Breaking The Routine

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 - What Happens in New York Stays in New York

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 - What Happens in New York Stays in New York

Sam smashed the snooze button of her alarm clock. She groaned and buried her head in her pillows not ready to wake up. A smile crossed her face as she remembered Saturday night; since that night she just couldn't keep a smile from her lips. She attempted to remember every detail she could about that man when the alarm began to sound again. Fine, I am going, she snapped at it silently as she turned it off and dragged herself out of her very comfortable bed. She was dreading going to work today which was not typical feeling for her.

She loved her job, working as the secretary for an accounting company may not sound exciting especially when your father is your boss but she liked it. Sam entered into the bathroom turning on the shower and removing her pajamas stiffly. The reason of her dread was due to her father's excitement about some hotshot that was coming in from some big city she didn't even bother to remember. He was supposed to be a big deal in the accounting world and her father was lucky to have gotten him to agree to work for company. The company had been in business for many years but it was still on the small side and didn't have much prestige, or yet anyway as her father would love to say.

The prick probably knows how big time he is too and expects everyone to treat him with some kind of royal treatment, she thought grumpily as she got into the shower. Well if he expects me to give him special treatment and kiss his ass he has another thing coming she thought darkly as she began her daily routine.

Sam was determined to treat him just like she treated everyone else no matter how important he was to her father or the company. Getting out of the shower and drying herself off she wished could call in sick or something but she knew her father wouldn't allow it. She wrapped a towel around her and left the bathroom passing a glance at the clock on her nightstand.

"Crap, I am running late, Dad is going to kill me!" She yelled and dashed to the dresser, thanking god she always prepared her clothes the day before. She threw the towel on the bed and dressed in record time. She rushed back into the bathroom pulling her wild brown locks into a tight

organized bun. She debated on eating something or just heading to work for a moment then decided against breakfast grabbing her keys that sat in a little china bowl on a table near the door.

Sam parked the car in the parking lot and ran to the office. She quickly glanced at her wrist watch noticing she was right on time. Phew, that was a close one, she thought smiling with victory. There was nothing her father hated more than tardiness especially today of all days. In fact he demanded that she arrive early but obviously she didn't manage to swing that one by. Oh well, he will forgive me someday, she though as she entered into the building.

She greeted the always happy Mrs. Simpson, the company receptionist and noticed her father was stomping in her direction. Okay, he is very pissed that I didn't arrive early, she realized wondering how to get herself out of this one. He stopped just before her and raised one stern eye brow at her and hard frown crossed his face as he awaited her explanation. She loved her father but he could be so a real jerk sometimes.

"I am sorry Da-Mr. Peters," she started then quickly corrected herself. Her father insisted that in the work place she should address him as everyone else did. That way no one could ever think he gave her special treatment for being his daughter. It wasn't exactly true he did give her special treatment but not in the good way, he expected so much more from her than he did from everyone else.

"My alarm clock went all funky on me," she lied smoothing out the little wrinkles upon her clothes caused by her rush. That seemed to calm him slightly and she allowed herself a small quiet sigh of relief.

"Well David has already arrived and met everyone except you," he said placing special emphasis on the words everyone and you. She was just about to apologize when Tabby came up to them. Sam shot her friend a bright smile and a good morning. She loved that they worked together. Tabby was like an accountant wizard and Sam didn't understand why her father made such a big deal about this David guy when he had her.

"Good Morning Mr. Peters, Sam may I have a word with you please," Tabby said giving Sam a look she didn't quite understand.

"Does it have to be now Tabitha," her father asked with an air of impatience.

"Yes!" Tabby said almost with a sense of urgency. "I mean yes sir, it's important," she added more calmly. Sam eyed her friend suspiciously as her father sighed, and nodded.

"Hurry up, we have work to do and you still need to meet David," he told her harshly then turned around and walked back to his office.

"So where is the fire Tabby," Sam asked as soon as her father was out of ear shot. Tabby looked around frantically then pushed Sam into the bathroom. "What the hell, what's wrong with you," she cried in surprise looking at her friend accusingly.

"David Andrews, you know the new guy," Tabby started nearly bouncing in place from excitement.

"Yeah what about him, is he a real ass," she asked hesitantly assuming the answer would be yes but Tabby shook her head no.

