Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 21(s2)

Chapter 21 - Vengeful Lacey Lacey's POV Everything felt like it was running in slow motion and I didn't know what to do My dad was bleeding to death on our kitchen floor and 1 was frozen in shock, so much so that I didn't even realise I was living EVERY parent's worst nightmare until I heard Logan speak or shout I should say "Where's Logan Junior? WHERE'S MY f*****g SON?" Logan growled just as several gunshots were heard coming from outside

and he was covering his ears with his little hands Logan was sitting next to him and he was trying to his attention as well as comfort him but he wasn't listening to him “Logan” I said barely above a whisper Iknelt down in front of my son and placed my hands on his legs to get his attention Logan Junior immediately looked up at me and my heart broke when I saw his red, tear-stained face and his puffy eyes ""

Logan Junior stuttered as he jumped up and embraced me ina hug Chapter 21 - Vengeful Lacey wrapping his arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around his body “Are you ok, my baby?" Lasked him as I held him close to me “I'm f.fine, mu.mummy" “Are you hurt? that bad man didn't hurt you, did he?"

" a.arm" WHAT?

Ilooked down at Logan Junior's arm and I felt my rage return when I saw a red handprint mark on his bicep which looked like it was starting to bruise I'm gonna f**++g kill him “Baby, calm down’ Logan said as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder “He hurt our son” Isaid through gritted teeth “Tknow, love and he'll pay, I promise you just please stay calm if not for you or for me then for Lo"

s**t, he's right I take several deep breaths in and out as Logan Junior and I comfort each other without even realising it while my husband wrapped his arms around us and kissed both of our heads making us feel better “Take that piece of s**t to my dungeons and keep an eye on him, Kat and get the doc to come and check him out, I don't want him to die before me or my cousin get to deal with him, do you understand me?" Wait, Kat was here? "You got it, Klay" Katerina left and Klayton was quickly by our side

"Are you guys ok, kid?" “We're fine" I muttered against my son's head “Let's take Lo to the hospital and get him checked out, Lace" “Klayton....” [wanted to tell him no but he interrupted me and what he said next brought me back to reality harder than a Dynasty slap to the face “It's just to get him checked over, sweetheart, we can also go and check on your dad as well and see how he's doing”

My dad My poor dad, I completely forgot all about him “Come on, love" Logan said as he and Klayton helped Logan Junior and me to stand up We then left to go to the hospital which isn't too far away from here and I felt numb during the entire ride Even as I held my son in my arms as Logan held me, I felt really numb and like I was running on autopilot This day didnt start out great but I never expected in my wildest dreams that it would end like this with an attempted

murder and kidnapping “We're here, guys” “Already?” Task confused as I looked out the window and I saw we were in fact at the hospital Didn't we just get in the car? how did we get here so fast? “Let's go, love" Chapter 21 - Vengeful Lacey. ba We got out of the car and Logan held my hand in a tight

grip as I'held Logan Junior as close to me as possible Logan and I took our son to get checked out and thankfully, the poor little mite is just in shock and he hasn't suffered any serious injuries except for the handprint on his arm which will bruise unfortunately After getting our son checked out, Logan and I then went to check on my dad and see how he's doing My dad had received quite the head wound as well as a stab wound to the stomach and I just hoped that they weren't serious and he was gonna be ok “Hey guys, how's James doing?"NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

The last thing I heard was my family's panicked voices asking for help as darkness took over me Several Hours Later.

“Is mummy going to be ok, dad?" “She's gonna be fine, son" "If she's fine then why did she faint?” "Because sometimes, son..sometimes adults overexert themselves and their brain can't handle it, so it puts them to sleep for a little while to

BANG!!, BANG!!, BANGI! What the f**k is going on? My dad has been stabbed and knocked unconscious, my son is missing and now shots are being fired on our property "Oh s**t, LOGAN!" My husband growled as he and Klayton immediately rushed outside I wanted to get up and go and find my baby but I felt like I was literally being weighed down by concrete and I couldn't

heal them" “Oh, ok" I opened my eyes and blinked a few times to clear my blurry vision groaning as I did from the pain in my head hair “Urght!, Logan" “Lacey baby, you're awake, are you ok?"

