His Crazy Maid

Chapter 43 The color of the heart


Larry balled his fist hard in a ball.

He smirked at Pedro.

“I just think you’re mistaken, Pedro. This is a man standing before you and not a boy. I hope you get that into your fucking damned brains. You rotten old man!”he gritted out of annoyance.

Pedro feigned a gasp.

“Woah?, really?, I didn’t know. Well, I look forward in seeing how the man will save his mother.. and oh, how gutsy!. No more respect again?, hmm.. rude, really rude..”

“You walked into the lion’s den yourself, fuckin uncle!. So, now, you will have to face its wrath.”Garry spoke.

His brows were all creased up in a deep frown.

“And this is the end of it. Say bye to your beasts, Grace.”Pedro said with a rough tone as he stepped inside the car with Grace.

“Hey, Josè. Close the gate!”Larry yelled at Josè who was still deep in thought.

Skyler started the engine but hesitated.

He suddenly pulled out the key from the ignition hole.

They have to deal with this here.

If he should return with him back then he would be so busted.

After all, it’s high time he also carry out his revenge.

He has just been waiting for a day like this.

“Hey!, you asshole!. Why?. Move the damn car, you loser!.”

“You seems to be the loser here, Pedro.”Skyler said as he looked up at him through the rearview mirror.

He whined down the louvers and Larry and Garry showed up beside the window side.

Larry tried opening the door forcefully.

Pedro saw this and his heart leapt.

He know he is so dead if the kids grab him.

He pointed the gun at Skyler.

“Move it, young man. Or, I spread all your brains on this window..”he threatened.

“Your end is here already, Pedro. You can’t stop it. We’ve all been preparing for this day.”Skyler smirked.

Pedro was now burning in rage.

He pulled the trigger and tried shooting him but to his utmost dismay, there was no bullet inside.


“Oops!. Seems like the gun is empty. You’re out of bullet, should i lend you one?”Skyler asked.

“And well, I have one bullet here in the drawer. You want it?”he smirked.

“You’re gonna regret….”

“Eish, shush. Do you think you’re stepping out of this place alive?. Guess what also, that one bullet will be use to kill you.”Skyler cut him off.

And after seeing and taking in the scene, Grace quickly opened the door and ran out.

“You bitch!, get back here!”Pedro shouted and stupidly got down from the car.

Garry grabbed him by his neck and started choking him.

“And this is just the beginning.”he said with tightened face.

Larry led Grace inside the house and kissed her cheek then ran out not after locking her inside the house.

He doesn’t want her to witness all of this and just in case also, he doesn’t want her to fall a victim again.

He ran back to the scene and saw Pedro held up high by Garry. He was been choked.

Pedro eyes bulged out of his sockets and he held Garry’s hand in a pleading manner.

“Wait, Garry. Come on. We aren’t just gonna allow him to die like this. Remember, he tried to blow me off with the building?”

Larry rushed to him.

Garry glanced at him and the tension in his eyes hardened the more as he choked him harder.

“I also think so.”Skyler said hopping out of the car.

Garry’s eyes brightened.

“Skyler?”he called and left Pedro making him to fall on the hard floor.

He groaned and started coughing.

Now, this is hell.

Seems like he brought himself here to be killed.

“You came earlier than I imagine, Skyler.”Larry spoke.

“Yeah?. And you noise maker. Thought we had a deal.”Skyler replied.

“Okay, I’m lost.”Garry said quizzically.

“Don’t get lost yet, Garry. But, you can after we get rid of this mess old man and I will just find you.”Larry said moving towards Pedro on the floor.

He placed his leg on his leg and pressed Pedro’s leg to the floor, crushing it with his hard shoe.

“Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!, pl….”Pedro choked on his words as he groaned.

“I’m going to kill you little by little, evil uncle. I’ll cut out your tongue first then, your fingers one after another and then those legs… then your ear. I’m gonna cut every part of your body little by little, leaving you to live in agony for two weeks.”Larry expounded.

Pedro’s eyes widened in shock.

“N… no.. please, it’s the work of the devil.. please….”Pedro pleaded.

“When you tried killing me, you didn’t know it’s the devil’s work but now that your about to get punished, it’s the work of the devil?. Don’t worry, I’ll make you see the devil starting from today.”Larry smirked..

“Boss?, how come you’re two?.. OMG, he is really two.”Josè exclaimed.

Larry turned to him and smiled.