"No it's not that, it's him," she replied her voice rising to a squeal as she said the word "him" and Sam looked at her friend confused not understanding at all what her friend was trying to say.

"Him who?" She asked with a little irritation and wondering darkly why in the world Tabby was being so cryptic. Her friend got a wicked glint in her eye and a sly smile slipped across her full lips that convinced Sam whatever Tabby was going to say now she wasn't going to like it one bit.

"David Andrews is...." Tabby started pausing for dramatics and Sam sighed loudly letting her know that she was getting tired of her games.

"Your hotty from New York," Tabby squealed excitedly and it took a moment for Sam to fully understand what Tabby just said but when it finally clicked she could literally feel the blood drain from her face.

"What!" Sam managed to squeak and Tabby nodded grinning like a fool.

"I don't think he recognized me though," she stated with a small pout.

"How is this possible," Sam exclaimed feeling light headed. She grabbed on to the sink and closed her eyes taking deep breaths trying to make the world stop spinning.

"I don't know usually guys never forget me, if you get my meaning," Tabby joked then noticed Sam's pale serious face. "Oh my God, it's not that big of a deal Sam. These kinds of things happen all the time!" Tabby despaired and Sam glared at her wondering how she could say that.

"Not a big deal! I threw my drunken self all over him when I didn't even know his name," Sam shrieked. "I slept with him and left before he woke up," she continued waving her arms frantically.

Sam paced the women's bathroom nervously thinking about what the hell she was going to do. "This may be normal for everybody else but not for me! I am not that type of person," Sam ranted. "Oh my God, he is my father's new star employee! My father will kill me," she shouted feeling herself go from angry to hysterical in less than a second.

"Relax Sam, there is no reason you're dad has to know about it." Tabby said trying to calm her down with rubbing soothing circles on her back.

"This is all your fault! If I didn't go on that stupid trip and sleep with that stupid guy I wouldn't be here in this stupid situation," she barked harshly and Tabby flinched at her words.

"I think you're overreacting just a bit Sam, I mean didn't he say you were incredible, maybe he will be glad to see you," Tabby said with a hopeful face but Sam just gave her a death glare and growled.

"He was drunk Tabby! He probably didn't even realize he said it! I swear to God, I must be one of those people who can never do anything outside of the rules! If we speed we always get a ticket," Sam snapped then hung her head to her chest. She tried to calm herself down so she could figure out what to do since it was obvious she couldn't stay in the woman's bathroom all day...or could she? She shook her head knowing that she was being silly.

"Maybe he won't remember me; we did drink a lot that night. Maybe it ended up as a blacked out blur to him and he can't even remember my face," she said at last with hope lined in her face and Tabby thought for a moment and brightened.

"Yeah maybe, as I said he didn't recognize me so maybe that is it! You're freaking out over nothing," Tabby told her eagerly.

"Seriously, the only reason you are upset is because he doesn't remember you," Sam asked her friend in amazement.

"Hey it hurts my self-esteem," she replied with a shrug. Sam shook her head with a tiny smile feeling a little better and really doubting anything could hurt the blonde's self-esteem.

"Well I can't stay here forever so," she started taking a moment to prepare then walked over to the sink turning on the faucet. She splashed her face with water to help calm herself some more. "He won't recognize me; he will have no idea who I am," she told herself almost believing it as she dried her face with a paper towel. She checked her appearance in the mirror and nervously smoothed her black pencil skirt.

Sam left the bathroom with her head up high, hoping to look as if nothing had happened and it was business as usual. She started her daily routine but as soon as her father saw her he called her into his office. Nervously she straightened and smoothed skirt again taking a deep breath gathering the papers and documents that needed her father's attention.

"He won't recognize me; he will have no idea who I am," she whispered to herself once more then entered her father's office. Her father sat at his large wooden desk and another man, who she assumed was David Andrews, sat in one of the two chairs in front of it. Thankfully he didn't turn when she entered. "Good Morning Mr. Peters. I have the morning's duties here for you as well as some documents that you need to look over," she said as she did every morning as she ran through the papers she held in her arms. She circled around the desk trying her best to stay away from David Andrews' direct sight.

She took a side long glance at him and her heart skipped a couple of beats. It was without a doubt the guy from New York and he was so much more attractive than she remembered. She quickly looked down to the papers again and gave a hard swallow as she plastered a smile on her face.