“I'm fine, what's going on?" Took up at my husband confused as he narrowed his eyes at me “You fainted, love" “I fainted..wait, Logan, where are the kids?" Lask feeling panicked “Don't worry, love, Poppy and Lola have got them” “Are you sure?” “Yes baby, I'm sure”

Logan said with a smile as he kissed my forehead and stroked my “What about my dad? is he ok?" Lasked him with a racing heart but my heart rate calmed down when 1 saw the smile on his face “Your dad's fine, babe, he's still unconscious but the doctor said he should wake up soon” “Good”

Isighed in relief “Can we go and see him?" "Yeah, if you're up for it" Logan says and I roll my eyes while chuckling slightly Chapter 21 - Vengeful Lacey “Seriously Logan between my dad being stabbed and Lo almost being taken, I think me having a little fainting spell is the last thing we should be worried about” “If you say so, Lacey" Logan says while helping me to sit up

"You're my wife and I'll always be worried about you even if you get so much as a paper cut” “You're being dramatic” “Really? I'll remember that the next time you catch me in breathing distance of a tomato” He says and I look at him like what the f**k? “That's completely different, Logan, you can actually die from being near or ingesting a tomato, I can't die from a paper cut” “You don't know that Lace just because there haven't been any reported cases, it doesn't mean a paper-cut death hasn't happened and I refuse to take that risk with the love of my life"

Logan says while kissing my lips Jesus take the wheel and help me with this man, please We then left the room we were in and headed towards my dad's room where my mom and my brothers were all sitting around his bed and he was lying there still looking really pale and with a bandage around his head “Lacey..thank god, are you ok, sweetheart?” My mom asked as she embraced me in a hug “I'm fine, mom" Isaid as my eyes remained glued on my father and I felt anger rise

deep within me

Seeing him this way made me feel so f*****g angry and vengeful and I wanted nothing more than to beat seven shades of s**t out of the asshole who did this to him “Klayton, can I have a word with you in private, please?” "Sure" I walked out of the room and my cousin followed me "What's up, kid?" Klayton asks me as I look at my father through the window, Ithen look back at my cousin who is looking at me with an array of different emotions in his eyes “I wanna see the person who did this"

I'say and Klayton looks at me shocked I don't know why he'd look at me like this, he should already know that I'd be out for blood "What? why?" “Because [ wanna talk to him and find out why he did this" And beat his head in with a meat tenderizer while I'm at it “We know why he did this, principessa” Klayton says shocking me "We do?" “Yeah, he's one of Trevor's men”

"What?" Lasked through gritted teeth I'should've known this had something to do with Trevor but to be fair to me, my brain hasn't been able to do it's job today after everything that's happened “Trevor tried to kill my father and he attempted to kidnap my Chapter 21 - Vengeful Lacey child? the hell did this happen, Klayton? I thought you said he wasn't here"

move “What's going on in here?...oh my god, James” My mom shouted as she knelt down next to my father who was still breathing but he was looking extremely pale “Lacey baby, what happened in here?” "H.he was s..stabbed" Isay and my mom gasps

I'shout eaming quite a few irritated looks from some of the nurses but their faces quickly changed and they scurried away after seeing Klayton's glare “I don't know how this happened, Lace but I promise you, all of my capos are working hard on this and we've also doubled the security around the island as me, kid, we're safe" Safe? Did he seriously just say we're safe? “ father is unconscious and my son is are we safe here? for Christ's sake, I may as well go back home to New York because right now, I feel safer there than I do here”

I'say and Klayton immediately shoots his head up in panic “No, please don't leave, principessa” “And why shouldn't 2" “Because it's not safe, that's why" Avoice I really didn't wanna hear right now said from behind me I groaned in annoyance as Katerina approached us with Vanessa gracefully striding next to her

