Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Chapter 30


I have never once been more grateful for the fact that Amelia is nervous around me than I have been today. Usually I hate her nervousness and I want her to be free around me but if she was then she would have noticed how many times I sl*pped up today. From the moment I picked her up at school, it was a battle not to haul her into her arms. When Lucy arrived and messed everything up, I was so frustrated and angry.

I was furious at my mother for setting things up with Lucy and I was even more furious that Lucy was now living at my house and there was nothing I could do about it. My anger at Lucy couldn’t stay at the surface for long because Amelia was like a magnet. She was my kryptonite and she managed to drag my attention no matter how far in my thoughts I was buried. Her silence was loud and her words were even louder.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t help but be pulled and sucked into her world and axis. Speaking to her reminded me of being a teenager again and trying to talk to our crush and hoping she doesn’t reject you. My palms got sweaty and clammy and a few times while. driving. I would glance at her out of the corner of my eyes hoping she would just look at me. I caught Lucy intercepting some of my glances from time to time but I couldn’t bring myself to care.

As soon as we got to the office, I knew I wanted to be alone with her and I had Lucy moved to a place where she wouldn’t disturb us. I honestly miscalculated my strength when it came to Amelia because as soon as we were locked together in that office, it felt like my world was going to collapse. I tried but I couldn’t focus on anything but her; the curve of her mouth, the way she furrowed her brows and how she had a tendency to bite her l*p when she was thinking hard.

Every word out of her mouth was like a siren song to me and when I had to hold her hand. to help her with the mind link, I thought I was going to jump right out of my skin. I had to plead with my wolf to keep his urges in check so I wouldn’t get hard from simply holding. her hand. I was sweating through my shirt and when she tried to pull away, I had to keep her close. I couldn’t have her moving away from me at the time. I couldn’t stop the words from leaving my l*ps when I told her to talk to me whenever she needed. I could see the shock that registered on her face because it isn’t normal for anyone to have access to an Alpha, she just doesn’t realize that she isn’t just anyone to me.



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Chapter 30

I didn’t want to let go off her hands, I wanted to hold them and k*ss then. I wanted to intertwine our fingers and never let go. I wanted to feel her soft and dainty fingers on my skin, so delicate and careful. Add all that to her ever enticing smell, I lost my train of thought a number of times while talking with her and I was very grateful that she didn’t notice or else it would have been disastrous.

When Caleb came, I had no choice but to let her go. It was the last thing I wanted to do. In fact, my wolf was trying to convince me about all the reasons why I should carry her over my shoulder and take her back to my house but I had to remind him that doing that would only terrify her. I watched

her up until the moment the door shut behind her and even then, I wanted to stand up and tell her to come back but I couldn’t because she had to go home and I had to go to Lucy.

“I have never seen you like this,” Caleb said snapping me out of my thoughts and I suddenly remembered where I was.

Caleb was sitting on the chair that Amelia had just stood up from and he was looking at me with an amused smile on his face. I wanted to tell him to get up because he was tainting her scent but I knew it would only further the point he was making so I settled for leaning back into my chair and crossing my arms over my chest.

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” I said simply but his smile didn’t reduce. If anything, it grew wider the longer he stared at me.

“I’m just surprised that you are going through such lengths to be around her. I heard about the test that she has to take. Clara told me yesterday and I almost peed my pants.”

“Is there anything useful you want to say Caleb?” I asked dryly and he laughed. The fucker actually laughed in my face.

I rolled my eyes at his antics and waited for him to calm down. It took a while though because he seemed perfectly content laughing and clutching his side like he had broken a rib. What he didn’t know was that he was actually at risk of breaking a rib if he didn’t stop.

“This is just golden,” he wheezed once he had calmed down and he wiped a stray tear from her face. “If you’re this serious then why don’t you just go after her? Why are you keeping Lucy around and why are you going along with your mother’s arrangements?”

