The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 59 The Story Behind The Boy

It is early morning as I found myself descending the stairs; I am making a very rare appearance in the kitchen for what seems to have been quite a while. And as I turn the corner, I have a very wide-eyed Damien facing me with somewhat of a wicked smile. I do know exactly what is on this man’s mind after last night. My dear beloved did some things that this Vampire has not experienced in his life before, and believe when I say she shall be doing it quite often from now. But first, I need to slap this man for his expression is starting to annoy my eyes.

“You do know that there is a saying that should the clock strike twelve, that stupid grin shall remain on your face.”

“Well, then I am glad that it is only nine.”

“Always the wisecrack. Tell me, how are you feeling?”

“Never better; I cannot believe you never kiss Aurelia before.”

“My Damien, there is a very good reason why I never did. Now tell me what lies ahead for us today?”

“Only a council meeting at ten, and then Lilith feels the need to have one of her get-togethers.”

“Oh, god. We all know how well the last one went. And I guess the boy shall need to be introduced to the rest of our kind.”

“Speaking of which, please be prepared for the Council is intending to address this matter.”

“Well, let us go address this then.”

After a quick kiss goodbye to Cassidy that does not feel the need to get up at present, I make my way to where Damien is waiting. We take a slow drive through the city, passing all the alleys where we had trouble and assessing if there are any more poison cases. Much to our relief, the streets seem to have returned to normal; it is fair to say that we have won yet another battle. Victor did do our kind proud in getting the cure out to all the Vampires and humans that were infected.

So we find ourselves stopping in front of the Council house. Now, as I have said before, the Master is not immune to the Vampire code, but since the incident with Genevieve, what I say is the rule, there is no need for discussion between the Council Members. That is why Damien’s statement did find me strange, for they should all know that there shall be no point in arguing with me. But out of respect, I shall entertain what their concern is for only but a short while.

And with that, we find ourselves through the hallways to the very end where we shall find the study. It is only Victor and Drusilla that shall be joining us this morning. So not much worried, I take a seat.

“Morning, Victor, Drusilla.”

They both but only bow and then take the seats of their own. Drusilla is the first to speak, thanking Victor for his bravery, and by a simple head gesture, I acknowledge him respectively in return. Then Drusilla faces me again, and I am instantly aware that she is about to bring up the matter of the boy.

“My Master, there is somewhat concern amongst your following that you have turned a child to keep as your own.”

“My dear Drusilla, I do appreciate the concern, but do I need to remind you that I shall do as I see fit and that no one shall take my decisions as wrong?”

“They say that since you have been with the Ancient Cassidy, there has been more trouble than there ever was before.”NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

“Well, then I demand their names for no one shall disrespect my beloved and if, in any way, she has only brought these matters to light which have been lying dormant for far too long. You do tell these Vampires that have this problem that they shall come to discuss this with me directly, and then I shall have their heads for doubting Cassidy and their Master. Now is this the only matter that you have called me to here for today?”

“There is a slight other problem with the boy, which is the reason that the Council is concerned.”

I furrow my brows and start to growl from the depths of my chest. I do not wish to go into this matter any further, and neither do I want to put my authority down on them. But it seems that it has now become required.

“Drusilla, I do not think I need to advise you that should you wish to remain in that seat, you shall refrain from continuing your sentence. I have had a rather dreadful week, I have only now started relaxing, and you are on a fast pace to upset my mood again,”

“My Master, I am not questioning your decision; I wish to tell you who the father of the boy is.”

… Cassidy POV…

It is a buzz in the Lecarde House this morning. I have a frantic Lilith running around in the ballroom, preparing for what I believe is one of her legendary cocktail parties. I do find strange why she calls it by the name, for it is a question of bringing your own meal and then quietly feast on it when you are slightly peckish.

That is almost how it went with Lucas and me that very fateful night that I discovered he was a Vampire. I can now honestly say that I would not change my decision to come back that evening; yes, he could have turned in a far greater way. But yet here I find myself as the lady of the Lecarde House, even though it is a title that Lilith has held for years before my arrival. But I do believe her priorities have shifted once little Stefan came into her life, and then there is her companion Victor. Even though she shall never admit it to anyone, she holds a great affection for him. And I can say that she might even be considering settling with him and the boy.

So it is with much amusement as I watch little Stefan running after Lilith. The boy is indeed a small miracle; I think he has made all of us see life in a far brighter light than a Vampire would normally do.

