Arranged Marriage With The Billionaire


The detective took Dylan to the place where they kept detainees. There were just a few people inside the cell.

Jones spoke to one of the police officers to take the man out and into the investigation room.

Dylan tried to look at his face but he couldn’t see him properly. They followed the officer that took the unknown person to the room.

When they all got to the room, Dylan could see him. He wasn’t someone that Dylan recognized.

“This is him?” He asked the detective.

“Yes sir.”

“I don’t recognize him as anyone I know,” Dylan answered.

Dylan was on the other side of the room. On the side that he could see everyone behind the glass, but people from the other side couldn’t see.

They didn’t want the man to see Dylan, Incase something happened and the people they were after found out that he was involved. Their plan would be ruined and their lives would probably be in danger.

Including the Lancasters.

“I guess I should leave now. I just wanted to know who he was.” Dylan told the detective.

“Alright, sir. I’ll escort you out of here.” They both left the room.

They headed to the reception and shook hands once more before Dylan left.

The sun was so bright that Dylan had to close one eye while he walked to his car. Everywhere and everyone was busy, cars honking, people crossing the road and the sound of airplanes was not exempt.

Dylan got into his car and turned it on, he waited for a few minutes before he drove out of the station and towards his house.

He wondered if Blair was okay, he had not called her all day. The thought made him decide to stop at her favorite cafe to get her dessert.

He parked his car in the small lot right beside the cafe. And then turned off the car and walked into the building.

It was a well-lit building and everything looked like something out of a cartoon or a movie. The walks were a baby pink and white, the tables and chairs were pink and white too.

They had pink and white pastries lined up in a show glass.

Dylan wondered if it was a pink and white day in their books. He chuckled at the sight.

He walked up to the counter and ordered a chocolate mousse cake and pink and white macarons. He laughed.

“150, sir.” The woman at the counter informed him of his bill.

“Okay.” He gave her his card and she raised her brows in shock when she saw the type of card it was.

Dylan didn’t care, he paid no attention to people who thought he was too rich to purchase certain things. Once they knew who he was they started to act weird, as if they had a problem with rich people.

The woman gave him back his card and receipt. And from the corner of his eye, he spied how she sized him up. Her eyes stopped at his wedding ring and he was grateful that he always had it on.

Afraid that she would want to ask him questions or try to strike a conversation, he quickly grabbed the bag and walked out of the building fast.

He left the cafe and drove home straight to his wife.

Dylan arrived home and pressed the bell at the entrance. Clara was the one who opened the door.

“Welcome, sir” she greeted him.

“Evening, Clara. Thank you.” He answered.

He headed for the stairs and climbed it with a smile on his face, he prayed that Blair would like his treat. Her eyes glittered anytime he bought her something nice.

When he opened the door, he wasn’t prepared for the sight before him.

He found Blair on the floor, groaning in pain.

“Blair!” He screamed and dropped everything he was holding on the couch and ran over to her.

He picked her up from the floor and laid her on the bed. Her body was so hot and she was soaked in sweat, she could barely keep her eyes open.

“What is this?” He asked in a panic.

He took his phone and dialed their doctor’s number, thankfully it was still early and he could make it.

He explained to the older man how he found her and the state she was in.

The man assured Dylan that he was on his way to their house.

Dylan took a bowl of warm water and soaked a towel in it and then put it on her forehead. He took another towel and used it to dry her body.

Blair was weak and couldn’t speak, she just kept staring at Dylan with teary eyes.

“It’s okay, baby, it’s okay. I’ve got you.” He stayed with her until she was calm.

“I’ll quickly change, alright? I’ll be back.”

Blair gave a small nod and Dylan smiled at her. He went to take off his clothes and changed into something casual.

He went out of the closet and sat beside her. He stroked her hands and told her soothing words so that she would calm down.

Dylan heard knocks on the door.

“Come in.” He answered.

The door opened to reveal Donna.

“M. r Lancaster, good evening.”

“Good evening, Donna. Can you please tell me what’s going on? I found Blair on the ground when I came back.” He got up and moved to where she stood.

“On the ground? That means she tried to get up. She’s been ill since this afternoon sir. I’ve been checking up on her since then.”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me? I specifically told you to tell me if something was up when I’m away.”

Dylan’s voice was calm and it was because he was trying not to raise it. He was upset that she had been that way and nobody called to let him know.

“I’m sorry sir, I wasn’t thinking straight as at then.” She told him.

Dylan sighed.

“I’m just glad nothing happened. Please let me know when something like this happens.” He pleaded.

“Alright sir, I am sorry again, sir.”

“It’s okay.”

“How is she now? She seems calm. I was here a while ago to check and she was asleep. I had no idea she was on the ground.”

“She is calm now. I put a warm towel on her head and dried her body with another. She was so hot and it seemed like she was in a lot of pain. She can’t speak nor walk properly.”

Dylan explained.

“I was confused too when I saw her like that today. She said she was fine in the morning and that she almost went to the gym for her workout but then she fell asleep again.”

“Last night, she didn’t want to have dinner as well. I was surprised because she never rejects food. Even when she’s angry and upset. I already called the doctor to come to check her, I wonder what the problem is.”

