Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 20(s2)

Ihave never been more embarrassed than Iam right now and I don't think I can ever look my cousin, my grandfather or Eddie the tech guy in the eye again after today If you're wondering why, well, let me explain After we'd discovered someone had hidden secret cameras on our yacht to film us, Logan had Eddie look over the entire thing including our bedroom and s*x cave to see if there was any more hidden spyware that we didn't know about So far, no more bugs or cameras have been found, thank god but Eddie has said that he'd like to do a full sweep just to make sure because bugs and cameras can come in all shapes and sizes and it wouldn't take a lot of work to hide them somewhere

“Anyway, like I was saying, in that movie, the police override the bomber's cameras with an image to trick him into thinking everything was normal and going according to his plan when in reality the police were emptying the bus”

Isaid with a contented sigh as I thought about that particular moment in the movie “I haven't seen that movie in so long, I think maybe we should watch it tonight" I'say and Logan scoffs

“Maybe not, babe" "Why not?" Task annoyed and what Logan said next left me with my mouth gaping open in shock and my face was beetroot red “Because Lacey, every time we watch a movie, we always end up having s*x and I don't want to have s* with you knowing you'll be thinking of Keanu Reeves when we do it, 50 no, we're not watching it tonight..for god's sake, it's bad enough you still have dreams about Tom Hardy" Js he being serious right now?

"First of all hubby dearest, I don't dream about Tom Hardy, I've always faked those dreams to piss you off and make you jealous” Chapter 20 - Shots Fired Tsay and Logan looks at me with a shocked and angry expression "And secondly, women don't do that, Logan, we're not scoundrels like you men who can think about or picture any hot piece of ass when they're screwing their wives” “If you say so, Lace" Logan groaned and I rolled my eyes

Men are so f*+*g dramatic “So, which option would you guys like?" “What do you think we should do, Klay?" Tasked my cousin who stroked his stubbly chin as he thought “Keep them up and do the second option, Eddie until we can runa trace on them and hopefully find out where the little rat is hiding out” "Ok, Don" Eddie quickly left and we followed not too far behind them

We left our yacht and headed back towards the mansion Where we bumped into my grandparents “Hey guys, where have you all been?” “Hey grams, we were just checking out some things on our yacht and making sure everything's ok" “Is everything ok?" Duke asks and I nod my head “Everything's more than ok, guess what they've got on their boat, Bunny?" “Nonno”

I groaned “What? what's on their boat?" Chapter 20 - Shots Fired. — “A dungeon of filth, Bunny, fifty shades of filth to be exact" Jesus, kill me now “Lacey Olivia Black ne Carpenter” My grandmother gasped "You've got a b**m room?"

Bunny said sounding disgusted and disappointed or at least that's what I thought I heard in her voice but it turns out I was wrong "Can Duke and I use it?" "Grams" I gasped “Bunny, what the hell?" Klayton said while laughing "What? you don't get to our age without trying new things in the bedroom, Klayton my dear”

"Grams..." “If there's one tip I can give you youngins is that you should always keep it spicy in the bedroom that way you'll never get bored" Oh my god Am 1 seriously having this conversation right now? “Bunny's right" My nonno says and that was enough for me “Bye, I'm not staying around and listening to my grandparents talking about s*x"

Isaid before storming off and everyone behind me chuckled I headed inside and went in search of my babies who I haven't seen since lunch Chapter 20 - Shots Fired We've been on the island for a few days now and my kids have enjoyed spending time with our family and enjoying all of the amenities Klayton has had built on this place and trust me there are a lot of amenities here for them to enjoy I expected to find them in either the theatre room, the games room or the swimming pool area but no, I found my kids in the living room playing board games of all things

It creeps me out to think that someone has come onto our yacht and has hidden bugs and cameras to spy on us and the fact that it didn't take them much effort to do it is even creepier to me Anyway, my grandfather and Klayton didn't come into our s* cave but they didn't have to when they briefly saw some of the decor and put two and two together Klayton found it hilarious whereas my poor grandfather was disgusted that his little precious, principessa would be into this sort of thing and this statement alone had me rolling my eyes

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with playing board games, It's just rare you'll catch anyone who was born passed the year 2000 playing with one “Mummy look, we're playing Monopoly”

