Irritation pricked at her skin, mostly at herself for becoming so frazzled. “I have a problem.”

When his brows shot up, she wanted to smack herself in the face with the file folder. Had she lost brain cells somewhere between entering this room and right now? Fuck. “I received a threatening letter… Or note I guess,”

Alaric didn’t respond, so she shoved the file folder toward him, which wasn’t very far, since he was in her personal space. He didn’t take it, and her irritation grew into frustration.

“It’s in here,”

“Okay.” He drew out the word as his gaze dipped. But not to her hands. To her chest.

Vanessa didn’t know what to think or say at that point. She was a logical woman. A minute ago, he had had a woman in here who had two baby butts for boobs and she was barely a B cup. Not to mention there was no way in holy hell he could see her goods. She was wearing a white blouse buttoned straight up to her chin and a suit jacket. Unless he had x-ray vision, he was just being an ass.

Struggling to get a grip on her quickly rising anger, she snapped the file folder against his chest. “Do you want to look at it? Or do you want to continue staring at my breasts like a pig?”

That ghost of a smile spread into a full smirk. “I think I’ll keep staring at your breasts like a pig.”This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well, that’s lovely.”

“They sure are,” he replied.

Vanessa took one deep, even breath. “Mr. Harper, I’m here-”

“Because you need my help,” he interrupted. “I got that.”

“And I’m trying to show you what I received.” She smacked the folder off his chest once again. “So can we- ”

His hand shot out, as fast as a cobra striking, startling her. He wrapped his fingers around her wrist, gently but firmly. Lowering his head, he brought his lips to within an inch of hers. So close she could taste the minty scent of his breath. “While I like to be smacked in the chest with random objects from time to time, you keep it up, I’m going to think that’s an invitation for me to return the favor.”

Her mouth dropped open.

“On a different part of the body,” he added, winking. “And with my hand.”

She gasped and her skin burned, but not from embarrassment. Oh no. The mere thought of his hand on her ass almost had her forgetting why she came here. Almost. She jerked her arm free, knowing he simply allowed her to do so. “That was extremely unprofessional.” She scolded.

Alaric laughed deeply, sending a shiver down her spine, and spread his arms wide. “What about any of this would be considered professional?”

He had a good point, but still. She took a step back, which grated on her nerves. “Mr. Harper, I am trying to-”

“Say it.”

Having no idea where he was going with that statement, she shook her head. “Say what?”

“My name.”

Her brows knitted as she stared up at him. “I do believe I’ve been saying your name. Perhaps all that muscle and hair are impairing your hearing.”

He chuckled again as he stalked forward, reclaiming the distance between them. “That wasn’t very nice, Vanessa.”

At the sound of her name rolling off his tongue, the muscles in her stomach tightened. “What? Do you want me to say your first name?”

“Yes, actually, I do.”

She rolled her eyes. “Well, no thank you. I prefer to keep this businesslike.”

“Again, what about this is business appropriate?” He moved his arms out to his sides once more, gesturing around him. “The handcuffs? Or the lovers’ swing folded in the corner? Or the lounge, which comes complete with stirrups?”

Oh dear Lord…

“Or the fact you hunted me down?”

Her lips mashed together. “I didn’t hunt you down. It wasn’t that hard to find you. Paul Forbes… Your partner… Told me where you were. And of course where else would you be but at a club with such a stellar reputation? I’m not surprised one bit.”

He cocked his head to the side. “Have you been stalking me, Vanessa?”

“It is Mrs Spencer to you, and no, I’m not stalking you. What reason could I possibly have to do that?” She took another deep breath. “Now, are you going to listen to me or continue to derail the conversation?”

“I wasn’t aware that’s what I was doing,” he said. “I’ve been following along easily. You’ve received a threatening letter… Or note… as you put it, which I assume is in the folder you keep using as a weapon, but I’m not sure how I can be of any help with that.”

She stared at him a moment, absolutely baffled. “Doesn’t it seem obvious? You are a detective. You are in charge of my husband’s case and you gave me your number. You told me to call you if something came up. Well, I came here because obviously something has come up,”

Another deep laugh erupted from him, but this time, it didn’t make her warm on the inside. “I know exactly what I told you. I’m just having some fun teasing you. You ruined my fun, remember? I’m compensating.”

Bristling, she tipped up her chin. “I’m not here for fun, Mr Harper. I got shot at, and now I’m receiving threats?” she said, clinging to her temper with a fine thread. “You said you could help me, and now it’s time to help, you’ve been too busy ogling me and making sexual innuendoes.”

“Back to your breasts?”

The base of her neck was starting to tingle. “Oh my God.”

“You brought them up. Both times. Not me.” A quick grin flashed across his face.

Vanessa opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, drawing his attention to that interesting part of her face. Her lips were devoid of any makeup, not even a faint trace of faded lipstick, but they were fuller than he remembered, and he bet they’d be soft if they weren’t always in such a tense, tight line.

“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that,” she said, her voice unsurprisingly level.

He wondered if anything truly got to the woman. He remembered how unaffected she’d looked about her husband’s death. “I’m not going to pretend.” he replied.

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