Using Baby Daddy For Revenge

The hotel

“Welcome sir, I’ll show you to your suite.” Standing far back, Melissa watched as the manager led them to the elevator. Heading to the top floor, to the presidential suite.

“Melissa, are you okay?” Lisa asked seeing how conflicted Melissa looked.

“I’m fine, lets go.” Holding Lisa back who eagerly wanted to get close the CEO, walked behind the group of staff and since their were many people accompanying the client, they couldn’t get in the elevator. Waiting to take another elevator, Melissa chewed her inner lip cracking her knuckles.

She had not expected Mark Johnson the CEO of one of the biggest companies in the country and growing globally to be the client.

“What do I do? Will he take Tommy?” The thoughts in her head were making her more anxious.

They had not seen each other for over four years and since Mark had not shown any reaction of recognition after seeing her, Melissa convinced herself that he couldn’t remember her. Besides they had never been close though they had met a few times back in the university.

After getting to the room and was introduced by the manager, everyone went to their post to resume work. Melissa had to stay and serve him but she didn’t get close to him. She only communicate through his assistant and Mr Johnson didn’t even look at her.

What she didn’t know was that Mark had searched for her back then when he woke up in that hotel room but couldn’t find her. It’s like the world had swallowed her up, but the moment he walked in the hotel and saw her, he was shocked. He almost went over to question her why she ran and hid from him but he had to keep it cool. Act as if he had never seen her before.

As everyone left he took the iPad from his assistant and sat down on the couch to check his emails. Looking up after sometime, he saw Melissa standing there like a statue. She was trying to avoid him but she had to carry out her duties as head of housekeeping assigned to serve him.

“Why are you standing there?” He questioned seemingly displeased.

“Sorry sir, I was waiting for your orders.” Fuming internally Melissa responded avoiding eye contact.

This man was really annoying, she was just doing her job but it seemed like she had done something wrong.

“Well don’t just stand there like an idiot get me a cup of coffee.”

“…” Melissa was really annoyed but she couldn’t do anything about it.

The assistant really pitied her, boss was in a bad mood. Less than fifteen minutes in his presence and he was already scolding her.

“Cough cough… Miss White, the coffee.” He had to remind her since she was upset minded.

“Oh, sorry sir, I will get it right away.” Melissa said going into the small kitchen to prepare.

After a few minutes she come out with a cup, placing it on the coffee table. “Your coffee sir.”

“Did you add sugar?” He asked without even touching the coffee.

“No sir, sorry I didn’t ask….”

“James go to the site and check if everything is set for tomorrow’s presentation.” He spoke to his assistant without bothering with her explanation.

After his assistant left she couldn’t just stand there looking at his boring porker face.

“Where do you think your going?” He stopped her as soon as she turned to leave.

“Excuse me, I need to go to the main kitchen and check on your lunch sir.” Melissa had to make an excuse to get out of the room but he couldn’t let her off so easily.

“I asked for a cup of coffee.”

“…” Melissa momentarily looked at him with raised eyebrows.

He was picking on her for no reason at all.

“Well?” Mark questioned loving how angry she looked. ~Let see how long you can keep this up Melissa~ he thought to himself.

“Sir.. I just brought your coffee.” In every hospitality institution, they say client is always right but at the moment she couldn’t care less. She was no ones push over.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“It’s cold, get me another cup.” He arrogantly ordered, raised his head briefly to look at her for a second then went on with his work.

“Sh”’t how hard is it to serve this guy? I wonder how his employees survive.” She cursed almost stomping her feet walking to the kitchen for another cup.

Watching her walk a way, Mark just smiled to himself triumphantly.

A few seconds later she brought him another cup. “Your coffee sir.” Placing the cup on the coffee table, Melissa stepped back and stood beside him.

“Thank you.” He sipped his coffee staring at her over the glass rim. “Since I didn’t drink the first one, why don’t you sit and join me.” He offered with a smile that didn’t reach his eye’s placing the cup down.

“Thank you but I don’t take coffee sir.” Melissa declined politely wishing he would end the conversation.

There is no way she could sit and drink coffee with him. Though he didn’t seem to recognize her, every time their eyes met, flashes of that night and the morning after went through her mind. She wished so much to forget that night but she couldn’t. The events of those few hours had not only changed her life but would affect her son as well.

It was so incredible how one could resemble the other.

Looking at Mark was like looking at her son Tommy. She didn’t share a deep relationship with him back then and now meeting him again after all these years, no way was she going to tell him they have a son.

That their one night together bore fruits.

He was known has a ruthless man in the business world since he took over his grandfather’s company, which had grown exponentially as her friend informed her. For someone to grow so much in just few years he must be very powerful, making her very afraid he would take her son away if he found out.

“Since you don’t take coffee, make a cup of tea and join me.” He ordered rather than requested still glued to the screen.

“Sir I can’t sit with you. I.. I am just an employee hired to serve you sir.” Seeing no end to the conversation, Melissa came down playing her help card.

She had never gotten herself in such situation since most wealthy clients were arrogant and snobbish not wanting any contact with the help.

Raising his head, he looked at the small woman. “At the moment, I’m your boss and you do has I say.” He ordered her. Shutting down his iPad he took a sip of his coffee watching her every move.

After hesitating for a minute, Melissa sat down. She can as well drink the damn coffee. To put an end to it, she took the cup.

“Thought you don’t take coffee Miss White or is it Mrs?” He inquired with raised eyebrows.

“….” She raised her eyes catching his gaze on her. “I don’t want to waste the coffee sir.” She responded softly looking back into her cup.

“Good. I like how you make the coffee.” He smiled then winked at her when she raised her eyes again.

“What is wrong with this man, one minute he is harsh the next he is inviting me to join him.” She wondered to her self with her eyes focused on the dark liquid.

Feeling his eyes trailed on her, she looked at him only to see a smug on his face. She couldn’t take it anymore, it was the first day of work and he was driving her mad. How could she serve him for a whole week?

“Do you have a problem with me?” Melissa decided to confront him. This was a very important client to the hotel but she couldn’t keep this up anymore.

“I was wondering how long you could keep up the pretence.”

“… what are you talking about?”

“Melissa White do we know each other? Have we met before?” He questioned sarcastically still maintaining his indifferent smile.

“No sir, I don’t think so.” She just stared at the coffee table not daring to look at him.

“Huh, really now? I remember four years ago we happened to spend a night in the same hotel room, on the same bed. When I woke up the beauty was gone but that doesn’t mean I don’t know who slept in my bed.” After hearing his words she was a little scared and uncomfortable being so close to him.

Looking at her quivering lips, he noted how scared she was, like she was hiding something.

“Sorry I don’t know what your talking about.” Melissa just stared into the coffee cup. She really needed to get out of the room and she knew he was not going to let her go so easily.

Contemplating on how to get away, his phone rung.

Finally his attention was on something else other than her.

Checking to see who was calling, Mark saw it was his grandfather. Though he didn’t want to end his conversation with Melissa, he couldn’t ignore the call.

As soon as he picked his phone, Melissa found a window to escape. Murmuring an excuse she rushed out of the room.

“Wait, Melissa….” He raised his hand to stop her but she was gone.

“Hello grandfather… Yes everything is okay…..” Rubbing the back of his neck, he spoke on the phone wishing he could stop her but then he had to converse with his grandfather.

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