The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


She presses her back to a bare spot on the wall, unarmed. Rick reaches down and grabs her staff, roughly tossing it at her. As she catches it, a loud argument breaks out between Lucas and the man from the other table. Daniel and Sari back him up and the three of them force the strange men to leave. Rick doesn’t take his attention off of Mora.

“Does it matter if I was born the Prince of Sceadu? I want nothing to do with the crown. My mother let me trade in that worthless title for a life I can enjoy.” He swings at Mora, their staffs connect. He pushes against her, pinning her down. She braces her elbows on the wall to hold his weight at bay. His words strike her with a pang of jealousy.

“How can you say that? You were born with the power to help your country and you toss it all aside so you can get drunk and piss away responsibility?” She lets her right hand break free, leaving only her left hand and the wall to block Rick’s staff from crushing her throat. Making a fist, she punches him in the face, catching him off guard long enough that she is able to shove him off of her. The thought of giving up everything for a normal life sounds like a blessing but she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she knew that she could have made a difference. She speaks forcefully at him, “These people look to you for guidance–isn’t it obvious? They come here night after night because they trust you to help them with their problems. How is that any different from ruling a kingdom?” The depth of her words slowly begin to sink in; he throws a half hearted swing towards her, which she easily whacks away, “If I, a stranger from another country, can see that you would be a great ruler how is it that you can’t?”

He drops his head down for a moment, looking at the staff in his hands. When he looks back up, the shadow starts to dissipate from his face, Mora’s words ringing true to him. She sets her staff on end, leaning on it when she finally begins to see the Rick she used to like. He shakes his head at her, surprising her by kicking the staff out from under her weight, “You are starting to sound like my mother,” he says, somewhat jokingly.

She is forced to let go of it to catch herself but when her hands touch the ground she flings her feet over her, kicking Rick hard in the jaw. She lands right side up but quickly moves away from him, near the edge of the stage where she can hear Lucas complaining to Sari.

“Can you believe the nerve of that guy? Calling us liars?”

“What was that all about?” Rick turns, rubbing his jaw. His question was meant for Mora but Lucas thinks it is for him.

“That peddler-he tried to tell me that calling Mora “Head Huntress” was disrespectful to Derven,” Lucas exclaims.

“Yea,” huffs Daniel, “he tried to tell us that the Head Huntress of Derven was Princess-what did he call her? Na-something?”

“Namora,” Sari mutters. The second it leaves her lips, everyone stares at Mora. Sari gives her an apologetic look, like she tried to stop them but couldn’t.

“That’s absurd,” Mora says. In an instant, she can see Rick start towards her. She crouches and pushes herself backwards, off of the stage. Throwing her head back, she tries to twist her torso to follow into the back flip but Rick jumps after her. Before she can kick her feet over her body, he crashes into her. With brute force he slams her right shoulder hard into a table before he pushes her into the ground. Mora screams in pain. Rick pins her down by pressing his staff across her shoulders above her chest. James blows the whistle, calling a foul. It takes him a moment to realize that they aren’t sparring anymore but actually fighting.

She clenches her teeth when he leans forward, pressing her into the ground. Though his eyes are wild with excitement, the darkness begins to creep back into his expression, “Is it true?”

Tears stream down her face but she knows they aren’t because of her shoulder, “You’re hurting me,” she whispers. She feeds into the agony, knowing that she deserves it for her deceit. The ache in her chest, like a knife through her heart, doesn’t compare to the physical pain she suffers.

Mora cries out loudly as Rick pushes hard on the staff, crushing her into the ground. She can see Todd rushing angrily forward with every intention of pulling him off of her but he is restrained by someone. She can barely hear Daniel’s attempts to coax Rick into calming down, “Rick, please, let her go…”

Rick leans closer. She can’t make out his face through her tears, only the glowing blue eyes searching for an answer. With the lightest of touches he barely kisses Mora; the closeness of his body overwhelms her. She desperately wishes that she could turn back time, start over again and do things right. She wants to be his friend, she wants to be his lover but all she’s managed to do is to mess everything up. Her lips quiver with regret against his. She knows what he is doing-he’s trying to break her. He turns, brushing her cheek on the way towards her ear. He whispers, with that private tenderness, “I am your Hunter, your Master, you will answer me–are you the Princess of Derven?”

