His Crazy Maid

Chapter 42 Truth or Dare?

Alright. I will go with Truth.”Annie said.

Boyd smirked at her decision.

They were both in the living room, sitting across each other on the couch.

Annie suddenly frowned.

“Alright, that smirk, I really hate it. Now, I want to change back to Dare.”Annie said.

“Nope!. Too late, no going back!. So, are you ready for the question?”he asked.

“Of course, I am.”Annie replied.

She adjusted her sitting position on the seat.

“Hm. Remember you already promised, nothing but the truth!”he reminded.

Annie groaned.

“Yea, I know that. Stop keeping me in suspense, just ask the goddamn question!”

“About the other night, I’m curious. What really happened?”he asked.

Annie blinked her lashes and pressed her lips together.

What that question tho.


“Unless you wanna die. You can’t go against the rule.”Boyd cut in.

“What?”Annie laughed.

“That merely sound real!”she added.

“I bet you haven’t watch the movie *Truth and Dare*”he said.

“Yes. And I don’t want to.”Annie scoffed.

Boyd stared at her and she sighed.

“So, he… uhm… he…”

“So, it’s a he?”Boyd interrupted.

“Well… y…”

“And it’s a yes?”he cuts her off again.

Annie frowned at him.

“Interrupt me one more and I would just stop talking.”she said.

Boyd nodded impatiently.

“He tried to r… he uhm.. so he… I slapped him!. Yes, I did and after that i ran out of the place because… I… I couldn’t stand it.”she quickly lied.

Boyd nodded slowly.

“Why did you slapped him?”

“He… uhh, i just slapped him. I don’t really know also.”she lied again.

He cast out a look at her.

“So, your turn. Truth or Dare?”she asked him.

“Truth.”he replied without thinking twice.

“Do… do you really like me?, I mean…”

“Yes, I really do. But you don’t have to love me back. I can’t really force you after all.”he replied.

Annie gave him a small smile.

“And I love you not like, okay?”he added.

Annie laughed.

“Being naughty, huh?”she asked.

He also laughed.

“Your turn again..”he said.

“Oh, it’s my turn again?.”she rolled her eyes.

“Anyways!, we are really amateurs, aren’t we?. We are suppose to spin bottle.”she added.

“And it totally skips my mind. Wait, let me go get a bottle.”he said and stood up then walked away.

He returned with a bottle and settled it between both of them, on the center table.

He spin the bottle and it circled around then finally stopped in front of Annie.

“What?”she shouted.

“Now, Truth or Dare, little Ann?”he asked.

“Ugh!. Dare!”she gave a reply without thinking.

Then, she regretted her choice immediately after she heard him…

“I dare you to kiss me.”

Annie’s eyes widened.


“Stop being ridiculous.”she said.

Boyd shrugged.

“But, I’m not being ridiculous. I just Dared you.”he replied like it’s really nothing.

She stood up.

“Alright, let’s stop here, I..”

“You’ve suddenly forgotten about the punishment, I see. Besides, a kiss won’t hurt, or will it?”he asked.

Annie let’s out a more loud scoff.

She closed her eyes and dug her fingers inside her palm.

She opened her eyes and walked towards him.

He was now grinning from ear to ear.

Anticipating for what she was gonna do.

She got to where he was and pecked him on his cheek.

Boyd who has already closed his eyes thinking he was gonna kiss him opened them immediately.

“What??. But that’s not a kiss!”he almost yelled.

“Well, as far as kiss is concern, the moment your month touch another thing, it’s a kiss!”she replied.

“But that’s just a peck!. Not a kiss, like a kiss…”

“Well, you aren’t specific of the kiss you want so I just choose and gave you one. Infact, you should really be happy. I gave you one of my good peck!”she smiled and walked away.

Boyd frowned at her.


Larry pulled off in front of the mansion and glanced at it.

He miss the house so much.

No, he didn’t miss the house, but the one that stays in the house with him.


He suddenly wished he could draw back the time.

If only he hadn’t traveled down to America.

All will still be well.

He got out of the car and walked to the house.

He gave a knock and the door got opened by Josè.

“Sir.”he called looking him up and down.

Why was he dressed differently.

“How have you been, Josè?”he asked.

Jose casted him a weird look.

Immediately, Larry recalled that he had been seeing him though it’s Garry but that’s him to Josè.

He smiled.

“Just joking.”he smiled and Josè nodded.

He walked inside and just then, a car honked.

Josè opened the gate slightly to see who was at the door and saw Larry’s car.


He turned to see Larry looking at him.

“Who is that?”

“Your… car…”he stuttered.

“Oh yeah, open the gate, I gave the keys to someone to help me drive it in…”Larry lied knowing it’s Garry.

Josè nodded and opened the gate.

Garry drove in and before Josè could close the gate, another car also drove in speedily.


“What?!, who the fuck is that?!”Josè yelled.

Garry got out of the car and at the same time, Pedro came down with Grace.

They haven’t seen Larry yet.

No, they saw him but didn’t know he’s the one cause he was quick to cover his face with the hoodie.

But now, Jose was thrown into the state of discombobulation.

He started at Larry and back at Garry.

Is his sight playing games with him?.

Garry stared at Grace in shock.

“Mom!!”he shouted.

And that was when Larry raised his head.


He unconsciously removed the hoodie off his head as his mouth opened in bewilderment.

It’s…. it’s her….

Their mom.

Pedro eyes traveled to Larry and his eyes widened.

Garry also turned and he gasped.

Grace also gasped when she saw him.

Her twins were still both alive.

Jose was busy rubbing his eyes thinking his eyes are seeing double.

And so, everyone was thrown into the state of both confusion and shock.

They stood there, staring at one another.

Not able to do anything.

Don’t even know what to do.

It seems like the time paused as they all paused.

Then, suddenly, a big thunder roared around the city and minutes later, rain started falling.

But they still stood there, in the rain as time seems to froze. Like it literally stopped.


“Oops!. Now, this is strange. The rain suddenly falling without showing no signs?”Annie asked herself alone in the dark room.

She pulled the blanket to her body the more and shut her eyes.

She suddenly remembered Larry and the other night.

She bit her lower lips and blinked.

No, she doesn’t even wanna talk about it.

She wonder if she’s going to able to forgive him.

What he tried to do was outrageous and very strange of him also.

We, who is she kidding.

She already miss him.


And finally, time seems to continue as Larry ran to Grace and hugged her.

Grace couldn’t hold it in as tears streamed down her face.

“Oh, my son, my son….”she said.

Larry hugged her fragile body the more.

And then, Pedro did the unthinkable.

He dragged Grace away, pulling them apart and suddenly brought out his pistol and pressed it on her neck.

“So, you’re alive. Wow.”he scoffed and started moving back to the direction of the car.

The driver turns out to be Skyler.

He was surprised seeing Larry there.

Thought he warned him already.

Now, he is going to get to things busted.

Larry took a step forward and Garry also came to stand beside him.

“Look, I ain’t afraid of you anymore, and I can fuckin swear you aren’t leaving here just…”

“Take another step and I blow off her fucking brains!”he yelled pressing the gun to her neck the more.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.


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