Fates Hands

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Chapter 6–Book 2


Brutus followed Nova for two days, each night she managed to find a clever spot to sleep. They didn’t

think she was sleeping though, because they could hear her moaning, and then she would let out a

scream when she would wake up.

That meant she was having nightmares, from what they didn’t know. It wasn’t good though because

each day she was a little bit slower. She was getting exhausted from her lack of sleep. Still, she would

press onward to what they didn’t know.

Brutus thought it would be best if she stopped to make a fire, that they slowly start to show her their

presence. To their luck either she was

just too tired to continue or she was cold, she had stopped and made a makeshift camp.

She built a small fire, one that won’t allow for a lot of smoke to give away her location. Which was

curious, was she running from something?

She looked so tired, that they felt she was just going to fall asleep, right next to the little fire and not

bother to eat. She looked like she needed to eat.

That was when Brutus got the


James was all packed up and ready to go, he had a new trophy for his wall at home and was excited

for the surprise that was waiting for him.

Avery finally showed up and together

they took off down the road.

“Listen up James, we are going to have to lay low for a little while. I found out today that an FBI agent

is in the neighborhood to investigate the missing people cases.”

“Are you planning on killing him if he gets too close?”

“Not sure if that is wise James, FBI tends to go looking for missing agents, especially when they

disappear on a case. Anyway just lay low for a while. No more killing or the other stuff you like to do.”

James wasn’t happy about it but he did understand, anyway, he will have his new toy to break in and

his new trophy to admire. He could lay low for a long time. Thinking about his juicy ripe stepdaughter

made him smile.

“Sure Avery, I can lay low for a while. Not a problem.”

Sheriff Avery looked over at James Springer, the man always gave him the creeps. He did have his

uses though but there might be a time he was going to have to take care of him.

He was an unpredictable loose cannon and Avery couldn’t have that when the FBI was around.

Kathy woke up again this time it was actually morning, something that doesn’t usually happen. She

remembered that she was supposed to have a chat with her daughter.

She decided that she would take a shower, then go and see if her daughter is home. She didn’t realize

that this time she had been drunk or passed out for two days.

When she finally looked at the calendar she realized that it was time for James to come home today as

well. She skipped her shower and went to Nova’s room.

Nova was not home. Perhaps she was working, though the room didn’t feel like it had anyone sleeping

in it for a little while

She did notice that Nova’s jacket and purse were gone, her shoes that she usually would wear for work

were still there though. Didn’t mean anything though they were looking worn anyway. Maybe she wore

another pair instead.

Kathy looked at the clock, it was almost eleven AM that meant that Nova had to of left around eight this

morning and will be back around

three this afternoon. She hoped that Nova would be home before James.

If not, Kathy was going to have to do some fast-talking. Nova will not be prepared and James was

going to be pissed. She wasn’t sure what she should do though, so she grabbed another bottle and

went to her couch.

She was passed out when the Sheriff pulled up to the house to drop off James. The next thing she

knew she was being kicked awake by a very angry James.

Nova realized that she had to stop, there was no getting around it or out of it. She was exhausted, both

mentally and physically. She was going to have to do something about these nightmares or this hike is

going to become a real-life nightmare.

She found a nice little secluded spot to make a small camp. She was so tired thrah that

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tired though that even making the small fire made her sleepy.

She still had to catch a fish or two for dinner. She decided that that was not going to happen. She

reached in and treated herself to a candy bar she had been saving.

Before she could even finish the bar, she was laying on her side asleep. She vaguely thought she felt

that feeling of being watched but she was so exhausted that she didn’t care.

She slept without any nightmares this time, because of the exhaustion. When she woke up smelling

fish frying on the fire. She sat up instantly wide-eyed, looking at the man that was sitting on the other

side cooking.

He was gorgeous and looking at him made her forget that this shouldn’t be happening. What was a

man doing in

the middle of nowhere, cooking fish on her fire?

