To Hate My Stepbrother

Chapter 6

Ava’s POV

I woke up extremely early, I turned to look at my bedside alarm and it turned out that it was still 5 AM. Making my way to the bathroom, I got ready for school.

I was still mad about a lot of things. I wasn’t mad at my mother’s wedding, it’s was the fact that, that jerk is now my step brother.


It didn’t take me long to get ready for school. I was determined to not think about the new development of my life this morning, but it couldn’t be helped.

On my way to school, I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I was going to have to mow address that jerk as my brother.

I would rather walk on hot coal than do that.

But, he really is going to be my brother and I wasn’t sure I even have any other choice than to acknowledge him as that. I sighed as I took my seat in the classroom, and the empty seat beside me was enough to instantly remind me of my best friend’s absence.

I missed her so much, if she were around right now, then I would’ve had someone to vent to. She’d missed the wedding too and I had to go with one of my other friends.

“Ava?!” I heard my name and a loud banging sound on the table and that made me jolt a little, returning back to reality in an instant. I hadn’t been concentrating on the lecture, and history is one of my favorite subjects.

Which is sign enough that my mind is very crowded today.

“I.. I’m sorry Sir.” I stammered as I apologised and shook my head to shake the intruding thoughts out of it.

“Do you mind answering my previously asked question or would you love to leave the class for people who really want to learn?” He asked and I opened my mouth to say something before he cut me off and added, “What woman discovered the radium and polonium?” He asked again, answering the question I intended to ask, but replacing it with another one.

It was an easy one, especially since I was writing something about Radium and Polonium and had been reading on it for over a week.

I stood up proudly to answer his question.

“That would be Marya Skłodowska, also known as Marie Curry, she discovered polonium and radium, championed the use of radiation in medicine and fundamentally changed our understanding of radioactivity.” I answered proudly and it was easy to tell that the professor as impressed.

“That is correct.” He said to the class in general before turning back to me, “You had better concentrate or you risk failing this class, it’s not enough that you’re intelligent, you need to be willing to learn, remember that you don’t have any test score recorded for you.” He added and I nodded my head in agreement.

“Yes Sir.” I answered as he turned to leave my side, and once again, my mind went back to the fact that I had completely flunked the test about a week ago, thanks to the snake, Mason.

If I dare fail this class, then my entire life is fucked because that’s an automatic fail and I’d have to take the course again.

‘Ugh. I hate him so fucking much.’ I angrily thought to myself as I propped myself up properly and flipped through my textbook, trying to keep up with the lecture.

I had snapped at a few of my classmates for just the littlest things after that, that even I can tell that my mood had gone from a five to a zero, and that I had arrived in school grumpy today.

Class was thankfully over after a little while and when I’d made my way out of the class my lecturer called me and I turned to answer.

“What is the matter?” He asked, “Is something going on at home?” He added and I shook my head negatively.

“No Sir, there isn’t. Why do you ask?”

“Because you weren’t concentrating in class today and that is unlike you, you usually pay heed to whatever is being taught and today just seemed as though you were lost in your own head.” He answered.

He’d taken his time to study me because he was right, I really had gotten lost in my head today.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” I apologised and he raised an eyebrow, probing me to explain my lack of concentration, “I have a terrible headache and I haven’t been feeling too well.” I lied and it looked as though he bought it because he asked me to treat myself and take the amount of rest I needed before the next class.

I know he was only looking out for me, I am one of his best students and it only made sense that he didn’t want me to fail his course.

I voiced out my appreciation as I walked out of the class and just then, one of the students saw it as the right time to bump into me without apologising, that was exactly what that idiot did, automatically reminding me of my encounter with Mason.

“Watch where you’re going, punk!” I hissed angrily before walking off, heading to the coffee shop where I usually get my regular cup of coffee.

I couldn’t keep numbers of the people I’d yelled at today before I got to the counter, which is why I wasn’t surprised when I began to feel the telltale sign of the headache I’d lied to my lecturer about.

“Why so grumpy?” The barista asked as he made me my usual cup of coffee without me having to place in an order, I’m a regular customer and he knew what I wanted already.

“I have tons of assignments I need to turn in and a lot of people seem to be getting on my last fucking nerve.” I answered as I took the cup of coffee from him and handed him the money with a little tip.

“I understand but you need to take it easy sometimes,” I advised and I nodded, “Thanks for the tip and also, a big congratulations on your Mum’s marriage.” He added and I smiled.

“Thank you.” I said before walking out of the coffee shop.

I got home and studied for a while before making myself dinner, my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID to see that it’s my mum.

“Hey baby.” She called from over the phone and I couldn’t help but let out a small smile. It was easy to tell how happy she was from the way she sounded.

I asked about her honeymoon and she seemed really excited to tell me everything about it.

“It’s sweet, he really is a sweet man.” She answered happily and I signed happily, feeling genuine happiness course through my veins at that moment.

“I bet he is.” I replied and we spoke for a while before I decided to ask when she would be home.

“Tomorrow.” She responded.

I couldn’t help but want her to return home. She was all I’ve had in so long and I’m so used to having her around me every damn time, so I missed her so terribly.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

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