"Yes but before that I would like you to finally meet David Andrews. David this is my secretary and daughter Samantha Peters," her father started and Sam tried not to cringe as the man turned his attention to her for the first time. Her stomach dropped to her feet as she saw the look of shock and recognition cross his face. "Crap, crap, crap! This cannot be happening to me," she cried silently.

She forced a smile and held out her hand politely. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Andrews. We are excited to have you here," she stated trying to keep her voice steady.

"Thank you, I am glad to be here," he said as he took her extended hand and shook it. She felt shivers run through her body at his touch and she ripped her hand from his trying to keep calm but couldn't help but notice a small smile appear on his lips. "This cannot be happening to me", she

complained mutely once more as she forced herself to look away from him to her father. She handed the papers to her father robotically listing off all the business that needed his attention.

Sam refused to turn her attention back to David. If she didn't look at him she could almost convince herself that it was someone else sitting there and everything was still right in her little corner of the world.

"Thank you Samantha that will be all," her father told her once she was finished. She turned and noticed David watching her sending her little corner of the world back in chaos.

"Nice to meet you Samantha, I look forward to working with you," he said and she could almost hear him laughing at her. She gave him a polite nod and rushed out of the office towards her desk where Tabby was waiting eagerly.

"So," Tabby asked drawing out the "o" for several seconds as soon as Sam sat down at her desk.

"This is horrible! I don't see how this could get any worse," Sam groaned and let her head fall to her desk with a loud thud.

"I can't believe he didn't recognize me," Tabby pouted and Sam tilted her head towards her friend so she could glare at her.

"Seriously? You have ruined my life and reputation and all you care about is how he didn't recognize you!" She whispered angrily and Tabby just laughed as if Sam had said something incredibly funny.

"Damn girl, you sure are going drama queen on this one. Honestly I think this will actually be good for you Sam." Tabby explained with a matter of fact tone.

"I cannot see how this could possibly be good for me!" Sam snapped back and could not believe her awful luck. Tabby shrugged and got up from the corner of Sam's desk.

"Only time will tell," she chirped and walking toward her own desk and Sam glared at her feeling purely livid with anger, embarrassment, and horror.

"Only time will tell," Sam mocked her friend angrily. She lifted her head up from the desk rubbing her forehead where she was sure there would be a red spot. She leaned back into the chair thinking about what had just happened.

How is it possible out all the thousands of people in New York and out of all the damn men that were in that club that night did she end up sleeping with her father's new prized employee? She huffed as she sat up in her chair and looking at the computer screen but not really seeing what was there.

She now was thinking of David's reaction at seeing her, it didn't exactly look like rejection. Could he possibly be happy to see her again? Sam made a sound between a scoff and a snort with a shake of her head causing her co-worker Adam to shoot her an odd look before he returned to his work. Sam bit her lip feeling her cheeks heat up slightly but with the determined decision that David Andrews wasn't happy to see her and it was in her best interest to avoid him at all costs, there was only one sure way to do that. She had to dedicate herself totally and completely to her work then maybe just maybe she could survive the day and humiliation.

The day passed quickly and it appeared her plan was working to perfection. She hadn't had to speak to or see David Andrews again. She glanced at her wrist watch and saw it was time for lunch. "Thank God the first part is over," Sam cheered silently as she got up from her chair and grabbed her purse. She looked around the room and didn't see David anywhere and decided it was the perfect time to leave. She made a mad dash for the door to only run into a large wall of muscle half way there. She started to lose her balance and someone held on to her waist preventing her from falling.

"Whoa easy there Wildcat," she heard an unfortunately familiar voice say with an obvious hint of gloating and she grimaced with the even more confirmation that he remembered all too well that night. She suddenly noticed how close together they stood and her body started to warm up. Sam pushed herself away from him with the hope of not making a fool of herself. She looked up to him and her heart skipped a beat when she noticed his breath taking smile.

"Excuse me," she muttered moving to the side so she could walk past him and towards the door but he quickly moved in front of her and blocked her path.

"Now where you running off so quickly," he asked then grinned wickedly as he added, "again!" She felt her throat tighten, her jaw dropped and her face turn a bright red not believing he had just said that!

