

The Engagement Party


I hang on Rogers’s arm as we enter. He really doesn’t know what he’s getting into.

Amelia, Rogers! You look lovely, dear. And you, Rogers – that suit is… quite original.”

I grimace at my mom.

Does she have to start with the veiled insults the moment we walk through the door? I already know she prefers Raymond to Rogers.

Probably because I limited the time she spent with Raymond for this very reason.

Thanks, mom.

Joseph comes to rescue us.

”Amanda s already here, she said she needs to talk to you when you get here.”

Rogers and I follow Joseph to the corner of the room, where Amanda is sitting by the snacks table. She winks at us. “Thought you might need a reason to getaway.

Did we have to invite her?” I moan.

“She’d be crushed if you didn’t, “Joseph points out. “Don’t be too hard on her. She means well. She’s just misguided.”

I know.,” I sigh, and Rogers puts his arm around me.

It’s ok. This is what I signed up for, remember? It’s just one night.

“No, it’s not – it’s every family dinner from now until death!

As I say it, I realize that Rogers and I never discussed how long we would remain married. What happens when one of us finds someone we want to be in a real relationship with? Do we get divorced?

Now’s not the time to discuss it. I’II have to bring it up with him at some point.

The idea of being with someone other than Rogers is oddly unappealing. Again, not now, Amelia. Just focus on getting through the night.

Rogers and I manage to spend fifteen minutes or so socializing with other guests. We have a mix of my family and friends. Rogers didn’t want to invite any of his people.

I guess he doesn’t want to deceive them with a fake marriage. He’s only doing this for me. Surely he has to tell his family and friends at some point, though?

You alright?” Rogers murmurs.

I’m fine. Just can’t wait to get home.”

Maybe we could pick up where we left off in the shower.”

Well great. Now I’m just going to spend the rest of the evening fantasizing about how many ways I can bang Rogers in the shower.

My mom sidles over. She does a very good job of making it look casual rather than what it is – a headlong attack.

“So, Rogers, I hope you’re having a good time? It’s a pity none of your family could make it. Do they live far away?”

“Yeah, they do. I’ve only moved here recently too, so I haven’t made many new friends, though reconnecting with Amanda and Amelia has been great.”

He’s such a good liar. I’d be impressed if he didn’t use those skills on me so often.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Yes, well, you’d have thought they’d make the effort to come, even if it is a bit of a drive. I’d never miss Amelia’s engagement party. I love her so much.”

Dolly tries to pull me into a hug, ignoring the fact that I’m glaring daggers at her. “It’s just the engagement party, mom. It’s not a big deal.”

Of course, honey.”

I’m hungry.” I grab Rogers’s hand and drag him over to the snacks, grabbing a pastry.

Rogers doesn’t look angry. If anything, he seems amused. “I must admit, I thought you were overstating it, but your warnings were accurate.”

I’m sorry,” I moan.

“She’s impossible. Ever since I was a teenager she’s been like this with every boy I date. She gets worse the more serious it gets. Joseph says she’s just looking out for me, but that’s no excuse.”

Don’t worry, I’m not that easily offended.”

Let’s see how long we can avoid here if we hide hideout the bathrooms, she’ll miss us.”

Rogers chuckles and follows me into another abandoned corner. Amanda meets my eye and goes over to Dolly, engaging her in conversation.

Amanda is excellent at distracting people, and I’m grateful for her help warding Dolly off.

The next few hours go about as well as can be expected.

Rogers handles my mother’s interrogation about his intentions toward me wel and manages to ignore her insinuations about his character.

She may have known him for years, but now that he’s my fiancé, apparent, ly he’s an evil predator looking to snatch her innocent daughter away.

Just great, mom. I suppose she’s at least pretending to be polite, even though we all see through it.

Halfway through justifying his career choice to Dolly, Rogers gets a phone call. He excuses himself for a minute. When he comes back, he looks worried.

I get up and draw him into a corner. “Is something wrong

“Not wrong, exactly… but I’m afraid I need to go.”

“I stare at him in disbelief. “Go?”

I wouldn’t leave if it wasn’t important, I Swear. There’s been… an emergency.”

“What kind of emergency?”

“I can’t say.”

You mean you won’t say.

“You can’t leave me here with her, I hiss, gesturing back to my mom, who is cleaning her neck to try to see our conversation. “Do you know how far back it’ll set us in gaining her approval if you disappear halfway through the engagement party?”

“I know, but this is important. Please, try to understand.”

I’m trying, Rogers, but it’s very difficult to understand when I don’t have all the facts of the situation. I don’t know anything about why you’re leaving.

Look I’ll explain more later. Ok? But for now, I have to go.”

The promise of more information into whatever mysterious dealings he has is a good incentive.

Alright, but tonight, you’re telling me everything.”

“I’ll tell you what I can.”

I roll my eyes. “Fine. Go sort out your emergency. Good luck.”


He looks really upset. Whatever it is must really be an emergency.

That doesn’t comfort me as I slowly make my way back into the crowd, bracing myself for a barrage of questions that I can’t answer.


Rogers only gets home after midnight. My eye is itching with exhaustion, but I’m determined to find out what happened tonight.

If I’m exhausted, it’s nothing compared to Rogers. He looks like he might collapse at any moment.

I jump up and pull out a chair for him.

“How did it go?”

“It’s under control.”

He jumps as I put a hand on his shoulder. I pull his shirt aside, to reveal a bandage – a bandage that I know for a fact wasn’t there before we left for the party.

“What happened, Rogers ?”

Look, I told Derek I wanted to give you more information, but he flat out forbade me. He might change his mind in the future – I think he likes you – but for now, I have to keep my mouth shut.”

Like hell you do! You skip out of our engagement party, come back injured, and still, you don’t want to tell me what’s going on? This is getting ridiculous, Rogers!”

You knew what you were getting yourself into! You knew I couldn’t tell you everything. You hardly get to cry foul now just because of your efforts to spy on me

haven’t worked.”

Is that it? You’re a spy? Or a fugitive? Who is Derek, and why do you take orders from him?

I can’t answer you! You know that! I’ve given you a fake marriage. I can’t give you my secret. It’s not all mine to tell. If you can’t accept that, then maybe you should just leave now!”

Fine. FINE! You want me gone? I’m leaving.

I snatch up my keys and storm out. Rage pounds through my veins.

I know Rogers probably just snapped because he’s exhausted and stressed, but that doesn’t take away any of the hurt of the argument.

I’ve tried to be patient with him, but he’s right – the lack of results in my own investigation is getting to me.

I fully intend to go to Amanda’s. I was sure I was taking the turns to Amanda’s house.

Somehow, I end up at Raymond’s.

No, Amelia, this is a bad idea. Turn around. Go to Amanda’s, for real this time.

I know I should, but somehow, I can’t bring myself to do it.

I want comfort right now. If not the comfort of tenderness, which I certainly won’t get from Raymond, the comfort of sex will be enough.

Go back, before it’s too late! This is crazy. Remember how badly it went the last time?

I reluctantly concede that my internal voice has a good point.

I’m just backing out of the driveway when a light goes on over the porch.


Crap, Raymond recognizes my car.

I can’t leave now, not without looking like a complete fool. I’ve already made a mess of the situation with Rogers. I’m not going to mess up again tonight.

Knowing I’ll probably regret this, I get out of the car.

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