Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Chapter 55

Third-person narrative.

“Seize her,” Lucas Amel ordered his guards, and they arrested Mara and took her to the dungeon.

There, he interrogated Mara and asked who sent her, but she kept insisting that she came out of her free will to help him.

And unlike Anise, all she needed was money from Lucas Amel.

He found her stories hard to believe and asked his guards to keep her locked in.

All through that night, he could barely sleep as he kept wondering if he had been set up by someone.

Of course, he could recognize the fact that Mara was indeed Anesi’s apprentice, but what he wasn’t sure of was that Anesi was dead.

The only way he would believe that Anesi is truly dead is for him to visit her home once again, but there was no time for that, not when the luna initiation was the following day.

He hoped that Lucia would follow up with her promise of delivering the slave girl to him, or else it would be very humiliating for his daughter to be kicked out of the palace should the slave girl be picked as Luna.

He didn’t understand why the gods had to make it so difficult for his daughter to become Luna when they were the ones who said she would be in the first place.

And even if the gods decided to change their minds, why couldn’t it be someone else on the same rank as he and his daughter were?

Why did the gods have to make his beloved daughter compete for a position that was originally meant for her with a lowlife commoner?

An Omega.

God! How he hated them so much with passion. Their men were as weak as a lamb; they couldn’t stand before real men. Their women are good for nothing; they are only fit for the positions of slaves and servants.

How, then, do the gods expect him to accept an omega as his Luna?


It will be over his dead body for that to happen.

If the alpha king dares to make that omega his triplet, Luna, he will take over the kingdom or, better yet, join a rival pack to overthrow the alpha king.

As it appears, the alpha king has become too weak to make decisions that will strengthen the growth of the pack.

He knew he was no match for the alpha king and his triplets, but perhaps he called another powerful pack to join and overtake the kingdom.

Then he would still be recognized in the new administration and his daughter would be married off to the new alpha king or his heir.

That night, he sent a mind link to the alpha of a rivalry pack and told him to prepare his men and that he would inform them of the right time they would strike and take over the kingdom.

Satisfied with his plan, he went to bed and could hardly wait for it to be morning.

The morning of the luna ritual finally arrived, and everyone was anticipating who the new luna was going to be.

A few of the pack members have woken up, but they are still in their various homes as the morning is uncanny dark.

Gina was sleeping in her room with her triplet mates when she felt someone tap her softly on the shoulder.

She opened her eyes to see that it was none other than Lucia, her maid. Even though she could see that she was awake, it almost felt as if she were dreaming.

She looked around to see that her triplet mates were all sleeping around her.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“What is it?” she asked her maid in hushed tones while trying to wipe off the sleep from her eyes.

“Come, mistress, there is something I would like to show you,” Lucia said to her.

Her eyes instinctively went to the clock, and she could see that it was barely four in the morning. Gina is surprised that Lucia would come that early to wake her up, but at the same time, she wonders what it could be.

“Can’t it wait until it’s daybreak? It’s still pretty dark outside,” she said to Lucia.

But Lucia insisted that Gina should come with her and that there was something she wanted to show her.

She tried to wake up Denver, but a gentle touch from Lucia on her shoulder stopped her from doing so.

Gina did not understand why, but she got up quietly from the bed and quickly threw a rope on her nightdress before following Lucia.

When they got outside, Gina realized that she was scared. No, it was not like she was scared of Lucia; she was scared of what might happen to her.

She could feel that something was not right, but she also couldn’t place her hand on what could be wrong.

Gina was led out of the house and into the woods, and despite having so many questions to ask Lucia, she found herself just obediently following her and doing all that Lucia told her.

The night was uncanny dark, with no moon or stars up in the sky, but surprisingly, they could easily find their way in the dark without using any source of light.

It was almost as if she were hypnotized by Lucia, but again, Lucia did not appear to her like someone who would want to harm her.

She didn’t understand why, but she felt so at peace with Lucia, even though Lucia had yet to tell her where she was taking her.