Mora struggles against him, but he is an immovable object. She squeezes her eyes shut tight while she tries to kick him off-tries to kick off the oppression of her father, her country and King Irron-but it is hopeless. Not only is she stuck beneath Rick, she feels the weight of her life, her duty pinning her down, forcing her to come to terms with her situation. He knows she was dreaming about him that night. Tears flow freely down her face. She is angry at herself for allowing him to catch her, for allowing him in to her heart-now there is no way out.

“Yes,” she cries.

The moment it leaves her lips Rick is gone. She forces her eyes open, to see what her lies have done to him. He stands over her, betrayal written on his face. Angrily he throws the staff on to the stage, “Chain her!” He turns his back, shoulders heaving with each enraged breath.

Sari’s firm grip brings Mora to her feet-she doesn’t fight back, in fact Sari is the only thing keeping her up right. Limp with defeat, her head falls to her chest, tears flowing directly onto the floor. She can no longer see him; all she hears is James scramble across the room with chains. When his hands come into view, he tries to gently snap on a rough looking set of shackles but Mora continues to cry.

It takes both him and Sari to lead her body towards the wall. They guide her past the chair that Rick normally sits in; she never saw it before but a thick iron circle protrudes from it. James locks the opposite end of her bonds onto it. When they let go of her, Mora sinks down to her knees, face in her hands.

“Who do you think you are-lecturing me on the responsibility of my country?!” Rick roars at her back.

Mora clenches her hair tightly, trying to hold herself together. She thinks her shoulder is broken, when her left hand happens upon the metal pins she put into her braid. Heart shattered, her mind easily gives in to her anger, letting it consume her. Her tears stop, hand moving with purpose.

“Rick, do you really think it is necessary…” James starts up in her defense.

“Quiet!” Rick spits out at him before returning his rage to Mora, “You’re the deceitful one! What, did your beloved King Irron send you here to try to kill me too? Well, I will tell you something about him, he is a coward who uses anyone he can to get what he wants. And to think, I was starting to like you,” the way he spits out the last words seals the casket around her emotions.

Mora forces her eyes to dry, her fingers fumbling with the pin. She lets his hatred soak in to her body, pushing all of her feelings out until she feels empty, void. Focused on the task at hand she remains hunched over, letting the pain in her shoulder shake her body while she quietly works at picking the shackle locks.

“Oh, you don’t know,” his voice is directed at the others standing around him, “About a month ago Princess Namora became engaged to King Irron. Their union will unite Derven and Alumenia, leaving Sceadu dangerously surrounded by enemies. You know once he has the upper hand he will attack us.”

Mora gets the second lock picked just in time. She removes the shackles from her wrists careful not to move her body. She hides the anger in her voice with pain, “What do you care any ways? You gave up your crown to play tavern owner.”

“What did you say to me?” He quickly walks to Mora, clenching a large hand down on her injured shoulder.

She cries out but despite the pain she leaps up. Ripping his hand off of her shoulder, she spins him around while wrapping the chain around his torso and arms. Using the flat of her foot she kicks the back of his knee, causing him to kneel. Mora uses her good arm to hold him tight on one side, the latched chain on the wall holding the other. Rick fumbles with the knife in his belt. Seeing that he would try to hurt her even more makes her anger flare. No longer able to feel the pain in her arm, she wraps the chain around her right elbow, turning her body to pull it tight while she uses her left hand to quickly snatch the dagger from him. She presses it threateningly into his chest, right above his heart. While he freezes, Sari, Lucas, Daniel and James tense around them, weapons raised.

“So you do mean to kill me,” Rick says snidely, “just take note that you will not make it out of this country alive.”NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“Let me tell you something about King Irron,” Mora says harshly, the full force of her anger unchecked, “you two have a lot in common; in fact, I am surprised you aren’t friends. Both of you have a blatant disregard for the people you are supposed to protect. Not only that but I can’t not stomach the idea of being forced to spend the rest of my life in either of your companies. The only way that piece of filth could get me to entertain the disgusting notion of marrying him was to threaten, by denying business to those who associate with Derven. Surely, because you have the undeserving luxury of doing whatever you want, you could never fathom the joy I felt when a tree blocking the public road prevented me from making it to Alumenia. When your mother told me I was to be enslaved after watching my escort killed, I gladly threatened my own life for his-in fact, I was hoping she would choose not to concede to my demands so that I could end my life before I was forced into a hopeless, desolate future with that pig.” Mora drops the dagger into his lap, loosening the chains so he can get free from her. When he stands above her she glares at him, “And no, I don’t mean to kill you-you are not worth my time, Prince Varickan.”

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