“Really? where did you find this?" Lask as [ walk over to the travel cot and pick up Valentina who was wide awake while her brother was fast asleep Urghtl, he's just like his father All of my children are little buggers for sleeping and it takes alot for them to be woken up just like with Logan, so much so that I highly doubt a freight train bursting through the room could wake Vito's little ass up right now “Grams gave us it, she said you, our uncles and our cousins used to play it when you were younger” “Yeah, we did"This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"But why, mummy? why didn't you just play a game on the internet instead?" Dayton asks looking and sounding baffled as I chuckle at him “Dayton baby, the internet wasn't like what it is now, actually, I think it was just getting started when I was your age” Chapter 20 - Shots Fired. 4 “So, you had no internet, mum?" Teddy asks sounding shocked and I nod my head

“That's so sad, I can't imagine not having the internet" “It wasn't all bad, Teddy baby, I mean if you think about it, you don't miss what you never had, do you?" “I guess” I bounced Valentina up and down on my lap just as my parents walked into the room with a tray full of snacks and drinks “Lacey baby, I didn't know you were in here, if I did [ would've brought you something to drink" "Don't worry about it mom, I just came to spend some time with my babies, that's all, besides, I'm grown, if Iwant a

drink then I'll go and get myself one” I'say with a chuckle as I kiss Valentina's face “Are you going to play with us, mummy?” “Oh no baby, I think I'l just sit this one out and watch you guys” “It's a good job mommy's not playing with us, Lo, she gets very competitive with Monopoly” My dad said and I gasped “Daddy, don't lie on my name like that, I do not get competitive"

“Are you scared of us beating you then? is that it?” My dad asked with a smirk Iwas about to respond to him when my eldest boy joined in with his grandfather's taunting “It's ok, gramps...if mummy is too scared to play then maybe she should sit this game out" Oh these motherfuckers Chapter 20 - Shots Fired. y “Mom, can you take Valentina for me, please? I need to

teach these boys a lesson” “That's my girl" My mom smirked as she took my baby girl from me I'then sat down on the floor and grabbed one of the little silver game pieces “Game on you two" Klayton's PO “What have you got for me, Eddie?" “I'm still working on it, Don"

For f+**s sake “How hard can it be to run a freaking trace?” I growled at him “Normally, it's not that hard but whoever set this up is good and they know every trick in the book to either hide the tracking or divert it through a series of dead ends so that it can't be tracked" “Giving up isn't an option, Eddie" Isaid through gritted teeth “This asshole has been spying on my cousin and her family for god knows how long and you're not gonna give up until you find something for me, do you understand me?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, Don but did I say I was gonna give up? trust me as a husband, a father, a brother and a son, I can only imagine how you're feeling right now and I know that I'd be just as furious as you are right now if someone was secretly spying on my loved ones” "Good, then use that fury to get me what I want" I started to pace up and down my office as I waited for Eddie to give Chapter 20 - Shots Fired. Jf me some good news Unfortunately, I was met with a groan as he slammed his fists down on my desk just as Logan entered my office “What's going on? why are you groaning?"

“I agree, what's with the groan, I don't like that groan” "It's encrypted” Eddie once again groaned in annoyance

"SO, WHAT'S THE VERDICT, EDDIE? IS THERE ANY SPYWARE IN THAT DUNGEON OF FILTH?" Chapter 20 - Shots Fired. — My grandfather says and I roll my eyes “I thought s*x was perfectly normal and healthy, nonno?" “Normal s*x is normal and healthy, principessa, not whatever you and that husband of yours do in that room, Lacey” Oh my god

“Iwas finally able to get a trace on Trevor's location but then it scrambled meaning it's encrypted and I don't have authorisation to access it" “So what? it's a dead end?" Logan asks sounding annoyed “Not necessarily, I can still try and break through it and gain access but that's gonna take me some time" “How much time?" 1 ask Eddie “Idon't know, it could take me days, weeks or even months todo it’

“Then do what it takes and hire whoever you have to, ok...

money isn't an issue, do you understand me?" "Yes, Don" Eddie said just as my phone pinged I pulled my phone out of my pocket and narrowed my eyes at the weird text I had received from an unknown number “What the fk?" Chapter 20 - Shots Fired. — "What?" Logan asked me and I showed him the text “Have you checked the children?” “Isn't that a line from When A Stranger Calls?" Eddie asks confused