…Lucas POV…

Now, if I was not in a bad mood before, I have just grown somewhat irritated. Between all my Council Members, Victor and Drusilla are the most loyal and trusted. The disrespect that she is showing me now shall leave me with no option but to strip her from her Council duties, and should she go even further, I shall seek my punishment in any other way that I see fit.

“Drusilla, I have had quite enough; you shall leave this house at once,”

“But my Master, the boy…”

“I said, get out!”


“Now, Drusilla! Get out!”

She scurries to get her belongings together and hurries out the door before my full wrath comes down on her. I feel as the anger starts to burn white under my skin; the rage has consumed my being. Damien that has been watching my frustration, hands me a glass filled with whiskey. Even though we as Vampires do not entertain ourselves by drinking, it does have the same effect it has on a human. So after tossing it to the back of my throat, I breathe out a sigh of relief even though relief is not what I am feeling.

Then much to my horror, Victor starts speaking, and if I thought that he had something different to discuss, then I am sadly mistaken.

“Lucas, my Master, I beg that you do listen to what I have to say.”

“You have a minute Victor then I shall be leaving.”

“The boy, his father…”

“His father is dead.”

“I am afraid the man you found him in the alley was only a guardian; the boy’s father is still very alive.”

I look at Victor, somewhat puzzled. Have we gone and taken a boy from his true family? But why is he lurking in an alley with a man other than his father?

“Do you know who his father is?”

“Yes, we do, and you are not going to like it?”

“Oh god, let me hear it.”

I watch as Victor composes himself for a moment. I find it strange that he shall hesitate to tell me which human this boy belonged to. There is no mortal man that I fear, nor shall there ever be.

“Victor, I am growing older; who is the boy’s father?”


“Lucius as in Lucius?”

“Yes, I fear that Lucius.”

“How is that possible?”

I do not even wait for his answer, I hysterically start laughing, and Damien is right behind me as he joins in. Now I do feel bad for kicking poor Drusilla out when she was only trying to warn me. This is indeed a dilemma; should Lucius discover that it is me that has his child, well, then I do believe I will find myself extinct.

“Victor, does he know where his child is?”

“No, not yet; he is yet to discover that the guardian was killed by an Ancient.”

“Oh, and he is so going to love that idea. Now tell me, does anyone else but this room know about this?”

“The secret is kept between these walls. But I must warn you that he shall find out what happened to the guardian, and then he will find himself on your doorstep.”

“Then that shall be the highlight of my day. Now I shall come up with a solution which is best for Lilith and the boy.”


“My dear Victor, has she not told you? She is his maker.”

There is a wave of horror that creeps over Victor’s face, for he knows in an instant that his love, Lilith, might be in danger. He holds a far bigger affection for her than he shall ever admit. I fear that he shall do anything for her, and that includes facing a man like Lucius. And as he speaks next, I nearly begs.

“Lucas, please, please send Lilith and the boy away until we have been able to resolve this.”

“Victor, you of all should know that Lilith shall not listen.”

“Then at least let me take stay with her until then.”

“You are very welcome in the Lecarde House. In fact, your love is organizing a little get together again. So do please come early.”

After making arrangements to discuss this later once Victor has arrived at our home, we say our goodbyes. And once we are in the car, Damien turns and looks at me strangely rather concerned.

“Lucas, this poses as a big problem.”

“My dear Damien, big is even a small word to describe it.”

With that, we decide to keep this between ourselves until we have come up with the best solution on how to resolve our rather big problem, which I must honestly say seem near to impossible at the moment.

Once we finally step through the door, we put on our best fake happy faces as not to alarm the ladies. We find them standing inside the ballroom, rather out of breath; little Stefan is happily running around in circles, chasing a rather annoying puppy that Damien got him from the store this morning.

I watch as Lilith looks at him with the loving eyes of a mother. I cannot take this child away from her; I shall not cause her that pain. We shall enjoy this evening, and then we will reveal all to her.

“So, my dear Lilith, are you ready for this.”

“Oh, Lucas, you do know that is a silly question. And yes, I am rather excited for everyone to meet Stefan. He, himself, is looking forward to, as he calls it, meet all his aunts and uncles. Now, if you shall excuse us, we need to go and change for the guests will be arriving soon.”

With that, she makes her leave, and Stefan is right behind her. Then as she said, the first of the guest rings the buzzer. Cassidy whisks off to go and greet them. But she does not seem to return with someone; it strikes me rather peculiar.

“My beloved, who was at the door?”

“There is a man looking for you.”

“And he might be?”


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