Through the Screen

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

"abel, it's your chance to wake up adrian today," noah mumbled sleepily in abel 's shoulder when he

heard the alarm go off, contradicting his statement by pulling abel closer, and burying his face deeper

into abel 's neck.

abel just let out an irritated whine, twisting in noah's tight grip to face him and burying his face in noah's

chest, the soft material of his shirt rubbing along abel 's cheek and noah wraps his arms around the

younger boy's shoulders, pulling him closer.

abel wasn't surprised to find that the positions had switched, how he slept holding noah but woke up in

the completely different state, noah's hands rubbing up and down his back softly to wake him up. it had

been too long since they have slept like this, since they held each other like this, since abel felt noah's

arms safely snake around his waist and his heavy breathing resounding in his ears.

"i'm pretty sure it's a saturday," abel muttered slightly unsure, hooking his leg over noah's in an attempt

to get closer to him and noah sleepily groaned, opening his eyes and squinting slightly from the

sunlight trying to break through the almost translucent curtains.

"you always say that," noah complained, turning his back to abel to force him to go and wake up adrian

and abel pouted slightly, eyes still closed as he tried reaching out for noah.

"noah! stop being a dick, please come here," he whined in agitation, shuffling towards noah and

wrapping his arms clumsily around the older boy's waist, burying his face into the back of his neck Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

allowing noah's dark hair to tickle his cheeks.

"abel!" noah scolded, thrashing in abel 's grip, trying to get him off but abel wasn't having any of it. he

finally opened his eyes and climbed over noah, sitting on his torso and crossing his arms over his


"what the hell! abel go and wake up adrian, it's like five thirty let me sleep," phi tried pushing him off but

abel was sleepy, and annoyed and definitely not a morning person, so he just pinned noah's arms

above his head leaning forward and glaring at him.

"if it is a saturday," abel breathed and noah gulped slightly, the sleep vanishing slowly and gradually. "i

swear to god i am going to make you suck my dick,"

"that is not happening," noah grunted, looking away from the younger boy who was trying to take over

dominance, but abel literally growled, reaching forward and grabbing noah's earlobe between his teeth,

causing noah to let out a small yelp of surprise, and his hips to thrust forward.

"abel it's f-five in the morning, too soon for this," he reasoned, hands gripping abel 's waist to push him

off, but only turning to pull him closer when chapped lips trailed down his neck, locking on a sensitive

spot and sucking harshly.

noah's eyes dropped shut in satisfaction, one of his hands travelling up to abel 's tangled morning hair

and the other gripping his side as abel continued his assault, who unlike noah, was not afraid to leave

any marks.

"abel," noah whined in protest or want, he wasn't really sure. he just let his fingers fist the material of

abel 's black shirt, a small grunt of appreciation escaping his lips when abel moved further along his

neck, reaching the joint between his neck and shoulder to suck another mark, teeth grazing softly

against the pale skin.

abel retrieved one of his hands from noah's wrists to reach the nightstand and grab his phone, just to

confirm that it is actually saturday, and he pulled away from noah for a second, pressing the power

button to reveal that it was in fact saturday, and that he was in fact, right.

"what day is it?" noah breathed out loud, pupils dilated slightly as he looked up at abel, his lip caught

between his teeth and abel cupped his cheek softly, thumb gliding over noah's lip to pull it out from

between his teeth, leaning forward and catching noah in a kiss.

it did not start off soft like it usually did, it was straight up chaotic and fast and soon noah was rolling

abel over to pin his back against the mattress, laying his body between abel 's parted legs, tongues

clashing and hips rolling against each other, abel losing the short spurt of dominance as he gripped

noah's hair and moaning fervently when noah mouth along his neck, noah's fingers pushing abel 's

shirt up his stomach to pull it off.

as soon as both their shirts were off, and abel was desperately thrusting his clothed crotch against

noah's for the much needed friction, noah knew there was no backing away now. he gave into the

moment, his hands inching abel 's boxers down and in that moment he chose to forget whatever

happened yesterday, the way he had fallen asleep while waiting on abel to return.

he shook out the thought of abel with chris, what they might have been doing together while noah was

here, his fingers cramping because of how harshly he was typing, trying to pass time in the least painful

way possible by drafting unnecessary emails.

he just focused on abel. how his cheeks were flushed and how his lips were parted and how his hair

was sticking up in waves.

maybe focusing on abel would be the best thing right now to kill the constant doubt in his head.

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