The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 60 The Demon King

I was hoping that I would not face this man so soon, but I fear that I would not be afforded such a luxury. I do not find myself fearing any creature, but this is the only one you shall find to be stronger than a Vampire. Now years ago, we did not sit around the same table, then Lucius stepped in and created some sort of civilness between ourselves. Since then, our worlds did not cross into each other, that is until today.

Now the story does go, Lucius was in love with a mortal woman, then one night she met her fate by the hand of another mortal. This woman had a son, not that of Lucius, but he vowed to her that he should raise him as his own, and so he has been doing ever since.

This does explain why the guardian was taking the alleyways, for many who wish to seek revenge would not hesitate to cut Lucius where it hurts the most. So this does put us in a somewhat troublesome situation. We are about to experience the full wrath of the King of the Underworld coming down onto us.

So with somewhat large strides, I make my way to the door to greet our guest of honor; one wrong step and my life shall be ended. And as I turn the corner, I am reminded why he is widely feared. So I put on my best attempt forward to hide my fear, but I am afraid to say he has most probably already got wind of it.

“Dear Lucius, what a pleasant surprise, to what do we owe this honor?”

“Lucas, please do not insult me; you are fully aware of why I am here.”

“I am afraid I do not have an idea. Do you wish to step inside?”

“Just give up the boy, and I will be on my way.”

Now, do I even dare to pretend that the boy is not upstairs with Lilith, though that is not the problem? Should Lucius sense the boy is a Vampire, then I know he surely would end all the lives of the Vampires present. It does only leave me with an option, and that shall force me to be honest.

“Lucius, I insist that you step in for a moment; there is a matter we need to discuss with regards to the boy.”

“I do need to warn you, Lucas, if harm has come to the boy, then I shall have no calm in ripping your head off.”

I swallow hard at the mention of his words; I have seen what Lucius has done to one of his own. I can only imagine myself to horror thinking of the way he shall treat a Vampire. I do believe that he shall not only rip your head to shreds, but he shall drive your heart straight out of your chest.

Lucius has not always been the King of the Under World; he came to a head in a battle with the former King. Lucius’s kind has no problem in ending the lives of their own, but they spawn back just as quick as they seem to perish.

Now can I convince this man to see that we were left with no other option but to turn the boy? There was just not enough time. There would have been no way for him to save the boy’s life by the time we reached him; I do believe that he shall see it this way.

So as he agrees to step inside for a few moments, I send Cassidy upstairs to ask Lilith to remain there until I have spoken to Lucius. And as I seat him in the common room, I prepare myself for what would be the worst news I shall give in all my Vampire years.

“My dear Lucius, I am sure that you are aware of how the life of the boy’s guardian ended?”

“Yes, I am aware that you have a bunch of Ancients roaming the city. If it were not for the treaty, I would have ended them myself; they are nothing but a menace. I trust that you have got control of them again?”

“I assure you they fully know their place. Now that is not my problem, well, you see…”

How on this dear earth do I tell a man that his child has been turned into a Vampire. I have never once come to battle with a demon, but I think I am pretty much close to it at the present moment.

“Lucius, the boy was injured by the Ancient.”

“Do you wish to tell me that he is dead?”

“Well, not completely dead.”

“Lucas, I am warning you, what have you done to the child? If he has become some vessel to feed from, I do not give a damn over a treaty. I shall serve your head for dinner.”

“Well, that is not quite the way I imagined I would finally end one day, not to mention my flesh being ripped from my body.”

“You make us sound like a bunch of animals.”

“I do wish to reserve my comments.”

Well, he does not seem to find that quite as amusing as I do. But I do think I can not stall this any longer. And how do I even dare to say it, just throw it out there and see how it grabs at is attention?

“The boy has been turned.”


I hear as his voice roars throughout the room and further down the corridors; the deafening sound even causes the windows to vibrate in their very frames. I watch as the fury consumes his eyes, they are burning red hot and is near sizzling to boil over. In only mere seconds, he turns into his ghastly form. The heat radiates from his body, a body that is burning at a fire that is melting his skin. There is no resembles of a man left, but only pure horror.

