Breaking The Routine

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 - New York Adventure

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 - New York Adventure

Sam looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror of her hotel room horrified. "I can't go out looking like this," she exclaimed.

"Don't be silly Sam, you look hot," Tabby told her from the other room. She sighed and looked at her reflection again. Her black sleeveless shirt had a swooping neckline that showed off more of her cleavage than she would ever usually think about showing. It was accompanied with a black skirt that ended about mid-thigh; much shorter than she would have ever had worn before. Sam turned to the side skeptically, the outfit did show off her curves well, but that didn't make her feel any more comfortable in it.

"Now let's take care of that hair and makeup," Tabby chirped happily ignoring her friend's discomfort. Sam started to protest, but Tabby held up her hand. "I so do not want to hear it, you promised me, Samantha Isabel Peters! You said you would not complain or back down! I let you chicken out after an hour yesterday but tonight is our last night in New York and I am not letting you get out of it this time," she snapped and commanded that Sam sits down so she could fix her hair. Sam pulled her face into a pout as she flopped down in the chair. Why did I ever agree to this, she thought miserably, but she already knew why. Tabby has been her best friend since she could remember and somehow her friend always knew how to get her to do what she wanted.

When Sam had turned twenty-six, Tabby took on the mission of breaking her out of her isolated life. "If you keep going like this Sam you're going to end up a spinster with a house full of cats," she claimed when they had gone out for Sam's birthday.

Sam merely rolled her eyes. "Don't you think you're exaggerating just a little Tabby," She asked and the blonde shook her head side to side.

"No I am not Sam; your last boyfriend was nearly five years ago! You're so on the spinster path!" The blonde scolded her. Sam shrugged in reply, she didn't really mind the way her life was, yes she did get

lonely and wouldn't mind having a bit of romance, but she wasn't about to change herself all around just for a man to notice her. "If a fisherman didn't bait his hook then he would go home empty handed. If you want a guy, you're going to have to bait him with something Sam!" Tabby told her with a sly smile.

"Men aren't fish Tabby, and if being myself isn't bait enough for them then they don't deserve to have me," Sam replied to her friend. "Besides, men aren't the be all and end all of life!"

Tabby gave her a horrified look then the sly smile came back to her lips. "No they may not be the be all and end all of life," she admitted. "But they sure do make it a lot more fun!"

About a month ago Tabby got the crazy idea of taking a trip to New York for them to have a fun weekend. "It'll be cool; you can break with the good girl and go wild! No one in this little town will know the difference so you can go back to your boring wallflower routine if you like," Tabby had told her.

Even though Sam was the exact opposite of wild and she didn't think she could ever break the good girl since it was who she was, the idea of her friend's plan did sound kind of exciting. Stepping out of the routine and forgetting about being shy, nice, and worrying what other people thought about her. So Tabby finally got her to agree and here she was sitting in her hotel in New York being pampered by her friend in attempts to break her out of her quiet good girl routine.

They arrived Friday afternoon and that night went to the first nightclub they had found, Sam didn't like it at all. It was too dark and smoky and the electronic music sounded like something long lost from the eighties. The place in general just made her feel anxious and self-conscious. The only guys that came up to them only wanted to dance with Tabby. They didn't even look at her; she was invisible!

Which honestly made Sam all the happier, the guys just oozed sleaze bag. This afternoon while Sam did some tourism Tabby googled for some good clubs and promised her that tonight would be different. Sam had her doubts and was dreading going out again, she was sure it was going to be exactly the same as last night. Not an experience she felt like reliving.

"There you go," Tabby announced breaking Sam from her thoughts. "Any guy with two eyes would definitely want to shag ya, yeah baby!" She said ending with a silly Austin Powers impression.

"You're crazy, I am talking totally textbook crazy!" Sam told her as she looked herself in the mirror, there was no doubt she had never looked better.

"Shush, none of that talk tonight. Tonight you're Sam the wild cat, going out for another wild night!"

"Right, now if you can convince everyone else that," Sam said with a pessimistic tone as Tabby ushered her out the hotel room.

The club Tabby picked defiantly had a better feel to it. It wasn't smoky, had good lighting and Sam loved the upbeat music. The place was a bit crowded but not to the point that it made her feel like she was in a sardine in a can. "Now let's get some alcohol in you Wildcat! It will help you get out of that shell of yours," Tabby said as they made their way to the bar and Sam smiled shaking her head slightly.

"Why Mss. Mathews, you are trying to get me drunk?" Sam asked putting on her best impression of a prude. Tabby nodded yes making them both laugh like school girls.

After a couple of drinks Sam started to feel buzzed and a little light headed but Tabby kept handing her more so she kept drinking them, she had lost count after she had drunk the fourth shot glass but she knew she had drunk more. "Now let's dance Wildcat, we may not get you a boy toy but tonight we are going to have fun," Tabby cheered grabbing her hand leading her in the crowd. Sam had no idea how to dance so she just mimicked whatever Tabby did feeling silly and awkward but once the last drinks kicked in Sam no longer cared about appearing silly, she actually started to have a lot of fun.