Blair could hear them as they spoke but she was too tired and weak to respond. She just closed her eyes and tried to be calm on the inside.

As Donna and Blair spoke, someone knocked on the door. Dylan moved to check who it was.

“Doctor, good evening. Thank God that you are here already.” He opened the door and the man went in.

“Good evening, sir.” Donna greeted him.

“Good evening, Dylan, Donna, it’s been a long time since I saw you. How is she now?” He asked Dylan.

“I’m not sure. I placed a warm towel on her head like you instructed and dried her body with another warm towel. She seemed a little calm after that.”

“That is favorable news. I will run some tests on her and send you the results tomorrow with feedback and the necessary medications.” The man said.

“Okay,” Dylan answered.

The older man went closer to Blair and gave her a friendly smile. She smiled back, weakly.

“Hello, Blair. Can you speak? Dylan, come and help her up. I want her to sit straight.” He sat beside her.

Dylan went to her and gently raised her body and placed a pillow behind her head so that she could sit properly.

“Thank you. Now, I will ask you a few questions and you will need to answer me. If it’s a no, blink twice, e and if it’s a yes, nod once. ” The doctor said.

One nod.


The older man asked her questions to which she replied. He took out her blood sample and kept it in a plastic bag.

“I will give you pain relief medication and a fever suspension. They are not drugs that can affect you negatively, they are supposed to help you sleep tonight and feel a little strong before I prescribe anything for you. Is that okay?”

One nod.

“Alright.” He took out the medication from his work bag and handed it to Dylan.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“One each, morning and night. WhenIi prescribes something else, don’t give her anymore. So make sure she takes one tonight, after dinner. Make sure she eats.” He instructed.

“Note, thank you, u doctor, for making time to come here.” Dylan thanked the man.

“It’s alright. It’s my job anyways, you will be fine, my dear.” He assured Blair.

One nod.

“I should get going now. Goodnight everyone.”

“I’ll escort you out.” Donna offered.

“Oh? Thank you, Donna.”

He followed Donna out of the room.

Dylan sat beside Blair, she was looking down at her hands.

“Hey baby, are you hungry?” He held her hand.

Blair looked up at him and blinked twice.

“You have to eat, Blair, please. For my sake.” He said.

Blair stared at him for a while and then gave a slight nod.

“Thank you, I’ll ask Donna to prepare your dinner. Okay?”

Another nod. She turned her head to the couch on the far end of the room. She recognized the package as one from her favorite pastry place.

Dylan noticed what she was staring at and he suddenly remembered that he bought her pastries and cake.

“Shit! The cake!” He ran to get the package. He forgot that he got a mousse cake and that it melts.

He opened the cake box and saw that it was already melting.

“Blair, I’ll be back in a minute. I need to get this cake in the fridge immediately or it’s gonna melt.”

Dylan opened the door and ran out and down the stairs.

When he got to the kitchen, Donna was there making something.

He took out the cake box along with the macaron box from the bag and put them in the fridge.

He sighed deeply when he accomplished his mission.

Donna chuckled.

“I was trying to save the cake that I got for her at her favorite pastry place. I’m thankful that she noticed it, if not I would have forgotten about it. And it would melt into the couch.” Dylan laughed.

“It’s a good thing you remembered then.” She laughed.

“Yeah. What are you making?” He looked into the pot but couldn’t see clearly because of the steam.

“I’m making some porridge for her but it’s tastier than the regular one because I mixed in the soup I made for her during the day.”

“Oh wow. You know how to feed her more than I do.” He scoffed.

“Of course, maybe when you learn how to cook, you would be able to feed her properly and as you want to.”

“I guess so, I would try it one of these days.”

Donna turned off the gas cooker.

“That would be nice. I’m done cooking, do you mind taking her food?” She asked.


He waited for her to serve the food.

After she was done, she put it in a tray with cutlery and a glass of water.

“Thank you, Donna.” He took the tray from her.

“It’s alright. Are you going to skip dinner, sir?” She asked.

“I think so, I’m not hungry. I’m just worried about Blair right now.”

She’d like it if she finds out that you didn’t eat tonight, sir.”

“She doesn’t have to find out,” Dylan answered.

“Alright then, but if you feel like eating something, I already made dinner. I packed it in plastic packs, they’re in the fridge.” She informed him.

“You do a lot, Donna. Thank you so much.” He smiled and left with the food.

He climbed the stairs carefully, holding the tray steadily.

Dylan didn’t even know when it became dark. He thanked God that their house had power at the moment.

He walked slowly until he eventually reached the room. He opened the door while carrying the tray on his arm, carefully.

“Blair? I’m sorry I took so long, I was talking to Donna and waiting for her to be done with your food.”

“It’s okay.” She replied weakly.

Her voice was cracked and raspy and low.

“You can speak now?” He dropped the tray beside her.

“Yeah, I could but I didn’t have the strength to.” She answered.

“I’m sorry, Blair.”

She gave a slight nod.

“Please eat.” He put the tray on her lap so that it would be easy to eat.

