Arranged Marriage With The Billionaire


The whole atmosphere in the room ticked him off. It wasn’t as if he was angry or upset with Blair, he was just confused because he didn’t know why she was like that.

He even asked her several times and she kept telling him that she was okay.

Dylan had no choice but to believe her, he didn’t want to stretch the issue so he decided to go back to his office.

He buried himself in his work throughout the night.

The next morning, Dylan left for the office earlier than usual. And he didn’t bother to wake Blair. He just left the house quietly.

He planned to see the detective later because he told Dylan that he found the culprit. The person who changed the way the pictures looked.

Dylan got to his office quite early, only a few employees were there. He didn’t care because it was still early.

The weather was quite cool, maybe because it was still early in the day. The sky was light and dark blue and the breeze was cold and strong.

The office was well lit as well, it was as if the building wasn’t there. It was so different inside. It was warm and bright like a day.

“Good morning, sir. You are quite early, sir.” His secretary said to him while he stood in front of her desk.

“Good morning. Yeah, I decided to come in early and finish my work before more comes in.” He said.

“Oh, alright sir. Your office is ready for you sir. It’s been cleaned and tidied already.”

“Thank you,” Dylan said.

Dylan opened the door to his office and shut it once he was inside already. He marched towards his desk and sat down in his car.

The day was just about to begin, he thought.

Blair woke up early as usual to do her workout routine. She touched the other side of the bed to check if Dylan was there but he wasn’t.

He must have left early, she thought.

When she didn’t see him, she fell back into bed. She suddenly didn’t feel like working out anymore so she didn’t go.

She felt Dylan Blair was avoiding her and she couldn’t tell where the attitude came from last night. She just felt one way and couldn’t state the reason. Blair fell asleep because her mind roamed wasn’t strong, she sort of felt down for some reason.

She slept throughout the morning and woke up in the afternoon.

By the time she woke up, she was sweaty and she felt pain all over her body.

She got up from the bed and moved towards the bathroom but she felt a wave of dizziness and had to sit down on the bed for a minute.

Blair suddenly felt very weak and tired. She was baffled about the way she felt because she was better before she went back to sleep.

She tried to lift herself but her legs gave way and she fell.

“Argh.” She groaned.

Blair held the bed for support before she could get up, her legs were weak and tired.

“What is this?” She muttered fearfully.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror, her face was pale and her lips were white. It was as if she was dead.

The thought that was in her mind was, how she could sleep and then wake up that way. The thought drove her mad.

She looked sick. She reached for her phone to see if she could call Donna or anyone.

She dialed Dylan’s number twice but he did not lock up his phone. So she had to call Donna.

“Ma’am?” Donna picked the call after the third ring.

“Donna, can you please come up to my room?” Blair spoke weakly.

“Are you okay ma’am? You sound down.”

“Just hurry,” Blair said before she hung up the call.

Donna was in her room in two minutes. She didn’t bother to knock this time, she just opened the door.

She found Blair sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Mrs Lancaster? What is happening? What’s wrong?” Donna asked, nervous.

“I honestly don’t know. I woke up feeling this way.” Blair told her.

Donna touched her head to feel her temperature.

“You have a high fever. You should have lunch and take some medication to relieve you of any pain. ” Donna placed her hand on Blair’s neck too and it was hotter.

“Should I help you with your bath ma’am?” Donna asked.

“No, it’s fine. I can have my bath myself.” Blair answered.

“Alright, I will prepare your lunch and the medications for you then. But first, let me run your water in the bathroom. ” Donna said.

“Thank you, Donna. Please don’t tell Dylan about this. Except I don’t feel better after today.”

“Okay, ma’am.”

Donna went into her bathroom and turned in the heater. She waited for 5 minutes and then turned on the bath tap.

She thought it would be better if Blair had a soak in a hot bath, she would feel half-batter. Donna also wondered why she didn’t want Dylan to find out about her being sick, maybe he would even call a doctor for her, she thought.

She quickly waved the thought away, it was Blair’s decision and she couldn’t interfere.

Donna poured antiseptic in the water and then she went to get Blair. She thought that it would be hard for Blair to get into the tub herself.

“I’ll help you get into the tub, ma’am,” Donna said to her.

She helped Blair into the bathroom slowly and then sat her down on a bathroom stool in the corner.

Blair took off her clothes and Donna helped her into the tub.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Thank you so much Donna. ”

“I will tell Aaliyah to come and help you out of there in 15 minutes. Just stay there for as long as you can.”


Blair pressed a button beside her and a headrest moved up slowly from behind her head. She rested her head on it and sighed.

Donna chuckled before she left. She went back down to the kitchen to make lunch for Blair.

She decided to make soup filled with bits of soft chicken breast. So she brought out all the ingredients and started cooking.

Once the time for Blair’s bath was up, she called Aaliyah to help her out of the tub and with other things while she prepared the soup.

The soup was ready after 20 minutes, she poured some into a bowl and put it on a tray. And she took out the medications for fever and body aches with a solution that relieves dehydration.