"Is this a private party or can anyone join?" a deep voice asked from behind after they had been dancing a while. They turned to see two of the hottest guys Sam had ever laid her eyes on. Tabby smiled impishly as she tapped her chin with her index finger eyeing them both.

"I don't know what do you think Wildcat can they join," Tabby asked her and she felt her cheeks burn slightly with a blush as she gave her friend a mock glare.

The majority of her shyness was drowned in the alcohol successfully bringing out of her shell and she attempted her best seductive smile looking both of them over. The one on the right obviously had eyes only for Tabby. He was tall, muscular, blond and very well dressed.

The other was about the same height, build, and impressively dressed but was brunette instead of blond. His chestnut brown hair came down to his chin where the start of a beard was showing. "Sure why not," she answered with a confident tone that suggested she always had gorgeous guys coming up to her asking to dance.

Sam took the hand the brunette held out for her not believing a guy as hot as him would want to dance with her. Her drunken buzz was beginning to wear off allowing the feeling of insecurity start to creep back into her. She felt nervous as remembered she still had no idea how to dance and was terrified of stepping on his toes or generally making a fool of herself.

They began dancing slowly, but she found it strange that she fell into a perfect rhythm with him considering she was clueless to what she was doing. When the song was finished, she stepped away from him expecting that he would go back with his friend or with someone else but as the music started again, he pulled her closer to him. A small smile spread across her lips as she looked up at him feeling drawn into his soft brown eyes that appeared never to look away from her.

"Hey Wildcat," Tabby called to her after the second song ended. Sam with hesitation broke away from the man's incredible gaze. Did she really spend the whole song staring at him? She suddenly panicked; worried that he probably thought she was some kind of desperate freak. She gave her attention to her friend trying to ignore the knotting feeling in her stomach that had started gnawing at her. "Bring your hotty over to the bar; I think we need more to drink," Tabby told her winking at her then she led the guy she was dancing over to the bar.

"Your hotty," the man who Sam had been dancing with asked with a hint of a smile on the edges of his lips. She felt blush burn across her cheeks and she laughed a soft nervous laugh.

"She said it, not me. That's Wallflower," she told him with a small shrug and made her way towards her friend.

"Here you go Wildcat, bottoms up," Tabby said handing her a small shot glass filled with a brownish drink. She really didn't like the taste but now that her head was clearing she could feel her insecurities coming back with strength and the desire to run to safer waters was growing. Sam was having fun before and didn't want it to end just yet.

"Thanks...Wallflower," Sam replied with a small mischievous grin

"Wallflower?" Tabby asked looking confused then smiled, "yeah that's me, Wallflower!" Tabby tilted her head back then downed her shot glass and Sam followed suit, it was hot and burned on the way down. She coughed and felt her eyes water as Tabby passed her another one. Just as she started to lift it to her lips, her dance partner leans over till he was very close to her.

"For a wildcat you don't seem to be that much of a drinker," he whispered in her ear and shivers ran through her body as his warm breath brushed her skin. Oh wow, was all she could think at first then she smiled up at him feeling the warmth of the drinks flood her body. She downed the shot glass she was holding a little easier this time.

"I make it up in other things," she told him with a naughty smile surprising even herself. He returned it and she felt her stomach tighten while her heart raced.

"Oh really and what things would that be exactly," he asked moving even more closely to her. Sam's heart raced even faster, her breaths quickened and her blood seemed to have grown impossibly warm.

"Now it wouldn't be any fun if I told you that now would it," she replied looking up at him. Oh my god is this really happening, she asked herself silently. Never in her life had she been so forward or even close to it. His arms wrapped around her waist, closing the distance between them.

"No, I guess it wouldn't be," he answered looking at her with a look no man had ever given her before. Oh wow, she thought again and wondered if he really could be attracted to her? Sam felt her breath stop as he lowered his face closer to hers. His lips were about to touch hers when she felt a wave of fear attack her and she backed away. She couldn't believe what almost happened. This hotter than hot man almost kissed her! Sam couldn't get over the fact that he actually wanted to kiss her at right now. She looked back up at him and saw that he was still looking at her intently and she felt a little embarrassed by acting so cowardly and pulling away like that. She was not supposed to be a coward tonight but brave.

"I think I would like to dance some more," she told him hoping he wasn't insulted or put off. He nodded not taking his eyes off of her and she felt relieved and confused at the same time. Why was he looking at her like that, she couldn't help but wonder as he took her hand in his leading her back on the dance floor. He pulled her in close, much closer than they had been before and her whole body responded to his closeness. She fell in perfect rhythm once more with him and where his hands lay on her hips, her skin grew warm. She blushed once more at his a penetrating gaze and a playful smile crossed her face and he replied with his own smile. Goosebumps and shivers ran across her as one of his hands slowly moved along her back to rest on the back of her shoulder.

They had been dancing for some time when Sam felt her stomach twist upon itself as he lowered his face towards hers once more. This time, she felt powerless to pull away from him. Oh wow, she thought yet again as he stopped with his lips closely next to hers as if allowing her the chance to back out again. Did she want to kiss him? Of course she did, her inner voice chided her. When she didn't pull away, he closed the distance between them giving her a soft yet intense kiss.

