquet last night. I was overwhelmed by my desire and all I wanted then was Avalyn.

But as I stood in the room with her, guilt washed over me. Just a few days ago, I had asked her to forgive me and I promised to cherish her always -I still cherished her, I just couldn’t push away Avalyn either.

Willow stood at the center of the room with a face so straight, I couldn’t tell if she was angry with me or not.

I summon up courage and pulled my face into a frown. I was the Lycan King, I shouldn’t be scared of a mere woman -much less my mate!

“Willow, I am the king. I don’t think I need to get permission from you!” I hissed moving to the wardrobe.

“I never said you needed my permission. The only thing I expected from you was for you to tell me so I wouldn’t be worried sick about you,” her cooling voice flushed through the room and my heart felt bitter.

I ran my fingers through my hair and turned to her. “Willow, this matter shouldn’t bring concern okay? Just forget about it…”

The corners of her lips twitched as she dimmed her eyes at me.

“When the King starts defending his breeder in public, I think that becomes a matter of concern!” Willow hissed out. She didn’t yell or shout. Her voice remained even but I could pick out her anger now.

“You were acting strange last night,” She stated again as she watched me with eyes as sharp as an eagle. “Alpha Trevor is important to us but she isn’t. We could as well write her off to them but you became carried away because of a simple, whore!”

Her words were like salt to an injury. How dare she refer to Avalyn as a whore?

“She isn’t a whore Willow!” I gritted out as I pulled a few changes of clothes from the wardrobe.

Willow scoffed. “Explain to me why she was giving herself so easily to Trevor’s son. She is a dirty little whore that has gotten you wrapped under her little finger!”

“Montgomery was the one chasing after her!” I defended and she shook her head, glaring at me.

“First, it was in the garden. You had given orders for her to stay indoors but somehow she went there and made sure to put her charms on Monty and the boy couldn’t help himself!”

“Willow, you know how that boy is. He was only doing this to get back at me. This has nothing to do with Avalyn!”

“It has everything to do with Avalyn, Talon!” Willow yelled and for the first time, she broke character.

Her eyes watered but she looked up at the ceiling and blinked them to stop the tears from falling.

“We have to get rid of her Talon. She is not only a whore but she is a cheap conniving creature that is going to tear us apart!”

My rage bubbled within me and my fingers itched as I slammed my fist against the wardrobe door. I hated that everything she said affected me this much.

I was overwhelmed with the need to defend Avalyn but somewhere at the back of my mind, I knew that it was hurting Willow to hear me defend the girl this much.

Willow sealed her lips at once and I turned to glare at her. “Are you going to hit me now? Will you tear me into shreds as you do to the men that stand up to your face?”

If she wasn’t my mate, she wouldn’t have had a face anymore. She had no right to insult Avalyn like that and speak to me the way she did but I let it fly.

I was indebted to her love.

Without saying a word, I turned around and walked out once again. It was better I left her alone in the room. I had to clear my head and the turmoil in my heart.

I would go for a run but the last thing I needed was for Trevor to see me, he would definitely misinterpret it as battle anxiety. I decided to go to my study.

At least there, I would be able to keep a straight head.

All of this drama was because of that silly boy, Montgomery. Last night was enough proof that we couldn’t share a living space without violence.

If I had to spend another moment with him in the same room, it would get bloody too fast. I had no more patience left in my body for that kid.

My trip to Jared’s pack had to be moved a few days earlier than planned. I could no longer stand having Trevor and his son in my castle.

“Talon, good morning!” Greg’s voice reached me just as I was about to take the bend to the study.

He was running up to the floor and I stopped to wait for him with my glare still evident on my face.

“We just received a response from your cousin. Preparations have been moved as you requested. We can have the meeting today or tomorrow, depending on our arrival date,” he said as he reached me.

“Let’s have it today.”

“Not a problem. I’ll go prepare the vehicles. We should move by noon,” he replied.

“Good. Inform Trevor and his son. I’m sick of having them here. The sooner we get this problem sorted out, the better it would be for everyone.”

“Talon, they will need proper communication from-” He started to say but I have gotten enough of the protocol and it’s bullshit!

“If they are not going to pack up then they can keep their alliance. I don’t give a fuck anymore!” I hissed.

Greg went silent and for the first time, he observed me completely and his face pinched into a frown.

“I’ll handle them but… Are you okay?” He asked in a whisper.

“I wish I could give you the answer to that question…” I trailed as I turned to leave. “Inform them about the plan and let me know when you are ready to move.” With that, I left his side and continued to the study.

I pulled out the door and walked to the chair. I sat down and closed my eyes.

I was hurting Willow and myself.

Why was I unable to control my emotions around her? Why was it so difficult to resist Avalyn?

She was only human yet she took over all of my senses! Why?

I already had a mate and I loved her very much. The goddess couldn’t have made a mistake. We had problems with children but Willow was smart to suggest a breeder which was working.

All I had to do was detach myself from the girl. As soon as she gave birth to my hair, I was going to dispose of her myself.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

I let my body relax into the chair and slowly, I fell into a deep sleep until a knock came to the door and my eyes flashed open.

It was Greg.

“How long have I been asleep?” I asked as he came in and pulled a chair for himself.

“Not too long. But long enough to keep you refreshed. The men are ready to move,” he said and nodded.

“I should go pack a few things,” I said as I pushed the chair off my back and made to get out.

“That won’t be necessary. I have already gotten your travel bag ready.”

“Thank you,” I said, relaxed into the chair, and closed my eyes again.

“Talon, what’s wrong? Did you get into a fight with Willow?” He asked.

I let out a deep breath and turned to stare out the window. “I don’t know Greg. I don’t know what comes over me whenever Avalyn is near me… Do you think I am doing the wrong thing?”

Greg was quiet for a few seconds before he responded, “I think you are doing the right thing. The kingdom needs an heir and you have made one. That isn’t wrong in my opinion,” he said.

Maybe it wasn’t wrong trying to make an heir for the kingdom, how about how I felt in my heart? Why did I feel this way around her?

“We should get going,” I suddenly said. Talking about Avalyn wasn’t helping. It only made the warmth in my heart get even bigger.

Greg got up and together, we walked out of the castle to the entrance where the vehicles were lined.

“Have you already instructed your sister on what to do while we are away?” I asked as I marched to my vehicle.

“Dawn knows what to do. I have also assigned guards to both Avalyn and Willow pending the time we get feedback on that medication they found earlier this week,” Greg explained behind me.


The sound of laughter suddenly filled the air. It was distant but for some reason, I could pick it out.

I turned my head just in time to find Avalyn and Dawn in the distance giggling about something. The brightness of her smile was like a drug that cleared out all of the doubts that were in my head.

Our eyes locked and my wolf flipped.

Maybe if this assignment wasn’t that important, I would have gone to her. She waved at me and my hands itched to wave back but we were in the open and my conscience prevented me from retaliating.

Painfully, I peeled my eyes away from her and got into the vehicle.

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