Donna carried it to Blair’s room, alongside a glass of water. By the time she got there, Blair was back in bed and Aaliyah was with her.

She placed the tray on the bed, beside Blair.

“Her fever is a little high. So I gave her a warm patch to help with it.” Aaliyah informed Donna.

“Thank you, you can leave now. I’ll take it from here.” Donna said.

“Okay, take care, ma’am. ” She greeted Blair.

“Thank you, dear,” Blair responded with a small smile.

Aaliyah left the room.

“Please eat up before I get back, ma’am. This soup should help.” Donna said.

“Thank you, Donna. I’ll try to eat as much as I can.”

“Please do, I’ll be back to check. I’ll give you the medications myself.”


Donna left the room and went back to the kitchen still contemplating calling Dylan.

She was disturbed about it, maybe because she didn’t want Dylan to blame himself for her condition. She was hoping that it wasn’t anything serious.

She cleaned the kitchen and washed the pans and everything she used in cooking Blair’s food.

Donna went back upstairs to check up on Blair. When she got there, Blair had almost finished the soup. She left some in the bowl.

“Are you okay?” She asked her.

“Yes, Donna. I’m full already.”

“Alright, you almost finished it, so that is fine.”

She moved closer so that she could give her the pills.

And she brought a water bottle for the solution.

“You have to drink this, it helps with dehydration.” Donna referred to the solution that she mixed in the water bottle.

“Oh okay.” Blair took it from her.

“But first, take these pills.”

Donna showed her the ones that she should take and Blair took them.

“Alright, I think I will leave you to rest. Please drink the solution, I will check later.”

Donna placed her hand on Blair’s forehead, it was still hot. Her arms were hot too.

“Thank you, Donna,” Blair replied weakly.

“It’s okay. Rest now, I will be back soon.” Donna replied and carried the tray out of the room with her.

Blair sat down there for a while so that everything she swallowed and ate would digest.

Blair felt a bit better than when she first woke up. She thought about how she would have been if Donna wasn’t around. It wasn’t a good thought, she might have collapsed or worse fall down the stairs trying to get to the kitchen.

She didn’t want to think about it, so she picked up the solution and drank some of it.

“Yuck!” She exclaimed.

It tasted disgusting, not disgustingly bitter but salty.

Blair almost cried at that point. The thought of drinking all of it made her upset but she knew she had to bear it.

Blair drifted off to sleep when she started to feel weak once more.


Dylan finished his work earlier than usual that day. So he went to the police station to see the detective.

He marched straight into the man’s office once he got there.

“Mr Lancaster.” The detective stood up to shake his hand.

“Jones.” Dylan shook his hand too.

“We finally have the culprit, this is enough to convict them. But the guy hasn’t told us everything, he’s still holding back on more things.” The detective told him.

“Do you have any idea what he is holding back?” Dylan asked.

“No, not really. But there’s something that I’m not quite sure about.” The detective informed him.

“What’s that?” Dylan sat up.

“I think he’s related to Samantha.”

“What? But Samantha doesn’t have any relatives that I’m not aware of.”

“Exactly, what if there’s one that no one knows?”

Dylan rubbed his face.

“My God. That woman is something else.” Dylan responded.

“She is.”

The detective told him everything that the man said. Dylan was left shocked and disgusted.

“How come she’s never been caught?” Dylan asked him.

“I wonder, I think she had people cover up for her. And sometimes she would blame someone else and run away.”

“My God, so we are her victims this time around. She messed with the wrong family.”

Dylan wanted to explode, with the way he felt at the moment, if he set his eyes on Samantha he would probably kill her.

She messed with the Lancasters this time. And the Lancasters were not the kind of family that she should fight or play with. Everyone wanted to be on good terms with them, she had no idea what his father could do to her, even himself.

Dylan was the devil’s incarnate. He could ruin her life with just a snap of his fingers. She was lucky that he chose to put his wife first.

If he were to exact revenge on her, without Blair being involved, he would destroy her.

No one messed with him and got away with it. Especially not his wife.

Thinking about it, he wouldn’t have gone to the police. He would bring women and send them on an assignment to her apartment.

And whatever they did to her would never leave her memory. Women versus women, it made sense instead of a man.

Dylan had his book of judgment and it was different from any other.

“She certainly did.” The detective answered.

“So when are we revealing everything?” Dylan asked.

“Two days from now. We want to find out the rest of the things that she is hiding. I’ll start preparing her warrant, she won’t know what hit her.”

“Good, finally. I hope my team has been helpful to you?” Dylan asked.

He had sent over his team of private investigators, hackers, and spies.

“Oh yes, they have. They found him for us. I can’t thank you and them enough.”

“That is good to hear, at least now we have all the proof we need. I should get going now, thank you.”

Dylan couldn’t explain the joy he felt at the good news, finally, everything would come to an end.

After everything they had been through, it was going to end well for them.

He couldn’t wait to tell Blair everything, she would be happy.

“No problem sir.”

Dylan stood up to leave but his mind wasn’t settled.

“Can I see the man?” Dylan asked.

“This way.”

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