So it is with easy steps that he comes towards me; I can safely say that my own dead heart has come to a stop. I know if he only but lays his hands on my skin, it shall be burned to the bone in an instant. Now, if it really did make a difference, I rise to my feet to stand as much ground as I can gather. And from where I am standing, with the fury that is taken hold of him, there is not much standing that I can do at present.

But as Damien shall do now and always, he comes to stand next to me. I am afraid to say that even two of us won’t be able to take down the King of the Underworld. Perhaps three, or am I being a slight bit optimistic. And that is exactly what happens; next to join my side is Cassidy. Now I do hope she realizes that this is not the perfect moment to turn Ancient. Then again she never seems to listen.

Now this three against one might seem like a battle that is unfair but should you watch this man that has muscles bulging in places that are not even humanly possible; you can surely claim it to be fair in more ways than the other.

This makes him only but laugh, with a rumble that sets chills to my skin.

“Lucas, give me the boy.”

“Lucius, you know that he shall never survive between your kind. They shall rip him to pieces the instant the moment presented itself.”

“No one shall dare to defy me.”

“Do I need to remind you how it was that you came to power? Not even to mention the war that was raging amongst yourselves?

“And I assume that you shall look after the boy different?”

His question does seem to bring me somewhat irritation. How can he even suggest that my kind shall think of defying their Master. The idea of hurting the boy shall not even come to the mind of a single Vampire. I guess in one way that we shall be compared to the other; we shall end the lives of those that shall bring harm to the boy.

But this is not how he sees the situation.

“Lucas, your dear Council shall not allow such a thing to happen. When last did you turn a child?”

He waits for me to answer; he knows that we have not done so in hundreds of hundreds of years. And yes, it is true that the Council should never allow it, but that is before I have changed the power that they possess. I can safely say that Lucius does not know of this.

“Lucius, I am afraid to say that the Council does not have the ruling power that they used to possess. There shall be no way that any Vampire shall oppose my decisions.”

“I do not care, Lucas; I want the boy.”

“He is better left with us; of course, you shall be free to see him whenever you please.”

“The child is mine; I shall provide for him the way a Vampire will.”

And as I am starting getting annoyed with his stubbornness, he does come even closer to me. Then without any warning, he grabs a hold of my arm. The pain of hundreds of razors slashing at my skin, sends a tang through my body. And shortly after, the smell of burning skin fills the air. I watch as each layer by layer starts to burn rapidly off me.

This does infuriate Cassidy; she immediately turns into her Ancient form; with one claw to the chest, she catches Lucius off guard, and he stumbles back a few inches. Once he has gained his ground, he steps forward once again, but this time towards Cassidy.

“Well, I guess that propechy is true after all. Guess we have a girl fighting the big Lucas’s battles. Now give me the boy, and I shall spare all your lives.”

But as Cassidy goes to raise her hand, he grabs onto it firmly, and I hear her growl from the stinging heat. She continues to claw at him, but he only holds her at bay by an only simple lift of his hand. And as I hear my beloved plead, it sets my own fury ablaze.

“Let me go you damn monster! Let me go!”

“Give me the boy, and I shall be gone.”

Then Cassidy dares to answer. “You are never getting him.”

Julius grips her by then neck and slowly rises her from her feet. You can hear it sizzles as he clamps his hands firmly around. But if I think that my own pleas would make a difference, I am sadly mistaken. The more I beg, the more firmer he closes his hand around her throat. I watch him as he laughs from the deepest parts of his chest. My beloved’s porcelain skin is becoming a melted red mess of flesh.

But then, from behind Julius, comes the voice that has caused all this outrage.

“Dad, let the lady go!”

Lucius swings around and faces the boy, but the minute he senses that he is a Vampire, his excitement drops.

“What have you done to my child?”NôvelDrama.Org content.

But this time, it is not fury that consumes him but sadness. He then turns to me and almost with pleading eyes.

“Please let me take the boy, and I will make sure that he is safe and he feeds.”

“Lucius, the boy needs the guide of a Vampire.”

“Lucas, the boy needs his father.”

Then at that very moment, to the heartbreak of us all, he latches himself onto Lucius’ leg. And if I say that it does not strike a heartstring at all in the room, it would be a complete and utter lie.

But then I hear the most horrific words being spoken.

“I will go with him.”

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