The Wright One

David 11


I swear I am sitting on needles as soon as she walks out the door. John even was a bit of a distraction, when he came in to confirm his new duties as the new COO. Yeah, I gave him the promotion that he deserved. I gave the other guy the boot. He wasn’t doing his job and he was costing the company. John knows what the hell he is doing and how to lead his underlings. John deserved the job.

Anyway, it was hardly a distraction. All I could think about was Megan. Her lips on mine. The way her chest heaved up and down when I kissed her. Her nails dug into the back of my neck, pulling me closer. Shit she is a wild little kitten. I can’t get enough.

But nothing I imagined prepared me for the sight I got when I stepped into her apartment. She just called for me to come in. She was hoping on one foot, which is just fucking adorable. “Sorry, I’m just finishing up.”

She is trying to put on heels while walking towards me. “Slow down honey. There is no hurry.” Actually I don’t want to leave at all. I want to turn her ass around and march her right back to that bedroom and fuck the shit out of her. But I know I have to be patient.

Megan stands tall and rolls her shoulders back. Now that I am able to take a good look at her, I am more than willing to push her into that room. Hell, another minute and I might throw her over my shoulder like a caveman. She is wearing this blue dress that hugs her curves and ends about midthigh, so I can see her creamy legs. It’s off the shoulders and does this little dip thing around her breasts. She looks like sex walking.

She tries to play it off, like she has no idea what the hell she just did to me. She plays with her updo. “Is this alright? I could change if you don’t like it.”

“The only way you are changing out of that is if I make you naked, and the next thing covering your body will be me.” She blushes a beautiful shade of red. Now that we have worked through our issues, I am more than willing to tell her what I think about her. I hate that she looks down on herself so much. But I am here to remind her that she is perfect.

I put my arm for her to take. “Are you ready for our date?”

She smiles, walking up to me to take my arm. Still a little nervous and red, but she looks amazing. I don’t think I could ever get tired of looking at Megan. She seems way too perfect for me.

She locks up her apartment, then I lead her to my car. We talked about the day and the promotion that I gave John on the way to the restaurant. It doesn’t feel out of place or weird. It’s like we are just comfortable with each other. We are able to talk about the day to day things and it is not weird. Which I guess should be odd to me, but I don’t question it.

When I pull up to the best restaurant in town I can see her face. “Um, David, I’m not sure I am dressed well enough for this place.” She looks out the window like it is going to assault her just being next to the building. Literally like the building itself will assault her. How does she not see how gorgeous she is? She will look better than any woman in that building.

“Honey, you have nothing to worry about. You look great.” I climb out of the car and motion to the valet that I will open her door. I hand him the keys and open the door for Megan, giving her my hand to help her out. She takes it, but I can tell it is shaky. “Relax honey, we are here to have a good time.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s just a little out of my comfort zone.” She seems like she is concentrating on her feet, trying to make sure that she doesn’t trip.

“You have nothing to worry about.” I pull her into my arms and whisper into her neck. “You look way too good to be in there. But I need to take you out somewhere.”

She chuckles and presses her lips to my ear. “Alright, then lead the way.”

I kiss her lips and keep one of my arms around her waist as I lead her into the restaurant. They have my reservation and seat us right away. Megan glares at the hostess, who apparently was looking at me. I didn’t even notice. I was watching Megan. Megan points to the hostess with a look that says ‘can you believe her’.

I decided to help her out a little. “Ok, honey. What would you like to drink?” I take her hand in mine. Making it clear to the hostess that Megan is the only woman I am interested in.

Megan smiles. “A white wine.”

I don’t even look away. “Make that two.”

The hostess has a disappointed tone in her voice. “I’ll let your waiter know.”

Megan laughs when the hostess walks away. “You must get that all the time.”

“I didn’t even notice. I was too busy looking at the woman that I want.” My tone is way deeper than when we were talking in the car. This is serious to me. I need her to know that she is the only woman that I think about like this.

She smiles. “Well, that is very sweet of you. Even if I think it is impossible.”

“It isn’t impossible because it happens. Anytime you are in the room you are all I have my eyes on. When you are not in the room, you are all I can think about. Hell I thought John was smirking at me all day because he knew what I was thinking.”

Our waiter delivers our wine and his eyes go right to her breasts. What the fuck? “Here is your wine ma’am.”

Megan doesn’t notice. She is looking at me. “Thank you.” She mutters.

I, however, glare at the guy so when he turns around he gets the full brunt of my glare. “Here, you go sir.”

I growl so that the other tables can’t hear, but the waiter sure the fuck can. “You keep your eyes on her face and not her chest or I will punch you in the fucking face, is that clear.”

“David.” She gasps.

“I mean it.” I growl again.

The waiter goes pale. “Yes, sir. Won’t happen again.”

“It better not.”

He quickly leaves the table. He’s acting like I lit his ass on fire, which to be honest if he stuck around for a minute longer then I might have. I am sure he will be back to get our orders, unless he begs someone else to take this table, which I would prefer, but whatever. Megan looks at me with shock. “He was not looking at my chest.”

“Oh, yes he was honey. You were looking at me so you didn’t see where his eyes landed, but I can guarantee that they were on your breasts. He pretty much admitted it. Didn’t you hear him say, ‘It won’t happen again’. That means he looked the first time.” I grip her hand a little tighter. I don’t want her pissed at me about this, but I do want her to understand that I don’t want men looking at her. She is mine.

She sighs. “Alright, I’ll take your word for it. But please, don’t punch him. You don’t need to get arrested.”

I laugh, suddenly the mood is lighter. “I wouldn’t get arrested. Ok, maybe I would. But it would be worth it. Telling the world that you belong to me.”

She quirks an eyebrow at me. “Really. That is very possessive of you.”

“Damn straight.” I smirk.

She just shakes her head and laughs. “What am I going to do with you?”

“Well, obviously you are going to have to be by my side and keep me out of trouble. What else would you do?” I chuckle back.

We are both laughing when the same waiter returns with menus. He keeps his gaze on the chair in between us. “Tonight’s special is roasted duck in a cranberry glaze. Would you like a few minutes to look over the menu?”

Megan smiles at me. “I would like the duck. Potatoes on the side. Also a side salad.”

“I’ll take the same.” I’ve had it before. It is actually really good. The waiter takes our orders and leaves the table again.

Megan leans in a little. “I think you scared the shit out of him.”

I lean forward. “Good, then it worked.” I can’t help but smirk at that.

She laughs again. “You are hopeless.”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“Yeah, I’m something.” I don’t say the words that are on the tip of my tongue, but I think them. I am hopelessly in love with you.

Dinner seems to go great and I think we are doing great. I would like everyday after work to be like this. Or just having dinner at home. She is home to me. I don’t know when it happened or how, but it did. I just want to be with her. I don’t care where we are, it could be her small apartment, my house, a restaurant or a boat in the middle of the ocean. As long as I am with her, that is all I need.

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