You’re Still My Man – English

Chapter 17


“Good morning sleepyhead, don’t you have any plans to get up there?”

She tried to open her eyes even though she was still sleepy. She saw Ace sitting next to her, holding a mug as he inhaled the aroma of coffee. Her gaze settled on the steaming mug he tipped to his mouth. She got up and Ace handed her a mug with hot coffee.

“If you’re always like this Ace, I might be spoiled.” She said and gave him a sweet smile. “Hmmm…”

She glanced at Ace and saw him that he was fresh from the bath. She thought it wasn’t fair because he was now wearing a sweater and jeans, while she was still wearing her husband’s loose shirt with her messy hair. She also noticed that he looked irritated and just insisted on not showing it to her.

“You look like you have a period, is there a problem?”


He averted his eyes from Gina and sipped the coffee in his mug again. “Nothing.”

Gina frowned. “Did you wake up earlier?”

If he only knew that he hadn’t really slept all night. How could he sleep with Gina watching him all night. He could hardly move in the tightness of her embrace. Just before she woke up, her hand was on his crotch area so his manhood was hardening there. He became even more tempted by his wife. Fortunately, she finally fell asleep so he was free to remove her leg from his thighs. He just didn’t realize how long the position was like that. It’s as if he dreamed of an erotic scene, every scene really held his breath. It’s only now that he discovers that Gina unconsciously caresses whatever she touches while she’s asleep. There was also a chance that half of her body crossed over his body. He really didn’t sleep all night and he just waited for Gina to sleep soundly. What’s more, it was early in the morning when she fell asleep just by staring at him. So when she was sound asleep, he took the opportunity to get up and play with his cellphone until morning. He showered early and contacted someone to bring him decent clothes.

“Ace?” Gina asked him while he was in deep thought.

“What?” He asked, annoyed.

“I said, if you woke up earlier?”

“Maybe about half an hour before you wake up.”

“Good, I thought you were awake earlier and you were just waiting for me to wake up. What time is it now?”


“In the afternoon? OMG! Are you serious?”

“No, I’m just kidding.”

She sighed. “Well, don’t do that again. It’s not a funny joke.”

He glanced at his watch and grinned. “It’s actually seven-thirty in the morning.”

“Good, then.” Gina said and yawned as if still drowsy. She got off the bed and stretched her body. “I think I slept well, you Ace?”

“M-me? I slept well too.”


“We’re the same. I even dreamed a lot, it’s just that I can’t remember any of them.”

She saw Ace’s eyes staring at her thighs because her legs were exposed on what she was wearing. And it shortened even more as she combed her hair with her fingers in front of Ace.

“I called Payton last night,” he said, meeting her gaze as she grabbed the edge of the mattress with both hands and leaned forward. “Payton said that they could be discharged from the hospital the next day. So we will visit them tomorrow. I even heard Janice say that she won’t bother us right now because we’re going to have a baby.”

“Ha! What a lovely fantasy.” She pushed herself off the bed to approach him. “I liked sleeping with you. And I’m pleased to tell you that you don’t snore.”


He moved a little distance from Gina so that he could see the fullness of his wife while wearing his shirt. Whoa! Gina was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

“Neither do you,” he said and saw Gina stepped closer to him again.

“Really? I’d been worried about that.”

Last night he noticed that the two upper buttons of the shirt she wore was open, and the third was also half-open, so he could see her cleavage freely. “You know, you’re a tempting package,” he said and looked at Gina from head to toe.

“Maryam’s been giving me some advice.” She said.

“What did she advice you?”

He was surprised when Gina suddenly wrapped her hands around his waist. “She said since mama didn’t attend my bridal shower, she was the one who would advice me about things.”

His eyebrows rose at what he heard from Gina. “Is that so? What did you learn from her advice?”

“After the bridal shower, Maryam and I were the only two left. We were also a bit tipsy. As far as I can remember, we just laughed and laughed, and some of her ideas were so exotic. She told me a lot of things that I would need to try– ” and she laughed softly. “But I’m ashamed if I tell you more.”

“Like what?” He came closer to Gina and suddenly he inserted a hand into the opening of her shirt and his hand traveled to her breast.


“All right, share now your secret with Maryam. Just one little secret.” Ace caressed her, distracting her by moving his hand across her breast until the hard tip rested against his palm.

“I don’t want to, over my dead gorgeous body.”

“Oh, come on. Be a sport, Gina.”

She shifted closer as he thumbed her nipple. “Maryam said,” she started and then took a deep breath. “That if I put my fingers like this–” she demonstrated as she talked. “–on this part of your anatomy, you could last all night.”

She saw that Ace swallowed twice by what she did.

“I think that’s where she meant. We don’t have a model or anything. Maybe it’s just because of Maryam’s drunkenness so she’s advising me like that.”

“God forbid, Gina. Don’t squeeze that.”

“Do you know what I want to do now? All I want to do now is a theory test.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Ace pressed his body closer to hers so she was the one who backed away.

“What makes you think that I need any help to last all night?”

She swallowed and became uneasy of the closeness of their bodies.

“Breakfast will be delivered in about fifteen minutes” he said, turning away. “Take a bath first before eating breakfast, let’s check out before twelve.”

She just nodded in response.

When she reached the bathroom door, she suddenly remembered something so she turned to Ace again. “Maybe Judge Soler and Maryam were together all night.”

“Possibly, and why did you ask that?”

“I think Judge Soler is more suitable for Maryam than those who are younger than her. Maryam needs a man like Judge Soler.”

“Maybe Maryam hasn’t noticed the Judge much yet.” Ace said. “But you can still overcome anything if you really love that person.”


When Gina finally entered the bathroom, he unzipped the bag and flipped the lid open. He paused and stared into the empty suitcase, as he thought about what his Dad had said about romantic idealism and how it only results in pain.


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