Blair ate her food slowly. It was as if huge blocks forced their way down her throat. She barely kept a straight face when she swallowed. And the food was also very hot, that bit helps in clearing her throat.

“Is it hard?” He asked.

“Not really, it’s just my throat. It’s kind of hard to swallow.” She responded.

Her voice was clearer.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I just want you to eat something and then take your meds. So that you would at least be able to sleep well at night.”

She ate a few more spoons until she could no longer eat.

“I’m okay, I’m full already.”

The food made her tired, so she couldn’t go on.

Dylan checked the bowl and saw that she ate a good amount of the food.

“Alright, I’m happy that you at least ate a good portion of the food. You can stop.”

Dylan took the tray from her and put it on the table.

“Thank you.” She said,

“It’s okay.”

Dylan took out the meds and popped two pills in her hands. He handed her a glass of water as well.

She took the pills and drank the water, slowly, until she finished it.

“Thank you.” Her voice sounded better than before, although it was still weak and low.

“Why are you thanking me? You are my wife and I’m supposed to take care of you. Besides, I love you and can’t leave you alone.” He spoke softly.

Dylan continued, “You remember when I was sick too right? You took care of me, you fed me, you did everything for me, so everything I’m doing is fine by me.” He explained.

” I think I should go to bed, I feel weak and tired.”

“You should rest then. I’ll return this to the kitchen.” He pointed to the tray.

He helped her with the pillow and her head.

Dylan left with the tray.

He didn’t even bother to eat. It was late at night already and whatever he ate would not digest before he moved into dreamland.

So he drank a glass of apple juice before going back to the room.

“Shall we go to bed?” He asked Blair.

“Yeah, sure.” She answered.

Dylan got into bed and moved closer to Blair so that he could cuddle her.

Blair smiled a secret smile and moved close to him as well. She rested her head on his chest.

“I was so scared when I saw you on the floor earlier. I thought you fainted or something until I rushed to you.”

He told her.

“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t carry myself at the time. I was weak, as soon as I woke up in the afternoon, I just felt a certain way.”

“Is that how you felt last night?” He asked

“Not really.” She answered.

“Okay then. I have good news for you, Blair.”

Dylan was on the verge of telling her the progress they made with the case.

“What is it?” She asked.

“We have made progress with the case,” Dylan informed her.

“We have? What do you mean?” She looked at him.

“They found the man that manipulated those pictures. And they’re gathering more evidence. We will reveal the truth in two days.” He explained.

Blair quickly got up.

“Really? Are you serious? Did you go to the station? Is that what they said?” Blair asked too many questions at the time.

“Woahh Woahh, slow down. Where did all this energy come from?” He chuckled.

“I can’t believe this. Dylan, this is the best news I’ve received in days. I am so happy right now, finally, we’ll have our peace.”

Even though Blair was weak, she expressed her feelings towards the situation. She was happy that everything was going well and that they would be free.

“Yes, I saw the man. He will testify against Samantha and they also have his voice recordings. I just hope that everything runs smoothly.”

“Oh, Dylan, me too. I’m so happy to hear this.”

“And the shocking part is that she’s done other terrible things to people and the person in custody knows most of the information.”

He told Blair some of the things that the detective told him.

“Who would have thought that Samantha could do these things? I can’t believe she was once my friend, we ate and drank together, we slept on the same bed, I’m just so sad. For her and myself because I wasn’t able to change her for the best.”

“No, Blair. It’s not your fault. You were the best friend she ever had. Your friendship was genuine, at least on your part. She was the one who made the choice, Blair. She had someone like you in her life and still decided to be an evil person, that’s on her. It wasn’t as if you knew she was evil and ignored her, you didn’t. You cannot fix everyone, she should be the one to fix herself and not you. So don’t feel bad for her anymore, you did your part as a friend. And she decided to pay you back with the stunt she pulled. You don’t need someone like that in your life.” He explained.

Blair was quiet for a while, trying to assimilate everything he said.

“You are right, Dylan. I shouldn’t feel this way. She’s not my friend, she was the one that broke my heart. I should be mad at her and not feel bad.” She responded after a while.

“That is the spirit, you shouldn’t let her have such control over you, you’re better than that.”

“Yeah, I am. Thank you for reminding me, Dylan. You never fail to pull me back up when I’m falling.”

“You too, you always do the same for me. I’m here to do the same thing too. Besides, I love you and can’t watch you hurt yourself with thoughts like that.” He said.

They lay side by side on their big bed. Her head on Dylan’s chest and his hand on her waist, the other hand stroked her hair softly.

“Thank you, Dylan. I appreciate everything I do and say. It goes a long way.” Her voice was soft.

“It’s okay, Blair. I’m happy to do anything and everything for you.” He said.

She moved closer to him and moaned softly. Dylan looked down at her and chuckled.

“You are such a baby when you’re ill. Look at you purr.” He laughed.

“Whatever.” She smiled.

They both fell asleep after a few minutes of cracking jokes and laughing their brains out.

Blair slept soundly, the medication she took worked well, as the doctor said it would.

It was as if everything she felt earlier, disappeared. Dylan held her all through the night, he didn’t let her go and she didn’t let him go either.

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