While they walked in the woods, Lucia started singing a sorrowful dirge, which talked about the beauty of life and death and the need to be patient and not hasty in one’s decisions.

The need to love everyone unconditionally and the need to never take pride in the things that can easily be taken from us.

As she sang, her voice was so melodious and heartbreaking that Gina couldn’t help but cry at her song.

Tears flowed freely from her eyes while Lucia continued her heart-piercing song that echoed all through the pack, leaving many people to wonder where the song was coming from.

Even when Gina didn’t understand what was happening to her and why she found herself just following what she was told by Lucia, she also didn’t try to fight it.

They kept walking until she got to a familiar path. She looked around, and she was certain that she had been there before.

She turned to look at Lucia. “What are we doing here?” she questioned.

“To perform your ritual, Only after this will you be able to become what was originally destined for you to be,” Lucia said to her.

“Will I be alright at the end of it all?” Gina questioned Lucia in a sad tone.

“A mother never takes her child to where her hands cannot protect her. You will be fine, Regina, even when you think it will never be.

Now wait here, some people are coming for you; they will do all sorts of bad things to you. The one with whom you were born will take his right away from you, and only then will you become the one I originally planned you to be. Now look into my eyes,” Lucia said to Gina.

Gina did as she was told and fixed her eyes on Anise’s gray, piercing eyes.

“Who are you?” Gina asked Lucia as she found herself helplessly gazing into Lucia’s eyes.

“No secret is ever hidden for long; you will know who I am at the right time. Now I want everything that has happened right from the moment you woke up until this very moment and when you arrive at your destination to be cleared from your memory,” Lucia said, swiping her hand across Gina’s face.

“Wait here and do not move,” Lucia said to her before fading into the night.

Lucia later appeared in Lucas’s same room and found him sleeping. She lingered a while before going close to his bed.

She placed a hand on him to enable her to manipulate his dreams. Once she was inside his head, she told him that she had delivered the slave girl just as he requested and that he should send his guards over there to capture Gina and do to her as he pleased.

Once Lucia was sure that she had passed her message across, she disappeared from his room almost at the same time he woke up from his sleep.

He is surprised by the dream he just had and the possibility of it becoming a reality.

Nevertheless, he takes two of his trusted guards with him and heads straight for the only path leading to his house.

Imagine his surprise when he saw Gina standing there and looking lost. He ordered the two men with him to seize Gina and bring her to his dungeon.

Gina follows them without putting up any form of resistance.

Since he was so sure that the triplets would be looking for Gina once they noticed that she was missing, he knew he had to keep her unreachable from anyone who could reach her.

As soon as they got to his house, he ordered his men to take her to his private dungeon, where he normally carries out the cruelest and most gruesome homicide ever known in the history of all things created.

Unknown to anyone, right beneath his sitting room is a private dungeon where he kept his omega, who had made mistakes that he found too hard to forgive.

What he does is keep those slaves locked away for a very long time, and when he is sure no one will come and ask for those slaves, he kills them at his leisure.

The dungeon is highly soundproof, so much so that an explosion there can hardly be felt by anyone around the house.

As soon as they pushed Gina into the dungeon, she recalled herself and instinctively tried to free herself from the guards, but she was soon overpowered and tied up.

She couldn’t help but wonder how she got there as she pleaded with the men to please let her go.

But instead of helping her, the men made fun of her and told her that no one ever comes out alive from that room and that she should save up her energy for her good.

As soon as the guards were sure that they had secured her, they went out of the dungeon to meet Lucas Amel, who was waiting for them with a firearm.

As soon as he saw them coming, he shot his two guards as a way of keeping Gina’s whereabouts a secret.

He ordered his other guards to clean up his mess, and if anyone asks what happened to him, they should say they attacked him, and he was left with no choice other than to kill them.

Once he was sure that he had covered up his tracks, he was more than happy with himself and could hardly wait for the Luna ritual to begin, so his daughter would be crowned the triplet’s true mate.

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