Using Baby Daddy For Revenge

Blooming love

Seated in the office at the steels company, Melissa smiled remembering the wonderful places they visited over the weekend. The family of three took road trips most of the free weekend’s, which was both exciting and educational for Tommy as they visited different parts of the world.

Mark was extremely affectionate, always pampering her and providing everything they needed more than they asked for. Which often reminded her of her father. The man who worked hard to provide for his little girl.

After the ceremony they had moved into the Johnson’s mansion but since his mother was back at the farm and her aunt had moved to live with the Edward’s as she prepared to move to her husband’s home, they went back to the villa house.

After years of mourning, Betty reunited with her son and husband.

Cassandra didn’t accept Richard going back to Betty. In a fit of range she attacked Betty and threatened to slits her throat if she didn’t turn down Richard, luckily Richard and the family intervened and stopped Cassandra from stabbing her. Despite the attack and Cassandra’s confession of hiring men to kill her twenty years back, Betty chose not to press any changes against Cassandra when Richard sent her back to her family.

They decided to start over as a family. To remarry in a grand wedding once Richard’s divorce was finalized.All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

It was quite difficult moving into the villa without her aunt, who has always been by her side but deep down Melissa knew it was time for her to be happy, to be with her family and recover the lost time. Seeing the people she loves happy and safe was all Melissa wished for.

She had found everything she was looking for and being with Mark was the one thing she was not going to compromise. They were the new power couple in town envied by everyone. Always sticking together dropping off Tommy to school everyday then going to work together. She and Mark were inseparable, spending every minute they could spare together like teenagers in love for the first time.

Over the six months their lives were more peaceful though there were many unanswered questions Melissa let Mark handle the investigation. They were always cautious and guarded by numerous bodyguards but she was grateful for the peace in the family. Mr Johnson and her grandfather were inseparable friend’s. He treated her like his granddaughter and Sasha was very friendly. They always got along well whenever she came to visit Mr Johnson and Diana had also accepted the changes in the company working closely with her.

The police did random checks on their cargo trucks and wear houses but no illegal merchandise was found. She also closely monitored Diana, double checking all the documents but nothing came up. Diana was a totally different person from the one she saw at the abandoned house and at times she thought she had misjudged her.

“Hi Mel, joining me for lunch today?” Diana inquired standing at the doorway.

“Hey! No I can’t, I’m going to visit a friend at the hospital. Maybe tomorrow, my treat.” Melissa responded, glancing at the wrist watch.

“Fine then but I was wondering if I can take the afternoon off.” Diana requested smiling at her.

“Yes of course you can, you don’t have to ask me. Besides you spend so much time in the office you should take a day or two off to get some rest.” Melissa smiled at her shutting the office computer.

“Thank you but the afternoon is enough. Working keeps me busy and I don’t have a family to go home to like you do.” She said cursing Melissa in her heart counting the day she was going to wipe that smile off her face.

The office phone rang interrupting their conversation. “See you tomorrow.” Melissa answered the call as Diana walked away. For some reason Melissa couldn’t stop thinking about her brief conversation with Diana. The expression on Diana’s face and how she looked at her when she said the last words kept nagging her.

“Melissa, are you okay?” Jenifer asked, touching her hand.

“Yes, yes I’m fine. Congratulations again, the baby is so cute.” Melissa smiled tapping Jennifer’s hand.

“Oh look at these tiny hands, they look so yummy. Now I see were all those pie’s were going to.” Nancy praised watching the sleeping baby on the crib beside Jenifer’s bed.

“Nancy, your going to scare her, have you never seen a newborn baby before?” Lisa asked, pulling her away. “You have been staring at the baby the whole afternoon, move let me see her.”

“Can you two stop your little lovers’ fight or I ban you from getting close to my child? If you wake her, I’ll name Melissa as the only godmother.” Jenifer’s warning made the two stop. “Seriously Melissa what is going on?” Jenifer asked, holding her hand.

“I have noticed your mind is preoccupied since you came in. Are you having trouble with Sasha again?” Lisa asked, sitting beside her.

“I knew that Sasha was not to be trusted, she is pure evil. You should stay away from her Melissa.” Nancy jumped in as always.

“No, it’s not Sasha. I don’t know why I feel weary of Diana, she has been so friendly to me lately but the look in her eyes is frightening at times. I can’t figure out what she is up to.”

“I guess she dislikes you for taking the company.” Jenifer said and the rest agreed.

“At first Diana didn’t like the idea and all the changes I made but later when I expected her to quit, she decided to work with me. Maybe you’re right, if it were me I would be resentful too. Enough of my troubles, tell us Lisa when you and Robert are planning to tie the note?”

Avoiding the question Lisa stuffed her mouth with cake they had brought Jenifer making everyone laugh waking the baby. She and Robert had met a couple of times while helping Melissa and Mark get back together. Then started dating a few months back but none of them has openly said anything about wanting more from the relationship. Though Robert talked about living together, he has not proposed. She was very much in love with him but she was still afraid of committing herself after her last relationship.


“Guys I’ve finally found her, the one woman I’ve been looking for.” Jason hit Andrew on the shoulder sitting beside him in the meeting room.

“We have heard that so many times already. Four different women in the last few months and you always leave them devastated.” Andrew said, ignoring Jason’s enthusiasm.

“This time I’m sure. I was going about it all wrong. Getting women from the bar or clubs was a dumb move when she was always here. I couldn’t see the woman of my dreams yet she was right here.” He explained leaning on the table.

“So who is this woman that’s making you silly?” James asked, teasing him.

“It’s Nancy, Melissa’s friend. We have been going on dates since the wedding and oh man she is…”

“That’s enough, Jason. Do you know what you’re doing? This is my wife’s best friend you are talking about. If you hurt her then I will have problems which I don’t need right now.” Mark lectured him.

“I’m serious about her man and no we have not done anything. I’m waiting for that special night when she becomes my wife.” Jason explained though his friends looked at him like he had lost his mind.

“It’s hard to believe. You said she was annoying and she talks too much, now you say you’re willing to wait? Man has someone hit you on the head?” James touched his head to check if he was bruised.

“Stop, I’m serious. Her talking is quite interesting, you can’t get bored.” He smiled dreamily thinking of Nancy.

“I’m happy for you Jason. As for me, I don’t know how to convince Lisa. Every time I mention living together she changes the subject.” Robert raised his shoulders in dismay.

“Maybe she is feeling insecure after finding out about you and Sasha. Show her how much she means to you, then propose. Trust me, she won’t turn you down.” Mark advised turning on the projector for their meeting.

“We got wind of a warehouse in a nearby small town and we were able to rescue fifty girls, most of them minors.” James explained displaying the pictures.

“Did they give any names of the abductors?” Robert asked, taking notes.

“Melissa White, that’s the name they all mentioned despite how hard we tried to make them talk.

“We suspected Luke Edward could use his niece’s name but with the organization dismantled, I don’t think he is involved in this.” Andrew said, leaning back on his seat.

“Yes I agree.” Mark shook his head. “The Edward’s did illegal businesses but not this kind. Let look at everyone who could be against Melissa and raid all the house’s they mentioned, we might find something.” He ordered as they went through all the information.

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