“I’m Larry.”

“And, I’m Garry!”

And that was it, Josè collapsed.

“Alright, so, I have evidence of all the evil doings of this people.. especially Derrick!, that man is a fuckin prick…”

“Brave, Skyler, brave.”Garry nodded.

“I’ll release it to the media tomorrow, is that good?”Skyler asked.

“All good.”Larry said.

Garry also agreed.

Larry dragged Pedro inside the house and Grace ran to them.


“Let down your worries, mom. I’m all good.”

Grace nodded and looked at Pedro on the floor.

“Please… Grace…. te… he.. lp me plead with th…”

“Eish, shush, Pedro. Your end is here so accept it peacefully.”she frowned.

Larry dragged him to the storehouse and locked him there.

“I’ll start mutilating tommorow. And I’ll be coming for your eyes first. Those eyes, so evil. I’m coming for it tommorow.”he said after he tied his hands and legs with a thick rope.

He walked out.

Garry and Skyler are now inside also talking to Grace.

“I have to go to the hotel,”Skyler announced.

“Hotel?”Garry and Grace chorused.

“Yeah, hotel. That’s where I’ve been staying after returning from Paris.”

“You went to Paris?”both Grace and Garry asked again.

“And why aren’t you surprised?”Garry turned to Skyler and asked.

“Because I’m the master mind behind this.”he sighed.

“How?”asked Garry.

Both he and Grace were staring out at him in anticipation.

“After you left to save Annie..”

“Who is Annie?”Grace asked.

“Oh, that’s Larry’s love.”Garry replied absent minded and Larry glared at him.

“Really?, you now have a lover now?. Awn, my boy is now all grown-up.”Grace smiled.

“Just skip that, mom. She isn’t my girlfriend. Just a friend.”Larry said with an eye roll.

“Yea?. That’s how Romeo and Juliet started. Just a friend!.”Garry teased.

“And so, you know Pedro set up a bomb in the building?.. after we’ve all evacuated, I returned to the building alone without letting anyone know and I kinda got there late, but thank God, I managed to save him.”Skyler explained.

“Fuck that!. Just seeing the scar on his cheek!.”Garry stated looking at Larry’s face.

“What?!, Pedro did that?..”Grace gasped.

“Yes.”Larry replied.

“What I don’t get, how come he is…”

“It’s money and position, ma’am. He managed to influence both Sean and Derrick through that. And those buffoons love money than their lives.”Skyler interrupted.


Larry drove to the hotel and as he entered the place, Rico face popped up.

“Where are you coming from?”he asked.

“You sound dumb.”Larry replied.

“Seriously?. Now, you’re so busted!. You’ve been seeing that girl, haven’t you?”

“None of your business.”Larry scoffed as he walked inside his room.

He started packing his bag.

He is going to be staying in his mansion from now on.

He might just be coming here to check up on them.

Rose entered and her eyes widened.

“Huh?, are you going on a trip?, why packing your clothes.”she asked and stalked towards him.

“I’m leaving. But will be back. Not to stay but to just come.”Larry replied.

“You… you can’t possibly do that…”Rose scoffed.

“I mean, are you just going….”

“Going to what?. Get the hell out, Rose. If you’re still thinking what happened the other night, then, you’re just as stupid!”

“Why are you taking about the other night again when we still had one some hours ago?”

Larry stopped folding his Jean and turned to her.

“Hours ago?. Do not he ridiculous, Rose. What happened the other night was a mistake, a great one even. If not for the slut you are.. you would know not allow me have s*x with you. I’m sure you would have felt on top of the World when we had it, because you’ve been flirting with me for so long but I tried ignoring you and at last, you finally got me to bed you!.”Larry expounded.

Rose eyes watered.

“You don’t mean those words, do you?.”

“I mean every ounce of them.”he said and zipped up his bag.

“But.. some hours ago… you were.. you were… we had it again and you felt so satisfied that you even said you want us…”

“Wait.. some hours ago, you said?”Larry asked and turned to her.

“Yes… you…. were here…”

That must be Garry.

How come he was here?.

“Ah, sorry, that wasn’t me!. That’s my twin brother.”

Rose brows furrowed up.

“I… I don’t get. If this is a joke, then, quit it.”

“Uppity bitch say what?”Larry said.

“What?”Rose stupidly said.

“There, she said it *what* which means you know you’re a bitch and you really are for sleeping with two brothers. A bitch nothing else!”Larry said, grabbed his bag and turned around then walked out of the room.

