Fates Hands

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Chapter 7–Book 2

FBI Agent David Whitmore was getting all kinds of information, that he never thought he would.

Everyone came to him though, in a sneaky manner, it was as if they were afraid to be seen with him.

When he started to get the information he understood why that was.

So Mr. Sheriff was a drug dealer and an enforcer. He probably also has a few more hobbies, such as

he is either responsible for the missing people or he knows who is. He was thinking that it was gonna

be both.

The problem is he was going to have to find solid proof for all the word of mouth he has been listening


Though that woman Maggi tweaked his interest in more ways than one.

He hoped that no one would find out

what Maggi knew, otherwise she may end up the next missing person on the list. David decided that he

would keep an eye on her, just to make sure she is safe.

He is pretty certain though she could handle herself if a situation turned up. She did say that she kept a

loaded shotgun in her house. She also mentioned that it was loaded with rock salt.

He had only one thought about that, OUCH. The gun may not necessarily be lethal, but anyone who

got some of that in their ass would surely know it and would not be coming back for more.

Still, he will keep an eye on her just the same.

Now, it is time to go and see if the Sheriff is in. He hoped that he wasn’t too busy dealing, to have a

word with

him. He knew he wasn’t though David watched him turn down a dirt road about ten minutes ago.

The Sheriff had been following him all day, David eluded him several times. You would think the guy

would take a hint and learn to be more subtle in his stakeouts.

For the first time in Sheriff Avery’s life, he was getting paranoid. Fear was creeping in on him. Why was

the FBI agent here? Why was he asking questions in the surrounding towns? He even knew that Avery

was tailing


He caught Avery every time he was either parked or moved to follow him. It made his anxiety worse.

He didn’t look like the bribing kind either.

Was he here to investigate the

missing people cases or was he here to investigate him. Avery wasn’t sure anymore. It wasn’t like you

could just have the FBI agent go missing either. That would bring all kinds of hell down he didn’t need.

So the only other he could think of was to go and start making sure people stopped talking. If they don’t

then they will be among the missing as well.

Jack finally got her to calm down enough at least so she would talk. She sat as far away from him as

she could get, without him starting to chase her again.

“Perhaps we should start over, My name is Jack Dawson, what is your name?”

She looked at him cautiously, unsure

if she should tell him. Then she shrugged her shoulders.

“My name is Nova.”

“Jack knew that that wasn’t her real name or at least not all of it, perhaps it was a nickname.”

“Well, then Nova why are you out here in the middle of the forest alone? Are you running from


“Perhaps before I answer your question why don’t you tell me why you’re out here with only jogging

pants on? You’re not one of those weirdos who run around hugging trees and eating grass? Cause if

that is the case then I think it’s best if we part ways here.”

Jack just stared at her for a little bit, he liked Nova’s spunk. He had to be careful though, looking at all


wonderful curves and watching her swim naked yesterday was having an undesired effect on parts of

his anatomy.

“Well, I am out here on a sort of a camping expedition. Getting away from all the craziness out there in

the world for a little while. I am not one of those people. I have no intention to hug a tree and eat


“Then I guess I could answer your question then, yes, I am running away from some people, one in

particular. My stepfather is a serial killer. My mother is a drunk but I think she knows what he does and I

think the local Sheriff knows too.”

“I don’t have any other family, I worked and saved up some money. The day before I wanted to leave I

discovered my stepfather’s shed. No one was allowed to go in but I went in anyway. was novali

anyway, I was careful so he wouldn’t know I was there. What I saw in there is causing me to have


“I am hiking alone to get to the town on the other side of the mountains where the sheriff doesn’t have

jurisdiction. I need to get to the police there and tell them what is going on.”

“I have to stay away from there, he means to do the same thing or worse to me as he has done to the


She pulled out a necklace she was wearing to show him.

“Do you see this necklace, it is the only thing my mother ever gave me. Now I know that it probably

belonged to one of my stepfather’s victims. I am wearing it because I made a vow to the dead, that I

would take this and get the dead justice.”

only to where you’re going but to protect you against those who are trying to hurt you.

For some reason beyond Nova’s control, she wanted to trust Jack. Yeah, he was hot. There was more

to it though. She felt a connection to him. It was as if she had known him for a long time. Still, she just

met him less than an hour ago.

Maybe she was the crazy pants here, she decided that she would at least hear him out.

James sat in his shed trying to decide on gold or silver. He wasn’t sure what was the proper gift, for a

first-time rape. Yup, he said rape, he knew the way he liked it and wasn’t afraid to say it. If they were

willing they got boring.

That was one of the reasons that he stopped fucking Kathy a couple of years back. She bored the

pants back on him. He had his hobbies to keep him busy, so he didn’t mind waiting for Nova. He took a

look outside and realized that night had fallen.

Where was Nova? She was always home by dark. Now it’s dark and she isn’t home. Time to go have a

lookie about the house to see what he could find.

She better not be out with some boy, she was supposed to stay pure for him. Damn that stupid bitch

Kathy. Drunk all the time. Too bad she hadn’t drank herself to death yet. Why did he promise not to kill

that bitch he will never know.

Promises are meant to be broken…….

Maggi went home after talking with the FBI agent, she had to admit he was a handsome man. She put NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

that thought aside though, she was getting too old for all that drama hooey.

She went outside and locked down her storage shed, then went inside her house and began making

security checks and boarding up some of the windows. She even had triple locks on the doors. None of

that wimpy crap these were solid and sturdy.

She wasn’t in the least bit stupid, she knew what was lurking out there. She had no intention of being

its next kill. Investigating disappearance my ass, they were not missing as in the sense that they will be

coming home after a mysterious vacation, No these were murders.

She also knew that there was a black

bear that has been sniffing around her property, she looked over by the front door where her 12 gauge

shotgun sat. There was another at the back door, one in her bedroom, and a .45 in her dresser drawer

by her bed.

As well as a 9mm Ruger in her purse. Yeah, her whole family was into guns and weapons when she

was growing up. If all else fails she has a crossbow on her living room wall that is all ready to go.

She had one other shotgun that was in the tool shed out back, it was loaded with rock salt for those

times when instead of trying to kill, you want to teach a lesson or just want to bring the pain.

She even had a Remington 30 caliber rifle, hanging on the wall in the hallway upstairs, that one was

also ready to go. She knew how to clean

them and repair them as well as use them. She was a really good shot.

She learned a long time ago that those who don’t live with guns can still be killed with them.

Normally she wasn’t too concerned about a Bear hanging around, she did live out in the middle of the

woods. Something about this bear however didn’t sit well with her. This one is a bad bear.

She also didn’t trust that creepy pervert at Nova’s house either, that guy was five ways short of a full

route. He was bad news, not that Kathy was much better. At least with her all you have to do is leave

booze of any kind out and she is comatose.

She has seen that creep riding around with the Sheriff many times, they were up to no good. She

managed to

stay out of their sight. It is only a matter of time though before she has an encounter with one or both of


That is why she made sure all her weapons were well up and running smoothly. That way she can

properly greet her guests. Don’t want to come off as rude. Her mother always taught her to greet her

guests with the proper enthusiasm.

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