" not running off, I am just leaving for lunch," she managed to squeak failing in her attempt to sound confident.

"Really, what a coincidence so was I," he replied with an even bigger smile on his face now. Oh My God, this can't be happening she cried silently pressing her lips together. What the hell was he seriously playing at?

"Good for you, now will you please excuse me," Sam shot back hoping to relay that she wasn't in the mood for whatever game he was playing as she moved to the side again but he moved with her blocking her escape route again. She wanted to scream and tear her hair out in frustration.

"You know it would be great if someone showed me a good place to eat," he told her, amusement filled his voice.

"I am sure anyone else in the office would love to help you," she replied with a little bitterness in her voice quickly moving for a third time only to be blocked by him again. Oh God, he is set out to make

a fool of me, she thought with a sinking feeling.

"Yeah I suppose they could but since none of them are leaving now that leaves just you," he replied with a mischievous look on his face. She pressed her lips tightly together feeling herself starting to get really angry.

"I really don't think that is a good idea," Sam snapped with a glare trying to make it clear she had no intention of eating lunch with him.

"Well I do Wildcat," he teased and she flinched involuntarily as he used that nickname again. He leaned slightly towards her then added in a whisper, "after all you kind of owe it to me since you left without giving me so much as a kiss good-bye." Sam felt a horrible deep blush take over her face. She opened and closed her mouth as a fish out of water feeling more embarrassed than she had ever felt her entire life. Her gaze fell to her feet having no idea how respond him. "All I am asking is lunch" he said and she looked up to him with determination to say no way but he had the silliest sad expression on his face that caused a traitorous smile to spread across her face.

"Alright follow me," Sam relented but was silently cursed herself for giving up so quickly. Why the hell did she smile back, he is only doing this to make a fool out of her, she scolded silently. He had a stupid grin on his face as he held his arm out for her to take but she just walked passed him to her car. There was no way she would touch him any time soon, she didn't like at all how her body reacted when she did, she need to keep herself logical. Logic was good.

The drive to the small diner where she always ate her lunch had never felt so long in her life. It didn't help at all that she could literally feel him looking at her the whole time. She tried hard to keep her attention on the road as she kept expecting him to say something but he was completely silent which she didn't know if that was a good thing or not. Either way she felt as if she was on the brink of going insane when they finally arrived. Sam thanked God once more as she got out of the car.

"Dottie's Diner," he asked looking up at the little diner.

"It may not have a menu like you have in New York but Dottie is the best cook in town," she replied with a flat tone walking towards the diner trying to put as much distance between them as possible.

"Well that's good enough for me," he stated closing the distance between them till he stood by her side. She cursed mentally as he opened the door for her, the simple gesture made her stomach twist and her pulse quicken.

"Good afternoon, Sam dear, what can I get you and your friend today," the middle age woman asked putting emphasis on the word friend with a large grin on her aged face. She eyed David who followed Sam like some lost puppy and sat at her booth right in front of her. Sam felt herself blush and she pretended to look at the menu.

"He's the new guy my dad has been excited about, Dottie this is David Andrews. Mr. Andrews this is Dottie Sanders," she mumbled behind the menu.

"Please call me David, and it's nice to meet you. I hear your cooking is the best in the whole town," he told her and Dottie beamed with pride before turning to face Sam.

"Oh this one is a keeper," she said winking and Sam felt her face reach a brighter shade of red as she buried her face further into the menu. Oh great, now rumors will start to fly, she thought grumpily finally ordering a salad but she didn't think she would be able to eat anything despite the fact she didn't eat anything that morning.

Her stomach was nothing but a mass of knots now and David just laughed seemingly oblivious of her suffering as he gave Dottie his order. Why did she ever let Tabby talk her in to that stupid weekend, she pouted. Once she felt her face return to normal she lowered the menu from her face.Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

"So I am a keeper huh," he asked with his bright sexy smile and amusement written all over his face. She covered her face with her hands trying to hide the awful blush that tinted her face a bright red.

"This is not funny," she demanded between her fingers which only got him to laughing again and he leaned over the table.

"I actually think it's hilarious! I guess you're not much of a wildcat after all," he mused and she glared at him. He was obviously not going to let what happened in New York stay in New York. It was only a matter of time before the whole town found out. She was ruined; her life was totally over from now on.

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