Rose held her chest. She couldn’t what she just heard.

He is a twin?.

Then, she fell down to the floor.


Annie’s thought creeped inside his mind again.

He sighed and entered his car then zoomed off.


*Next morning..*

Skyler has now released the video and the media is now going Gaga.

Different journalist started messaging him requesting a meeting with them so they could hear the full stories so they could publish articles on the Net.

But, Skyler turned them all done.

Larry went to where he kept Pedro with a knife alongside Garry.

The sound of door being shut woke Pedro up.

He moved back when he saw the duo.

Oh, no.

Larry squatted beside him and smirked taking his finger.

“Good morning, uncle.”

“Please… I beg of you.. have mercy…”

“When you’re instructing the boys to beat me up, did you exercise mercy?”he asked.

Pedro sniffed.

“No? then, why the hell are you telling me to exercise mercy?”

Pedro blinked.

“Which one should go first, your eyes or your fingers?”Larry asked void of emotions.

Garry stared at him.

He has now become very changed over the few months.

“I’ll pity you a little. I’ll cut off your fingers first then leave the eyes so you can still see to the very end of your life and see as I will be removing your parts..”

He placed Pedro’s hand on the floor and cut it off with the knife.

He was still void of emotions.

Garry looked away.

The sight was… gory!.


After he left Pedro, he went to clean up.

He came down later to join the guys in the dinning room.

“How about your father?”Grace suddenly asked breaking the silence.

“Father?, do we have a father?”Garry asked looking at Larry.

“I almost forgot we had one.”Larry replied.

Grace drop her spoon and stared at them.

“What’s up with you two?”he asked.

“Well, he disowned us.”Garry said.

“And why would he do something as stupid as that?”

“Because he thought we killed you. And right, he is so stupid.”Larry replied Grace.

“Watch your mouth, Larry, he is still your father..”Grace frowned.

“To hell with him tho.”Larry scoffed and stood up the walked out.

“Get back here, Larry.”

“I’m sorry mom.”Larry said as he took the stairs.

He got dressed and went out.

He checked the time.


Well, the time is sure fast.

He entered his car and drove all the way to Boyd’s house – almost thirty minutes drive.

When he got there, he was told they left already.

Larry cursed inwardly then drove straight away to his company. Where he saw him and her the other day.

He parked his car and walked inside the company.

As he stepped inside, everyone seems so busy.

He stopped a lady scurrying with some files to a table.

“Please, where can I find Annie?”he asked.

“Oh, Mrs Annie. Take the elevator to the third floor.”the lady answered and left.

Larry nodded. She didn’t even said for him to thank her.

He took the elevator to the third floor.

The elevator came to a stop after some minutes and the door slides opened.

He stepped out.

He asked another person again and he directed him to her office but she wasn’t there.

Where the hell is….

He stopped on his words when he turned to the office directly facing hers and she saw her in there with a man, what?, that man.

He walked there and barged in.

She was standing in front of him and they seem to be having fun.

Boyd looked at him and frowned greatly.

“I did not believe that we still have illiterate men around here. How rude, young man. Barging inside my room without a knock?”

Annie turned and her eyes bulged out of its sockets.

“Larry?”she called.

“You know him?”Boyd asked.

“Of course. What are you doing here, Larry?”

“Can we talk?”Larry said instead.

“Talk about what exactly?”she scoffed.

“Please, just five minutes, spare me five minutes of your time.”

“If you think you can come in here to take my P. A out of this place like that, then you so dumb.”Boyd said.

Annie sighed and closed her eyes.

“I’m sorry, I’ll explain to you later.”Annie said to Boyd and walked out and Larry glared at Boyd before following her.

Boyd felt his insides burn up and he let’s out a sigh.


Annie led Larry to the rooftop of the building and walked to the edge staring down at the city.

“Little miss…”

“Don’t give me that. Go straight to the point. Why did you come here?”

“I… I….”

“If you’re gonna be dumb, then I think I should just leave. I cannot afford wasting my time here with you.”Annie said and turned to walk away.

She had barely took a step when Larry stopped her.

“I… I …”he stammered.

His ego just doesn’t want to allow him. But, he is going to say this today.

“I Red you, Annie.”he finally said, calmly.

Annie turned to him and folded her arms.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”she frowned.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

“You don’t know the colour of the heart?”

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