"Yeah, except this isn't a stranger” I said as my phone started ringing “Antonelli” "Hello there, cousin” “Trevor” I say through gritted teeth I then put my phone on the loudspeaker so Logan could hear our conversation and I gave Eddie a heads up to try and trace the call “What do you want?" “Oh you know exactly what and who I want, Klayton" "Well, you're not gonna get either of them Trevor, so you may as well just give up”

“I'm not giving up until I get your mafia and your sexy cousin, Klay..shit, the things I'm gonna do to that delicious, voluptuous body of hers” He says while moaning slightly which pissed me off even further “Motherfucker, I'm gonna kill you" "You'll have to catch me first, Klay" Trevor said in a more serious tone “But until I can get my hands on that sexy cousin of yours, I'm just gonna have to make do with her brat, aren't 17° Chapter 20 - Shots Fired He says shocking the both of us

"What? what are you talking about?" Lasked but I was met with silence “Trevor, Trev...Trevor" ook down at my phone and see the call has ended ngeagit Logan and I rush out of my office and head downstairs When we got to the ground floor, we found Lacey and her mom sitting in the living room with all of her kids except for Logan Junior fk, this isn't good

"Hey guys, where's the fire?" An amused Lacey asks us "Hey principessa, where's LJ?" “Lo? he's gone to the kitchen with my dad to get us some.

more snacks..why?" Logan and I rushed into the kitchen while ignoring Lacey who was shouting after us "KLAYTON!!, LOGAN!!, WHAT'S GOING ON?" We ran into the kitchen and we were left horrified when we found my uncle James lying unconscious on the floor and he was bleeding from both his head and his abdomen

ngeagit "Oh my god, DAD!" A panicked and hysterical Lacey shouted as she rushed over to her father “Dad..daddy, are you ok?..0.0h no, h.h.he's been stabbed” Chapter 20 - Shots Fired Sats “Where's Logan Junior? WHERE'S MY f*****g SON?" Logan growled just as several gunshots were heard coming from outside BANG!!, BANG!!, BANG!

"Oh s**t, LOGAN!"

“Actually, nonno..." Klayton spoke up only to be cut off by our dramatic grandfather “Oh no, not you as well, Klayton Antonelli, Jesus..god, why are my grandchildren trying to kill me off today?" My grandfather says and I chuckle “You're being over-dramatic, nono" “If you say so, Lacey darling” Eddie finished doing a swoop of the entire room and he could barely look myself or Logan in the eye when he was done but it's ok because I was glaring a hole in my i***t husband's head as he spoke

"There are no bugs or cameras in this room except for the CCTV which is the same make and model as the rest of the CCTV on your yacht" "Is that so?" I glared at my husband who smirked “Oh hell no, you all were making porn in there?" "That's it, I'm dying, Olivia my love, I'm coming" "So, was Lacey apparently on camera” Oh my god “Shut up, Klayton...Logan, what the hell?" "Don't get angry, babe, it was for our protection”

"More like for your collection, you weirdo" Chapter 20 - Shots Fired. “4 I groaned whilst looking my husband up and down in disgust “Anyway, Mr and Mrs Black apart from what we found on the top and middle deck, the only cameras on this yacht are the CCTV like I said and the nanny cameras” “Oh, thank god” Isighed in relief

"So, what do we do about the other cameras?” Logan asks as we all exit our s*x cave room “As you can imagine, this is a place where I want my family to feel safe and also to feel comfortable roaming around without some creep spying onus” "Well, there are two options, Mr Black..." “Logan, please" Logan says and Eddie smiles “Ok, I said there are two options, the first option is that I can remove all of the cameras myself or there's the

second option which is that we keep the cameras where they are but we can override the system with an image to trick whoever is watching into believing that they're still operational when in reality they're not, this way no new footage will be captured and we won't trigger Trevor and alert him to know that we're onto him” “What do you mean override it with an image? I don't understand” Lask confused “Have you ever seen the movie Speed?” "Have I? Keanu Reeves was so sexy in that movie"

I said excitedly not realising that I was speaking with lust in my tone which earned me three very angry fake coughs from my family Chapter 20 - Shots Fired. J, Tlooked around at the three men who were glaring at me and I glared right back at them "Oh, don't look at me like that, us women know that you men definitely get a hard-on for John Wick" Tsay while rolling my eyes

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