Sam melted as she kissed him in return and couldn't resist pressing herself against him. She felt a strong desire build up in her that she had never felt before. She surprised herself once more by allowing him access to her mouth without him needing to ask. His hands pressed against her pulling her as close as possible as he explored her mouth with passion. A soft moan escaped her as the desire grew more intense. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

When the kiss ended Sam was breathless and light headed. She looked up at him surprised by the look of lust upon his face. He gave her a small sexy smile and she blush once more. They danced for a little while longer when he lowered towards her ear. "Want to go somewhere more private Wildcat," he whispered huskily causing her to shiver again. Did he just seriously ask her that? He really wanted to sleep with her? Her stomach was doing flips as Sam nibbled her bottom lip not sure what to say. Normally she would never do such a thing and she didn't even know his name but tonight was not about what she would normally do.

"I would love to," she told him, hoping the effects of the alcohol would last out the night. Her dance partner smiled as if he had just won the lottery then led her out of the nightclub. He held her tightly in front of him as he hailed a cab making her feel as if she was something precious. He bent down trailing kisses down her neck and she shivered once more with delight and anticipation as her heart continued to race at high speed. No man she had ever met or known had done this to her before. He opened the door for her once the cab had stopped and she smiled brightly; that was another thing no man had done for her before.

Once they were in the cab, he gave the cab driver an address and pulled her close to him. He cupped her face with his hand lowering his face towards hers to give her another kiss that didn't end till they reached their destination. He paid the driver and she tried not to ignore the sly smile the cab driver gave them. She couldn't believe what she was about to do. She, Samantha Peters, was going to sleep with a guy she just met, a guy whose name she didn't even know.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and the other took her hand softly as he guided her into the hotel. She smiled a tiny smile as he glared at the bell boy when he approached them and asked if they needed anything. "He must be as drunk as I am," she thought giddily. No man had ever acted this way around her. Her smile grew when she noticed he always had at least one hand around her even when he had to open the door to his room.

As soon as the door to the hotel room was closed he pinned her against the wall with his body forcefully but not hurting her. "Now where did we leave off," he said gruffly and she smiled with a hint of nervousness. Another lustful look passed through his face just before he kissed her again and she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling herself closer towards him. He reached down and grabbing her and pulling her up till she could wrap her legs around his waist as she tangled her fingers in his silky soft hair.

He let a long low moan and wrapped his arms around her pulling her from the wall and towards the bed. She felt her blood boil as he laid her softly on the bed and he trailed kisses down her neck once more. "You're incredible you know that Wildcat," he told her as his hands explored her body and another blush broke across her cheeks just before he kissed her again.

Sam stretched as she woke the next morning. She felt more rested and relaxed than she had felt for a long time despite a raging headache assaulting her. She slowly opened one eye but closed it quickly as the rays of sunlight were like knives stabbing into her brain. She groaned quietly burying her head in her pillow when a hand that wasn't hers brushed her thigh.

Only barely suppressing a shriek of surprise Sam turned to see the man lying beside her. A small smile broke across her lips as she remembered what happened the night before. Even though he was asleep, his face smashed against his pillow he was still so sexy. She blushed an embarrassed not believing she had done all that even if it was the most incredible night she had ever had in her life.

The sudden urge to repeat it all washed over her, but she turned back around with care trying not to wake him. She looked at the clock on the nightstand near her she jumped out of the bed. Her plane leaves in two hours! Sam cringed as she heard the man groan. He rolled over still asleep and she let out a sigh of relief.

As much as she wanted to enjoy the pleasures of his kisses again she was pretty sure he wouldn't feel the same now that he was sober. Sam had always heard of the beer goggle effect and didn't want to ruin her experience with his look of rejection once he saw her. So she decided for the cowardly way out, dressing as quick as she could then running for the door before he could have the chance to wake up and reject her.

A half hour later Sam entered in her hotel room in a rush and Tabby gave her a stern look. "Finally, damn I was starting to think you planned on staying here," she scolded and Sam blushed for the millionth time in twenty-four hours. She dashed over to the dresser and ripping open the drawers and began throwing her clothes into her old brown suitcase. Tabby stood there with her eyebrows raised and foot tapping. "Well," she asked not being able to keep quiet any longer. Sam smiled and decided to play dumb.

"Well, what? I am afraid I don't know what you are talking about," she replied with a mocked look of confusion on her face as she finishing emptying the dresser.

"Samantha Isabel Peters, You know perfectly well what I am talking about. You spend the night with a cute guy which you just met last night, and are playing dumb with me! Spill the beans girl!" Tabby insisted with slight irritation and Sam giggled as if she was a giddy teenager while attempting to zip the overfull suitcase.

"It was awesome Tabby! I can't believe it really happened," she confessed with a dreamy look in her eyes. Tabby gave her an "I told you so" look and waited.

Sam released a playful sigh and hugged her friend. "Okay, you were right. This was a good idea.

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