Was she still dreaming?

Then she realized that this god of a man was only wearing jogging pants.!! What the hell, did she just

happen to find a Mr. Crazy Pants? (4

She started to get up to make an escape when Mr. Crazy Pants spoke and all thought left her mind.

His voice was deep and flowed through her like honey.

“There is no need to be alarmed, my name is Jack Dawson. I will not harm you. You looked like you

needed a good meal and some rest. Are you running from someone?”

She just stared at him in silence. Not sure what to say, she didn’t feel any sense of danger coming from

him. At

the same time, he is out here in the middle of the forest, wearing only a pair of jogging pants. She must

say though that it was a great view. 2

She shook her head in disbelief she had never thought of another male or female for that matter in a

sexual way. She wanted him though.

Coming to her senses she finally spoke up.

“Jack what are you doing in the middle of these woods with only jogging pants on?”

“Jack looked away for a little bit and she could tell he wasn’t ready to answer that question.”

The fish smelled wonderful though she felt her attention going to the food and her stomach chose that

time to let out a loud growl. He chuckled and handed her a plate with a nice sized brook trout on it.

She couldn’t wait any longer, stranger or not she was hungry. She ate the trout in record time and was

a bit embarrassed that she wanted more. Again he gave out a chuckle and put another fish on her


After she had another fish she was full and happy. It still didn’t explain anything though. She looked up

at the sky, the stars were out and she was realizing that dawn was coming

She started to move, she needed to get her things in order and get going. That was when she realized

that the plate that he handed to her was her own. That meant he had to have gone through her pack.

She turned on him in an instant and started to demand answers. Answers she could tell he wasn’t

ready to give. She grabbed her things, launched her pack onto her back, and started to

walk out of the campsite.

Jack reached her just as she was about to step into the tree line. When he touched her, she let out a

scream and bolted.

Jack ran after her, she was quick and quiet on her feet. He was longer legged and well A WereBear.

When he caught her she started to fight, his mate could fight and she fought dirty. She kicked him in

the shins and then in the balls. When she bolted again he tackled her to the ground. He winced when

he did it though.

She is going to think he is a creeper. He wondered what his clan would say if they’d seen a small

human female had just kicked his ass

When James walked through his front door, he knew that he didn’t have a surprise waiting for him, at

least not one he wanted. He found Kathy passed out on the couch, The TV was on, he shut it off.

He went into their bedroom and unloaded his stuff. He decided to check Nova’s room, perhaps she was

waiting for her. He always had sweet daydreams about fucking her in her room, with all her girly stuff

surrounding them.

When he looked into the room though it was empty, well she must be at work. He went back to the

living room and kicked Kathy till she woke up.


She woke up finally looking at him, I don’t make dinner you know that, that is Nova’s job. As for your

surprise, it is at work.”

“Well isn’t that just fucking wonderful, you are so useless you know that Kathy?”

“Yeah, I know. Can you get me that bottle of red wine in the fridge?”

He looked at her for a little bit, turned, and got the bottle out of the fridge. Here you go, he whipped it at

her, she managed to get out of the way as it shattered against the wall.

“What are you hiding from me, you stupid bitch?”

“I…..am not….hiding anything. You troll, why did you do that to that perfectly good wine?”

He just stared at her with his

predatory smile.

“Ok, Alright already. Your surprise has not been told what her new role in the family is gonna be. She

had to go to work early to clean some dumbass cabin. So, we haven’t had the talk.”

“I figured that you might enjoy telling her yourself. I know how excited you get when you see fear in

their eyes.”

“What time does she get home, you cow.?” Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“She should be home within the hour, as usual.”

He went into the kitchen made himself a sandwich grabbed a beer and sat down in his chair in the

living room, waiting for his surprise to come home.

Maybe he should go out to his shed

Maybe he should go out to his shed and pick out a nice pair of earrings for her, to mark the special


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