The mention of Lucy’s name brought a frown to my face and it took all my self control to




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Chapter 30

not sneer. She has been a pain in my side since the moment she came to the pack and believe me when I say that I want nothing more than to throw her out of the pack but unfortunately I can’t do that.

“I’m trying to sign a treaty with a nearby pack,” I explained to Caleb. “The pack has a mine and I want to be able to use it as well as passage through their land for some of our imports. Lucy’s father is best friends with the Alpha of that pack and I need his support for that Alpha to agree to my terms.”

“That sucks,” he said and I couldn’t help but agree. “I’m guessing there isn’t another pack that you could ally with.”

“No pack has a mine as good or as fruitful as theirs.”

Caleb just nodded in understanding. Other than the fact that he is my friend, Caleb also understands the nature of pack politics which was why I picked him as my Beta. He knows that as Alpha, I have a duty to my pack and I have to do things that I hate in order to do that Caleb will

always support my decisions whether he likes them or not as long as they are for the benefit of the pack. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“I organized the meeting with Amelia’s father,” he said out of the blue and my eyes snapped up to his. “It wasn’t easy considering the fact that he was still reeling from the insult of not seeing him at the border that day but he agreed.”

“Was there a catch? Did he ask for something in exchange for the meeting?”

“No, he just said he would be there and that he would be bringing his heir with him.”

I found that strange but I didn’t want to comment on it. Amelia’s father should not have agreed that easily and I made a mental note to find out if there was something else. happening behind the scenes that Caleb and I did not know about.

“I’ll be there,” I said finally and Caleb stood to his feet but I stopped him. “Amelia is not to know about this, am I understood?”

“I hear you loud and clear.”

I nodded at him and rose to my feet too. He watched me carefully as I followed him out of the office and towards the waiting area. I waited outside the door for Amelia to appear and



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Chapter 30


she was shocked to see me standing there. She actually did a double take when she saw me.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“I’m here to walk you out,” she looked surprised by my words but she nodded and I gestured for her to walk in front of me.

I wanted to hold her hand again but I wasn’t sure if I could control myself so I settled for watching her intensely as she walked ahead of me. Caleb was behind me and I could feel his amusement. I wanted to turn around and smack him behind his head but I managed to control myself.

I opened the door for Amelia and she thanked me softly before walking in. I shut it gently behind her and I turned to Caleb. I made sure my voice was as soft as a whisper before I spoke.

“Make sure she gets home safe.”

I could tell he wanted to make a joke about it but he knew I was serious so he settled for nodding and I watched their car drive off until it disappeared from sight and that was when I felt her behind me. I hadn’t even glanced at her once in the waiting room and I was so enamored by Amelia that I didn’t even notice she was following.

I didn’t meet her eye and instead walked over to my car. She stood in front of the passenger side as if she was waiting for me to open the door for her but I walked past her and took my seat in the driver’s side. I heard her huff and mumble some words under her breath but she finally opened the door and sat down.

“Am I not important enough for you to open my door?” she asked but I refused to respond because I was not going to rise to her bait. Instead, I started the car and focused my attention on the road.

I saw her reaching for my glove compartment. “Don’t touch that.”

“Now you want to talk to me,” she said almost bitterly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

I ignored her as she spoke and my thoughts unwillingly moved to Amelia. I craved her like a drug and I thought about how Caleb would feel about me visiting around midnight again.




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Emergency calls only

Chapter 30

I just needed to see her once more and get my fill of her for the day.



“You’re not even listening to me,” Lucy’s voice cut through the haze and I forced myself to clamp down on my irritation as I turned to her.

“What did you ask?”

“I asked what good she is to the pack that you keep her around so much. What is so special about her?”

“All you need to know is that she is a very significant addition to the pack and there is something only she can do for us

I could tell she wanted to refute and she had so much to say but I turned away from her and faced the road and she took it for what it was a dismissal





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