“What are you talking about, Kat?" "I found this in the assholes bag” Katerina said as she handed Klayton a folded-up piece of paper which resembled a folded-up map “What is it?" Chapter 21 - Vengeful Lacey “It's a blueprint for the Greystone Manor" “What?...that's my house" “I know" Katerina said nonchalantly / can't fr++g believe this I'thought to myself as I ran a hand through my hair

"How the f**k did he get hold of this?" "I don't know but I don't think Trevor knows about it" "And why's that?" I ask suspiciously and Katerina looks at me annoyed “Because if he did then this would be in Trevor's possession, not his lackeys" Hmm, that's true “So, we managed to intercept him before he could give this to Trevor? is that what you're telling me?” Klayton asks Katerina who nods her head “Yeah but I'd still recommend that you guys stay here on the island until we can confirm that Trevor doesn't know about this and until we can make sure your property is safe for you and your family to go back to"

“This is crazy..I can't believe this is happening” "I'm sorry, principessa, I really am” Klayton said as he pulled me into his embrace and kissed my head “Is that all you found in his bag?” Klayton asked sounding frustrated and stressed Katerina and Vanessa shared a look with each other and I could tell Chapter 21 - Vengeful Lacey just from the look in their eyes that it wasn't good “No..we also found this which is a contract for a hired hit on Logan”

What the fk? The bastard put a hit out on my husband “And we found this as well, Klay" Vanessa said whilst holding up what looked like an LD. card in her hand “It's his driver's licence” "Great, so we've got a name?" Lask excitedly but my excitement quickly goes away when Vanessa shakes her head “No, we don't, sweetheart, the name on this card isn't his” "How do you know, Ness?"

Klayton asked confused and Vanessa was hesitant to answer him which pissed him off “Answer my goddamn question, Nessie" “Itold you not to call me that asshole" Vanessa growled in annoyance “Then stop dancing around the issue and tell me what I need to know” Klayton said through gritted teeth Vanessa briefly looked at Katerina before looking back at Klayton and handing him the driver's licence

Vanessa says with a worried, sad and fearful tone in her voice Chapter 21 - Vengeful Lacey. bd Klayton and I briefly looked at each other before looking down at the driver's licence and we were both left in shock when we saw the name that was on the card “Thomas Logan...wait, I thought Tommy died?" “He did"

“Are you ok, baby? where's LJ.2" "LL Oh my god, my son "LOGAN!" Iimmediately jumped up and ran outside to go and find my baby Iwas running on so much adrenaline and anger that I almost sprained my ankle when I tripped over one of my grandfather's plant pots on the porch

1 didn't let that deter me though and I immediately saw red when I ran off the porch and I saw Klayton and someone else standing over aman who was dressed in all black and he was writhing around on the floor in pain "WHERE'S MY SON?" I growled earning their attention "s**t, Lacey don't" My cousin tried to stop me from getting near the fucker but 1just dodged him and went over to the bastard who was bleeding out from his leg and shoulder

“You piece of s**t" I'said as I straddled his body and rained down punch after punch on his stupid face “Where's my son, you bastard? why did you take him? he's just a baby, why did you stab my father? you motherfucker” Lasked in between punches “Lace stop, for f***s sake" Klayton grabbed me from behind and tried to pull me off the bastard but [was so full of rage that he was finding it hard to pull me away

He was able to pull me away eventually but I was still flailing around like a crazy woman kicking and punching away trying to hurt the motherfucker as much and as hard as I possibly could “Calm down, Lacey, please” “No, he tried to kidnap my son and he stabbed my father"

“Yeah, I know and he's gonna pay for that, I promise you, now calm down”

Call me crazy, call me immature but for the life of me, I just couldn't calm down Iwas a momma wolf out for f***+g blood and I wasn't gonna be happy until I've caused some serious harm to someone “Please Lace, think about Lo" Klayton said very close to my ear and his words were like water putting out the flames and they instantly calmed me down I'turned around looking for my son and my heart skipped a painful beat when I saw him sitting on the grass with his knees against his chest

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