The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


She can hear the pain and sadness in his voice, it tugs at her heart strings, “I… have felt the same way my entire life, so yes, I understand how much of a struggle it can be.”

“Please Coral, do tell,” he asks, his brows crinkled, wanting to share something in common with her.

Clasping her hands in her lap she watches a woman come in with a pitcher of water to add to the bath, “My father was lost to the Battle when I was too young to remember him. My mum died in labor shortly after. I do not know how long I was alone but a man named Piers was the only one with the heart to take me in. He was old and never had children of his own so I suppose he did the best he could but it was not the life a girl should know. He is a healer of animals and humans, so I was exposed to things that would make the strongest of men get weak in the knees. I was taught the hard way to live, I have slept under the open night sky more times than I can remember. I was teased a lot as a young girl and all of my friends were animals, my only connection with the outside world were the few books that I could get a hold of,” she laughs slightly, looking up at him, “and now I am being revered for the life that I was shunned for back home, with everything familiar torn from my grasp, the ways that I thought the world to be turned upside down.” Stopping, she draws a deep breath, “Again I apologize for the freedom of my tongue, I am not accustomed to conversing with anyone who can understand me so apparently I don’t know when to keep quiet.”

He reaches out, grasping her hand; slowly he brings it to his lips and kisses the back of it, “Please, never still your tongue with me. It is such a surprise to find a kindred spirit in you,” he continues to hold her onto her, reaching out to brush her cheek with the back of his fingers, “You are a bewitching creature, Coral. I hope that in the future we are able to spend more time together. You put me at ease.”

Her heart begins to race at the feel of his touch, in the way he looks deep into her soul, not daring to look away; it is then that she realizes he is attracted to her, much in the same way his brother is as well.

When the woman adds the last pitcher of water to the tub she stands waiting by the door, eyes down so as not to disturb them. Vadim blinks several times as if trying to break free from her spell. Slowly, he releases her hand and rises, “I will leave you to rest and will look forward to seeing you at the feast.” With a smile and a short bow, he turns and leaves the room.

Her heart still racing, she tries to figure out what just happened. She knows she isn’t mistaken-he seemed to make it clear that he wants to spend more time with her. Admittedly, she finds him to be a handsome man and he seems to be kind and gentle, yet part of her heart still yearns for Quell, for his kind touch, the warmth of his body, the hunger of his desire. When she finally rises and starts to untie the laces of her dress, Gladys walks over.

“Oh, I didn’t realize you were still here,” Coral says, clutching the front of her dress closed.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“Yes, my lady, I figured you would like me to assist you with your bath,” she says, offering a smile.

Coral blankly stares at the woman for a minute, “I… I can mange alone, thank you.”

“Oh,” she replies, surprised. Unsure what to do, she stands there.

Coral reaches down and unlaces her boots, “I am sorry, Gladys, I am not accustomed to being dawdled over. I am not a lady, by title. In fact,” she says, kicking her boots and socks of, “that tub is twice the size that I am accustomed. All of this is… way too much. I am not used to any sort of special treatment.”

Gladys smiles, picking up her socks and shoes and setting them by the door, “I understand, my lady; perhaps I can just remain in here with you-to answer any questions you might have?”

She nods, turning her back to the woman and pulling her dress and shift off, “That would be much appreciated.” She steps into the tub, finding the water pleasantly warm and is content that she is able to sit down in it comfortably. Untying her hair, she finds the soap and pitcher nearby and drenches her head, scrubbing herself all over. “I understand that there is a centaur doctor here in the castle?”

“Yes, Sir Pelium. Why, are you ill, mistress?”

“No, I believe I am to work with him.”

“You are… a healer?”

“Yes,” she answers reluctantly.

“Oh, what blessed news! A human healer and a woman at that-it is no wonder that King Rainer brought you here. Sir Pelium does try, to his credit but he doesn’t have a full grasp on the things that ail humans; we do our best amongst ourselves but… well, with the women especially, there are things that none would dare ask a man, let alone a male centaur. But a woman healer-you will be the talk of the town!”

“The things you would not ask a man-I assume they are to do with female parts? I have found that women are generally more open with each other about such problems and solutions to fix them.”

“Oh yes, indeed, we all talk about them but, well, mistress, it becomes a whole new set of problems when a woman mates with a male centaur. I don’t suppose you would know much about that but when the time comes and you have chosen a stallion for your own, I will do my best to answer any questions you have.”

“It is assumed that maidens would choose a centaur then?”

“Most do but if you happen to find a human male that meets your fancy well, there is nothing wrong with that either. Generally though, mated humans move to the town to the east-it is still under Centuarna’s rule but inhabited solely by humans. Some work here in town still but most farm the lands.”

Feeling her cheeks burn red, she scrubs the soap into her hair, “You’ll have to forgive me, Gladys, but there is one question that has been vexing me and I’m afraid it is a rather crude one…”

She laughs, “It stretches to fit, my lady. If you think on it, it makes sense-I mean, a baby’s head can come out of there so something that large… could also go in…”

“From what I’ve witnessed, a baby coming out is not a very enjoyable thing.”

“No,” she affirms, “it is not. And, well, for the most part there is a lot of pain involved when a centaur… well, when he lays with his mate… but I have heard that a woman can want her mate enough that she is at ease and actually enjoys the act.”

Her mind flashes back to the night before with Quell, which seems like an eternity ago… her naked back, rubbing against the fur of his belly, the way his cock ground over her clit, how she felt so much pleasure she thought she would die-she dares to think that she had wanted him bad enough that she would have, perhaps, enjoyed being impaled by his thick, long cock.

Having more questions yet too embarrassed to ask them, she stands and steps out of the tub; Gladys wraps her in a towel. There is a quiet knock at the door; the woman rushes over to peek out, holding it open as several young servants rush in, depositing packages of clothing on the bed before disappearing again. Gladys makes short work of opening them, handing her a soft white shift, finer than any dress she has ever worn. Coral slips it over her head, the fabric floating down her like a cloud.

“These should be enough for a few days; I am sure they are all styles foreign to you but once you find the type you like I will make sure to get more sent over.”

She runs her hands across the fine fabrics, like nothing she has ever felt before. When her hand reaches a deep blue one, it reminds her of the depth of Quell’s eyes; she chooses it. Gladys helps her put it on.

It is a three quarter sleeve dress, though the drastic square neckline leaves little to the imagination in regards to her chest. It laces across the front of her torso, the bottom opening up to a lighter blue fabric and spilling down to the ground. When she looks at herself in the mirror, she shakes her head, “I am not sure about this dress.”

Gladys ties the back laces into a neat bow, “Have no doubts about it, my lady, it is truly stunning on you.”

There is a knock at the door; another servant speaks with Gladys before leaving. Returning to Coral, she says, “Doctor Pelium would like to meet you before the feast. If you are ready, I can show you to the surgery.”

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